234 resultados para Pulse Width Modulation


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Before installation, a voltage source converter is usually subjected to heat-run test to verify its thermal design and performance under load. For heat-run test, the converter needs to be operated at rated voltage and rated current for a substantial length of time. Hence, such tests consume huge amount of energy in case of high-power converters. Also, the capacities of the source and loads available in the research and development (R&D) centre or the production facility could be inadequate to conduct such tests. This paper proposes a method to conduct heat-run tests on high-power, pulse width modulated (PWM) converters with low energy consumption. The experimental set-up consists of the converter under test and another converter (of similar or higher rating), both connected in parallel on the ac side and open on the dc side. Vector-control or synchronous reference frame control is employed to control the converters such that one draws certain amount of reactive power and the other supplies the same; only the system losses are drawn from the mains. The performance of the controller is validated through simulation and experiments. Experimental results, pertaining to heat-run tests on a high-power PWM converter, are presented at power levels of 25 kVA to 150 kVA.


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Photoacoustic/thermoacoustic imaging is an emerging hybrid imaging modality combining optical/microwave imaging with ultrasound imaging. The photoacoustic/thermoacoustic signal generated are affected by the nature of excitation pulse waveform, pulse width, target object size, transducer size etc. In this study k-wave was used to simulate various configurations of excitation pulse, transducer types, and target object sizes and to see their effect on the photoacoustic/thermoacoustic signals. Numerical blood vessel phantom was also used to see the effect of various pulse waveform and excitation pulse width on the reconstructed images. This study will help in optimizing transducer design and reconstruction methods to obtain the superior reconstructed image.


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Photoacoustic/thermoacoustic tomography is an emerging hybrid imaging modality combining optical/microwave imaging with ultrasound imaging. Here, a k-wave MATLAB toolbox was used to simulate various configurations of excitation pulse shape, width, transducer types, and target object sizes to see their effect on the photoacoustic/thermoacoustic signals. A numerical blood vessel phantom was also used to demonstrate the effect of various excitation pulse waveforms and pulse widths on the reconstructed images. Reconstructed images were blurred due to the broadening of the pressure waves by the excitation pulse width as well as by the limited transducer bandwidth. The blurring increases with increase in pulse width. A deconvolution approach is presented here with Tikhonov regularization to correct the photoacoustic/thermoacoustic signals, which resulted in improved reconstructed images by reducing the blurring effect. It is observed that the reconstructed images remain unaffected by change in pulse widths or pulse shapes, as well as by the limited bandwidth of the ultrasound detectors after the use of the deconvolution technique. (C) 2013 Optical Society of America


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Modern pulse-width-modulated (PWM) rectifiers use LC L filters that can be applied in both the common mode and differential mode to obtain high-performance filtering. Interaction between the passive L and C components in the filter leads to resonance oscillations. These oscillations need to be damped either by the passive damping or active damping. The passive damping increases power loss and can reduce the effectiveness of the filter. Methods of active damping, using control strategy, are lossless while maintaining the effectiveness of the filters. In this paper, an active damping strategy is proposed to damp the oscillations in both line-to-line and line-to-ground. An approach based on pole placement by the state feedback is used to actively damp both the differential-and common-mode filter oscillations. Analytical expressions for the state-feedback controller gains are derived for both continuous and discrete-time model of the filter. Tradeoff in selection of the active damping gain on the lower order power converter harmonics is analyzed using a weighted admittance function. Experimental results on a 10-kVA laboratory prototype PWM rectifier are presented. The results validate the effectiveness of the active damping method, and the tradeoff in the settings of the damping gain.


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Doppler weather radars with fast scanning rates must estimate spectral moments based on a small number of echo samples. This paper concerns the estimation of mean Doppler velocity in a coherent radar using a short complex time series. Specific results are presented based on 16 samples. A wide range of signal-to-noise ratios are considered, and attention is given to ease of implementation. It is shown that FFT estimators fare poorly in low SNR and/or high spectrum-width situations. Several variants of a vector pulse-pair processor are postulated and an algorithm is developed for the resolution of phase angle ambiguity. This processor is found to be better than conventional processors at very low SNR values. A feasible approximation to the maximum entropy estimator is derived as well as a technique utilizing the maximization of the periodogram. It is found that a vector pulse-pair processor operating with four lags for clear air observation and a single lag (pulse-pair mode) for storm observation may be a good way to estimate Doppler velocities over the entire gamut of weather phenomena.


