209 resultados para Singular perturbations


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The mean flow development in an initially turbulent boundary layer subjected to a large favourable pressure gradient beginning at a point x0 is examined through analyses expected a priori to be valid on either side of relaminarization. The ‘quasi-laminar’ flow in the later stages of reversion, where the Reynolds stresses have by definition no significant effect on the mean flow, is described by an asymptotic theory constructed for large values of a pressure-gradient parameter Λ, scaled on a characteristic Reynolds stress gradient. The limiting flow consists of an inner laminar boundary layer and a matching inviscid (but rotational) outer layer. There is consequently no entrainment to lowest order in Λ−1, and the boundary layer thins down to conserve outer vorticity. In fact, the predictions of the theory for the common measures of boundary-layer thickness are in excellent agreement with experimental results, almost all the way from x0. On the other hand the development of wall parameters like the skin friction suggests the presence of a short bubble-shaped reverse-transitional region on the wall, where neither turbulent nor quasi-laminar calculations are valid. The random velocity fluctuations inherited from the original turbulence decay with distance, in the inner layer, according to inverse-power laws characteristic of quasi-steady perturbations on a laminar flow. In the outer layer, there is evidence that the dominant physical mechanism is a rapid distortion of the turbulence, with viscous and inertia forces playing a secondary role. All the observations available suggest that final retransition to turbulence quickly follows the onset of instability in the inner layer.It is concluded that reversion in highly accelerated flows is essentially due to domination of pressure forces over the slowly responding Reynolds stresses in an originally turbulent flow, accompanied by the generation of a new laminar boundary layer stabilized by the favourable pressure gradient.


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The effect of inclination on laminar film condensation over and under isothermal flat plates is investigated analytically. The complete set of Navier Stokes equations in two dimensions is considered. Analysed as a perturbation problem, the zero-order perturbation represents the boundary layer equations. First and second order perturbations are solved to bring about the leading edge effects. Corresponding velocity and temperature profiles are presented. The results show decrease in heat transfer with larger ∥inclinations∥ from the vertical. Comparison with experimental data of Gerstmann and Griffith indicates a closer agreement of the present results than the analytical results of the same authors.


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Temperature data collected over several years from rocket grenade and other experiments at Point Barrow (Alaska), Fort Churchill (Canada) and Wallops Island (Virginia) have been analysed to determine the effect of geomagnetic activity on the neutral temperature in the mesosphere and to study the latitudinal variation of this effect. An analysis carried out has revealed almost certainly significant correlations between the temperature and the geomagnetic indicies Kp and Ap at Fort Churchill and marginally significant correlations at Barrow and Wallops. This has also been substantiated by a linear regression analysis. The results indicate two types of interdependence between mesospheric temperature and geomagnetic field variations. The first type is the direct heating effect, during a geomagnetic disturbance, which has been observed in the present analysis with a time lag of 3–15 hr at the high latitudes and 36 hr at the middle latitudes. The magnitude of this heating effect has been found to decrease at the lower altitudes. The second type of interrelation which has been observed is temperature perturbations preceding geomagnetic field variations, both presumably caused by a disturbance in atmospheric circulation at these levels.


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A finite element model for the analysis of laminated composite cylindrical shells with through cracks is presented. The analysis takes into account anisotropic elastic behaviour, bending-extensional coupling and transverse shear deformation effects. The proposed finite element model is based on the approach of dividing a cracked configuration into triangular shaped singular elements around the crack tip with adjoining quadrilateral shaped regular elements. The parabolic isoparametric cylindrical shell elements (both singular and regular) used in this model employ independent displacement and rotation interpolation in the shell middle surface. The numerical comparisons show the evidence to the conclusion that the proposed model will yield accurate stress intensity factors from a relatively coarse mesh. Through the analysis of a pressurised fibre composite cylindrical shell with an axial crack, the effect of material orthotropy on the crack tip stress intensity factors is shown to be quite significant.


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This paper discusses the consistent regularization property of the generalized α method when applied as an integrator to an initial value high index and singular differential-algebraic equation model of a multibody system. The regularization comes from within the discretization itself and the discretization remains consistent over the range of values the regularization parameter may take. The regularization involves increase of the smallest singular values of the ill-conditioned Jacobian of the discretization and is different from Baumgarte and similar techniques which tend to be inconsistent for poor choice of regularization parameter. This regularization also helps where pre-conditioning the Jacobian by scaling is of limited effect, for example, when the scleronomic constraints contain multiple closed loops or singular configuration or when high index path constraints are present. The feed-forward control in Kane's equation models is additionally considered in the numerical examples to illustrate the effect of regularization. The discretization presented in this work is adopted to the first order DAE system (unlike the original method which is intended for second order systems) for its A-stability and same order of accuracy for positions and velocities.


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The nonlinear singular integral equation of transonic flow is examined in the free-stream Mach number range where only solutions with shocks are known to exist. It is shown that, by the addition of an artificial viscosity term to the integral equation, even the direct iterative scheme, with the linear solution as the initial iterate, leads to convergence. Detailed tables indicating how the solution varies with changes in the parameters of the artificial viscosity term are also given. In the best cases (when the artificial viscosity is smallest), the solutions compare well with known results, their characteristic feature being the representation of the shock by steep gradients rather than by abrupt discontinuities. However, 'sharp-shock solutions' have also been obtained by the implementation of a quadratic iterative scheme with the 'artificial viscosity solution' as the initial iterate; the converged solution with a sharp shock is obtained with only a few more iterates. Finally, a review is given of various shock-capturing and shock-fitting schemes for the transonic flow equations in general, and for the transonic integral equation in particular, frequent comparisons being made with the approach of this paper.


