81 resultados para Regional matter


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A sufficiently long lived warm dark matter could be a source of X-rays observed by satellite based X-ray telescopes. We consider axinos and gravitinos with masses between 1 keV and 100 keV in supersymmetric models with sin all R-parity violation. We show that axino dark matter receives significant constraints from X-ray observations of Chandra and SPI, especially for the lower end of the allowed range of the axino decay constant f(a), while the gravitino dark matter remains unconstrained.


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We study theoretically the hydrodynamics of a fluid drop containing oriented filaments endowed with active contractile or extensile stresses and placed on a solid surface. The active stresses alter qualitatively the wetting properties of the drop, leading to new spreading laws and novel static drop shapes. Candidate systems for testing our predictions include cytoskeletal extracts with motors and ATP, suspensions of bacteria or pulsatile cells, or fluids laden with artificial self-propelled colloids.


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In this work the collapsing process of a spherically symmetric star, made of dust cloud, in the background of dark energy is studied for two different gravity theories separately, i.e., DGP Brane gravity and Loop Quantum gravity. Two types of dark energy fluids, namely, Modified Chaplygin gas and Generalised Cosmic Chaplygin gas are considered for each model. Graphs are drawn to characterize the nature and the probable outcome of gravitational collapse. A comparative study is done between the collapsing process in the two different gravity theories. It is found that in case of dark matter, there is a great possibility of collapse and consequent formation of Black hole. In case of dark energy possibility of collapse is far lesser compared to the other cases, due to the large negative pressure of dark energy component. There is an increase in mass of the cloud in case of dark matter collapse due to matter accumulation. The mass decreases considerably in case of dark energy due to dark energy accretion on the cloud. In case of collapse with a combination of dark energy and dark matter, it is found that in the absence of interaction there is a far better possibility of formation of black hole in DGP brane model compared to Loop quantum cosmology model.


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In this paper we discuss SU(N) Chern-Simons theories at level k with both fermionic and bosonic vector matter. In particular we present an exact calculation of the free energy of the N = 2 supersymmetric model (with one chiral field) for all values of the `t Hooft coupling in the large N limit. This is done by using a generalization of the standard Hubbard-Stratanovich method because the SUSY model contains higher order polynomial interactions.


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Compact stars with strong magnetic fields (magnetars) have been observationally determined to have surface magnetic fields of order of 10(14)-10(15) G, the implied internal field strength being several orders larger. We study the equation of state and composition of dense hypernuclear matter in strong magnetic fields in a range expected in the interiors of magnetars. Within the non-linear Boguta-Bodmer-Walecka model we find that the magnetic field has sizable influence on the properties of matter for central magnetic field B >= 10(17) G, in particular the matter properties become anisotropic. Moreover, for the central fields B >= 10(18) G, the magnetized hypernuclear matter shows instability, which is signalled by the negative sign of the derivative of the pressure parallel to the field with respect to the density, and leads to vanishing parallel pressure at the critical value B-cr congruent to 10(19) G. This limits the range of admissible homogeneously distributed fields in magnetars to fields below the critical value B-cr. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The intestine is the primary site of nutrient absorption, fluid-ion secretion, and home to trillions of symbiotic microbiota. The high turnover of the intestinal epithelia also renders it susceptible to neoplastic growth. These diverse processes are carefully regulated by an intricate signaling network. Among the myriad molecules involved in intestinal epithelial cell homeostasis are the second messengers, cyclic AMP (cAMP) and cyclic GMP (cGMP). These cyclic nucleotides are synthesized by nucleotidyl cyclases whose activities are regulated by extrinsic and intrinsic cues. Downstream effectors of cAMP and cGMP include protein kinases, cyclic nucleotide gated ion channels, and transcription factors, which modulate key processes such as ion-balance, immune response, and cell proliferation. The web of interaction involving the major signaling pathways of cAMP and cGMP in the intestinal epithelial cell, and possible cross-talk among the pathways, are highlighted in this review. Deregulation of these pathways occurs during infection by pathogens, intestinal inflammation, and cancer. Thus, an appreciation of the importance of cyclic nucleotide signaling in the intestine furthers our understanding of bowel disease, thereby aiding in the development of therapeutic approaches.


