99 resultados para Wireless Networks


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Bluetooth is an emerging standard in short range, low cost and low power wireless networks. MAC is a generic polling based protocol, where a central Bluetooth unit (master) determines channel access to all other nodes (slaves) in the network (piconet). An important problem in Bluetooth is the design of efficient scheduling protocols. This paper proposes a polling policy that aims to achieve increased system throughput and reduced packet delays while providing reasonably good fairness among all traffic flows in a Bluetooth Piconet. We present an extensive set of simulation results and performance comparisons with two important existing algorithms. Our results indicate that our proposed scheduling algorithm outperforms the Round Robin scheduling algorithm by more than 40% in all cases tried. Our study also confirms that our proposed policy achieves higher throughput and lower packet delays with reasonable fairness among all the connections.


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We provide analytical models for capacity evaluation of an infrastructure IEEE 802.11 based network carrying TCP controlled file downloads or full-duplex packet telephone calls. In each case the analytical models utilize the attempt probabilities from a well known fixed-point based saturation analysis. For TCP controlled file downloads, following Bruno et al. (In Networking '04, LNCS 2042, pp. 626-637), we model the number of wireless stations (STAs) with ACKs as a Markov renewal process embedded at packet success instants. In our work, analysis of the evolution between the embedded instants is done by using saturation analysis to provide state dependent attempt probabilities. We show that in spite of its simplicity, our model works well, by comparing various simulated quantities, such as collision probability, with values predicted from our model. Next we consider N constant bit rate VoIP calls terminating at N STAs. We model the number of STAs that have an up-link voice packet as a Markov renewal process embedded at so called channel slot boundaries. Analysis of the evolution over a channel slot is done using saturation analysis as before. We find that again the AP is the bottleneck, and the system can support (in the sense of a bound on the probability of delay exceeding a given value) a number of calls less than that at which the arrival rate into the AP exceeds the average service rate applied to the AP. Finally, we extend the analytical model for VoIP calls to determine the call capacity of an 802.11b WLAN in a situation where VoIP calls originate from two different types of coders. We consider N-1 calls originating from Type 1 codecs and N-2 calls originating from Type 2 codecs. For G711 and G729 voice coders, we show that the analytical model again provides accurate results in comparison with simulations.


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In this paper, we study the performance of client-Access Point (AP) association policies in IEEE 802.11 based WLANs. In many scenarios, clients have a choice of APs with whom they can associate. We are interested in finding association policies which lead to optimal system performance. More specifically, we study the stability of different association policies as a function of the spatial distribution of arriving clients. We find for each policy the range of client arrival rates for which the system is stable. For small networks, we use Lyapunov function methods to formally establish the stability or instability of certain policies in specific scenarios. The RAT heuristic policy introduced in our prior work is shown to have very good stability properties when compared to several other natural policies. We also validate our analytical results by detailed simulation employing the IEEE 802.11 MAC.


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In many IEEE 802.11 WLAN deployments, wireless clients have a choice of access points (AP) to connect to. In current systems, clients associate with the access point with the strongest signal to noise ratio. However, such an association mechanism can lead to unequal load sharing, resulting in diminished system performance. In this paper, we first provide a numerical approach based on stochastic dynamic programming to find the optimal client-AP association algorithm for a small topology consisting of two access points. Using the value iteration algorithm, we determine the optimal association rule for the two-AP topology. Next, utilizing the insights obtained from the optimal association ride for the two-AP case, we propose a near-optimal heuristic that we call RAT. We test the efficacy of RAT by considering more realistic arrival patterns and a larger topology. Our results show that RAT performs very well in these scenarios as well. Moreover, RAT lends itself to a fairly simple implementation.


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We focus on the energy spent in radio communication by the stations (STAs) in an IEEE 802.11 infrastructure WLAN. All the STAs are engaged in web browsing, which is characterized by a short file downloads over TCP, with short duration of inactivity or think time in between two file downloads. Under this traffic, Static PSM (SPSM) performs better than CAM, since the STAs in SPSM can switch to low power state (sleep) during think times while in CAM they have to be in the active state all the time. In spite of this gain, performance of SPSM degrades due to congestion, as the number of STAs associated with the access point (AP) increases. To address this problem, we propose an algorithm, which we call opportunistic PSM (OPSM). We show through simulations that OPSM performs better than SPSM under the aforementioned TCP traffic. The performance gain achieved by OPSM over SPSM increases as the mean file size requested by the STAs or the number of STAs associated with the AP increases. We implemented OPSM in NS-2.33, and to compare the performance of OPSM and SPSM, we evaluate the number of file downloads that can be completed with a given battery capacity and the average time taken to download a file.


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Wireless networks transmit information from a source to a destination via multiple hops in order to save energy and, thus, increase the lifetime of battery-operated nodes. The energy savings can be especially significant in cooperative transmission schemes, where several nodes cooperate during one hop to forward the information to the next node along a route to the destination. Finding the best multi-hop transmission policy in such a network which determines nodes that are involved in each hop, is a very important problem, but also a very difficult one especially when the physical wireless channel behavior is to be accounted for and exploited. We model the above optimization problem for randomly fading channels as a decentralized control problem – the channel observations available at each node define the information structure, while the control policy is defined by the power and phase of the signal transmitted by each node.In particular, we consider the problem of computing an energy-optimal cooperative transmission scheme in a wireless network for two different channel fading models: (i) slow fading channels, where the channel gains of the links remain the same for a large number of transmissions, and (ii) fast fading channels,where the channel gains of the links change quickly from one transmission to another. For slow fading, we consider a factored class of policies (corresponding to local cooperation between nodes), and show that the computation of an optimal policy in this class is equivalent to a shortest path computation on an induced graph, whose edge costs can be computed in a decentralized manner using only locally available channel state information(CSI). For fast fading, both CSI acquisition and data transmission consume energy. Hence, we need to jointly optimize over both these; we cast this optimization problem as a large stochastic optimization problem. We then jointly optimize over a set of CSI functions of the local channel states, and a corresponding factored class of control policies corresponding to local cooperation between nodes with a local outage constraint. The resulting optimal scheme in this class can again be computed efficiently in a decentralized manner. We demonstrate significant energy savings for both slow and fast fading channels through numerical simulations of randomly distributed networks.


