173 resultados para PHYSICS, MATHEMATICAL


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A direct transform technique is found to be most suitable for attacking two-dimensional diffraction problems. As a first example of the application of the technique, the well-known Sommerfeld problem is reconsidered and the solution of the problem of diffraction, by a half-plane, of a cylindrical pulse is made use of in deducing the solution of the problem of diffraction of a plane wave by a soft half-plane. Journal of Mathematical Physics is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.


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We consider a modification of the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations and other hydrodynamical evolution equations with space-periodic initial conditions in which the usual Laplacian of the dissipation operator is replaced by an operator whose Fourier symbol grows exponentially as e(vertical bar k vertical bar/kd) at high wavenumbers vertical bar k vertical bar. Using estimates in suitable classes of analytic functions, we show that the solutions with initially finite energy become immediately entire in the space variables and that the Fourier coefficients decay faster than e-(C(k/kd) ln(vertical bar k vertical bar/kd)) for any C < 1/(2 ln 2). The same result holds for the one-dimensional Burgers equation with exponential dissipation but can be improved: heuristic arguments and very precise simulations, analyzed by the method of asymptotic extrapolation of van der Hoeven, indicate that the leading-order asymptotics is precisely of the above form with C = C-* = 1/ ln 2. The same behavior with a universal constant C-* is conjectured for the Navier-Stokes equations with exponential dissipation in any space dimension. This universality prevents the strong growth of intermittency in the far dissipation range which is obtained for ordinary Navier-Stokes turbulence. Possible applications to improved spectral simulations are briefly discussed.


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In this paper, pattern classification problem in tool wear monitoring is solved using nature inspired techniques such as Genetic Programming(GP) and Ant-Miner (AM). The main advantage of GP and AM is their ability to learn the underlying data relationships and express them in the form of mathematical equation or simple rules. The extraction of knowledge from the training data set using GP and AM are in the form of Genetic Programming Classifier Expression (GPCE) and rules respectively. The GPCE and AM extracted rules are then applied to set of data in the testing/validation set to obtain the classification accuracy. A major attraction in GP evolved GPCE and AM based classification is the possibility of obtaining an expert system like rules that can be directly applied subsequently by the user in his/her application. The performance of the data classification using GP and AM is as good as the classification accuracy obtained in the earlier study.


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We study the possibility of using W pair production and leptonic decay of one of the W's at the ILC with polarized beams as a probe of the Littlest Higgs Model. We consider cross-sections, polarization fractions of the W's, leptonic decay energy and angular distributions, and left-right polarization asymmetry as probes of the model. With parameter values allowed by present experimental constraints detectable effects on these observables at typical ILC energies of 500 GeV and 800 GeV will be present. Beam polarization is further found to enhance the sensitivity.


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We consider N particles interacting pairwise by an inverse square potential in one dimension (Calogero-Sutherland-Moser model). For a system placed in a harmonic trap, its classical partition function for the repulsive regime is recognised in the literature. We start by presenting a concise re-derivation of this result. The equation of state is then calculated both for the trapped and the homogeneous gas. Finally, the classical limit of Wu's distribution function for fractional exclusion statistics is obtained and we re-derive the classical virial expansion of the homogeneous gas using this distribution function.


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We set up Wigner distributions for N-state quantum systems following a Dirac-inspired approach. In contrast to much of the work in this study, requiring a 2N x 2N phase space, particularly when N is even, our approach is uniformly based on an N x N phase-space grid and thereby avoids the necessity of having to invoke a `quadrupled' phase space and hence the attendant redundance. Both N odd and even cases are analysed in detail and it is found that there are striking differences between the two. While the N odd case permits full implementation of the marginal property, the even case does so only in a restricted sense. This has the consequence that in the even case one is led to several equally good definitions of the Wigner distributions as opposed to the odd case where the choice turns out to be unique.


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In 1974, the Russian physicist Vitaly Ginzburg wrote a book entitled `Key Problems of Physics and Astrophysics' in which he presented a selection of important and challenging problems along with speculations on what the future holds. The selection had a broad range, was highly personalized, and was aimed at the general scientist, for whom it made very interesting reading


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Polarized scattering in spectral lines is governed by a 4; 4 matrix that describes how the Stokes vector is scattered and redistributed in frequency and direction. Here we develop the theory for this redistribution matrix in the presence of magnetic fields of arbitrary strength and direction. This general magnetic field case is called the Hanle- Zeeman regime, since it covers both of the partially overlapping weak- and strong- field regimes in which the Hanle and Zeeman effects dominate the scattering polarization. In this general regime, the angle-frequency correlations that describe the so-called partial frequency redistribution (PRD) are intimately coupled to the polarization properties. We develop the theory for the PRD redistribution matrix in this general case and explore its detailed mathematical properties and symmetries for the case of a J = 0 -> 1 -> 0 scattering transition, which can be treated in terms of time-dependent classical oscillator theory. It is shown how the redistribution matrix can be expressed as a linear superposition of coherent and noncoherent parts, each of which contain the magnetic redistribution functions that resemble the well- known Hummer- type functions. We also show how the classical theory can be extended to treat atomic and molecular scattering transitions for any combinations of quantum numbers.