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The effect of Raman scattering on co-propagation of two short optical pulses is considered. The intra pulse Raman scattering causes the self-frequency shift of each pulse. The effect of the inter pulse Raman scattering is to enhance the frequency shift while the stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) term suppresses (enhances) the frequency shift if the center frequency difference between the optical pulses falls to the right (left) of the Raman gain peak. An expression for the frequency shift as a function of the propagation distance is obtained.


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The unsteady incompressible viscous fluid flow between two parallel infinite disks which are located at a distance h(t*) at time t* has been studied. The upper disk moves towards the lower disk with velocity h'(t*). The lower disk is porous and rotates with angular velocity Omega(t*). A magnetic field B(t*) is applied perpendicular to the two disks. It has been found that the governing Navier-Stokes equations reduce to a set of ordinary differential equations if h(t*), a(t*) and B(t*) vary with time t* in a particular manner, i.e. h(t*) = H(1 - alpha t*)(1/2), Omega(t*) = Omega(0)(1 - alpha t*)(-1), B(t*) = B-0(1 - alpha t*)(-1/2). These ordinary differential equations have been solved numerically using a shooting method. For small Reynolds numbers, analytical solutions have been obtained using a regular perturbation technique. The effects of squeeze Reynolds numbers, Hartmann number and rotation of the disk on the flow pattern, normal force or load and torque have been studied in detail


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Four new hybrid (bolaphile/amphiphile) ion-pairs were synthesized. Electron microscopy indicated that each of these forms bilayer membranes upon dispersion in aqueous media. Membrane properties have also been examined by differential scanning calorimetry, microcalorimetry, temperature-dependent fluorescence anisotropy measurements, and UV-vis spectroscopy. The T-m values for the vesicular 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 were 38, 12, 85, 31.3, and 41.6 degrees C, respectively. Interestingly the T-m values for 1 and 3 were found to depend on their concentration. The entrapment of small solute and the release capability have also been examined to demonstrate that these bilayers form enclosed vesicles. X-ray diffraction of the cast films has been performed to understand the nature and the thickness of these membrane organizations. The membrane widths ranged from 33 to 47 Angstrom. Finally, the above observations have been analyzed in light of the results obtained from molecular modeling studies. Thus we have demonstrated that membrane properties can be modulated by simple structural changes at the amphiphile level. It was shown that by judicious incorporation of central, isomeric, disubstituted aromatic units as structural anchors into different bolaphiles, one can modulate the properties of the resulting vesicles.


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Experiments in spintronics necessarily involve the detection of spin polarization. The sensitivity of this detection becomes an important factor to consider when extending the low temperature studies on semiconductor spintronic devices to room temperature, where the spin signal is weaker. In pump-probe experiments, which optically inject and detect spins, the sensitivity is often improved by using a photoelastic modulator (PEM) for lock-in detection. However, spurious signals can arise if diode lasers are used as optical sources in such experiments, along with a PEM. In this work, we eliminated the spurious electromagnetic coupling of the PEM onto the probe diode laser, by the double modulation technique. We also developed a test for spurious modulated interference in the pump-probe signal, due to the PEM. Besides, an order of magnitude enhancement in the sensitivity of detection of spin polarization by Kerr rotation, to 3x10(-8) rad was obtained by using the concept of Allan variance to optimally average the time series data over a period of 416 s. With these improvements, we are able to experimentally demonstrate at room temperature, photoinduced steady-state spin polarization in bulk GaAs. Thus, the advances reported here facilitate the use of diode lasers with a PEM for sensitive pump-probe experiments. They also constitute a step toward detection of spin-injection in Si at room temperature.


