130 resultados para Relativistic mean-field theories


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Experiments on Ge15Tc85-xSix glasses (2 <= x <= 12) using alternating differential scanning calorimetry (ADSC) indicate that these glasses exhibit one glass transition and two crystallization reactions upon heating. The glass transition temperature has been found to increase almost linearly with silicon content, in the entire composition tie-line. The first crystallization temperature (T-cl) exhibits an increase with silicon content for x<5; T-cl remains almost a constant in the composition range 5 < x <= 10 and it increases comparatively more sharply with silicon content thereafter. The specific heat change (Delta C-p) is found to decrease with an increase in silicon content, exhibiting a minimum at x=5 (average coordination number, (r) = 2.4); a continuous increase is seen in Delta C-p with silicon concentration above x = 5. The effects seen in the variation with composition of T-cl and Delta C-p at x=5, are the specific signatures of the mean-field stiffness threshold at (r) = 2.4. Furthermore, a broad trough is seen in the enthalpy change (Delta H-NR), which is indicative of a thermally reversing window in Ge15Te85-xSix glasses in the composition range 2 <= x <= 6 (2.34 <= (r) <= 2.42).


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Close to the Mott transition, lattice degrees of freedom react to the softening of electron degrees of freedom. This results in a change of lattice spacing, a diverging compressibility, and a critical anomaly of the sound velocity. These effects are investigated within a simple model, in the framework of dynamical mean-field theory. The results compare favorably to recent experiments on the layered organic-conductor kappa-(BEDT-TTF)(2)Cu[N(CN)(2)]Cl. We predict that effects of a similar magnitude are expected for V2O3, despite the much larger value of the elastic modulus of this material.


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An indirect mechanism of light scattering from spin-waves in ferromagnetic insulators via two-magnon one-phonon process is proposed. Following linear response theory, an expression has been derived for the differential scattering cross-section in the mean-field-approximation.


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We recently introduced the dynamical cluster approximation (DCA), a technique that includes short-ranged dynamical correlations in addition to the local dynamics of the dynamical mean-field approximation while preserving causality. The technique is based on an iterative self-consistency scheme on a finite-size periodic cluster. The dynamical mean-field approximation (exact result) is obtained by taking the cluster to a single site (the thermodynamic limit). Here, we provide details of our method, explicitly show that it is causal, systematic, Phi derivable, and that it becomes conserving as the cluster size increases. We demonstrate the DCA by applying it to a quantum Monte Carlo and exact enumeration study of the two-dimensional Falicov-Kimball model. The resulting spectral functions preserve causality, and the spectra and the charge-density-wave transition temperature converge quickly and systematically to the thermodynamic limit as the cluster size increases.


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A molecular theory of collective orientational relaxation of dipolar molecules in a dense liquid is presented. Our work is based on a generalized, nonlinear, Smoluchowski equation (GSE) that includes the effects of intermolecular interactions through a mean‐field force term. The effects of translational motion of the liquid molecules on the orientational relaxation is also included self‐consistently in the GSE. Analytic expressions for the wave‐vector‐dependent orientational correlation functions are obtained for one component, pure liquid and also for binary mixtures. We find that for a dipolar liquid of spherical molecules, the correlation function ϕ(k,t) for l=1, where l is the rank of the spherical harmonics, is biexponential. At zero wave‐vector, one time constant becomes identical with the dielectric relaxation time of the polar liquid. The second time constant is the longitudinal relaxation time, but the contribution of this second component is small. We find that polar forces do not affect the higher order correlation functions (l>1) of spherical dipolar molecules in a linearized theory. The expression of ϕ(k,t) for a binary liquid is a sum of four exponential terms. We also find that the wave‐vector‐dependent relaxation times depend strongly on the microscopic structure of the dense liquid. At intermediate wave vectors, the translational diffusion greatly accelerates the rate of orientational relaxation. The present study indicates that one must pay proper attention to the microscopic structure of the liquid while treating the translational effects. An analysis of the nonlinear terms of the GSE is also presented. An interesting coupling between the number density fluctuation and the orientational fluctuation is uncovered.


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We have investigated the near-critical behavior of the susceptibility of a ternary liquid mixture of 3-methylpyridine. water, and sodium bromide as a function of the salt concentration. The susceptibility was determined from light-scattering measurements performed at a scattering angle of 90 degrees in the one-phase region near the locus of lower consolute points. A sharp crossover from asymptotic Ising behavior to mean-field behavior has been observed at concentrations ranging from 8 to 16.5 mass% NaBr. The range of asymptotic Ising behavior shrinks with increasing salt concentration and vanishes at a NaBr concentration of about 17 mass%. where complete mean-field-like behavior of the susceptibility is observed. A simultaneous pronounced increase in the background scattering at concentrations above 15 mass%, as well as a dip in the critical locus at 17 mass % NaBr, suggests that this phenomenon can be interpreted as mean-field tricritical behavior associated with the formation of a microheterogeneous phase due to clustering of the molecules and ions. An analogy with tri critical behavior observed in polymer solutions as well as the possibility of a charge-density-wave phase is also discussed. In addition, we, have observed a third soap-like phase an the liquid-liquid interface in several binary and ternary liquid mixtures.


