133 resultados para Total-energy Calculations


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Time-dependent models of collisionless stellar systems with harmonic potentials allowing for an essentially exact analytic description have recently been described. These include oscillating spheres and spheroids. This paper extends the analysis to time-dependent elliptic discs. Although restricted to two space dimensions, the systems are richer in that their parameters form a 10-dimensional phase space (in contrast to six for the earlier models). Apart from total energy and angular momentum, two additional conserved quantities emerge naturally. These can be chosen as the areas of extremal sections of the ellipsoidal region of phase space occupied by the system (their product gives the conserved volume). The present paper describes the construction of these models. An application to a tidal encounter is given which allows one to go beyond the impulse approximation and demonstrates the effects of rotation of the perturbed system on energy and angular-momentum transfer. The angular-momentum transfer is shown to scale inversely as the cube of the encounter velocity for an initial configuration of the perturbed galaxy with zero quadrupole moment.


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Some recent observations at Pic-du-Midi (Mulleret al., 1992a) suggest that the photospheric footpoints of coronal magnetic field lines occasionally move rapidly with typical velocities of the order 3 km s–1 for about 3 or 4 min. We argue that such occasional rapid footpoint motions could have a profound impact on the heating of the quiet corona. Qualitative estimates indicate that these occasional rapid motions can account for the entire energy flux needed to heat the quiet corona. We therefore carry out a mathematical analysis to study in detail the response of a vertical thin flux tube to photospheric footpoint motions in terms of a superposition of linear kink modes for an isothermal atmosphere. We find the resulting total energy that is asymptotically injected into an isothermal atmosphere (i.e., an atmosphere without any back reflection). By using typical parameter values for fast and slow footpoint motions, we show that, even if the footpoints spend only 2.5% of the time undergoing rapid motions, still these rapid motions could be more efficient in transporting energy to the corona than the slow motions that take place most of the time.


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Mechanical alloying (MA) pioneered by Benjamin is a technique for the extension of solid solubility in systems where the equilibrium solid solubility is limited. This technique has, in recent years, emerged as a novel alternate route for rapid solidification processing (RSP) for the production of metastable crystalline, quasicrystalline, amorphous phases and nanocrystalline materials. The glass-forming composition range (GFR), in general, is found to be much wider in case of MA in comparison with RSP. The amorphous powders produced by MA can be compacted to bulk shapes and sizes and can be used as precursors to obtain high strength materials. This paper reports the work done on solid state amorphization by MA in Ti-Ni-Cu and Al-Ti systems where a wide GFR has been obtained. Al-Ti is a classic case where no glass formation has been observed by RSP, while a GFR of 25–90 at.% Ti has been obtained in this system, thus demonstrating the superiority of MA over RSP. The free energy calculations made to explain GFR are also presented.


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Normal mode sound propagation in an isovelocity ocean with random narrow-band surface waves is considered, assuming the root-mean-square wave height to be small compared to the acoustic wavelength. Nonresonant interaction among the normal modes is studied straightforward perturbation technique. The more interesting case of resonant interaction is investigated using the method of multiple scales to obtain a pair of stochastic coupled amplitude equations which are solved using the Peano-Baker expansion technique. Equations for the spatial evolution of the first and second moments of the mode amplitudes are also derived and solved. It is shown that, irrespective of the initial conditions, the mean values of the mode amplitudes tend to zero asymptotically with increasing range, the mean-square amplitudes tend towards a state of equipartition of energy, and the total energy of the modes is conserved.


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The catalytic conversion of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and adenosine monophosphate (AMP) to adenosine diphosphate (ADP) by adenylate kinase (ADK) involves large amplitude, ligand induced domain motions, involving the opening and the closing of ATP binding domain (LID) and AMP binding domain (NMP) domains, during the repeated catalytic cycle. We discover and analyze an interesting dynamical coupling between the motion of the two domains during the opening, using large scale atomistic molecular dynamics trajectory analysis, covariance analysis, and multidimensional free energy calculations with explicit water. Initially, the LID domain must open by a certain amount before the NMP domain can begin to open. Dynamical correlation map shows interesting cross-peak between LID and NMP domain which suggests the presence of correlated motion between them. This is also reflected in our calculated two-dimensional free energy surface contour diagram which has an interesting elliptic shape, revealing a strong correlation between the opening of the LID domain and that of the NMP domain. Our free energy surface of the LID domain motion is rugged due to interaction with water and the signature of ruggedness is evident in the observed root mean square deviation variation and its fluctuation time correlation functions. We develop a correlated dynamical disorder-type theoretical model to explain the observed dynamic coupling between the motion of the two domains in ADK. Our model correctly reproduces several features of the cross-correlation observed in simulations. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3516588]


