126 resultados para SOIL EXTRACTS


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Recycling plastic waste from water bottles has become one of the major challenges worldwide. The present study provides an approach for the use plastic waste as reinforcement material in soil. The experimental results in the form of stress-strain-pore water pressure response are presented. Based on experimental test results, it is observed that the strength of soil is improved and compressibility reduced significantly with addition of a small percentage of plastic waste to the soil. The use of the improvement in strength and compressibility response due to inclusion of plastic waste can be advantageously used in bearing capacity improvement and settlement reduction in the design of shallow foundations. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Pseudomonas putida CSV86, a soil bacterium, grows on 1- and 2-methylnaphthalene as the sole source of carbon and energy. In order to deduce the pathways for the biodegradation of 1- and 2-methylnaphthalene, metabolites were isolated from the spent medium and purified by thin layer chromatography. Emphasis has been placed on the structural characterisation of isolated intermediates by CC-MS, demonstration of enzyme activities in the cell free extracts and measurement of oxygen uptake by whole cells in the presence of various probable metabolic intermediates. The data obtained from such a study suggest the possibility of occurrence of multiple pathways in the degradation of 1- and 2-methylnaphthalene. We propose that, in one of the pathways, the aromatic ring adjacent to the one bearing the methyl moiety is oxidized leading to the formation of methylsalicylates and methylcatechols. In another pathway the methyl side chain is hydroxylated to -CH2-OH which is further converted to -CHO and -COOH resulting in the formation of naphthoic acid as the end product. In addition to this, 2-hydroxymethylnaphthalene formed by the hydroxylation of the methyl group of 2-methylnaphthalene undergoes aromatic ring hydroxylation. The resultant dihydrodiol is further oxidised by a series of enzyme catalysed reactions to form 4-hydroxymethyl catechol as the end product of the pathway.


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Pseudomonas maltophilia CSV89, a bacterium isolated from soil in our laboratory, grows on 1-naphthoic acid as the sole source of carbon and energy. To elucidate the pathway for degradation of 1-naphthoic acid, the metabolites were isolated from spent medium, purified by TLC, and characterized by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The involvement of various metabolites as intermediates in the pathway was established by demonstrating relevant enzyme activities in cell-free extracts, oxygen uptake and transformation of metabolites by the whole cells. The results obtained from such studies suggest that the degradation of 1-naphthoic acid is initiated by double hydroxylation of the aromatic ring adjacent to the one bearing the carboxyl group, resulting in the formation of 1,2-dihydroxy-8-carboxynaphthalene. The resultant diol was oxidized via 3-formyl salicylate, 2-hydroxyisophthalate, salicylate and catechol to TCA cycle intermediates.


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An interaction analysis of an axially loaded single pile and pile group with and without a pile cap in a layered soil medium has been investigated using the two-dimensional photoelastic method. A study of the pile or pile group behaviour has been made, varying the pile cap thickness as well as the embedded length of the pile in the hard stratum. The shear stress distribution along the pile-soil interface, non-dimensionalized settlement values of the single pile and the interaction factor for the pile group have been presented. Wherever possible, the results of the present analysis have been compared with available numerical solutions.


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This study describes two machine learning techniques applied to predict liquefaction susceptibility of soil based on the standard penetration test (SPT) data from the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan earthquake. The first machine learning technique which uses Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based on multi-layer perceptions (MLP) that are trained with Levenberg-Marquardt backpropagation algorithm. The second machine learning technique uses the Support Vector machine (SVM) that is firmly based on the theory of statistical learning theory, uses classification technique. ANN and SVM have been developed to predict liquefaction susceptibility using corrected SPT (N-1)(60)] and cyclic stress ratio (CSR). Further, an attempt has been made to simplify the models, requiring only the two parameters (N-1)(60) and peck ground acceleration (a(max)/g)], for the prediction of liquefaction susceptibility. The developed ANN and SVM models have also been applied to different case histories available globally. The paper also highlights the capability of the SVM over the ANN models.


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As a seepage barrier slurry trench material should have a relatively low coefficient of permeability, in the range of 10(-7) cm/s, and at the same time should be compatible with surrounding material with regard to compressibility. Although bentonite-sand/soil mixes are used widely, there is no specific engineering approach to proportion these mixes that satisfies the above practical requirements. In this paper, a generalized approach is presented for predicting the permeability and compressibility characteristics of mixes with minimum input parameters. This approach will be helpful in proportioning mixes and predicting corresponding changes in engineering behavior. It is possible to proportion a mix to arrive at the required compressibility without affecting the permeability. This is explained using an illustrative example.