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We report preliminary experiments on the ternary-liquid mixture, methyl ethyl ketone (MEK)+water (W)+secondary butyl alcohol (sBA)-a promising system for the realization of the quadruple critical point (QCP). The unusual tunnel-shaped phase diagram shown by this system is characterized and visualized by us in the form of a prismatic phase diagram. Light-scattering experiments reveal that (MEK+W+sBA) shows near three-dimensional-Ising type of critical behavior near the lower critical solution temperatures, with the susceptibility exponent (gamma) in the range of 1.217 <=gamma <= 1.246. The correlation length amplitudes (xi(o)) and the critical exponent (nu) of the correlation length (xi) are in the ranges of 3.536 <=xi(o)<= 4.611 A and 0.619 <=nu <= 0.633, respectively. An analysis in terms of the effective susceptibility exponent (gamma(eff)) shows that the critical behavior is of the Ising type for MEK concentrations in the ranges of 0.1000 <= X <= 0.1250 and X >= 0.3000. But, for the intermediate range of 0.1750 <= X < 0.3000, the system shows a tendency towards mean-field type of critical behavior. The advantages of the system (MEK+W+sBA) over the system (3-methylpyridine+water+heavy water+potassium Iodide) for the realization of a QCP are outlined.


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The system 3-methylpyridine(3MP)+water(H2O)+NaBr has been the subject of an intense scientific debate since the work of Jacob [Phys. Rev. E. 58, 2188 (1988)] and Anisimov [Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 2336 (2000)]. The crossover critical behavior of this system seemed to show remarkable sensitivity to the weight fraction (X) of the ionic impurity NaBr. In the range X <= 0.10 the system displayed Ising behavior and a pronounced crossover to mean-field behavior in the range 0.10 <= X <= 0.16. A complete mean-field behavior was observed at X=0.17, a result that was later attributed to the existence of long-living nonequilibrium states in this system [Kostko , Phys. Rev. E. 70, 026118 (2004)]. In this paper, we report the near-critical behavior of osmotic susceptibility in the isotopically related ternary system, 3MP+heavy water(D2O)+NaBr. Detailed light-scattering experiments performed at exactly the same NaBr concentrations as investigated by Jacob reveal that the system 3MP+D2O+NaBr shows a simple Ising-type critical behavior with gamma similar or equal to 1.24 and nu similar or equal to 0.63 over the entire NaBr concentration range 0 <= X <= 0.1900. The crossover behavior is predominantly nonmonotonic and is completed well outside the critical domain. An analysis in terms of the effective susceptibility exponent (gamma(eff)) reveals that the crossover behavior is nonmonotonic for 0 <= X <= 0.1793 and tends to become monotonic for X > 0.1793. The correlation length amplitude xi(o), has a value of similar or equal to 2 A for 0.0250 <= X <= 0.1900, whereas for X=0, xi(o)similar or equal to 3.179 A. Since isotopic H -> D substitution is not expected to change the critical behavior of the system, our results support the recent results obtained by Kostko [Phys. Rev. E. 70, 026118 (2004)] that 3MP+H2O+NaBr exhibits universal Ising-type critical behavior typical for other aqueous solutions.


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Random walks describe diffusion processes, where movement at every time step is restricted to only the neighboring locations. We construct a quantum random walk algorithm, based on discretization of the Dirac evolution operator inspired by staggered lattice fermions. We use it to investigate the spatial search problem, that is, to find a marked vertex on a d-dimensional hypercubic lattice. The restriction on movement hardly matters for d > 2, and scaling behavior close to Grover's optimal algorithm (which has no restriction on movement) can be achieved. Using numerical simulations, we optimize the proportionality constants of the scaling behavior, and demonstrate the approach to that for Grover's algorithm (equivalent to the mean-field theory or the d -> infinity limit). In particular, the scaling behavior for d = 3 is only about 25% higher than the optimal d -> infinity value.


