69 resultados para Pore dimension


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Let where be a set of points in d-dimensional space with a given metric rho. For a point let r (p) be the distance of p with respect to rho from its nearest neighbor in Let B(p,r (p) ) be the open ball with respect to rho centered at p and having the radius r (p) . We define the sphere-of-influence graph (SIG) of as the intersection graph of the family of sets Given a graph G, a set of points in d-dimensional space with the metric rho is called a d-dimensional SIG-representation of G, if G is isomorphic to the SIG of It is known that the absence of isolated vertices is a necessary and sufficient condition for a graph to have a SIG-representation under the L (a)-metric in some space of finite dimension. The SIG-dimension under the L (a)-metric of a graph G without isolated vertices is defined to be the minimum positive integer d such that G has a d-dimensional SIG-representation under the L (a)-metric. It is denoted by SIG (a)(G). We study the SIG-dimension of trees under the L (a)-metric and almost completely answer an open problem posed by Michael and Quint (Discrete Appl Math 127:447-460, 2003). Let T be a tree with at least two vertices. For each let leaf-degree(v) denote the number of neighbors of v that are leaves. We define the maximum leaf-degree as leaf-degree(x). Let leaf-degree{(v) = alpha}. If |S| = 1, we define beta(T) = alpha(T) - 1. Otherwise define beta(T) = alpha(T). We show that for a tree where beta = beta (T), provided beta is not of the form 2 (k) - 1, for some positive integer k a parts per thousand yen 1. If beta = 2 (k) - 1, then We show that both values are possible.


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The product dimension of a graph G is defined as the minimum natural number l such that G is an induced subgraph of a direct product of l complete graphs. In this paper we study the product dimension of forests, bounded treewidth graphs and k-degenerate graphs. We show that every forest on n vertices has product dimension at most 1.441 log n + 3. This improves the best known upper bound of 3 log n for the same due to Poljak and Pultr. The technique used in arriving at the above bound is extended and combined with a well-known result on the existence of orthogonal Latin squares to show that every graph on n vertices with treewidth at most t has product dimension at most (t + 2) (log n + 1). We also show that every k-degenerate graph on n vertices has product dimension at most inverted right perpendicular5.545 k log ninverted left perpendicular + 1. This improves the upper bound of 32 k log n for the same by Eaton and Rodl.


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We study consistency properties of surrogate loss functions for general multiclass classification problems, defined by a general loss matrix. We extend the notion of classification calibration, which has been studied for binary and multiclass 0-1 classification problems (and for certain other specific learning problems), to the general multiclass setting, and derive necessary and sufficient conditions for a surrogate loss to be classification calibrated with respect to a loss matrix in this setting. We then introduce the notion of \emph{classification calibration dimension} of a multiclass loss matrix, which measures the smallest `size' of a prediction space for which it is possible to design a convex surrogate that is classification calibrated with respect to the loss matrix. We derive both upper and lower bounds on this quantity, and use these results to analyze various loss matrices. In particular, as one application, we provide a different route from the recent result of Duchi et al.\ (2010) for analyzing the difficulty of designing `low-dimensional' convex surrogates that are consistent with respect to pairwise subset ranking losses. We anticipate the classification calibration dimension may prove to be a useful tool in the study and design of surrogate losses for general multiclass learning problems.


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In this paper, we propose a cooperative particle swarm optimization (CPSO) based channel estimation/equalization scheme for multiple-input multiple-output zero-padded single-carrier (MIMO-ZPSC) systems with large dimensions in frequency selective channels. We estimate the channel state information at the receiver in time domain using a PSO based algorithm during training phase. Using the estimated channel, we perform information symbol detection in the frequency domain using FFT based processing. For this detection, we use a low complexity OLA (OverLap Add) likelihood ascent search equalizer which uses minimum mean square (MMSE) equalizer solution as the initial solution. Multiple iterations between channel estimation and data detection are carried out which significantly improves the mean square error and bit error rate performance of the receiver.


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Pore-forming toxins are known for their ability to efficiently form transmembrane pores which eventually leads to cell lysis. The dynamics of lysis and underlying self-assembly or oligomerization pathways leading to pore formation are incompletely understood. In this manuscript the pore-forming kinetics and lysis dynamics of Cytolysin-A (ClyA) toxins on red blood cells (RBCs) are quantified and compared with experimental lysis data. Lysis experiments are carried out on a fixed mass of RBCs, under isotonic conditions in phosphate-buffered saline, for different initial toxin concentrations ranging from 2.94-14.7 nM. Kinetic models which account for monomer binding, conformation and oligomerization to form the dodecameric ClyA pore complex are developed and lysis is assumed to occur when the number of pores per RBC (n(p)) exceeds a critical number, n(pc). By analysing the model in a sublytic regime (n(p) < n(pc)) the number of pores per RBC to initiate lysis is found to lie between 392 and 768 for the sequential oligomerization mechanism and between 5300 and 6300 for the non-sequential mechanism. Rupture rates which are first order in the number of RBCs are seen to provide the best agreement with the lysis experiments. The time constants for pore formation are estimated to lie between 1 and 20 s and monomer conformation time scales were found to be 2-4 times greater than the oligomerization times. Cell rupture takes places in 100s of seconds, and occurs predominantly with a steady number of pores ranging from 515 to 11 000 on the RBC surface for the sequential mechanism. Both the sequential irreversible and non-sequential kinetics provide similar predictions of the hemoglobin release dynamics, however the hemoglobin released as a function of the toxin concentration was accurately captured only with the sequential model. Each mechanism develops a distinct distribution of mers on the surface, providing a unique experimentally observable fingerprint to identify the underlying oligomerization pathways. Our study offers a method to quantify the extent and dynamics of lysis which is an important aspect of developing novel drug and gene delivery strategies based on pore-forming toxins.


