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The photocatalytic inactivation of Escherischia coli and Pichia Pastoris was studied with combustion synthesized titanium dioxide photocatalysts Three different combustion synthesized (CS) catalysts were used viz CS-TiO2 1% Ag substituted in TiO2 and 1% Ag impregnated in TiO2 All the combustion synthesized catalysts showed higher activity as compared to the activity observed with commercial Degussa P-25 TiO2 The effect of various parameters like catalyst loading different catalysts and initial cell concentration was studied At the optimum loading 1% Ag impregnated TiO2 showed the maximum efficiency and complete inactivation of both the microorganisms was observed within an hour of irradiation The morphology of inactivated cells was studied by inverted microscope and SEM From the images obtained it was hypothesized that damage to the cell wall was the main cause of cell inactivation The initial cell concentration had a prominent effect on the inactivation At a low initial cell concentration the complete inactivation of E cob and P pastoris was observed within 10 and 20 min respectively This shows that P pastoris has a stronger resistance towards photocatalytic inactivation than E cols The inactivation reactions were modeled with power law kinetics The order of reaction in case of E colt and P pastoris were determined as 1 20 and 1 08 respectively (C) 2010 Elsevier B V All rights reserved


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Guanine rich sequences adopt a variety of four stranded structures, which differ in strand orientation and conformation about the glycosidic bond even though they are all stabilised by Hoogsteen hydrogen bonded guanine tetrads. Detailed model building and molecular mechanics calculations have been carried out to investigate various possible conformations of guanines along a strand and different possible orientations of guanine strands in a G-tetraplex structure. It is found that for an oligo G stretch per se, a parallel four stranded structure with all guanines in anti conformation is favoured over other possible tetraplex structures. Hence an alternating syn-anti arrangement of guanines along a strand is likely to occur only in folded back tetraplex structures with antiparallel G strands. Our study provides a theoretical rationale for the observed alternation of glycosidic conformation and the inverted stacking arrangement arising from base flipover, in antiparallel G-tetraplex structures and also highlights the various structural features arising due to different types of strand orientations. The molecular mechanics calculations help in elucidating the various interactions which stabilize different G-tetraplex structures and indicate that screening of phosphate charge by counterions could have a dramatic effect on groove width in these four stranded structures.


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Guanlne rich sequences adopt a variety of four stranded structures, which differ in strand orientation and conformation about the glycosldic bond even though they are all stabilised by Hoogsteen hydrogen bonded guanlne tetrads. Detailed model building and molecular mechanics calculations have been carried out to investigate various possible conformations of guanlnes along a strand and different possible orientations of guanlne strands In a G-tetraplex structure. It is found that for an ollgo G stretch per se, a parallel four stranded structure with all guanines In anti conformation is favoured over other possible tetraplex structures. Hence an alternating syn-anti arrangement of guanlnes along a strand is likely to occur only in folded back tetraplex structures with antiparallel G strands. Our study provides a theoretical rationale for the observed alternation of glycosldic conformation and the inverted stacking arrangement arising from base filpover, In antlparallel G-tetraplex structures and also highlights the various structural features arising due to different types of strand orientations. The molecular mechanics calculations help in elucidating the various interactions which stabilize different G-tetraplex structures and indicate that screening of phosphate charge by counterions could have a dramatic effect on groove width in these four stranded structures.


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The recent development of several organic materials with large nonlinear susceptibilities, high damage threshold and low melting points encouraged researchers to employ these materials in fiber form to efficiently couple diode laser pumps and obtain enhanced second harmonic generation (SHG). In this paper we report the growth of single crystal cored fibers of 4-nitro-4'-methylbenzylidene aniline, ethoxy methoxy chalcone and (-)2-((alpha) -methylbenzylamino)-5- nitropyridine by inverted Bridgman-Stockbarger technique. The fibers were grown in glass capillaries with varying internal diameters and lengths and were characterized using x-ray and polarizing microscope techniques. The propagation loss at 632.8 nm and 1300 nm were measured and SHG was studied using 1064 nm pump.


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This paper is concerned with the dual head-discharge characteristics of a modified chimney weir. It is shown by an optimization procedure that the modified chimney weir having an inward trapezoidal weir over an inverted V-notch can produce discharges proportional to both the logarithm of the head as well as the linear power of the head reckoned independently over two different reference planes, within a prefixed maximum allowable percentage error from the theoretical discharge. A new technique is adopted to optimize the weir parameters, in order to obtain the maximum ranges of measurement under logarithmic, linear as well as combined characteristics. In the case of linear weir it is shown that it is possible to enhance the linearity range of the chimney weir by more than 540% and for a weir with constant indication accuracy by more than 350%. In addition, about 86% of the overall depth of the designed linear weir and over 90% of the logarithmic weir is converted as the corresponding measurable ranges. Experiments with four typical weirs give consistent constant average coefficient of discharge for each weir confirming the theory. The practical application of the weir in minor irrigation, hydraulic and other engineering fields is highlighted.


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The paper reports the failure features observed in low mass repeatedly (pendulum) impacted glass epoxy composites with and without the mid section having either 2-layers or 3-layers of flexible foam. Features such as through width and inclined cracks as well as adhering of foam observed in the experiments are explained. The significance of the foam material in modifying the impact response of the composite is stressed.


