95 resultados para Palm, Johannes Henricus van der, 1763-1840.


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Using first principles calculations, we show the high hydrogen storage capacity of metallacarboranes, where the transition metal (TM) atoms can bind up to 5 H-2-molecules. The average binding energy of similar to 0.3 eV/H favorably lies within the reversible adsorption range. Among the first row TM atoms, Sc and Ti are found to be the optimum in maximizing the H-2 storage (similar to 8 wt %) on the metallacarborane cluster. Being an integral part of the cage, TMs do not suffer from the aggregation problem, which has been the biggest hurdle for the success of TM-decorated graphitic materials for hydrogen storage. Furthermore, the presence of carbon atom in the cages permits linking the metallacarboranes to form metal organic frameworks, which are thus able to adsorb hydrogen via Kubas interaction, in addition to van der Waals physisorption.


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An ultraviolet photoelectron spectrometer for the study of van der Waals molecules has been designed and fabricated indigenously. The spectrometer consists of an HeI discharge lamp, a molecular beam sample inlet system, an electrostatic lens, a 180-degrees hemispherical electrostatic analyser and a channeltron detector. Performance of the spectrometer is illustrated with an example.


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Proton NMR spectra of phosphacymantrene (π-phospholyl manganese tricarbonyl) orientated in the nematic phases of liquid crystals have been investigated. The derived H-H and H-P direct dipolar coupling constants have been used to determine the relative proton-proton and proton-phosphorus distances. A comparison of the geometrical data of various 5-membered aromatic heterocycles shows that the relative distances between the protons closest to the heteroatom increase with the van der Waals radius of the heteroatom. The results suggest that NMR spectroscopy of orientated molecules can be used to determine van der Waals radii.


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Present in situ chemical treatment technologies for mitigation of petroleum hydrocarbon contamination are in the developmental stage or being tested. To devise efficient strategies for restricting the movement of petroleum hydrocarbon (PHC) molecules in the contaminated soil, it is proposed to utilize the sorption–interaction relationships between the petroleum contaminants and the soil substrate. The basic questions addressed in this paper are as follows (i) What are the prominent chemical constituents of the various petroleum fractions that interact with the soil substrate? (ii) What are the functional groups of a soil that interact with the contaminants? (iii) What are the bonding mechanisms possible between the soil functional groups and the PHC contaminants? (iv) What are the consequent changes brought about the soil physical properties on interaction with PHC's? (v) What are the factors influencing the interactions between PHC molecules and clay particles of the soil substrate? (vi) What is the possibility of improving the soil's attenuation ability for PHC's? The development of answers to the basic questions reveal that petroleum hydrocarbons comprise a mixture of nonpolar alkanes and aromatic and polycyclic hydrocarbons, that have limited solubility in water. The bonding mechanism between the nonpolar PHC's and the clay surface is by way of van der Waals attraction. The adsorption of the nonpolar hydrocarbons by the clay surface occurs only when their (i.e., the hydrocarbon molecules) solubility in water is exceeded and the hydrocarbons exist in the micellar form. Dilute solutions of hydrocarbons in water, i.e., concentrations of hydrocarbons at or below the solubility limit, have no effect on the hydraulic conductivity of clay soils. Permeation with pure hydrocarbons invariably influences the clay hydraulic conductivity. To improve the attenuation ability of soils towards PHC's, it is proposed to coat the soil surface with "ultra" heavy organic polymers. Adsorption of organic polymers by the clay surface may change the surface properties of the soil from highly hydrophilic (having affinity for water molecules) to organophilic (having affinity for organic molecules). The organic polymers attached to the clay surface are expected to attenuate the PHC molecules by van der Waals attraction, by hydrogen bonding, and also by adsorption into interlayer space in the case of soils containing swelling clays.


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The response of the Van der Pol oscillator to stationary narrowband Gaussian excitation is considered. The central frequency of excitation is taken to be in the neighborhood of the system limit cycle frequency. The solution is obtained using a non-Gaussian closure approximation on the probability density function of the response. The validity of the solution is examined with the help of a stochastic stability analysis. Solution based on Stratonovich''s quasistatic averaging technique is also obtained. The comparison of the theoretical solutions with the digital simulations shows that the theoretical estimates are reasonably good.


