91 resultados para SURFACE-ENHANCED RAMAN


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[1] Recent experiments conducted over the oceanic regions adjacent to the Indian sub continent have revealed the presence of anthropogenic aerosol haze during January to March. It has been suggested that the major source of this aerosol is South and Southeast Asia. Here we show from long term, multi-station and ship borne observations that aerosols transported from regions northwest of Indian subcontinent especially Arabian and Saharan regions (mostly natural dust) along with the locally produced sea-salt aerosols by sea-surface winds constitute a more significant source of aerosols during April-May period. The radiative forcing due to Arabian/Saharan aerosols (mostly natural) during April May period is comparable and often exceed (as much as 1.5 times) the forcing due to anthropogenic aerosols during January to March period. The presence of dust load over the Arabian Sea can influence the temperature profile and radiative balance in this region.


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Resonance Raman (RR) spectra are presented for p-nitroazobenzene dissolved in chloroform using 18 excitation Wavelengths, covering the region of (1)(n --> pi*) electronic transition. Raman intensities are observed for various totally symmetric fundamentals, namely, C-C, C-N, N=N, and N-O stretching vibrations, indicating that upon photoexcitation the excited-state evolution occurs along all of these vibrational coordinates. For a few fundamentals, interestingly, in p-nitroazobenzene, it is observed that the RR intensities decrease near the maxima of the resonant electronic (1)(n --> pi*) transition. This is attributed to the interference from preresonant scattering due to the strongly allowed (1)(pi --> pi*) electronic transition. The electronic absorption spectrum and the absolute Raman cross section for the nine Franck-Condon active fundamentals of p-nitroazobenzene have been successfully modeled using Heller's time-dependent formalism for Raman scattering. This employs harmonic description of the lowest energy (1)(n --> pi*) potential energy surface. The short-time isomerization dynamics is then examined from a priori knowledge of the ground-state normal mode descriptions of p-nitroazobenzene to convert the wave packet motion in dimensionless normal coordinates to internal coordinates. It is observed that within 20 fs after photoexcitation in p-nitroazobenzene, the N=N and C-N stretching vibrations undergo significant changes and the unsubstituted phenyl ring and the nitro stretching vibrations are also distorted considerably.


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Unintentionally doped homoepitaxial InSb films have been grown by liquid phase epitaxy employing ramp cooling and step cooling growth modes. The effect of growth temperature, degree of supercooling and growth duration on the surface morphology and crystallinity were investigated. The major surface features of the grown film like terracing, inclusions, meniscus lines, etc are presented step-by-step and a variety of methods devised to overcome such undesirable features are described in sufficient detail. The optimization of growth parameters have led to the growth of smooth and continuous films. From the detailed morphological, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopic and Raman studies, a correlation between the surface morphology and crystallinity has been established.


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Intraseasonal variations (ISV) of sea surface temperature (SST) in the Bay of Bengal (BoB) is highest in its northwestern part. An Indian Ocean model forced by QuikSCAT winds and climatological river discharge (QR run) reproduces ISV of SST, albeit with weaker magnitude. Air-sea fluxes, in the presence of a shallow mixed layer, efficiently effect intraseasonal SST fluctuations. Warming during intraseasonal events is smaller (<1°C) for June - July period and larger (1.5° to 2°C) during September, the latter due to a thinner mixed layer. To examine the effect of salinity on ISV, the model was run by artificially increasing the salinity (NORR run) and by decreasing it (MAHA10 run). In NORR, both rainfall and river discharge were switched off and in MAHA10 the discharge by river Mahanadi was increased tenfold. The spatial pattern of ISV as well as its periodicity was similar in QR, NORR and MAHA10. The ISV was stronger in NORR and weaker in MAHA10, compared to QR. In NORR, both intraseasonal warming and cooling were higher than in QR, the former due to reduced air-sea heat loss as the mean SST was lower, and the latter due to enhanced subsurface processes resulting from weaker stratification. In MAHA10, both warming and cooling were lower than in QR, the former due to higher air-sea heat loss owing to higher mean SST, and the latter due to weak subsurface processes resulting from stronger stratification. These model experiments suggest that salinity effects are crucial in determining amplitudes of intraseasonal SST variations in the BoB.


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Reduced graphene oxide-lead dioxide composite is formed when EGO coated surface is electrochemically reduced along with lead ions in the solution. This composite has been shown to be an excellent material for low level detection of arsenic. Various functional groups present on EGO, in a wide pH range of 2-11, are responsible for the favorable interaction between metal ion and the modified electrode surface and subsequent trace level detection. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopic techniques confirm the formation of composite and its composition. Thin layer of lead dioxide along with reduced exfoliated graphene oxide has been shown to be responsible for the enhanced activity of the surface. The detection limit of arsenic is found to be 10 nM. This study opens up the possibility of using the composites for sensing applications and possibly simultaneous detection of arsenic and lead. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, enhanced fluorescence from a silver film coated nanosphere templated grating is presented. Initially, numerical simulation was performed to determine the plasmon resonance wavelength by varying the thickness of the silver film on top of a monolayer of 400 nm nanospheres. The simulation results are verified experimentally and tested for enhancing fluorescence from fluorescein isothiocyanate whose excitation wavelength closely matches with the plasmon resonance wavelength of the substrate with 100 nm silver film over nanosphere. The 12 times enhancement in the intensity is attributed to the local field enhancement in addition to the excitation of surface plasmon polaritons along the surface.