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We consider a fluid queue in discrete time with random service rate. Such a queue has been used in several recent studies on wireless networks where the packets can be arbitrarily fragmented. We provide conditions on finiteness of moments of stationary delay, its Laplace-Stieltjes transform and various approximations under heavy traffic. Results are extended to the case where the wireless link can transmit in only a few slots during a frame.


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In a dense multi-hop network of mobile nodes capable of applying adaptive power control, we consider the problem of finding the optimal hop distance that maximizes a certain throughput measure in bit-metres/sec, subject to average network power constraints. The mobility of nodes is restricted to a circular periphery area centered at the nominal location of nodes. We incorporate only randomly varying path-loss characteristics of channel gain due to the random motion of nodes, excluding any multi-path fading or shadowing effects. Computation of the throughput metric in such a scenario leads us to compute the probability density function of random distance between points in two circles. Using numerical analysis we discover that choosing the nearest node as next hop is not always optimal. Optimal throughput performance is also attained at non-trivial hop distances depending on the available average network power.


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Efficacy of commercial wireless networks can be substantially enhanced through large-scale cooperation among involved entities such as providers and customers. The success of such cooperation is contingent upon the design of judicious resource allocation strategies that ensure that the individuals' payoffs are commensurate to the resources they offer to the coalition. The resource allocation strategies depend on which entities are decision-makers and whether and how they share their aggregate payoffs. Initially, we consider the scenario where the providers are the only decision-makers and they do not share their payoffs. We formulate the resource allocation problem as a nontransferable payoff coalitional game and show that there exists a cooperation strategy that leaves no incentive for any subset of providers to split from the grand coalition, i.e., the core of the game is nonempty. To compute this cooperation strategy and the corresponding payoffs, we subsequently relate this game and its core to an exchange market setting and its equilibrium, which can be computed by several efficient algorithms. Next, we investigate cooperation when customers are also decision-makers and decide which provider to subscribe to based on whether there is cooperation. We formulate a coalitional game in this setting and show that it has a nonempty core. Finally, we extend the formulations and results to the cases where the payoffs are vectors and can be shared selectively.


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Ubiquitous Computing is an emerging paradigm which facilitates user to access preferred services, wherever they are, whenever they want, and the way they need, with zero administration. While moving from one place to another the user does not need to specify and configure their surrounding environment, the system initiates necessary adaptation by itself to cope up with the changing environment. In this paper we propose a system to provide context-aware ubiquitous multimedia services, without user’s intervention. We analyze the context of the user based on weights, identify the UMMS (Ubiquitous Multimedia Service) based on the collected context information and user profile, search for the optimal server to provide the required service, then adapts the service according to user’s local environment and preferences, etc. The experiment conducted several times with different context parameters, their weights and various preferences for a user. The results are quite encouraging.


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We use information theoretic achievable rate formulas for the multi-relay channel to study the problem of optimal placement of relay nodes along the straight line joining a source node and a destination node. The achievable rate formulas that we utilize are for full-duplex radios at the relays and decode-and-forward relaying. For the single relay case, and individual power constraints at the source node and the relay node, we provide explicit formulas for the optimal relay location and the optimal power allocation to the source-relay channel, for the exponential and the power-law path-loss channel models. For the multiple relay case, we consider exponential path-loss and a total power constraint over the source and the relays, and derive an optimization problem, the solution of which provides the optimal relay locations. Numerical results suggest that at low attenuation the relays are mostly clustered close to the source in order to be able to cooperate among themselves, whereas at high attenuation they are uniformly placed and work as repeaters. We also prove that a constant rate independent of the attenuation in the network can be achieved by placing a large enough number of relay nodes uniformly between the source and the destination, under the exponential path-loss model with total power constraint.


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We investigate the parameterized complexity of the following edge coloring problem motivated by the problem of channel assignment in wireless networks. For an integer q >= 2 and a graph G, the goal is to find a coloring of the edges of G with the maximum number of colors such that every vertex of the graph sees at most q colors. This problem is NP-hard for q >= 2, and has been well-studied from the point of view of approximation. Our main focus is the case when q = 2, which is already theoretically intricate and practically relevant. We show fixed-parameter tractable algorithms for both the standard and the dual parameter, and for the latter problem, the result is based on a linear vertex kernel.


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Let be a set of points in the plane. A geometric graph on is said to be locally Gabriel if for every edge in , the Euclidean disk with the segment joining and as diameter does not contain any points of that are neighbors of or in . A locally Gabriel graph(LGG) is a generalization of Gabriel graph and is motivated by applications in wireless networks. Unlike a Gabriel graph, there is no unique LGG on a given point set since no edge in a LGG is necessarily included or excluded. Thus the edge set of the graph can be customized to optimize certain network parameters depending on the application. The unit distance graph(UDG), introduced by Erdos, is also a LGG. In this paper, we show the following combinatorial bounds on edge complexity and independent sets of LGG: (i) For any , there exists LGG with edges. This improves upon the previous best bound of . (ii) For various subclasses of convex point sets, we show tight linear bounds on the maximum edge complexity of LGG. (iii) For any LGG on any point set, there exists an independent set of size .