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A molecular dynamics study of model ions in water is reported. The van der Waals diameter of both the cations and anions is varied. We have carried out two sets of simulations-with and without dispersion interaction-between the ion and water. Self-diffusivity of the ions exhibits an anomalous maximum as a function of the van der Waals diameter for both these sets. This existence of a maximum in self-diffusivity when there is no dispersion interaction between the ion and the water is attributed to the attractive term from electrostatic interactions. Detailed analysis of this effect shows that the solvent shell is more strongly defined in the presence of dispersion interactions. A smaller ion exhibits biexponential decay while a single exponential decay is seen for the ion with maximum diffusivity in the self-part of the intermediate scattering function. The solvent structure around the ion appears to determine much of the dynamics of the ion. Interesting trends are seen in the activation energies and these can be understood in terms of the levitation effect. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3481656]


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A model for coalescence efficiency of two drops embedded in an eddy has been developed. Unlike the other models which consider only head-on collisions, the model considers the droplets to approach at an arbitrary angle. The drop pair is permitted to undergo rotation while they approach each other. For coalescence to occur, the drops are assumed to approach each other under a squeezing force acting over the life time of eddy but which can vary with time depending upon the angle of approach. The model accounts for the deformation of tip regions of the approaching drops and, describes the rupture of the intervening film, based on stability considerations while film drainage is continuing under the combined influence of the hydrodynamic and van der Waals forces. The coalescence efficiency is defined as the ratio of the range of angles resulting in coalescence to the total range of all possible approach angles. The model not only reconciles the contradictory predictions made by the earlier models based on similar framework but also brings out the important role of dispersed-phase viscosity. It further predicts that the dispersions involving pure phases can be stabilized at high rps values. Apart from explaining the hitherto unexplained experimental data of Konno et al. qualitatively, the model also offers an alternate explanation for the interesting observations of Shinnar.


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Instability and dewetting engendered by the van der Waals force in soft thin (<100 nm) linear viscoelastic solid (e. g., elastomeric gel) films on uniform and patterned surfaces are explored. Linear stability analysis shows that, although the elasticity of the film controls the onset of instability and the corresponding critical wavelength, the dominant length-scale remains invariant with the elastic modulus of the film. The unstable modes are found to be long-wave, for which a nonlinear long-wave analysis and simulations are performed to uncover the dynamics and morphology of dewetting. The stored elastic energy slows down the temporal growth of instability significantly. The simulations also show that a thermodynamically stable film with zero-frequency elasticity can be made unstable in the presence of physico-chemical defects on the substrate and can follow an entirely different pathway with far fewer holes as compared to the viscous films. Further, the elastic restoring force can retard the growth of a depression adjacent to the hole-rim and thus suppress the formation of satellite holes bordering the primary holes. These findings are in contrast to the dewetting of viscoelastic liquid films where nonzero frequency elasticity accelerates the film rupture and promotes the secondary instabilities. Thus, the zero-frequency elasticity can play a major role in imposing a better-defined long-range order to the dewetted structures by arresting the secondary instabilities. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. doi: 10.1063/1.3554748]


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The structure and organization of dodecyl sulfate (DDS) surfactant chains intercalated in an Mg-Al layered double hydroxide (LDH), Mg(1-x)Alx(OH)(2), with differing Al/Mg ratios has been investigated. The Mg-Al LDHs can be prepared over a range of compositions with x varying from 0.167 to 0.37 and therefore provides a simple system to study how the organization of the alkyl chains of the intercalated DDS anions change with packing density; the Al/Mg ratio or x providing a convenient handle to do so. Powder X-ray diffraction measurements showed that at high packing densities (x >= 0.3) the alkyl chains of the intercalated dodecyl sulfate ions are anchored on opposing LDH sheets and arranged as bilayers with an interlayer spacing of similar to 27 angstrom. At lower packing densities (x < 0.2) the surfactant chains form a monolayer with the alkyl chains oriented flat in the galleries with an interlayer spacing of similar to 8 angstrom. For the in between compositions, 0.2 <= x < 0.3, the material is biphasic. MD simulations were performed to understand how the anchoring density of the intercalated surfactant chains in the Mg-Al LDH-DDS affects the organization of the chains and the interlayer spacing. The simulations are able to reproduce the composition driven monolayer to bilayer transformation in the arrangement of the intercalated surfactant chains and in addition provide insights into the factors that decide the arrangement of the surfactant chains in the two situations. In the bilayer arrangement, it is the dispersive van der Waals interactions between chains in opposing layers of the anchored bilayer that is responsible for the cohesive energy of the solid whereas at lower packing densities, where a monolayer arrangement is favored, Coulomb interactions between the positively charged Mg-Al LDH sheets and the negatively charged headgroup of the DDS anion dominate.


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In the title compound, C28H21O4P, the eight-membered heterocyclic dioxaphosphocine ring has a distorted boat conformation, with the phosphoryl O atom axial and the phenoxy group equatorial. The P=O distance is 1.451 (1) Angstrom and the average length of the three P-O bonds is 1.573 (1) Angstrom. The phenyl ring is nearly perpendicular to both naphthalene planes, making dihedral angles of 91.30 (3) and 97.65 (5)degrees with them. The angle between the two naphthalene planes is 67.73 (3)degrees. The crystal structure is stabilized by van der Waals interactions.


