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Void breaking and formation in a packed bed are important phenomena in stabilising and optimising the performance of reactors such as the blast furnace, spouted bed and catalytic regenerator. These phenomena have been studied using a mathematical model. The model is based on a previously published force balance approach to predict the cavity size. Limited numbers of experiments, at room temperature, have been carried out in order to compare the experimental results with theory. A good agreement has been found between the experimental and theoretical results. In addition, the predictions have been compared with published data, which give reasonable agreement. The role of various forces (friction, pressure and bed weight) on void initiation and breaking has been investigated. The effect of bed height, particle diameter and density, void fraction, as well as gas flow rate on void formation and breaking has also been studied.


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Thiourea (CS(NH2)2) is one of the few examples of molecular crystals exhibiting ferroelectric properties. The dielectric constant along the ferroelectric axis [100] shows maxima at 169, 177 and 202 K. An inflection point occurs at 170.5 KZ Following Goldsmith and White the phases are named as I (F.E. below 169 K), II (A.F.E. 169 Ksymmetry, though the overall structure is Pnma. Thiourea also exhibits thermoluminescence after being irradiated with x-rays which is accounted for by defects like NH3+ and NH- formed by the breaking of hydrogen bonds.


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We present here the detailed results of X-ray diffraction from single quasicrystals of Al6CuLi3. X-ray precession photographs taken down the two-, three- and five-fold axes along with rotation and zero-level Weissenberg photographs are shown. Preliminary analysis of the diffraction data rules out the twin hypothesis.


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An examination of radiation-damage processes consequent to high-energy irradiation in certain ammonium salts studied using ESR of free radical together with the structural information available from neutron diffraction studies shows that, other factors being equal/nearly equal, symmetry-related bonds are preserved in preference to those unrelated to one another by any symmetry.


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Sr2TiMnO6, a double perovskite associated with high degree of B-site cation disorder was investigated in detail for its structural, magnetic, and dielectric properties. Though x-ray powder diffraction analysis confirms its cubic structure, first order Raman scattering and infrared reflectivity spectra indicate a breaking of the local cubic symmetry. The magnetization study reveals an anomaly at 14 K owing to a ferrimagnetic/canted antiferromagneticlike ordering arising from local Mn-O-Mn clusters. Saturated M-H hysteresis loops obtained at 5 K also reflect the weak ferromagnetic exchange interactions present in the system and an approximate estimation of Mn3+/Mn4+ was done using the magnetization data for the samples sintered at different temperatures. The conductivity and dielectric behavior of this system has been investigated in a broad temperature range of 10 to 300 K. Intrinsic permittivity was obtained only below 100 K whereas giant permittivity due to conductivity and Maxwell-Wagner polarization was observed at higher temperatures. X-ray photoemission studies further confirmed the presence of mixed oxidation states of Mn and the valence band spectra analysis was carried out in detail. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. doi: 10.1063/1.3500369]


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We have examined a number of possible ways by which tetramethyleneethane (TME) can be a ground state triplet, as claimed by experimental studies, in violation of Ovchinnikov’s theorem for alternant hydrocarbons of equal bond lengths. Model exact π calculations of the low-lying states of TME, 3,4-dimethylenefuran and 3,4-dimethylenepyrrole were carried out using a diagrammatic valence bond approach. The calculations failed to yield a triplet ground state even after (a) tuning of electron correlation, (b) breaking alternancy symmetry, and (c) allowing for geometric distortions. In contrast to earlier studies of fine structure constants in other conjugated systems, the computedD andE values of all the low-lying triplet states of TME for various geometries are at least an order of magnitude different from the experimentally reported values. Incorporation of σ-π mixing by means of UHF MNDO calculations is found to favour a singlet ground state even further. A reinterpretation of the experimental results of TME is therefore suggested to resolve the conflict.


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Symmetry?adapted linear combinations of valence?bond (VB) diagrams are constructed for arbitrary point groups and total spin S using diagrammatic VB methods. VB diagrams are related uniquely to invariant subspaces whose size reflects the number of group elements; their nonorthogonality leads to sparser matrices and is fully incorporated into a binary integer representation. Symmetry?adapated linear combinations of VB diagrams are constructed for the 1764 singlets of a half?filled cube of eight sites, the 2.8 million ??electron singlets of anthracene, and for illustrative S?0 systems.


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Many of the most intriguing quantum effects are observed or could be measured in transport experiments through nanoscopic systems such as quantum dots, wires and rings formed by large molecules or arrays of quantum dots. In particular, the separation of charge and spin degrees of freedom and interference effects have important consequences in the conductivity through these systems. Charge-spin separation was predicted theoretically in one-dimensional strongly inter-acting systems (Luttinger liquids) and, although observed indirectly in several materials formed by chains of correlated electrons, it still lacks direct observation. We present results on transport properties through Aharonov-Bohmrings (pierced by a magnetic flux) with one or more channels represented by paradigmatic strongly-correlated models. For a wide range of parameters we observe characteristic dips in the conductance as a function of magnetic flux which are a signature of spin and charge separation. Interference effects could also be controlled in certain molecules and interesting properties could be observed. We analyze transport properties of conjugated molecules, benzene in particular, and find that the conductance depends on the lead configuration. In molecules with translational symmetry, the conductance can be controlled by breaking or restoring this symmetry, e.g. by the application of a local external potential. These results open the possibility of observing these peculiar physical properties in anisotropic ladder systems and in real nanoscopic and molecular devices.