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Violin strings are relatively short and stiff and are well modeled by Timoshenko beam theory. We use the static part of the homogeneous differential equation of violin strings to obtain new shape functions for the finite element analysis of rotating Timoshenko beams. For deriving the shape functions, the rotating beam is considered as a sequence of violin strings. The violin string shape functions depend on rotation speed and element position along the beam length and account for centrifugal stiffening effects as well as rotary inertia and shear deformation on dynamic characteristics of rotating Timoshenko beams. Numerical results show that the violin string basis functions perform much better than the conventional polynomials at high rotation speeds and are thus useful for turbo machine applications. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper is devoted to the improvement in the range of operation (linearity range) of chimney weir (consisting of a rectangular weir or vertical slot over an inward trapezium), A new and more elegant optimization procedure is developed to analyse the discharge-head relationship in the weir. It is shown that a rectangular weir placed over an inverted V-notch of depth 0.90d gives the maximum operating range, where d is the overall depth of the inward trapezoidal weir (from the crest to the vertex). For all flows in the rectangular portion, the discharge is proportional to the linear power of the head, h, measured above a reference plane located at 0.292d below the weir crest, in the range 0.90d less than or equal to h less than or equal to 7.474: within a maximum error of +/-1.5% from the theoretical discharge. The optimum range of operation of the newly designed weir is 200% greater than that in the chimney weir designed by Keshava Murthy and Giridhar, and is nearly 950% greater than that in the inverted V-notch. Experiments with two weirs having half crest widths of 0.10 and 0.12 m yield a constant average coefficient of discharge of 0.634 and confirm the theory. The application of the weir in the design of rectangular grit chamber outlet is emphasized, in that the datum for the linear discharge-head relationship is below the crest level of the weir.


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Laminated composite structures are susceptible to damage under impacts with attendant properly degradation. While studies on damage tolerance behaviour are emphasised and the findings reported, the citations correlating impacts with the fracture features are limited. In the present study, therefore, attempts have been made to depict how the transition of the fracture features take place depending on the type and extent of defect introduced onto the carbon-epoxy system. The test specimens were subjected to differing levels of low energy pendulum impacts with a view to have specimens with varying levels of intial impacts history. Into such specimens, additional defect in the form of slits of varying depths were introduced by a mechanical process. The test coupons were then allowed to fail by impact. The fracture surface was studied under scanning electron microscope. The fractographic features that appear, based on the induced/inserted defects, are presented in this paper. It was noticed that the energy absorbed for final fracture could be associated with the defect introduced into the system. It was also observed that the size of the mechanically inserted defect had a significant influence on the features of the fracture surface.


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With the emergence of Internet, the global connectivity of computers has become a reality. Internet has progressed to provide many user-friendly tools like Gopher, WAIS, WWW etc. for information publishing and access. The WWW, which integrates all other access tools, also provides a very convenient means for publishing and accessing multimedia and hypertext linked documents stored in computers spread across the world. With the emergence of WWW technology, most of the information activities are becoming Web-centric. Once the information is published on the Web, a user can access this information from any part of the world. A Web browser like Netscape or Internet Explorer is used as a common user interface for accessing information/databases. This will greatly relieve a user from learning the search syntax of individual information systems. Libraries are taking advantage of these developments to provide access to their resources on the Web. CDS/ISIS is a very popular bibliographic information management software used in India. In this tutorial we present details of integrating CDS/ISIS with the WWW. A number of tools are now available for making CDS/ISIS database accessible on the Internet/Web. Some of these are 1) the WAIS_ISIS Server. 2) the WWWISIS Server 3) the IQUERY Server. In this tutorial, we have explained in detail the steps involved in providing Web access to an existing CDS/ISIS database using the freely available software, WWWISIS. This software is developed, maintained and distributed by BIREME, the Latin American & Caribbean Centre on Health Sciences Information. WWWISIS acts as a server for CDS/ISIS databases in a WWW client/server environment. It supports functions for searching, formatting and data entry operations over CDS/ISIS databases. WWWISIS is available for various operating systems. We have tested this software on Windows '95, Windows NT and Red Hat Linux release 5.2 (Appolo) Kernel 2. 0. 36 on an i686. The testing was carried out using IISc's main library's OPAC containing more than 80,000 records and Current Contents issues (bibliographic data) containing more than 25,000 records. WWWISIS is fully compatible with CDS/ISIS 3.07 file structure. However, on a system running Unix or its variant, there is no guarantee of this compatibility. It is therefore safe to recreate the master and the inverted files, using utilities provided by BIREME, under Unix environment.