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Instability in conventional haptic rendering destroys the perception of rigid objects in virtual environments. Inherent limitations in the conventional haptic loop restrict the maximum stiffness that can be rendered. In this paper we present a method to render virtual walls that are much stiffer than those achieved by conventional techniques. By removing the conventional digital haptic loop and replacing it with a part-continuous and part-discrete time hybrid haptic loop, we were able to render stiffer walls. The control loop is implemented as a combinational logic circuit on an field-programmable gate array. We compared the performance of the conventional haptic loop and our hybrid haptic loop on the same haptic device, and present mathematical analysis to show the limit of stability of our device. Our hybrid method removes the computer-intensive haptic loop from the CPU-this can free a significant amount of resources that can be used for other purposes such as graphical rendering and physics modeling. It is our hope that, in the future, similar designs will lead to a haptics processing unit (HPU).


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A theory and generalized synthesis procedure is advocated for the design of weir notches and orifice-notches having a base in any given shape, to a depth a, such that the discharge through it is proportional to any singular monotonically-increasing function of the depth of flow measured above a certain datum. The problem is reduced to finding an exact solution of a Volterra integral equation in Abel form. The maximization of the depth of the datum below the crest of the notch is investigated. Proof is given that for a weir notch made out of one continuous curve, and for a flow proportional to the mth power of the head, it is impossible to bring the datum lower than (2m − 1)a below the crest of the notch. A new concept of an orifice-notch, having discontinuity in the curve and a division of flow into two distinct portions, is presented. The division of flow is shown to have a beneficial effect in reducing the datum below (2m − 1)a from the crest of the weir and still maintaining the proportionality of the flow. Experimental proof with one such orifice-notch is found to have a constant coefficient of discharge of 0.625. The importance of this analysis in the design of grit chambers is emphasized.


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The observation of (A-X) system of BiF has been extended up to λ 5316 and twenty new bands belonging to this system have been recorded. The band heads could be represented by the following equation: {Mathematical expression} Seven other faint bands in the region λ 5316-5492 have also been reported, which, however, could not be classified. By our analysis of the present data and from known thermochemical data it has been deduced that the ground state dissociation energy is, in all probability, around 20000 cm.-1 (∼2·5 ev.) and that the dissociation products are the normal Bi and F atoms. The dissociation energy of the upper state and the correlation rules have been used to show that the dissociation products in the upper state are very likely to be Bi atom in the excited state2D3/2 and F atom in its ground state (2P3/2).


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It is shown that the systems of definite actions described by polar and axial tensors of the second rank and their combinations during the superposition of their elements of complete symmetry with the elements of complete symmetry of the "grey" cube, result in 11 cubic crystallographical groups of complete symmetry. There are 35 ultimate groups (i.e., the groups having the axes of symmetry of infinite order) in complete symmetry of finite figures. 14 out of these groups are ultimate groups of symmetry of polar and axial tensors of the second rank and 24 are new groups. All these 24 ultimate groups are conventional groups since they cannot be presented by certain finite figures possessing the axes of symmetry {Mathematical expression}. Geometrical interpretation for some of the groups of complete symmetry is given. The connection between complete symmetry and physical properties of the crystals (electrical, magnetic and optical) is shown.


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The absolute configuration of echitamine iodide has been determined by the Bijvoet technique, making use of the intensity differences between hkl and {Mathematical expression} reflections due to the anomalous scattering of CuKa radiation by the iodine atom. The various steps in the procedure are discussed in detail in this paper.


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The Urey-Bradley force constants for the in-plane vibrations of the boric acid molecule are calculated using the Wilson's F-G matrix method. They are as follows: KO-H=5·23, KB-O=4·94, HBOH=0·36, {Mathematical expression}, F00=0·68 and FBH=0·98 in units of 105 dynes/cm. Using the force constants, the frequencies are recalculated and the calculated values agree with the observed values satisfactorily. The in-plane vibrational frequencies of deuterated boric acid are also calculated and again satisfactory agreement with the observed values is found.


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Raman spectrum of a single crystal of lanthanum ethyl sulphate has been recorded for the first time using the λ 2537 radiation Forty-one lines have been identified out of which eight belong to the lattice oscillations, seven to the internal vibrations of the water molecule and the remaining twenty-six to the internal vibrations of the ethyl sulphate group. The Raman spectrum of ethyl sulphate (liquid) has also been recorded using the λ 4358 excitation and is compared with the spectrum of lanthanum ethyl sulphate. Thirty Raman lines could be identified in the spectrum of ethyl sulphate, of which fourteen are recorded for the first time. Probable assignments of the observed frequencies are also given. The sulphate group is found to have O-SO3 structure in lanthanum ethyl sulphate, while it has a co-ordination {Mathematical expression} in ethyl sulphate.