50 resultados para Work Schedule Tolerance


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Background: Candida auris is a multidrug resistant, emerging agent of fungemia in humans. Its actual global distribution remains obscure as the current commercial methods of clinical diagnosis misidentify it as C. haemulonii. Here we report the first draft genome of C. auris to explore the genomic basis of virulence and unique differences that could be employed for differential diagnosis. Results: More than 99.5 % of the C. auris genomic reads did not align to the current whole (or draft) genome sequences of Candida albicans, Candida lusitaniae, Candida glabrata and Saccharomyces cerevisiae; thereby indicating its divergence from the active Candida clade. The genome spans around 12.49 Mb with 8527 predicted genes. Functional annotation revealed that among the sequenced Candida species, it is closest to the hemiascomycete species Clavispora lusitaniae. Comparison with the well-studied species Candida albicans showed that it shares significant virulence attributes with other pathogenic Candida species such as oligopeptide transporters, mannosyl transfersases, secreted proteases and genes involved in biofilm formation. We also identified a plethora of transporters belonging to the ABC and major facilitator superfamily along with known MDR transcription factors which explained its high tolerance to antifungal drugs. Conclusions: Our study emphasizes an urgent need for accurate fungal screening methods such as PCR and electrophoretic karyotyping to ensure proper management of fungemia. Our work highlights the potential genetic mechanisms involved in virulence and pathogenicity of an important emerging human pathogen namely C. auris. Owing to its diversity at the genomic scale; we expect the genome sequence to be a useful resource to map species specific differences that will help develop accurate diagnostic markers and better drug targets.


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Bacterial biofilms display a collective lifestyle, wherein the cells secrete extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) that helps in adhesion, aggregation, stability, and to protect the bacteria from antimicrobials. We asked whether the BPS could act as a public good for the biofilm and observed that infiltration of cells that do not produce matrix components weakened the biofilm of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. PS production was costly for the producing cells, as indicated by a significant reduction in the fitness of wild type (WT) cells during competitive planktonic growth relative to the non-producers. Infiltration frequency of non-producers in the biofilm showed a concomitant decrease in overall productivity. It was apparent in the confocal images that the non producing cells benefit from the BPS produced by the Wild Type (WT) to stay in the biofilm. The biofilm containing non-producing cells were more significantly susceptible to sodium hypochlorite and ciprofloxacin treatment than the WT biofilm. Biofilm infiltrated with non-producers delayed the pathogenesis, as tested in a murine model. The cell types were spatially assorted, with non producers being edged out in the biofilm. However, cellulose was found to act as a barrier to keep the non-producers away from the WT microcolony. Our results show that the infiltration of non-cooperating cell types can substantially weaken the biofilm making it vulnerable to antibacterials and delay their pathogenesis. Cellulose, a component of BPS, was shown to play a pivotal role of acting as the main public good, and to edge-out the non-producers away from the cooperating microcolony.


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In gross motion of flexible one-dimensional (1D) objects such as cables, ropes, chains, ribbons and hair, the assumption of constant length is realistic and reasonable. The motion of the object also appears more natural if the motion or disturbance given at one end attenuates along the length of the object. In an earlier work, variational calculus was used to derive natural and length-preserving transformation of planar and spatial curves and implemented for flexible 1D objects discretized with a large number of straight segments. This paper proposes a novel idea to reduce computational effort and enable real-time and realistic simulation of the motion of flexible 1D objects. The key idea is to represent the flexible 1D object as a spline and move the underlying control polygon with much smaller number of segments. To preserve the length of the curve to within a prescribed tolerance as the control polygon is moved, the control polygon is adaptively modified by subdivision and merging. New theoretical results relating the length of the curve and the angle between the adjacent segments of the control polygon are derived for quadratic and cubic splines. Depending on the prescribed tolerance on length error, the theoretical results are used to obtain threshold angles for subdivision and merging. Simulation results for arbitrarily chosen planar and spatial curves whose one end is subjected to generic input motions are provided to illustrate the approach. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The alarmone (p)ppGpp regulates transcription, translation, replication, virulence, lipid synthesis, antibiotic sensitivity, biofilm formation, and other functions in bacteria. Signaling nucleotide cyclic di-GMP (c-di-GMP) regulates biofilm formation, motility, virulence, the cell cycle, and other functions. In Mycobacterium smegmatis, both (p) ppGpp and c-di-GMP are synthesized and degraded by bifunctional proteins Rel(Msm) and DcpA, encoded by rel(Msm) and dcpA genes, respectively. We have previously shown that the Delta rel(Msm) and Delta dcpA knockout strains are antibiotic resistant and defective in biofilm formation, show altered cell surface properties, and have reduced levels of glycopeptidolipids and polar lipids in their cell wall (K. R. Gupta, S. Kasetty, and D. Chatterji, Appl Environ Microbiol 81:2571-2578, 2015, http://dx.doi.org/10.1128/AEM.03999-14). In this work, we have explored the phenotypes that are affected by both (p) ppGpp and c-di-GMP in mycobacteria. We have shown that both (p) ppGpp and c-di-GMP are needed to maintain the proper growth rate under stress conditions such as carbon deprivation and cold shock. Scanning electron microscopy showed that low levels of these second messengers result in elongated cells, while high levels reduce the cell length and embed the cells in a biofilm-like matrix. Fluorescence microscopy revealed that the elongated Delta rel(Msm) and Delta dcpA cells are multinucleate, while transmission electron microscopy showed that the elongated cells are multiseptate. Gene expression analysis also showed that genes belonging to functional categories such as virulence, detoxification, lipid metabolism, and cell-wall-related processes were differentially expressed. Our results suggests that both (p) ppGpp and c-di-GMP affect some common phenotypes in M. smegmatis, thus raising a possibility of cross talk between these two second messengers in mycobacteria. IMPORTANCE Our work has expanded the horizon of (p) ppGpp and c-di-GMP signaling in Gram-positive bacteria. We have come across a novel observation that M. smegmatis needs (p) ppGpp and c-di-GMP for cold tolerance. We had previously shown that the Delta rel(Msm) and Delta dcpA strains are defective in biofilm formation. In this work, the overproduction of (p) ppGpp and c-di-GMP encased M. smegmatis in a biofilm-like matrix, which shows that both (p) ppGpp and c-di-GMP are needed for biofilm formation. The regulation of cell length and cell division by (p) ppGpp was known in mycobacteria, but our work shows that c-di-GMP also affects the cell size and cell division in mycobacteria. This is perhaps the first report of c-di-GMP regulating cell division in mycobacteria.