61 resultados para Patch retangular


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This paper presents a unified framework using the unit cube for measurement, representation and usage of the range of motion (ROM) of body joints with multiple degrees of freedom (d.o.f) to be used for digital human models (DHM). Traditional goniometry needs skill and kn owledge; it is intrusive and has limited applicability for multi-d.o.f. joints. Measurements using motion capture systems often involve complicated mathematics which itself need validation. In this paper we use change of orientation as the measure of rotation; this definition does not require the identification of any fixed axis of rotation. A two-d.o.f. joint ROM can be represented as a Gaussian map. Spherical polygon representation of ROM, though popular, remains inaccurate, vulnerable due to singularities on parametric sphere and difficult to use for point classification. The unit cube representation overcomes these difficulties. In the work presented here, electromagnetic trackers have been effectively used for measuring the relative orientation of a body segment of interest with respect to another body segment. The orientation is then mapped on a surface gridded cube. As the body segment is moved, the grid cells visited are identified and visualized. Using the visual display as a feedback, the subject is instructed to cover as many grid cells as he can. In this way we get a connected patch of contiguous grid cells. The boundary of this patch represents the active ROM of the concerned joint. The tracker data is converted into the motion of a direction aligned with the axis of the segment and a rotation about this axis later on. The direction identifies the grid cells on the cube and rotation about the axis is represented as a range and visualized using color codes. Thus the present methodology provides a simple, intuitive and accura te determination and representation of up to 3 d.o.f. joints. Basic results are presented for the shoulder. The measurement scheme to be used for wrist and neck, and approach for estimation of the statistical distribution of ROM for a given population are also discussed.


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This paper illustrates a Wavelet Coefficient based approach using experiments to understand the sensitivity of ultrasonic signals due to parametric variation of a crack configuration in a metal plate. A PZT patch sensor/actuator system integrated to a metal plate with through-thickness crack is used. The proposed approach uses piezoelectric patches, which can be used to both actuate and sense the ultrasonic signals. While this approach leads to more flexibility and reduced cost for larger scalability of the sensor/actuator network, the complexity of the signals increases as compared to what is encountered in conventional ultrasonic NDE problems using selective wave modes. A Damage Index (DI) has been introduced, which is function of wavelet coefficient. Experiments have been carried out for various crack sizes, crack orientations and band-limited tone-burst signal through FIR filter. For a 1 cm long crack interrogated with 20 kHz tone-burst signal, the Damage Index (DI) for the horizontal crack orientation increases by about 70% with respect to that for 135 degrees oriented crack and it increases by about 33% with respect to the vertically oriented crack. The detailed results reported in this paper is a step forward to developing computational schemes for parametric identification of damage using sensor/actuator network and ultrasonic wave.


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The subiculum, a para-hippocampal structure positioned between the cornu ammonis 1 subfield and the entorhinal cortex, has been implicated in temporal lobe epilepsy in human patients and in animal models of epilepsy. The structure is characterized by the presence of a significant population of burst firing neurons that has been shown previously to lead epileptiform activity locally. Phase transitions in epileptiform activity in neurons following a prolonged challenge with an epileptogenic stimulus has been shown in other brain structures, but not in the subiculum. Considering the importance of the subicular burst firing neurons in the propagation of epileptiform activity to the entorhinal cortex, we have explored the phenomenon of phase transitions in the burst firing neurons of the subiculum in an in vitro rat brain slice model of epileptogenesis. Whole-cell patch-clamp and extracellular field recordings revealed a distinct phenomenon in the subiculum wherein an early hyperexcitable state was followed by a late suppressed state upon continuous perfusion with epileptogenic 4-aminopyridine and magnesium-free medium. The suppressed state was characterized by inhibitory post-synaptic potentials in pyramidal excitatory neurons and bursting activity in local fast-spiking interneurons at a frequency of 0.1-0.8Hz. The inhibitory post-synaptic potentials were mediated by GABA(A) receptors that coincided with excitatory synaptic inputs to attenuate action potential discharge. These inhibitory post-synaptic potentials ceased following a cut between the cornu ammonis 1 and subiculum. The suppression of epileptiform activity in the subiculum thus represents a homeostatic response towards the induced hyperexcitability. Our results suggest the importance of feedforward inhibition in exerting this homeostatic control.