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The dynamics of poly(isobutyl methacrylate) in toluene solution has been examined by C-13 spin-lattice relaxation time and NOE measurements as a function of temperature. The experiments were performed at 50.3 and 100.6 MHz. The backbone carbon relaxation data have been analyzed using the Dejean-Laupretre-Monnerie (DLM) model, which describes the dynamical processes in the backbone in terms of conformational transitions and bond librations. The relaxation data of the side chain nuclei have been analyzed by assuming different motional models, namely, unrestricted rotational diffusion, three site jumps, and restricted rotational diffusion. The different models have been compared for their ability to reproduce the experimental spin-lattice relaxation times and also to predict the behavior of NOE as a function of temperature. Conformational energy calculations have been carried out on a model compound by using the semiempirical quantum chemical method, AM1, and the results confirm the validity of the motional models used to describe the side-chain motion.


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C17H19ClO, M(r) = 274.7, triclinic, P1BAR, a = 11.154 (3), b = 12.685 (2), c = 12.713 (2) angstrom, alpha = 100.68 (1), beta = 113.58 (1), gamma = 104.50 (2)-degrees, V = 1511.1 (6) angstrom3, Z = 4, D(m) = 1.22, D(x) = 1.215 Mg m-3, Cu K-alpha, lambda = 1.5418 angstrom, mu = 2.16 mm-1, F(000) = 584, T = 293 K, R = 0.057 for 3481 observed reflections. The title compound is photostable in the crystalline state and lattice-energy calculations have been employed to rationalize the photobehaviour. The well-known beta-steering ability of the chloro group is not operative in this system as there are no Cl...Cl interactions in the crystal lattice. All five benzylidene-DL-piperitone structures so far studied are alpha-packed and the molecular topology appears to be a deciding factor even in the presence of steering groups.


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Abstract: The dynamics of poly(2-vinylpyridine) in chloroform solution has been examined by C-13 spin-lattice relaxation time and NOE measurements as a function of temperature. The experiments were performed at 50.3 and 100.6 MHz. The backbone carbon relaxation data have been analyzed in terms of six motional models. Among these models, the models which consider conformational transitions and bond librations for the backbone were found to be more successful. Pyridyl ring motion has been modeled as a restricted rotation with the rotational amplitude varying with temperature. The activation energy parameters obtained from the relaxation data of the pyridyl ring carbon have been compared with the energy barrier for ring rotation estimated from conformational energy calculations using the AM1 semiempirical quantum chemical method. The results of the conformational energy calculations support the description of pyridyl ring motion as a restricted rotation.


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The effect of various milling parameters such as, milling intensity, ball:powder weight ratio and number of balls on the glass forming ability of an elemental blend of composition Ti50Ni50 has been studied by mechanical alloying. In order to understand the results, all the milling parameters have been converted into two energy parameters, namely, impact energy of the ball and the total energy of milling. In a milling map of these two parameters, the conditions for amorphous phase formation have been isolated. A similar exercise has been carried out for Ti50Cu50 as a function of milling time at two milling intensities. The results indicate that a minimum impact energy of the ball and a minimum total energy are essential for amorphization by mechanical alloying.


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In this paper, we present dynamic voltage and frequency Managed 256 x 64 SRAM block in 65 nm technology, for frequency ranging from 100 MHz to 1 GHz. The total energy is minimized for any operating frequency in the above range and leakage energy is minimized during standby mode. Since noise margin of SRAM cell deteriorates at low voltages, we propose static noise margin improvement circuitry, which symmetrizes the SRAM cell by controlling the body bias of pull down NMOS transistor. We used a 9T SRAM cell that isolates Read and hold noise margin and has less leakage. We have implemented an efficient technique of pushing address decoder into zigzag- super-cut-off in stand-by mode without affecting its performance in active mode of operation. The read bit line (RBL) voltage drop is controlled and pre-charge of bit lines is done only when needed for reducing power wastage.


