429 resultados para Solid residue


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Existence of a periodic progressive wave solution to the nonlinear boundary value problem for Rayleigh surface waves of finite amplitude is demonstrated using an extension of the method of strained coordinates. The solution, obtained as a second-order perturbation of the linearized monochromatic Rayleigh wave solution, contains harmonics of all orders of the fundamental frequency. It is shown that the higher harmonic content of the wave increases with amplitude, but the slope of the waveform remains finite so long as the amplitude is less than a critical value.


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Near the boundaries of shells, thin shell theories cannot always provide a satisfactory description of the kinematic situation. This imposes severe limitations on simulating the boundary conditions in theoretical shell models. Here an attempt is made to overcome the above limitation. Three-dimensional theory of elasticity is used near boundaries, while thin shell theory covers the major part of the shell away from the boundaries. Both regions are connected by means of an “interphase element.” This method is used to study typical static stress and natural vibration problems


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We present a theoretical calculation of the dynamic structure factor, S(k, ω), at the liquid-solid interface for large values of the wavevector k. An analytic expression is derived which shows the evolution of the elastic peak as the solid surface is approached from the liquid side.


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A survey of recent developments in preparative solid state chemistry shows that, with a knowledge of structural chemistry and reactivity patterns of solids, it is possible to synthesize a variety of new solids possessing novel structures. A distinction is made between synthesis ofnew solids and synthesis of solids bynew methods. Three new routes to solid state synthesis are recognized: the precursor method, and topochemical methods involving redox and ion-exchange reactions. The low-temperature topochemical methods enable synthesis of metastable phases that are inaccessible by the high temperature route. Several illustrative examples of solid state synthesis from the recent literature are presented.


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The calorimetric values of composite solid propellant based on polystyrene, polyphenolformaldehyde, poly(vinyl chloride) and carboxy-terminated polybutadiene were determined using combustion calorimetry in order to assess the uncertainities in their measurements. The dependence of the calorimetric values on various propellant composition was obtained. The stoichiometry of oxidizer and fuel in the propellant for complete combustion obtained experimentally were compared with the theoretical stoichiometry calculated based on the oxidizer decomposition.


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Photochemical dimerization of 7-methoxycoumarin occurs in the solid state to give high yields of a syn-head-to-tail dimer although the potentially reactive double bonds are not favourably oriented in the crystal of the monomer.


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Photochemical transformations of organic solids provide an exciting area of research with new synthetic possibilities. These reactions are generally governed by topochemical factors rather than the normal rules of chemical reactivity. Defects play a crucial role in some of the reactions. Some of the transformations such as the photodimerization of 4, 4'-dimethoxystilbene occur in a single crystal fashion.


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Silane undergoes thermal decomposition on the surface of “phosphorus pentoxide” ( P4O10) into its elements around 200–400°C. The hydrogen formed partially reduces the P4O10 forming lower oxides of phosphorus and water. Elemental silicon is precipitated as reddish-brown solid, which is separated by dissolving out the phosphorus oxides. Silica and disiloxane are not formed in the reaction.


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4-Hydroxyisophthalate hydroxylase was inactivated by treatment with phenylglyoxal by a process obeying pseudo-first order kinetics indicating the presence of an essential arginine located presumably in the active site. Addition of saturating amounts of 4-hydroxyisophthalate during the treatment resulted in complete protection of the enzyme from the inactivation, but addition of NADPH was totally ineffective. Analysis of the effect of various substrate analogs on the protection of the enzyme showed that carboxyl and hydroxyl groups at para positions on the aromatic ring are essential for substrate binding to the active site. It was also observed that analogs which protect the enzyme against phenylglyoxal inactivation are themselves effective inhibitors of the enzyme activity.


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Solid state NMR (SSNMR) experiments on heteronuclei in natural abundance are described for three synthetically designed tripeptides Piv-(L)Pro_(L)Pro-(L)Phe-OMe (1), Piv-(D)Pro_(L)Pro_(L)Phe-OMe (2), and Piv-(D)Pro_(L)Pro_(L)Phe-NHMe (3). These peptides exist in different conformation as shown by solution state NMR and single crystal X-ray analysis (Chatterjee et al., Chem Eur J 2008, 14, 6192). In this study, SSNMR has been used to probe the conformations of these peptides in their powder form. The C-13 spectrum of peptide (1) showed doubling of resonances corresponding to cis/cis form, unlike in solution where the similar doubling is attributed to cis/trans form. This has been confirmed by the chemical shift differences of C-beta and C-gamma carbon of Proline in peptide (1) both in solution and SSNMR. Peptide (2) and (3) provided single set of resonances which represented all transform across the di-Proline segment. The results are In agreement with the X-ray analysis. Solid state N-15 resonances, especially from Proline residues provided additional information, which is normally not observable in solution state NMR. H-1 chemical shifts are also obtained from a two-dimensional heteronuclear correlation experiment between H-1-C-13. The results confirm the utility of NMR as a useful tool for identifying different conformers in peptides in the solid state. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 91: 851-860, 2009.


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Ammonium perchlorate-potassium perchlorate mixtures, upon pelletization, form a series of homogeneous solid solutions as manifested by X-ray powder diffractograms. Scanning electron microscopic studies throw light on the mechanism of the solid-solution formation. Solid solutions of ammonium perchlorate-potassium perchlorate have also been obtained by a modified cocrystallization technique. The thermal and combustion behavior of the solid solutions have also been studied, using the DTA technique and the Crawford strand burner.


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Photochemical oxidation of 11 diaryl thioketones (1-11) was conducted in the solid state. Quite interestingly, of these only six were oxidized to the corresponding carbonyl compound whereas the rest were photostable. However, in solution all were readily oxidized. The difference in behavior between the thioketones in the solid state has been rationalized on the basis of molecular arrangement in the crystal. X-ray crystal structure analyses of four thioketones were carried out in this connection.


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A new class of compounds, viz., monothiocarbohydrazones, have been found to be hypergolic with anhydrous and red fuming nitric acids. A study of the ignition delays of the various thiocarbohydrazonenitric acid systems as a function of particle size and fuel/oxidizer ratio reveals no significant effect by these parameters. The observed ignition delays have been explained in terms of the chemical reactivity and structure of these compounds.