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Uracil excision repair is ubiquitous in all domains of life and initiated by uracil DNA glycosylases (UDGs) which excise the promutagenic base, uracil, from DNA to leave behind an abasic site (AP-site). Repair of the resulting AP-sites requires an AP-endonuclease, a DNA polymerase, and a DNA ligase whose combined activities result in either short-patch or long-patch repair. Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis, has an increased risk of accumulating uracils because of its G + C-rich genome, and its niche inside host macrophages where it is exposed to reactive nitrogen and oxygen species, two major causes of cytosine deamination (to uracil) in DNA. In vitro assays to study DNA repair in this important human pathogen are limited. To study uracil excision repair in mycobacteria, we have established assay conditions using cell-free extracts of M. tuberculosis and M. smegmatis (a fast-growing mycobacterium) and oligomer or plasmid DNA substrates. We show that in mycobacteria, uracil excision repair is completed primarily via long-patch repair. In addition, we show that M. tuberculosis UdgB, a newly characterized family 5 UDG, substitutes for the highly conserved family 1 UDG, Ung, thereby suggesting that UdgB might function as backup enzyme for uracil excision repair in mycobacteria. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper critically appraises the limitations of the liquid-limit water content of clayey soils determined conventionally either by percussion cup or by the cone penetration method. It is shown that the conventional liquid limit and plastic limit are arbitrary, strength-based water contents and that they cannot represent the plasticity limits, and that the state of the soil-water system at the conventional liquid limit does not correspond to a stress-free reference state. The present investigation identifies three characteristic limiting water contents for a soil-water system which have well-defined, unique mechanisms controlling them, namely the free swell limit, settling limit and shrinkage limit. Simple procedures for the determination of the free swell limit and settling limit of natural soils are presented. The settling limit is shown to be the 'real liquid limit' of any clayey soil. With a number of experimental illustrations, it is clearly shown that the settling limit represents the maximum water-holding capacity of clayey soils and that it corresponds to the stress-free reference state.


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The soil moisture characteristic (SMC) forms an important input to mathematical models of water and solute transport in the unsaturated-soil zone. Owing to their simplicity and ease of use, texture-based regression models are commonly used to estimate the SMC from basic soil properties. In this study, the performances of six such regression models were evaluated on three soils. Moisture characteristics generated by the regression models were statistically compared with the characteristics developed independently from laboratory and in-situ retention data of the soil profiles. Results of the statistical performance evaluation, while providing useful information on the errors involved in estimating the SMC, also highlighted the importance of the nature of the data set underlying the regression models. Among the models evaluated, the one possessing an underlying data set of in-situ measurements was found to be the best estimator of the in-situ SMC for all the soils. Considerable errors arose when a textural model based on laboratory data was used to estimate the field retention characteristics of unsaturated soils.


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Geophysical methods are becoming more popular nowadays in the field of hydrology due to their time and space efficiency. So an attempt has been made here to relate electrical resistivity with soil moisture content in the field. The experiments were carried out in an experimental watershed `Mulehole' in southern India, which is a forested watershed with approximately 80% red soil. Five auger holes were drilled to perform the soil moisture and electrical resistivity measurements in a toposequence having red and black soils, with sandy weathered soil at the bottom. Soil moisture was measured using neutron probe and electrical resistivity was measured using electrical logging tool. The results indicate that electrical resistivity measurements can be used to measure soil moisture content for red soils only.


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A discussion of a technical note with the aforementioned title by Day and Marsh, published in this journal (Volume 121, Number 7, July 1995), is presented. Discussers Robinson and Allam assert that the authors' application of the pore-pressure parameter A to predict and quantify swell or collapse of compacted soils is hard to use because the authors visualize the collapse-swell phenomenon to occur in compacted soils broadly classified as sands and clays. The literature demonstrates that mineralogy has an important role in the volume change behavior of fine-grained soils. Robinson and Allam state that the A-value measurements may not completely predict the type of volume change anticipated in compacted soils on soaking without soil clay mineralogy details. Discussion is followed by closure from the authors.


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Thermal power stations using pulverized coal as fuel generate large quantities of fly ash as a byproduct, which has created environmental and disposal problems. Using fly ash for gainful applications will solve these problems. Among the various possible uses for fly ash, the most massive and effective utilization is in geotechnical engineering applications like backfill material, construction of embankments, as a subbase material, etc. A proper understanding of fly ash-soil mixes is likely to provide viable solutions for its large-scale utilization. Earlier studies initiated in the laboratory have resulted in a good understanding of the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) behavior of fly ash-soil mixes. Subsequently, in order to increase the CBR value, cement has been tried as an additive to fly ash-soil mixes. This paper reports the results.


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Residually derived red soils occur in Bangalore District of Karnataka State, India. The porous and unsaturated nature of the red soils makes them susceptible to collapse on wetting under load. The present study analyses the collapse behaviour of an unsaturated bonded (undisturbed) red soil from Bangalore referenced to tests on samples in an unbonded (remoulded) state. A filter paper method was used to determine the matric suction of the bonded and unbonded specimens, and mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) was used to determine their soil structure. Analysis of the experimental results shows that bonding plays an important role in the collapse behaviour of the unsaturated residual soil. The results of the study also provide insight into the volume change behaviour of unsaturated bonded soils on wetting within and beyond the yield locus.