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Nanocrystalline Nd2O3:Cu2+ (2 mol %) phosphors have been prepared by a low temperature solution combustion technique. Powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) results confirm that hexagonal A-type Nd2O3 (900 degrees C, 3 h) and the lattice parameters have been evaluated by Rietveld refinement. Surface morphology of as-formed and Cu2+ doped Nd2O3 phosphors show that the particles are irregular in shape and porous in nature. TEM results also confirm the nature and size of the particles. The EPR spectrum exhibits two resonance signals with effective g values at g(parallel to) approximate to 2.12 and g(perpendicular to) approximate to 2.04. The g values indicate that the site symmetry of Cu2+ ions is octahedral symmetry with elongated tetragonal distortion. Raman studies show major peaks, which are assigned, to F-g and combination of A(g) + E-g modes. It is observed that the Raman peaks and intensity have been reduced in Cu2+ doped samples. UV-Visible absorption spectra exhibit a strong and broad absorption band at similar to 240 nm. Further, the absorption peak shifts to similar to 14 nm in Cu2+ doped samples. The optical band gap is estimated to be 5.28 eV for Cu doped Nd2O3 nanoparticles which are higher than the bulk Nd2O3 (4.7 eV). This can be attributed to the quantum confinement effect of the nanoparticles. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In situ electrochemical polymerization of aniline in a Langmuir trough under applied surface pressure assists in the preferential orientation of polyaniline (PANI) in planar polaronic structure. Exfoliated graphene oxide (EGO) spread on water surface is used to bring anilinium cations present in the subphase to air-water interface through electrostatic interactions. Subsequent electrochemical polymerization of aniline under applied surface pressure in the Schaefer mode results in EGO/PANT composite with PANT in planar polaronic form. The orientation of PANI is confirmed by electrochemical and Raman spectroscopic studies. This technique opens up possibilities of 2-D polymerization at the air-water interface. Electrochemical sensing of hydrogen peroxide is used to differentiate the activity of planar and coiled forms of PANI toward electrocatalytic reactions.


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Polycrystalline powders of Ba1-xCaxBi4Ti4O15 (where x = 0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 and 1) were prepared via the conventional solid-state reaction route. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman scattering techniques have been employed to probe into the structural changes on changing x. XRD analyses confirmed the formation of monophasic bismuth layered structure of all the above compositions with an increase in orthorhombic distortion with increase in x. Raman spectra revealed a redshift in A(1g) peak and an increase in the B-2g/B-3g splitting with increasing Ca content. The average grain size was found to increase with increasing x. The temperature of the maximum dielectric constant (T-m) increased linearly with increasing Ca-content whereas the diffuseness of the phase transition was found to decrease with the end member CaBi4Ti4O15 showing a frequency independent sharp phase transition around 1048 K. Ca doping resulted in a decrease in the remnant polarization and an increase in the coercive field. Ba0.75Ca0.25Bi4Ti4O15 ceramics showed an enhanced piezoelectric coefficient d(33) of 15 pC N-1 at room temperature. Low values of dielectric losses and tunability of temperature coefficient of dielectric constant (tau(epsilon)) in the present solid-solution suggest that these compounds can be of potential use in microwave dielectrics at high temperatures. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The high efficiency of fuel-cell-powered electric vehicles makes them a potentially viable option for future transportation. Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells (PEFCs) are most promising among various fuel cells for electric traction due to their quick start-up and low-temperature operation. In recent years, the performance of PEFCs has reached the acceptable level both for automotive and stationary applications and efforts are now being expended in increasing their durability, which remains a major concern in their commercialization. To make PEFCs meet automotive targets an understanding of the factors affecting the stability of carbon support and platinum catalyst is critical. Alloying platinum (Pt) with first-row transition metals such as cobalt (Co) is reported to facilitate both higher degree of crystallinity and enhanced activity in relation to pristine Pt. But a major challenge for the application of Pt-transition metal alloys in PEFCs is to improve the stability of these binary catalysts. Dissolution of the non-precious metal in the acidic environment could alleviate the activity of the catalysts and hence cell performance. The use of graphitic carbon as cathode-catalyst support enhances the long-term stability of Pt and its alloys in relation to non-graphitic carbon as the former exhibits higher resistance to carbon corrosion in relation to the latter in PEFC cathodes during accelerated-stress test (AST). Changes in electrochemical surface area (ESA), cell performance and charge-transfer resistance are monitored during AST through cyclic voltammetry, cell polarization and impedance measurements, respectively. Studies on catalytic electrodes with X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy reflect that graphitic carbon-support resists carbon corrosion and helps mitigating aggregation of Pt and Pt3Co catalyst particles. (C) 2012 The Electrochemical Society. DOI: 10.1149/2.051301jes] All rights reserved.