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Double-diffusive finger convection occurs in many natural processes.The theories for double-diffusive phenomena that exist at present consider systems with linear stratification in temperature and salinity. The double-diffusive systems with step change in salinity and temperature are, however, not amenable to simple stability analysis. Hence factors that control the width of the finger, velocity, and fluxes in systems that have step change in temperature and salinity have not been understood so far. In this paper we provide new physical insight regarding factors that influence finger convection in two-layer double-diffusive system through two-dimensional numerical simulations. Simulations have been carried out for density stability ratios (R-rho) from 1.5 to 10. For each density stability ratio, the thermal Rayleigh number (Ra-T) has been systematically varied from 7x10(3) to 7x10(8). Results from these simulations show how finger width, velocity, and flux ratios in finger convection are interrelated and the influence of governing parameters such as density stability ratio and the thermal Rayleigh number. The width of the incipient fingers at the time of onset of instability has been shown to vary as Ra-T-1/3. Velocity in the finger varies as Ra(T)1/3/R-rho. Results from simulation agree with the scale analysis presented in the paper. Our results demonstrate that wide fingers have lower velocities and flux ratios compared to those in narrow fingers. This result contradicts present notions about the relation between finger width and flux ratio. A counterflow heat-exchanger analogy is used in understanding the dependence of flux ratio on finger width and velocity.


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DNA obtained from a human sputum isolate of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, NTI-64719, which showed extensive dissemination in the guinea pig model resulting in a high score for virulence was used to construct an expression library in the lambda ZAP vector. The size of DNA inserts in the library ranged from 1 to 3 kb, and recombinants represented 60% of the total plaques obtained. When probed with pooled serum from chronically infected tuberculosis patients, the library yielded 176 recombinants with a range of signal intensities. Among these, 93 recombinants were classified into 12 groups on the basis of DNA hybridization experiments, The polypeptides synthesized by the recombinants were predominantly LacZ fusion proteins, Serum obtained from patients who were clinically diagnosed to be in the early phase of M. tuberculosis infection was used to probe the 176 recombinants obtained. interestingly, some recombinants that gave very strong signals in the original screen did not react with early-phase serum; conversely, others whose signals were extremely weak in the original screen gave very intense signals with serum from recently infected patients, This indicates the differential nature of either the expression of these antigens or the immune response elicited by them as a function of disease progression.


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Low-temperature electroluminescence (EL) is observed in n-type modulation-doped AlGaAs/InGaAs/GaAs quantum well samples by applying a positive voltage between the semitransparent Au gate and alloyed Au–Ge Ohmic contacts made on the top surface of the samples. We attribute impact ionization in the InGaAs QW to the observed EL from the samples. A redshift in the EL spectra is observed with increasing gate bias. The observed redshift in the EL spectra is attributed to the band gap renormalization due to many-body effects and quantum-confined Stark effect.


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The theory for time-resolved, pump-probe, photoemission spectroscopy and other pump-probe experiments is developed. The formal development is completely general, incorporating all of the nonequilibrium effects of the pump pulse and the finite time width of the probe pulse, and including possibilities for taking into account band structure and matrix element effects, surface states, and the interaction of the photoexcited electrons with the system leading to corrections to the sudden approximation. We also illustrate the effects of windowing that arise from the finite width of the probe pulse in a simple model system by assuming the quasiequilibrium approximation.


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An inexpensive and simple circuit to aid the direct measurement of majority carrier capture cross sections of impurity levels in the band gap of a semiconductor by the variable width filling pulse technique is presented. With proper synchronisation, during the period of application of the pulse, the device is disconnected from the capacitance meter to avoid distortion of the pulse and is reconnected again to the meter to record the emission transient. Modes of operation include manual triggering for long emission transients, repetitive triggering for isothermal and DLTS measurements and the DLTS mode which is to be used with signal analysers that already provide a synchronising pulse for disconnection.


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In this work, we theoretically examine recent pump/probe photoemission experiments on the strongly correlated charge-density-wave insulator TaS2.We describe the general nonequilibrium many-body formulation of time-resolved photoemission in the sudden approximation, and then solve the problem using dynamical mean-field theory with the numerical renormalization group and a bare density of states calculated from density functional theory including the charge-density-wave distortion of the ion cores and spin-orbit coupling. We find a number of interesting results: (i) the bare band structure actually has more dispersion in the perpendicular direction than in the two-dimensional planes; (ii) the DMFT approach can produce upper and lower Hubbard bands that resemble those in the experiment, but the upper bands will overlap in energy with other higher energy bands; (iii) the effect of the finite width of the probe pulse is minimal on the shape of the photoemission spectra; and (iv) the quasiequilibrium approximation does not fully describe the behavior in this system.