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This paper presents a method of designing a minimax filter in the presence of large plant uncertainties and constraints on the mean squared values of the estimates. The minimax filtering problem is reformulated in the framework of a deterministic optimal control problem and the method of solution employed, invokes the matrix Minimum Principle. The constrained linear filter and its relation to singular control problems has been illustrated. For the class of problems considered here it is shown that the filter can he constrained separately after carrying out the mini maximization. Numorieal examples are presented to illustrate the results.


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A possible mechanism for the resistance minimum in dilute alloys in which the localized impurity states are non-magnetic is suggested. The fact is considered that what is essential to the Kondo-like behaviour is the interaction of the conduction electron spin s with the internal dynamical degrees of freedom of the impurity centre. The necessary internal dynamical degrees of freedom are provided by the dynamical Jahn-Teller effect associated with the degenerate 3d-orbitals of the transition-metal impurities interacting with the surrounding (octahedral) complex of the nearest-neighbour atoms. The fictitious spin I characterizing certain low-lying vibronic states of the system is shown to couple with the conduction electron spin s via s-d mixing and spin-orbit coupling, giving rise to a singular temperature-dependent exchange-like interaction. The resistivity so calculated is in fair agreement with the experimental results of Cape and Hake for Ti containing 0.2 at% of Fe.


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Using the singular surface theory, an expression for the jump in vorticity across a shock wave of arbitrary shape propagating in a uniform, perfect fluid occupying the space-time of special relativity, has been derived. It has been shown that the jump in vorticity across a shock of given strength and curvature depends only on the velocity of the medium ahead of the shock.


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A general analysis of symmetries and constraints for singular Lagrangian systems is given. It is shown that symmetry transformations can be expressed as canonical transformations in phase space, even for such systems. The relation of symmetries to generators, constraints, commutators, and Dirac brackets is clarified.


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Singular surface theory and ray theory are used to study the propagation of a weak discontinuity in an arbitrarily moving gas within the framework of special relativity. A differential equation is obtained describing the variation of the strength of the discontinuity along rays.


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The theoretical analysis, based on the perturbation technique, of ion-acoustic waves in the vicinity of a Korteweg-de Vries (K-dV) equation derived in a plasma with some negative ions has been made. The investigation shows that the negative ions in plasma with isothermal electrons introduced a critical concentration at which the ion-acoustic wave plays an important role of wave-breaking and forming a precursor while the plasma with non-isothermal electrons has no such singular behaviour of the wave. These two distinct features of ion waves lead to an overall different approach of present study of ion-waves. A distinct feature of non-uniform transition from the nonisothermal case to isothermal case has been shown. Few particular plasma models have been chosen to show the characteristics behaviour of the ion-waves existing in different cases


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Initiation of proinflammatory host immunity in response to infection represents as a key event in effective control and containment of the pathogen at the site of infection as well as in elicitation of robust immune memory responses. In the current investigation, we demonstrate that an integral cell wall antigen of the mycobacterial envelope, Phosphatidyl-myo-inositol dimannosides (PIM2) triggers Suppressor of cytokine signaling (SOCS) 3 expression in macrophages in a Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2)-MyD88 dependent manner. Data derived from signaling perturbations suggest the involvement of phosphoinositide-3 kinase (PI3K) and protein kinase C (PKC) signaling pathways during PIM2 induced SOCS3 expression. Further, pharmacological inhibition of ERK1/2, but not of p38 MAP kinase or JNK abrogated the induced expression of SOCS3. The PIM2 induced activation of ERK1/2 was dependent on the activation of PI3K or PKC signaling which in turn regulated p65 nuclear factor -kappa B (NF-kappa B) nuclear translocation. Overall, current study delineates the role for PI3K-PKC axis and ERK1/2 signaling as key signaling events during PIM2 induced SOCS3 expression in macrophages.


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The conventional Clauser-chart method for determination of local skin friction in zero or weak pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layer flows fails entirely in strong pressure-gradient situations. This failure occurs due to the large departure of the mean velocity profile from the universal logarithmic law upon which the conventional Clauser-chart method is based. It is possible to extend this method,even for strong pressure-gradient situations involving equilibrium or near-equilibrium turbulent boundary layers by making use of the so-called non-universal logarithmic laws. These non-universal log laws depend on the local strength of the pressure gradient and may be regarded as perturbations of the universal log law.The present paper shows that the modified Clauser-chart method, so developed, yields quit satisfactory results in terms of estimation of local skin friction in strongly accelerated or retarded equilibrium and near-equilibrium turbulent boundary layers that are not very close to relaminarization or separation.


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This paper describes an algorithm for ``direct numerical integration'' of the initial value Differential-Algebraic Inequalities (DAI) in a time stepping fashion using a sequential quadratic programming (SQP) method solver for detecting and satisfying active path constraints at each time step. The activation of a path constraint generally increases the condition number of the active discretized differential algebraic equation's (DAE) Jacobian and this difficulty is addressed by a regularization property of the alpha method. The algorithm is locally stable when index 1 and index 2 active path constraints and bounds are active. Subject to available regularization it is seen to be stable for active index 3 active path constraints in the numerical examples. For the high index active path constraints, the algorithm uses a user-selectable parameter to perturb the smaller singular values of the Jacobian with a view to reducing the condition number so that the simulation can proceed. The algorithm can be used as a relatively cheaper estimation tool for trajectory and control planning and in the context of model predictive control solutions. It can also be used to generate initial guess values of optimization variables used as input to inequality path constrained dynamic optimization problems. The method is illustrated with examples from space vehicle trajectory and robot path planning.