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Pore forming toxins are being classified in the protein community based on their ability of forming pores in living cell membranes. Some initial study has apparently pointed out the crystallographic pathway rather can be viewed as a structural as well as morphological changes of proteins in terms of self assembly before and during the pore formation process in surfactant medium. Being a water soluble compound, it changes its conformation and originates some pre-pore complex, which later partially goes inside the cell membrane causing a pore. The physical mechanism for this whole process is still unknown. In this study we have tried to understand these types of biological processes from physical point of view by using supported lipid bilayer as a model system.


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A new delaminated composite beam element is formulated for Timoshenko as well as Euler-Bernoulli beam models. Shape functions are derived from Timoshenko functions; this provides a unified formulation for slender to moderately deep beam analyses. The element is simple and easy to implement, results are on par with those from free mode delamination models. Katz fractal dimension method is applied on the mode shapes obtained from finite element models, to detect the delamination in the beam. The effect of finite element size on fractal dimension method of delamination detection is quantified.


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Mitochondria have a central role in the intrinsic pathway of apoptosis and involve activation of several transmembrane channels leading to release of death factors. Reduced expression of a mitochondrial J-protein DnaJC15 was associated with the development of chemoresistance in ovarian cancer cells. DnaJC15 was found to be a part of mitochondrial protein-transport machinery, though its connection with cell death mechanisms is still unclear. In the present study, we have provided evidence towards a novel function of DnaJC15 in regulation of mitochondrial permeability transition pore (MPTP) complex in normal and cancer cells. Overexpression of DnaJC15 resulted in MPTP opening and induction of apoptosis, whereas reduced amount of protein suppressed MPTP activation, upon cisplatin treatment. DnaJC15 was found to exert its proapoptotic function through the essential component of MPTP, cyclophilin D (CypD). Our results reveal a specific role of DnaJC15 in recruitment and coupling of CypD with mitochondrial permeability transition. In summary, our analysis provides first-time insights on the functional connection between mitochondrial inner membrane protein translocation machinery-associated J-protein DnaJC15 and regulation of cell death pathways.


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Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) are very selective filters that sit on the membrane of the nucleus and monitor the transport between the cytoplasm and the nucleoplasm. For the central plug of NPC two models have been suggested in the literature. The first suggests that the plug is a reversible hydrogel while the other suggests that it is a polymer brush. Here we propose a model for the transport of a protein through the plug, which is general enough to cover both the models. The protein stretches the plug and creates a local deformation, which together with the protein, we refer to as the bubble. We start with the free energy for creation of the bubble and consider its motion within the plug. The relevant coordinate is the center of the bubble which executes random walk. We find that for faster relaxation of the gel, the diffusion of the bubble is greater. (C) 2014 Elsevier-B.V. All rights reserved.


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A mathematical model is developed to simulate the transport and deposition of virus-sized colloids in a cylindrical pore throat considering various processes such as advection, diffusion, colloid-collector surface interactions and hydrodynamic wall effects. The pore space is divided into three different regions, namely, bulk, diffusion and potential regions, based on the dominant processes acting in each of these regions. In the bulk region, colloid transport is governed by advection and diffusion whereas in the diffusion region, colloid mobility due to diffusion is retarded by hydrodynamic wall effects. Colloid-collector interaction forces dominate the transport in the potential region where colloid deposition occurs. The governing equations are non-dimensionalized and solved numerically. A sensitivity analysis indicates that the virus-sized colloid transport and deposition is significantly affected by various pore-scale parameters such as the surface potentials on colloid and collector, ionic strength of the solution, flow velocity, pore size and colloid size. The adsorbed concentration and hence, the favorability of the surface for adsorption increases with: (i) decreasing magnitude and ratio of surface potentials on colloid and collector, (ii) increasing ionic strength and (iii) increasing pore radius. The adsorbed concentration increases with increasing Pe, reaching a maximum value at Pe = 0.1 and then decreases thereafter. Also, the colloid size significantly affects particle deposition with the adsorbed concentration increasing with increasing particle radius, reaching a maximum value at a particle radius of 100 nm and then decreasing with increasing radius. System hydrodynamics is found to have a greater effect on larger particles than on smaller ones. The secondary minimum contribution to particle deposition has been found to increase as the favorability of the surface for adsorption decreases. The sensitivity of the model to a given parameter will be high if the conditions are favorable for adsorption. The results agree qualitatively with the column-scale experimental observations available in the literature. The current model forms the building block in upscaling colloid transport from pore scale to Darcy scale using Pore-Network Modeling. (C) 2014 Elsevier By. All rights reserved.


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Let G = -Delta(xi) - vertical bar xi vertical bar(2) partial derivative(2)/partial derivative eta(2) be the Grushin operator on R-n x R. We prove that the Riesz transforms associated to this operator are bounded on L-p(Rn+1), 1 < p < infinity, and their norms are independent of dimension n.


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Fractal dimension based damage detection method is investigated for a composite plate with random material properties. Composite material shows spatially varying random material properties because of complex manufacturing processes. Matrix cracks are considered as damage in the composite plate. Such cracks are often seen as the initial damage mechanism in composites under fatigue loading and also occur due to low velocity impact. Static deflection of the cantilevered composite plate with uniform loading is calculated using the finite element method. Damage detection is carried out based on sliding window fractal dimension operator using the static deflection. Two dimensional homogeneous Gaussian random field is generated using Karhunen-Loeve (KL) expansion to represent the spatial variation of composite material property. The robustness of fractal dimension based damage detection method is demonstrated considering the composite material properties as a two dimensional random field.