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Narrowband spectrograms of voiced speech can be modeled as an outcome of two-dimensional (2-D) modulation process. In this paper, we develop a demodulation algorithm to estimate the 2-D amplitude modulation (AM) and carrier of a given spectrogram patch. The demodulation algorithm is based on the Riesz transform, which is a unitary, shift-invariant operator and is obtained as a 2-D extension of the well known 1-D Hilbert transform operator. Existing methods for spectrogram demodulation rely on extension of sinusoidal demodulation method from the communications literature and require precise estimate of the 2-D carrier. On the other hand, the proposed method based on Riesz transform does not require a carrier estimate. The proposed method and the sinusoidal demodulation scheme are tested on real speech data. Experimental results show that the demodulated AM and carrier from Riesz demodulation represent the spectrogram patch more accurately compared with those obtained using the sinusoidal demodulation. The signal-to-reconstruction error ratio was found to be about 2 to 6 dB higher in case of the proposed demodulation approach.


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Yaw rate of a vehicle is highly influenced by the lateral forces generated at the tire contact patch to attain the desired lateral acceleration, and/or by external disturbances resulting from factors such as crosswinds, flat tire or, split-μ braking. The presence of the latter and the insufficiency of the former may lead to undesired yaw motion of a vehicle. This paper proposes a steer-by-wire system based on fuzzy logic as yaw-stability controller for a four-wheeled road vehicle with active front steering. The dynamics governing the yaw behavior of the vehicle has been modeled in MATLAB/Simulink. The fuzzy controller receives the yaw rate error of the vehicle and the steering signal given by the driver as inputs and generates an additional steering angle as output which provides the corrective yaw moment. The results of simulations with various drive input signals show that the yaw stability controller using fuzzy logic proposed in the current study has a good performance in situations involving unexpected yaw motion. The yaw rate errors of a vehicle having the proposed controller are notably smaller than an uncontrolled vehicle's, and the vehicle having the yaw stability controller recovers lateral distance and desired yaw rate more quickly than the uncontrolled vehicle.


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This paper proposes an optical flow algorithm by adapting Approximate Nearest Neighbor Fields (ANNF) to obtain a pixel level optical flow between image sequence. Patch similarity based coherency is performed to refine the ANNF maps. Further improvement in mapping between the two images are obtained by fusing bidirectional ANNF maps between pair of images. Thus a highly accurate pixel level flow is obtained between the pair of images. Using pyramidal cost optimization, the pixel level optical flow is further optimized to a sub-pixel level. The proposed approach is evaluated on the middlebury dataset and the performance obtained is comparable with the state of the art approaches. Furthermore, the proposed approach can be used to compute large displacement optical flow as evaluated using MPI Sintel dataset.