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Understanding the influence of polymer grafted bilayers on the physicomechanical properties of lipid membranes is important while developing liposomal based drug delivery systems. The melting characteristics and bending moduli of polymer grafted bilayers are investigated using dissipative particle dynamics simulations as a function of the amount of grafted polymer and lipid tail length. Simulations are carried out using a modified Andersen barostat, whereby the membrane is maintained in a tensionless state. For lipids made up of four to six tail beads, the transition from the low temperature L-beta phase to the L-alpha phase is lowered only above a grafting fraction of G(f)=0.12 for polymers made up of 20 beads. Below G(f)=0.12 small changes are observed only for the HT4 bilayer. The bending modulus of the bilayers is obtained as a function of G(f) from a Fourier analysis of the height fluctuations. Using the theory developed by Marsh Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1615, 33 (2003)] for polymer grafted membranes, the contributions to the bending modulus due to changes arising from the grafted polymer and bilayer thinning are partitioned. The contributions to the changes in kappa from bilayer thinning were found to lie within 11% for the lipids with four to six tail beads, increasing to 15% for the lipids containing nine tail beads. The changes in the area stretch modulus were also assessed and were found to have a small influence on the overall contribution from membrane thinning. The increase in the area per head group of the lipids was found to be consistent with the scalings predicted by self-consistent mean field results. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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We discuss the results of an extensive mean-field investigation of the half-filled Hubbard model on a triangular lattice at zero temperature. At intermediate U we find a first-order metal-insulator transition from an incommensurate spiral magnetic metal to a semiconducting state with a commensurate linear spin density wave ordering stabilized by the competition between the kinetic energy and the frustrated nature of the magnetic interaction. At large U the ground state is that of a classical triangular antiferromagnet within our approximation. In the incommensurate spiral metallic phase the Fermi surface has parts in which the wave function renormalization Z is extremely small. The evolution of the Fermi surface and the broadening of the quasi-particle band along with the variation of the plasma frequency and a charge stiffness constant with U/t are discussed.


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We present a variety of physical implications of a mean-field theory for spiral spin-density-wave states in the square-lattice Hubbard model for small deviations from half filling. The phase diagram with the paramagnetic metal, two spiral (semimetallic) states, and ferromagnet is calculated. The momentum distribution function and the (quasiparticle) density of states are discussed. There is a significant broadening of the quasiparticle bands when the antiferromagnetic insulator is doped. The evolution of the Fermi surface and the variation of the plasma frequency and a charge-stiffness constant with U/t and δ are calculated. The connection to results based on the Schwinger-boson-slave-fermion formalism is made.


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We study large-scale kinematic dynamo action due to turbulence in the presence of a linear shear flow in the low-conductivity limit. Our treatment is non-perturbative in the shear strength and makes systematic use of both the shearing coordinate transformation and the Galilean invariance of the linear shear flow. The velocity fluctuations are assumed to have low magnetic Reynolds number (Re-m), but could have arbitrary fluid Reynolds number. The equation for the magnetic fluctuations is expanded perturbatively in the small quantity, Re-m. Our principal results are as follows: (i) the magnetic fluctuations are determined to the lowest order in Rem by explicit calculation of the resistive Green's function for the linear shear flow; (ii) the mean electromotive force is then calculated and an integro-differential equation is derived for the time evolution of the mean magnetic field. In this equation, velocity fluctuations contribute to two different kinds of terms, the 'C' and 'D' terms, respectively, in which first and second spatial derivatives of the mean magnetic field, respectively, appear inside the space-time integrals; (iii) the contribution of the D term is such that its contribution to the time evolution of the cross-shear components of the mean field does not depend on any other components except itself. Therefore, to the lowest order in Re-m, but to all orders in the shear strength, the D term cannot give rise to a shear-current-assisted dynamo effect; (iv) casting the integro-differential equation in Fourier space, we show that the normal modes of the theory are a set of shearing waves, labelled by their sheared wavevectors; (v) the integral kernels are expressed in terms of the velocity-spectrum tensor, which is the fundamental dynamical quantity that needs to be specified to complete the integro-differential equation description of the time evolution of the mean magnetic field; (vi) the C term couples different components of the mean magnetic field, so they can, in principle, give rise to a shear-current-type effect. We discuss the application to a slowly varying magnetic field, where it can be shown that forced non-helical velocity dynamics at low fluid Reynolds number does not result in a shear-current-assisted dynamo effect.


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Kinetics of random sequential, irreversible multilayer deposition of macromolecules of two different sizes on a one dimensional infinite lattice is analyzed at the mean field level. A formal solution for the corresponding rate equation is obtained. The Jamming limits and the distribution of gaps of exact sizes are discussed. In the absence of screening, the jamming limits are shown to be the same for all the layers. A detailed analysis for the components differing by one monomer unit is presented. The small and large time behaviors and the dependence of the individual jamming limits of the k mers and (k−1) mers on k and the rate parameters are analyzed.


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We present an explicit solution of the problem of two coupled spin-1/2 impurities, interacting with a band of conduction electrons. We obtain an exact effective bosonized Hamiltonian, which is then treated by two different methods (low-energy theory and mean-field approach). Scale invariance is explicitly shown at the quantum critical point. The staggered susceptibility behaves like ln(T(K)/T) at low T, whereas the magnetic susceptibility and [S1.S2] are well behaved at the transition. The divergence of C(T)/T when approaching the transition point is also studied. The non-Fermi-liquid (actually marginal-Fermi-liquid) critical point is shown to arise because of the existence of anomalous correlations, which lead to degeneracies between bosonic and fermionic states of the system. The methods developed in this paper are of interest for studying more physically relevant models, for instance, for high-T(c) cuprates.