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The paper reports the operational experience from a 100 kWe gasification power plant connected to the grid in Karnataka. Biomass Energy for Rural India (BERI) is a program that implemented gasification based power generation with an installed capacity of 0.88 MWe distributed over three locations to meet the electrical energy needs in the district of Tumkur. The operation of one 100 kWe power plant was found unsatisfactory and not meeting the designed performance. The Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, the technology developer, took the initiative to ensure the system operation, capacity building and prove the designed performance. The power plant connected to the grid consists of the IISc gasification system which includes reactor, cooling, cleaning system, fuel drier and water treatment system to meet the producer gas quality for an engine. The producer gas is used as a fuel in Cummins India Limited, GTA 855 G model, turbo charged engine and the power output is connected to the grid. The system has operated for over 1000 continuous hours, with only about 70 h of grid outages. The total biomass consumption for 1035 h of operation was 111 t at an average of 107 kg/h. Total energy generated was 80.6 MWh reducing over loot of CO(2) emissions. The overall specific fuel consumption was about 1.36 kg/kWh, amounting to an overall efficiency from biomass to electricity of about 18%. The present operations indicate that a maintenance schedule for the plant can be at the end of 1000 h. The results for another 1000 h of operation by the local team are also presented. (C) 2011 International Energy Initiative. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The plastic flow of quenched aluminium at 86°K was investigated by ‘differential-stress’ creep tests in order to evaluate the rate-controlling mechanism in as-quenched and fully aged states. The experimental values of activation volume (4·3 × 10−21 cm3 for as-quenched and 5·5×l0−21cm3 for fully aged) and the total energy for thermal activation process (0·4 ev for both) are in accordance with the jog hardening and loop hardening mechanisms in quenched and fully aged states respectively.


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The effect of non-planarity of the peptide unit on helical structures stabilized by intrachain hydrogen bonds is discussed. While the present calculations generally agree with those already reported in the literature for right-handed helical structures, it is found that the most stable left-handed structure is a novel helix, called the delta-helix. Its helical parameters are close to these reported for poly-beta-benzyl-L -aspartate. Conformational energy calculations show that poly-beta-benzyl-L -aspartate with the delta-helical structure is considerably more stable than the structure it is generally believed to take up (the omega-helix) by about 15 kcal/mol-residue.


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The crystal polymorphism of the anthelmintic drug, triclabendazole (TCB), is described. Two anhydrates (Forms I and II), three solvates, and an amorphous form have been previously mentioned. This study reports the crystal structures of Forms I (1) and II (2). These structures illustrate the uncommon phenomenon of tautomeric polymorphism. TCB exists as two tautomers A and B. Form I (Z'=2) is composed of two molecules of tautomer A while Form II (Z'=1) contains a 1:1 mixture of A and B. The polymorphs are also characterized by using other solid-state techniques (differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA), PXRD, FT-IR, and NMR spectroscopy). Form I is the higher melting form (m.p.: 177 degrees C, Delta Hf=approximate to 105 +/- 4 Jg-1) and is the more stable form at room temperature. Form II is the lower melting polymorph (m.p.: 166 degrees C, Delta Hf=approximate to 86 +/- 3 Jg-1) and shows high kinetic stability on storage in comparison to the amorphous form but it transforms readily into Form I in a solution-mediated process. Crystal structure analysis of co-crystals 3-11 further confirms the existence of tautomeric polymorphism in TCB. In 3 and 11, tautomer A is present whereas in 4-10 the TCB molecule exists wholly as tautomer B. The DFT calculations suggest that the optimized tautomers A and B have nearly the same energies. Single point energy calculations reveal that tautomer A (in Form I) exists in two low-energy conformations, whereas in Form II both tautomers A and B exist in an unfavorable high-energy conformation, stabilized by a five-point dimer synthon. The structural and thermodynamic features of 1-11 are discussed in detail. Triclabendazole is an intriguing case in which tautomeric and conformational variations co-exist in the polymorphs.


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Transient protein-protein interactions play crucial roles in all facets of cellular physiology. Here, using an analysis on known 3-D structures of transient protein-protein complexes, their corresponding uncomplexed forms and energy calculations we seek to understand the roles of protein-protein interfacial residues in the unbound forms. We show that there are conformationally near invariant and evolutionarily conserved interfacial residues which are rigid and they account for similar to 65% of the core interface. Interestingly, some of these residues contribute significantly to the stabilization of the interface structure in the uncomplexed form. Such residues have strong energetic basis to perform dual roles of stabilizing the structure of the uncomplexed form as well as the complex once formed while they maintain their rigid nature throughout. This feature is evolutionarily well conserved at both the structural and sequence levels. We believe this analysis has general bearing in the prediction of interfaces and understanding molecular recognition.