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Visual tracking is an important task in various computer vision applications including visual surveillance, human computer interaction, event detection, video indexing and retrieval. Recent state of the art sparse representation (SR) based trackers show better robustness than many of the other existing trackers. One of the issues with these SR trackers is low execution speed. The particle filter framework is one of the major aspects responsible for slow execution, and is common to most of the existing SR trackers. In this paper,(1) we propose a robust interest point based tracker in l(1) minimization framework that runs at real-time with performance comparable to the state of the art trackers. In the proposed tracker, the target dictionary is obtained from the patches around target interest points. Next, the interest points from the candidate window of the current frame are obtained. The correspondence between target and candidate points is obtained via solving the proposed l(1) minimization problem. In order to prune the noisy matches, a robust matching criterion is proposed, where only the reliable candidate points that mutually match with target and candidate dictionary elements are considered for tracking. The object is localized by measuring the displacement of these interest points. The reliable candidate patches are used for updating the target dictionary. The performance and accuracy of the proposed tracker is benchmarked with several complex video sequences. The tracker is found to be considerably fast as compared to the reported state of the art trackers. The proposed tracker is further evaluated for various local patch sizes, number of interest points and regularization parameters. The performance of the tracker for various challenges including illumination change, occlusion, and background clutter has been quantified with a benchmark dataset containing 50 videos. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The local fast-spiking interneurons (FSINs) are considered to be crucial for the generation, maintenance, and modulation of neuronal network oscillations especially in the gamma frequency band. Gamma frequency oscillations have been associated with different aspects of behavior. But the prolonged effects of gamma frequency synaptic activity on the FSINs remain elusive. Using whole cell current clamp patch recordings, we observed a sustained decrease of intrinsic excitability in the FSINs of the dentate gyrus (DG) following repetitive stimulations of the mossy fibers at 30 Hz (gamma bursts). Surprisingly, the granule cells (GCs) did not express intrinsic plastic changes upon similar synaptic excitation of their apical dendritic inputs. Interestingly, pairing the gamma bursts with membrane hyperpolarization accentuated the plasticity in FSINs following the induction protocol, while the plasticity attenuated following gamma bursts paired with membrane depolarization. Paired pulse ratio measurement of the synaptic responses did not show significant changes during the experiments. However, the induction protocols were accompanied with postsynaptic calcium rise in FSINs. Interestingly, the maximum and the minimum increase occurred during gamma bursts with membrane hyperpolarization and depolarization respectively. Including a selective blocker of calcium-permeable AMPA receptors (CP-AMPARs) in the bath; significantly attenuated the calcium rise and blocked the membrane potential dependence of the calcium rise in the FSINs, suggesting their involvement in the observed phenomenon. Chelation of intracellular calcium, blocking HCN channel conductance or blocking CP-AMPARs during the experiment forbade the long lasting expression of the plasticity. Simultaneous dual patch recordings from FSINs and synaptically connected putative GCs confirmed the decreased inhibition in the GCs accompanying the decreased intrinsic excitability in the FSINs. Experimentally constrained network simulations using NEURON predicted increased spiking in the GC owing to decreased input resistance in the FSIN. We hypothesize that the selective plasticity in the FSINs induced by local network activity may serve to increase information throughput into the downstream hippocampal subfields besides providing neuroprotection to the FSINs. (c) 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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A block-structured adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) technique has been used to obtain numerical solutions for many scientific applications. Some block-structured AMR approaches have focused on forming patches of non-uniform sizes where the size of a patch can be tuned to the geometry of a region of interest. In this paper, we develop strategies for adaptive execution of block-structured AMR applications on GPUs, for hyperbolic directionally split solvers. While effective hybrid execution strategies exist for applications with uniform patches, our work considers efficient execution of non-uniform patches with different workloads. Our techniques include bin-packing work units to load balance GPU computations, adaptive asynchronism between CPU and GPU executions using a knapsack formulation, and scheduling communications for multi-GPU executions. Our experiments with synthetic and real data, for single-GPU and multi-GPU executions, on Tesla S1070 and Fermi C2070 clusters, show that our strategies result in up to a 3.23 speedup in performance over existing strategies.


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We propose a two-dimensional (2-D) multicomponent amplitude-modulation, frequency-modulation (AM-FM) model for a spectrogram patch corresponding to voiced speech, and develop a new demodulation algorithm to effectively separate the AM, which is related to the vocal tract response, and the carrier, which is related to the excitation. The demodulation algorithm is based on the Riesz transform and is developed along the lines of Hilbert-transform-based demodulation for 1-D AM-FM signals. We compare the performance of the Riesz transform technique with that of the sinusoidal demodulation technique on real speech data. Experimental results show that the Riesz-transform-based demodulation technique represents spectrogram patches accurately. The spectrograms reconstructed from the demodulated AM and carrier are inverted and the corresponding speech signal is synthesized. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the reconstructed speech signal, with respect to clean speech, was found to be 2 to 4 dB higher in case of the Riesz transform technique than the sinusoidal demodulation technique.


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Mangrove forests in meso-tidal areas are completely drained during low tides, forming only temporary habitats for fish. We hypothesised that in such temporary habitats, where stranding risks are high, distance from tidal creeks that provided access to inundated areas during receding tides would be the primary determinant of fish distribution. Factors such as depth, root density and shade were hypothesised to have secondary effects. We tested these hypotheses in a tidally drained mangrove patch in the Andaman Islands, India. Using stake nets, we measured fish abundance and species richness relative to distance from creeks, root density/m(2), shade, water depth and size (total length) of fish. We also predicted that larger fish (including potential predators) would be closer to creeks, as they faced a greater chance of mortality if stranded. Thus we conducted tethering trials to examine if predation would be greater close to the creeks. Generalised linear mixed effects models showed that fish abundance was negatively influenced by increasing creek distance interacting with fish size and positively influenced by depth. Quantile regression analysis showed that species richness was limited by increasing creek distance. Proportion of predation was greatest close to the creeks (0-25 m) and declined with increasing distance. Abundance was also low very close to the creeks, suggesting that close to the creeks predation pressure may be an important determinant of fish abundance. The overall pattern however indicates that access to permanently inundated areas, may be an important determinant of fish distribution in tidally drained mangrove forests.