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To realistically simulate the motion of flexible objects such as ropes, strings, snakes, or human hair,one strategy is to discretise the object into a large number of small rigid links connected by rotary or spherical joints. The discretised system is highly redundant and the rotations at the joints (or the motion of the other links) for a desired Cartesian motion of the end of a link cannot be solved uniquely. In this paper, we propose a novel strategy to resolve the redundancy in such hyper-redundant systems.We make use of the classical tractrix curve and its attractive features. For a desired Cartesian motion of the `head'of a link, the `tail' of the link is moved according to a tractrix,and recursively all links of the discretised objects are moved along different tractrix curves. We show that the use of a tractrix curve leads to a more `natural' motion of the entire object since the motion is distributed uniformly along the entire object with the displacements tending to diminish from the `head' to the `tail'. We also show that the computation of the motion of the links can be done in real time since it involves evaluation of simple algebraic, trigonometric and hyperbolic functions. The strategy is illustrated by simulations of a snake, tying of knots with a rope and a solution of the inverse kinematics of a planar hyper-redundant manipulator.


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The boxicity of a graph H, denoted by box(H), is the minimum integer k such that H is an intersection graph of axis-parallel k-dimensional boxes in R(k). In this paper we show that for a line graph G of a multigraph, box(G) <= 2 Delta (G)(inverted right perpendicularlog(2) log(2) Delta(G)inverted left perpendicular + 3) + 1, where Delta(G) denotes the maximum degree of G. Since G is a line graph, Delta(G) <= 2(chi (G) - 1), where chi (G) denotes the chromatic number of G, and therefore, box(G) = 0(chi (G) log(2) log(2) (chi (G))). For the d-dimensional hypercube Q(d), we prove that box(Q(d)) >= 1/2 (inverted right perpendicularlog(2) log(2) dinverted left perpendicular + 1). The question of finding a nontrivial lower bound for box(Q(d)) was left open by Chandran and Sivadasan in [L. Sunil Chandran, Naveen Sivadasan, The cubicity of Hypercube Graphs. Discrete Mathematics 308 (23) (2008) 5795-5800]. The above results are consequences of bounds that we obtain for the boxicity of a fully subdivided graph (a graph that can be obtained by subdividing every edge of a graph exactly once). (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Phase pure wurtzite GaN films were grown on Si (100) substrates by introducing a silicon nitride layer followed by low temperature GaN growth as buffer layers. GaN films grown directly on Si (100) were found to be phase mixtured, containing both cubic (beta) and hexagonal (alpha) modifications. The x-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy studies reveal that the significant enhancement in the structural as well as in the optical properties of GaN films grown with silicon nitride buffer layer grown at 800 degrees C when compared to the samples grown in the absence of silicon nitride buffer layer and with silicon nitride buffer layer grown at 600 degrees C. Core-level photoelectron spectroscopy of Si(x)N(y) layers reveals the sources for superior qualities of GaN epilayers grown with the high temperature substrate nitridation process. The discussion has been carried out on the typical inverted rectification behavior exhibited by n-GaN/p-Si heterojunctions. Considerable modulation in the transport mechanism was observed with the nitridation conditions. The heterojunction fabricated with the sample of substrate nitridation at high temperature exhibited superior rectifying nature with reduced trap concentrations. Lowest ideality factors (similar to 1.5) were observed in the heterojunctions grown with high temperature substrate nitridation which is attributed to the recombination tunneling at the space charge region transport mechanism at lower voltages and at higher voltages space charge limited current conduction is the dominating transport mechanism. Whereas, thermally generated carrier tunneling and recombination tunneling are the dominating transport mechanisms in the heterojunctions grown without substrate nitridation and low temperature substrate nitridation, respectively. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3658867]


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The rainbow connection number, rc(G), of a connected graph G is the minimum number of colors needed to color its edges, so that every pair of vertices is connected by at least one path in which no two edges are colored the same. Our main result is that rc(G) <= inverted right perpendicularn/2inverted left perpendicular for any 2-connected graph with at least three vertices. We conjecture that rc(G) <= n/kappa + C for a kappa-connected graph G of order n, where C is a constant, and prove the conjecture for certain classes of graphs. We also prove that rc(G) < (2 + epsilon)n/kappa + 23/epsilon(2) for any epsilon > 0.


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The smooth DMS-FEM, recently proposed by the authors, is extended and applied to the geometrically nonlinear and ill-posed problem of a deformed and wrinkled/slack membrane. A key feature of this work is that three-dimensional nonlinear elasticity equations corresponding to linear momentum balance, without any dimensional reduction and the associated approximations, directly serve as the membrane governing equations. Domain discretization is performed with triangular prism elements and the higher order (C1 or more) interelement continuity of the shape functions ensures that the errors arising from possible jumps in the first derivatives of the conventional C0 shape functions do not propagate because the ill-conditioned tangent stiffness matrices are iteratively inverted. The present scheme employs no regularization and exhibits little sensitivity to h-refinement. Although the numerically computed deformed membrane profiles do show some sensitivity to initial imperfections (nonplanarity) in the membrane profile needed to initiate transverse deformations, the overall patterns of the wrinkles and the deformed shapes appear to be less so. Finally, the deformed profiles, computed through the DMS FEM-based weak formulation, are compared with those obtained through an experiment on an ultrathin Kapton membrane, wherein wrinkles form because of the applied boundary displacement conditions. Comparisons with a reported experiment on a rectangular membrane are also provided. These exercises lend credence to the feasibility of the DMS FEM-based numerical route to computing post-wrinkled membrane shapes. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.