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This review summarizes theoretical progress in the field of active matter, placing it in the context of recent experiments. This approach offers a unified framework for the mechanical and statistical properties of living matter: biofilaments and molecular motors in vitro or in vivo, collections of motile microorganisms, animal flocks, and chemical or mechanical imitations. A major goal of this review is to integrate several approaches proposed in the literature, from semimicroscopic to phenomenological. In particular, first considered are ``dry'' systems, defined as those where momentum is not conserved due to friction with a substrate or an embedding porous medium. The differences and similarities between two types of orientationally ordered states, the nematic and the polar, are clarified. Next, the active hydrodynamics of suspensions or ``wet'' systems is discussed and the relation with and difference from the dry case, as well as various large-scale instabilities of these nonequilibrium states of matter, are highlighted. Further highlighted are various large-scale instabilities of these nonequilibrium states of matter. Various semimicroscopic derivations of the continuum theory are discussed and connected, highlighting the unifying and generic nature of the continuum model. Throughout the review, the experimental relevance of these theories for describing bacterial swarms and suspensions, the cytoskeleton of living cells, and vibrated granular material is discussed. Promising extensions toward greater realism in specific contexts from cell biology to animal behavior are suggested, and remarks are given on some exotic active-matter analogs. Last, the outlook for a quantitative understanding of active matter, through the interplay of detailed theory with controlled experiments on simplified systems, with living or artificial constituents, is summarized.


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Water is the most important medium through which climate change influences human life. Rising temperatures together with regional changes in precipitation patterns are some of the impacts of climate change that have implications on water availability, frequency and intensity of floods and droughts, soil moisture, water quality, water supply and water demands for irrigation and hydropower generation. In this article we provide an introduction to the emerging field of hydrologic impacts of climate change with a focus on water availability, water quality and irrigation demands. Climate change estimates on regional or local spatial scales are burdened with a considerable amount of uncertainty, stemming from various sources such as climate models, downscaling and hydrological models used in the impact assessments and uncertainty in the downscaling relationships. The present article summarizes the recent advances on uncertainty modeling and regional impacts of climate change for the Mahanadi and Tunga-Bhadra Rivers in India.


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Seasonal studies were carried out from 21 stations, comprising of three zones, of Cochin Estuary, to assess the organic matter quality and trophic status. The hydographical parameters showed significant seasonal variations and nutrients and chlorophylls were generally higher during the monsoon season. However, chemical contamination along with the seasonal limitations of light and nitrogen imposed restrictions on the primary production and as a result, mesotrophic conditions generally prevailed in the water column. The nutrient stoichometries and delta C-13 values of surficial sediments indicated significant allochthonous contribution of organic matter. Irrespective of the higher content of total organic matter, the labile organic matter was very low. Dominance of carbohydrates over lipids and proteins indicated the lower nutritive aspect of the organic matter, and their aged and refractory nature. This, along with higher amount of phytodetritus and the low algal contribution to the biopolymeric carbon corroborated the dominance of allochthonous organic matter and the heterotrophic nature. The spatial and seasonal variations of labile organic components could effectively substantiate the observed shift in the productivity pattern. An alternative ratio, lipids to tannins and lignins, was proposed to ascertain the relative contribution of allochthonous organic matter in the estuary. This study confirmed the efficiency of an integrated biogeochemical approach to establish zones with distinct benthic trophic status associated with different degrees of natural and anthropogenic input. Nevertheless, our results also suggest that the biochemical composition alone could lead to erroneous conclusions in the case of regions that receive enormous amounts of anthropogenic inputs.