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C10H10O4, M(r) = 194.19, monoclinic, P2(1)/c, a = 7.089 (1), b = 11.361 (1), c = 11.656 (1) angstrom, beta = 100.45 (3)-degrees, V = 922.92 (1) angstrom 3, Z = 4, D(m) = 1.410 (5), D(x) = 1.397 Mg m-3, lambda(Cu K-alpha) = 1.5418 angstrom, mu(Cu K-alpha) = 0.89 mm-1, T = 300 K, F(000) = 408, final R = 0.057 for 1701 observed reflections. The molecule is almost planar, with O(9) and O(12) of the acetyl groups deviating by 0.074 (1) and 0.071 (2) angstrom from the mean plane of the benzene ring. The bond lengths and bond angles of the benzene ring are normal. There are intramolecular hydrogen bonds between O(9) and H(14) and between O(12) and H(13); there are no intermolecular hydrogen bonds. The molecules are packed in layers parallel to the ac plane and are held together essentially by van der Waals interactions.


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The first hyperpolarizabilities (beta) of some weak aromatic organic acids have been measured in protic solvents by the hyper-Rayleigh scattering (HRS) technique at low concentrations. The measured hyperpolarizability (beta(m)) varies between the two extreme limits: the hyperpolarizability of the acid form (beta(HA)) at the lower side and that of the basic form (beta(A-)) at the higher side. The degree of dissociation (alpha) of the acid in a solvent is related to the measured hyperpolarizability, beta(m), by the following relationship: beta(m)(2)=(1-alpha)beta(HA)(2)+alpha beta(A-)(2). The calculated beta's including solvent effects in terms of an Onsager field do not reproduce the experimentally measured hyperpolarizabilities. Other solvent-induced effects like hydrogen bonding and van der Waals interactions seem to influence the first hyperpolarizability and, thus, indirectly the extent of dissociation of these weak acids in these protic solvents.


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We present here a critical assessment of two vortex approaches (both two-dimensional) to the modelling of turbulent mixing layers. In the first approach the flow is represented by point vortices, and in the second it is simulated as the evolution of a continuous vortex sheet composed of short linear elements or ''panels''. The comparison is based on fresh simulations using approximately the same number of elements in either model, paying due attention in both to the boundary conditions far downstream as well as those on the splitter plate from which the mixing layer issues. The comparisons show that, while both models satisfy the well-known invariants of vortex dynamics approximately to the same accuracy, the vortex panel model, although ultimately not convergent, leads to smoother roll-up and values of stresses and moments that are in closer agreement with the experiment, and has a higher computational efficiency for a given degree of convergence on moments. The point vortex model, while faster for a given number of elements, produces an unsatisfactory roll-up which (for the number of elements used) is rendered worse by the incorporation of the Van der Vooren correction for sheet curvature.


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Using a lattice model for adsorption in microporous materials, pure component adsorption isotherms are obtained within a mean field approximation for methane at 300 K and xenon at 300 and 360 K in zeolite NaA. It is argued that the increased repulsive adsorbate-adsorbate interactions at high coverages must play an important role in determining the adsorption behavior. Therefore, this feature is incorporated through a "coverage-dependent interaction'' model, which introduces a free, adjustable parameter. Another important feature, the site volume reduction, has been treated in two ways: a van der Waal model and a 1D hard-rod theory [van Tassel et al., AIChE J. 40, 925 (1994)]; we have also generalized the latter to include all possible adsorbate overlap scenarios. In particular, the 1D hard-rod model, with our coverage-dependent interaction model, is shown to be in best quantitative agreement with the previous grand canonical Monte Carlo isotherms. The expressions for the isosteric heats of adsorption indicate that attractive and repulsive adsorbate-adsorbate interactions increase and decrease the heats of adsorption, respectively. It is concluded that within the mean field approximation, our simple model for repulsive interactions and the 1D hard-rod model for site volume reduction are able to capture most of the important features of adsorption in confined regions. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-9606(99)70515-5].


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2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9-hexadecafluorodecyl 1,10-ditosylate and its precursors were synthesized and characterized by H-1- and F-19-NMR spectroscopic methods and X-ray crystallography. These compounds are building blocks for the syntheses of the surfactants containing polyperfluoromethylene spacer. The molecule has extended all-trans conformation with molecular symmetry (1) over bar (C-i). There is a reasonably strong C-H ... O interaction in the crystal and there are two F ... F intermolecular contact distances less than the sum of van der Waals radii. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.