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We review work initiated and inspired by Sudarshan in relativistic dynamics, beam optics, partial coherence theory, Wigner distribution methods, multimode quantum optical squeezing, and geometric phases. The 1963 No Interaction Theorem using Dirac's instant form and particle World Line Conditions is recalled. Later attempts to overcome this result exploiting constrained Hamiltonian theory, reformulation of the World Line Conditions and extending Dirac's formalism, are reviewed. Dirac's front form leads to a formulation of Fourier Optics for the Maxwell field, determining the actions of First Order Systems (corresponding to matrices of Sp(2,R) and Sp(4,R)) on polarization in a consistent manner. These groups also help characterize properties and propagation of partially coherent Gaussian Schell Model beams, leading to invariant quality parameters and the new Twist phase. The higher dimensional groups Sp(2n,R) appear in the theory of Wigner distributions and in quantum optics. Elegant criteria for a Gaussian phase space function to be a Wigner distribution, expressions for multimode uncertainty principles and squeezing are described. In geometric phase theory we highlight the use of invariance properties that lead to a kinematical formulation and the important role of Bargmann invariants. Special features of these phases arising from unitary Lie group representations, and a new formulation based on the idea of Null Phase Curves, are presented.


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Conformational features and supramolecular structural organization in three aryl biscarbonates and an aryl biscarbamate with rigid acetylenic unit providing variable spacer lengths have been probed to gain insights into the packing features associated with molecular symmetry and the intermolecular interactions involving `organic' fluorine. Four structures but-2-yne-1,4-diyl bis(2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorophenylcarbonate), 1; but-2-yne-1,4-diyl bis(4-fluorophenylcarbonate), 2; but-2-yne-1,4-diyl bis(2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorophenylcarbamate), 3 and hexa-2,4-diyne-1,6-diyl bis(2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorophenylcarbonate), 4 have been analyzed in this context. Compound 1 adopts a non-centrosymmetric ``twisted'' (syn) conformation, whereas 2, 3 and 4 acquire a centrosymmetric ``extended'' (anti) conformation. Weak intermolecular interactions and in particular those involving fluorine are found to dictate this conformational variation in the crystal structure of 1. A single-crystal neutron diffraction study at 90 K was performed on 1 to obtain further insights into these interactions involving `organic' fluorine.


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A geometrically polar granular rod confined in 2D geometry, subjected to a sinusoidal vertical oscillation, undergoes noisy self-propulsion in a direction determined by its polarity. When surrounded by a medium of crystalline spherical beads, it displays substantial negative fluctuations in its velocity. We find that the large-deviation function (LDF) for the normalized velocity is strongly non-Gaussian with a kink at zero velocity, and that the antisymmetric part of the LDF is linear, resembling the fluctuation relation known for entropy production, even when the velocity distribution is clearly non-Gaussian. We extract an analogue of the phase-space contraction rate and find that it compares well with an independent estimate based on the persistence of forward and reverse velocities.


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Our ability to infer the protein quaternary structure automatically from atom and lattice information is inadequate, especially for weak complexes, and heteromeric quaternary structures. Several approaches exist, but they have limited performance. Here, we present a new scheme to infer protein quaternary structure from lattice and protein information, with all-around coverage for strong, weak and very weak affinity homomeric and heteromeric complexes. The scheme combines naive Bayes classifier and point group symmetry under Boolean framework to detect quaternary structures in crystal lattice. It consistently produces >= 90% coverage across diverse benchmarking data sets, including a notably superior 95% coverage for recognition heteromeric complexes, compared with 53% on the same data set by current state-of-the-art method. The detailed study of a limited number of prediction-failed cases offers interesting insights into the intriguing nature of protein contacts in lattice. The findings have implications for accurate inference of quaternary states of proteins, especially weak affinity complexes.


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Molecular dynamics investigation of model diatomic species confined to the alpha-cages of zeolite NaY is reported. The dependence of self-diffusivity on the bond length of the diatomic species has been investigated. Three different sets of runs have been carried out. In the first set, the two atoms of the diatomic molecule interact with the zeolite atoms with equal strength (example, O-2, the symmetric case). In the second and third sets which correspond to asymmetric cases, the two atoms of the diatomic molecule interact with unequal strengths (example, CO). The result for the symmetric case exhibits a well-defined maximum in self-diffusivity for an intermediate bond length. In contrast to this, the intermediate asymmetry leads to a less pronounced maximum. For the large asymmetric case, the maximum is completely absent. These findings are analyzed by computing a number of related properties. These results provide a direct confirmation at the microscopic level of the suggestion by Derouane that the supermobility observed experimentally by Kemball has its origin in the mutual cancellation of forces. The maximum in diffusivity from molecular dynamics is seen at the value predicted by the levitation effect. Further, these findings suggest a role for symmetry in the existence of a diffusivity maximum as a function of diameter of the diffusant often referred to as the levitation effect. The nature of the required symmetry for the existence of anomalous diffusivity is interaction symmetry which is different from that normally encountered in crystallography.