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This paper presents an approach to model the expected impacts of climate change on irrigation water demand in a reservoir command area. A statistical downscaling model and an evapotranspiration model are used with a general circulation model (GCM) output to predict the anticipated change in the monthly irrigation water requirement of a crop. Specifically, we quantify the likely changes in irrigation water demands at a location in the command area, as a response to the projected changes in precipitation and evapotranspiration at that location. Statistical downscaling with a canonical correlation analysis is carried out to develop the future scenarios of meteorological variables (rainfall, relative humidity (RH), wind speed (U-2), radiation, maximum (Tmax) and minimum (Tmin) temperatures) starting with simulations provided by a GCM for a specified emission scenario. The medium resolution Model for Interdisciplinary Research on Climate GCM is used with the A1B scenario, to assess the likely changes in irrigation demands for paddy, sugarcane, permanent garden and semidry crops over the command area of Bhadra reservoir, India. Results from the downscaling model suggest that the monthly rainfall is likely to increase in the reservoir command area. RH, Tmax and Tmin are also projected to increase with small changes in U-2. Consequently, the reference evapotranspiration, modeled by the Penman-Monteith equation, is predicted to increase. The irrigation requirements are assessed on monthly scale at nine selected locations encompassing the Bhadra reservoir command area. The irrigation requirements are projected to increase, in most cases, suggesting that the effect of projected increase in rainfall on the irrigation demands is offset by the effect due to projected increase/change in other meteorological variables (viz., Tmax and Tmin, solar radiation, RH and U-2). The irrigation demand assessment study carried out at a river basin will be useful for future irrigation management systems. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Arterial walls have a regular and lamellar organization of elastin present as concentric fenestrated networks in the media. In contrast, elastin networks are longitudinally oriented in layers adjacent to the media. In a previous model exploring the biomechanics of arterial elastin, we had proposed a microstructurally motivated strain energy function modeled using orthotropic material symmetry. Using mechanical experiments, we showed that the neo-Hookean term had a dominant contribution to the overall form of the strain energy function. In contrast, invariants corresponding to the two fiber families had smaller contributions. To extend these investigations, we use biaxial force-controlled experiments to quantify regional variations in the anisotropy and nonlinearity of elastin isolated from bovine aortic tissues proximal and distal to the heart. Results from this study show that tissue nonlinearity significantly increases distal to the heart as compared to proximally located regions (). Distally located samples also have a trend for increased anisotropy (), with the circumferential direction stiffer than the longitudinal, as compared to an isotropic and relatively linear response for proximally located elastin samples. These results are consistent with the underlying tissue histology from proximally located samples that had higher optical density (), fiber thickness (), and trend for lower tortuosity () in elastin fibers as compared to the thinner and highly undulating elastin fibers isolated from distally located samples. Our studies suggest that it is important to consider elastin fiber orientations in investigations that use microstructure-based models to describe the contributions of elastin and collagen to arterial mechanics.


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Visual search in real life involves complex displays with a target among multiple types of distracters, but in the laboratory, it is often tested using simple displays with identical distracters. Can complex search be understood in terms of simple searches? This link may not be straightforward if complex search has emergent properties. One such property is linear separability, whereby search is hard when a target cannot be separated from its distracters using a single linear boundary. However, evidence in favor of linear separability is based on testing stimulus configurations in an external parametric space that need not be related to their true perceptual representation. We therefore set out to assess whether linear separability influences complex search at all. Our null hypothesis was that complex search performance depends only on classical factors such as target-distracter similarity and distracter homogeneity, which we measured using simple searches. Across three experiments involving a variety of artificial and natural objects, differences between linearly separable and nonseparable searches were explained using target-distracter similarity and distracter heterogeneity. Further, simple searches accurately predicted complex search regardless of linear separability (r = 0.91). Our results show that complex search is explained by simple search, refuting the widely held belief that linear separability influences visual search.


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Estimation of design quantiles of hydrometeorological variables at critical locations in river basins is necessary for hydrological applications. To arrive at reliable estimates for locations (sites) where no or limited records are available, various regional frequency analysis (RFA) procedures have been developed over the past five decades. The most widely used procedure is based on index-flood approach and L-moments. It assumes that values of scale and shape parameters of frequency distribution are identical across all the sites in a homogeneous region. In real-world scenario, this assumption may not be valid even if a region is statistically homogeneous. To address this issue, a novel mathematical approach is proposed. It involves (i) identification of an appropriate frequency distribution to fit the random variable being analyzed for homogeneous region, (ii) use of a proposed transformation mechanism to map observations of the variable from original space to a dimensionless space where the form of distribution does not change, and variation in values of its parameters is minimal across sites, (iii) construction of a growth curve in the dimensionless space, and (iv) mapping the curve to the original space for the target site by applying inverse transformation to arrive at required quantile(s) for the site. Effectiveness of the proposed approach (PA) in predicting quantiles for ungauged sites is demonstrated through Monte Carlo simulation experiments considering five frequency distributions that are widely used in RFA, and by case study on watersheds in conterminous United States. Results indicate that the PA outperforms methods based on index-flood approach.


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Light neutralino dark matter can be achieved in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model if staus are rather light, with mass around 100 GeV. We perform a detailed analysis of the relevant supersymmetric parameter space, including also the possibility of light selectons and smuons, and of light higgsino- or wino-like charginos. In addition to the latest limits from direct and indirect detection of dark matter, ATLAS and CMS constraints on electroweak-inos and on sleptons are taken into account using a ``simplified models'' framework. Measurements of the properties of the Higgs boson at 125 GeV, which constrain amongst others the invisible decay of the Higgs boson into a pair of neutralinos, are also implemented in the analysis. We show that viable neutralino dark matter can be achieved for masses as low as 15 GeV. In this case, light charginos close to the LEP bound are required in addition to light right-chiral staus. Significant deviations are observed in the couplings of the 125 GeV Higgs boson. These constitute a promising way to probe the light neutralino dark matter scenario in the next run of the LHC. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.