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The nontrivial electronic topology of a topological insulator is thus far known to display signatures in a robust metallic state at the surface. Here, we establish vibrational anomalies in Raman spectra of the bulk that signify changes in electronic topology: an E-g(2) phonon softens unusually and its linewidth exhibits an asymmetric peak at the pressure induced electronic topological transition (ETT) in Sb2Se3 crystal. Our first-principles calculations confirm the electronic transition from band to topological insulating state with reversal of parity of electronic bands passing through a metallic state at the ETT, but do not capture the phonon anomalies which involve breakdown of adiabatic approximation due to strongly coupled dynamics of phonons and electrons. Treating this within a four-band model of topological insulators, we elucidate how nonadiabatic renormalization of phonons constitutes readily measurable bulk signatures of an ETT, which will facilitate efforts to develop topological insulators by modifying a band insulator. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.107401


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The sliding history in friction-induced material transfer of dry 2H-MoS2 particles in a sheared contact was studied. Video images in contact showed fragmentation of lubricant particles and build-up of a transfer film, and were used to measure the speed of fragmented particles in the contact region. Total internal reflection (TIR) Raman spectroscopy was used to follow the build-up of the MoS2 transfer film. A combination of in situ and ex situ analysis of the mating bodies revealed the thickness of the transfer film at steady state to be of the order of 35 nm on the ball surface and 15 nm on the flat substrate. Insights into the mechanism of formation of the transfer film in the early stages of sliding contact are deduced.


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The rather low scattering or extinction efficiency of small nanoparticles, metallic and otherwise, is significantly enhanced when they are adsorbed on a larger core particle. But the photoabsorption by particles with varying surface area fractions on a larger core particle is found to be limited by saturation. It is found that the core-shell particle can have a lower absorption efficiency than a dielectric core with its surface partially nucleated with absorbing particles-an ``incomplete nanoshell'' particle. We have both numerically and experimentally studied the optical efficiencies of titania (TiO2) nucleated in various degrees on silica (SiO2) nanospheres. We show that optimal surface nucleation over cores of appropriate sizes and optical properties will have a direct impact on the applications exploiting the absorption and scattering properties of such composite particles.


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A composite electrode made up of exfoliated graphite (EG) and diamond was prepared for the electrochemical oxidation of trichloroethylene (TCE). The SEM images of the EG-diamond material showed that diamond powders were dispersed on the surface of EG materials. The N-2 adsorption-desorption isotherm of EG-diamond material resulted in a poor adsorption capability due to the insertion of diamond powders into the porous matrix of EG. Raman spectroscopy revealed the presence of characteristic sp(3) bands of diamond confirming good interaction of diamond with EG. Electrochemical characterisation of EG-diamond in 0.1 M Na2SO4 resulted in an enhanced working potential window. The EG-diamond electrode was employed for the electrochemical oxidation of trichloroethylene (0.2 mM) in a Na2SO4 supporting electrolyte. The EG-diamond, in comparison to the pristine EG electrode, exhibited a higher removal efficiency of 94% (EG was 57%) and faster degradation kinetics of 25.3 x 10(-3) min(-1) showing pseudo first order kinetic behaviour. Under the optimised conditions, 73% total organic content (TOC) removal was achieved after 4 h of electrolysis. The degradation of TCE was also monitored with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Dichloroacetic acid (DCAA) was identified as a major intermediate product during the electrochemical oxidation of TCE. The electrochemical degradation of TCE at the EG-diamond electrode represents a cost effective method due to the ease of preparation of EG-diamond composite material without the necessity of diamond activation which is normally achieved through doping.


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The primary purpose of the present work was to illustrate whether cell proliferation can be enhanced on electroactive bioceramic composite, when the cells are cultured in the presence of external electrical stimulation. The two different aspects of the influence of electric field (E-field) application toward stimulating the growth/proliferation of bone/connective tissue cells in vitro, (a) intermittent delivery of extremely low strength pulsed electrical stimulation (0.5-4V/cm, 400s DC pulse) and (b) surface charge generated by electrical poling (10kV/cm) of hydroxyapatite (HA)-BaTiO3 piezobiocomposite have been demonstrated. The experimental results establish that the cell growth can be enhanced using the new culture protocol of the intermittent delivery of electrical pulses within a narrow range of stimulation parameters. The optimal E-field strength for enhanced cellular response for mouse fibroblast L929 and osteogenic cells is in the range of 0.5-1V/cm. The MTT 3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2, 5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide] assay results suggested the increased viability of E-field treated cells over 7d in culture, implicating the positive impact of electrical pulses on proliferation behavior. The alizarin red assay results showed noticeable increase in Ca-deposition on the E-field treated samples in comparison to their untreated counterparts. The negatively charged surfaces of developed piezocomposite stimulated the cell growth in a statistically noticeable manner as compared with the uncharged or positively charged surfaces of similar composition.