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Residue types at the interface of protein-protein complexes (PPCs) are known to be reasonably well conserved. However, we show, using a dataset of known 3-D structures of homologous transient PPCs, that the 3-D location of interfacial residues and their interaction patterns are only moderately and poorly conserved, respectively. Another surprising observation is that a residue at the interface that is conserved is not necessarily in the interface in the homolog. Such differences in homologous complexes are manifested by substitution of the residues that are spatially proximal to the conserved residue and structural differences at the interfaces as well as differences in spatial orientations of the interacting proteins. Conservation of interface location and the interaction pattern at the core of the interfaces is higher than at the periphery of the interface patch. Extents of variability of various structural features reported here for homologous transient PPCs are higher than the variation in homologous permanent homomers. Our findings suggest that straightforward extrapolation of interfacial nature and inter-residue interaction patterns from template to target could lead to serious errors in the modeled complex structure. Understanding the evolution of interfaces provides insights to improve comparative modeling of PPC structures.


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Image inpainting is the process of filling the unwanted region in an image marked by the user. It is used for restoring old paintings and photographs, removal of red eyes from pictures, etc. In this paper, we propose an efficient inpainting algorithm which takes care of false edge propagation. We use the classical exemplar based technique to find out the priority term for each patch. To ensure that the edge content of the nearest neighbor patch found by minimizing L-2 distance between patches, we impose an additional constraint that the entropy of the patches be similar. Entropy of the patch acts as a good measure of edge content. Additionally, we fill the image by considering overlapping patches to ensure smoothness in the output. We use structural similarity index as the measure of similarity between ground truth and inpainted image. The results of the proposed approach on a number of examples on real and synthetic images show the effectiveness of our algorithm in removing objects and thin scratches or text written on image. It is also shown that the proposed approach is robust to the shape of the manually selected target. Our results compare favorably to those obtained by existing techniques


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Poly(vinylidene difluoride), a well-known candidate for artificial muscle patch applications is a semi-crystalline polymer with a host of attributes such as piezo- and pyroelectricity, polymorphism along with low dielectric constant and stiffness. The present work explores the unique interplay among the factors (conductivity, polymorphism and electrical stimulation) towards cell proliferation on poly(vinylidene difluoride) (PVDF)-based composites. In this regard, multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) are introduced in the PVDF matrix (limited to 2%) through melt mixing to increase the conductivity of PVDF. The addition of MWNTs also led to an increase in the fraction of piezoelectric beta-phase, tensile strength and modulus. The melting and crystallization behaviour of PVDF-MWNT together with FT-IR confirms that the crystallization is found to be aided by the presence of MWNT. The conducting PVDF-MWNTs are used as substrates for the growth of C2C12 mouse myoblast cells and electrical stimulation with a range of field strengths (0-2 V cm(-1)) is intermittently delivered to the cells in culture. The cell viability results suggest that metabolically active cell numbers can statistically increase with electric stimulation up to 1 V cm(-1), only on the PVDF + 2% MWNT. Summarising, the current study highlights the importance of biophysical cues on cellular function at the cell-substrate interface. This study further opens up new avenues in designing conducting substrates, that can be utilized for enhancing cell viability and proliferation and also reconfirms the lack of toxicity of MWNTs, when added in a tailored manner.


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We report the first atomistic simulation of two stacked nucleosome core particles (NCPs), with an aim to understand, in molecular detail, how they interact, the effect of salt concentration, and how different histone tails contribute to their interaction, with a special emphasis on the H4 tail, known to have the largest stabilizing effect on the NCP-NCP interaction. We do not observe specific K16-mediated interaction between the H4 tail and the H2A-H2B acidic patch, in contrast with the findings from crystallographic studies, but find that the stacking was stable even in the absence of this interaction. We perform simulations with the H4 tail (partially/completely) removed and find that the region between LYS-16 and LYS-20 of the H4 tail holds special importance in mediating the inter-NCP interaction. Performing similar tail-clipped simulations with the H3 tail removed, we compare the roles of the H3 and H4 tails in maintaining the stacking. We discuss the relevance of our simulation results to the bilayer and other liquid-crystalline phases exhibited by NCPs in vitro and, through an analysis of the histone-histone interface, identify the interactions that could possibly stabilize the inter-NCP interaction in these columnar mesophases. Through the mechanical disruption of the stacked nucleosome system using steered molecular dynamics, we quantify the strength of inter-NCP stacking in the presence and absence of salt. We disrupt the stacking at some specific sites of internucleosomal tail-DNA contact and perform a comparative quantification of the binding strengths of various tails in stabilizing the stacking. We also examine how hydrophobic interactions may contribute to the overall stability of the stacking and find a marked difference in the role of hydrophobic forces as compared with electrostatic forces in determining the stability of the stacked nucleosome system.