95 resultados para Odd integers


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A new series of twin nonlinear optical (NLO) molecules, having two 4-nitrophenol chromophores that are linked via a flexible polymethylene spacer of varying length [(CH2)(n), n = 1-12], were synthesized. Powder second harmonic generation measurements of these twin samples indicated a pronounced odd-even oscillation, with the odd twins exhibiting a high SHG value while the even ones gave no measurable SH signal. This behavior reflects the crystal packing preferences in such twin NLO systems that have odd and even numbers of atoms linking them - the even ones appear to prefer a centrosymmetric packing arrangement. The orientational/disordering dynamics of these twin NLO molecules, doped in a polymer (poly(methyl methacrylate)) matrix, has also been studied using SHG in electric field poled samples. Interestingly, the maximum attainable SH signal, chi((2)), in, the poled samples also showed an odd-even oscillation; the odd ones again having a higher value of chi((2)) This unprecedented odd-even oscillation in such molecularly doped systems is rationalized as being due to the intrinsically greater ease of a parallel alignment of the two chromophores in the twins with an odd spacer than in those with an even one. Further, the temporal stability of the SHG intensity at 70 degrees C, after the removal of the applied corona, was also studied. The relaxation of all the twin chromophores followed a biexponential decay; the characteristic relaxation time (tau(2)) for the slow decay component suggests that while the twin with a single methylene unit relaxes relatively slowly, the relaxation is significantly faster in cases where n = 2 and 3. In the twins with even longer spacer segments, the relaxation again becomes slower and reaches a saturation value. The observed minimum appears to reflect the interplay of two competing factors that affect the chromophore alignment in such twin systems, namely, the electrostatic repulsion between neighboring oriented dipoles and the intrinsic flexibility of the spacer.


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Let K be any quadratic field with O-K its ring of integers. We study the solutions of cubic equations, which represent elliptic curves defined over Q, in quadratic fields and prove some interesting results regarding the solutions by using elementary tools. As an application we consider the Diophantine equation r + s + t = rst = 1 in O-K. This Diophantine equation gives an elliptic curve defined over Q with finite Mordell-Weil group. Using our study of the solutions of cubic equations in quadratic fields we present a simple proof of the fact that except for the ring of integers of Q(i) and Q(root 2), this Diophantine equation is not solvable in the ring of integers of any other quadratic fields, which is already proved in [4].


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This paper proposes the development of dodecagonal (12-sided) space vector diagrams from cascaded H-Bridge inverters. As already reported in literatures, dodecagonal space vector diagrams have many advantages over conventional hexagonal ones. Some of them include the absence of 6n±1, (n=odd) harmonics from the phase voltage, and the extension of the linear modulation range. In this paper, a new power circuit is proposed for generating multiple dodecagons in the space vector plane. It consists of two cascaded H-Bridge cells fed from asymmetric dc voltage sources. It is shown that, with proper PWM timing calculation and placement of active and zero vectors, a very high quality of sine-wave can be produced. At the same time, the switching frequency of individual cells can be reduced substantially. Detailed PWM analysis, one design example and an elaborate simulation study is presented to support the proposed idea.


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The growth and dissolution dynamics of nonequilibrium crystal size distributions (CSDs) can be determined by solving the governing population balance equations (PBEs) representing reversible addition or dissociation. New PBEs are considered that intrinsically incorporate growth dispersion and yield complete CSDs. We present two approaches to solving the PBEs, a moment method and a numerical scheme. The results of the numerical scheme agree with the moment technique, which can be solved exactly when powers on mass-dependent growth and dissolution rate coefficients are either zero or one. The numerical scheme is more general and can be applied when the powers of the rate coefficients are non-integers or greater than unity. The influence of the size dependent rates on the time variation of the CSDs indicates that as equilibrium is approached, the CSDs become narrow when the exponent on the growth rate is less than the exponent on the dissolution rate. If the exponent on the growth rate is greater than the exponent on the dissolution rate, then the polydispersity continues to broaden. The computation method applies for crystals large enough that interfacial stability issues, such as ripening, can be neglected. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Bénard–Marangoni convection is studied in a three-dimensional container with thermally insulated lateral walls and prescribed heat flux at lower boundary. The upper surface of the incompressible, viscous fluid is assumed to be flat with temperature dependent surface tension. A Galerkin–Tau method with odd and even trial functions satisfying all the essential boundary conditions except the natural boundary conditions at the free surface has been used to solve the problem. The critical Marangoni and Rayleigh numbers are determined for the onset of steady convection as a function of aspect ratios x0 and y0 for the cases of Bénard–Marangoni, pure Marangoni and pure Bénard convections. It is observed that critical parameters are decreasing with an increase in aspect ratios. The flow structures corresponding to the values of the critical parameters are presented in all the cases. It is observed that the critical parameters are higher for case with heat flux prescribed than those corresponding to the case with prescribed temperature. The critical Marangoni number for pure Marangoni convection is higher than critical Rayleigh number corresponding to pure Bénard convection for a given aspect ratio whereas the reverse was observed for two-dimensional infinite layer.


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Let K be a field and let m(0),...,m(e-1) be a sequence of positive integers. Let W be a monomial curve in the affine e-space A(K)(e), defined parametrically by X-0 = T-m0,...,Xe-1 = Tme-1 and let p be the defining ideal of W. In this article, we assume that some e-1 terms of m(0), m(e-1) form an arithmetic sequence and produce a Grobner basis for p.


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A new topology of asymmetric cascaded H-Bridge inverter is presented in this paper It consists of two cascaded H-bridge cells per phase. They are fed from isolated dc sources having a dc bus ratio of 1:0.366. Out of many space vectors possible from this circuit, only those are chosen that lie on 12-sided polygons. Thus, the overall space vector diagram produced by this circuit consists of multiple numbers of 12-sided polygons. With a proper PWM timing calculations based on these selected space vectors, it is possible to eliminate all the 6n +/- 1, (n = odd) harmonics from the phase voltage under all operating conditions. The switching frequency of individual H-Bridge cells is also substantially low. Extensive experimental results have been presented in this paper to validate the proposed concept.


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We study the possible effects of CP violation in the Higgs sector on t (t) over bar production at a gammagamma collider. These studies are performed in a model-independent way in terms of six form factors {R(S-gamma), J(S-gamma), R(P-gamma), J(P-gamma), S-t, P-t} which parametrize the CP mixing in the Higgs sector, and a strategy for their determination is developed. We observe that the angular distribution of the decay lepton from t/(t) over bar produced in this process is independent of any CP violation in the tbW vertex and hence best suited for studying CP mixing in the Higgs sector. Analytical expressions are obtained for the angular distribution of leptons in the c.m. frame of the two colliding photons for a general polarization state of the incoming photons. We construct combined asymmetries in the initial state lepton (photon) polarization and the final state lepton charge. They involve CP even (x's) and odd (y's) combinations of the mixing parameters. We study limits up to which the values of x and y, with only two of them allowed to vary at a time, can be probed by measurements of these asymmetries, using circularly polarized photons. We use the numerical values of the asymmetries predicted by various models to discriminate among them. We show that this method can be sensitive to the loop-induced CP violation in the Higgs sector in the minimal supersymmetric standard model.


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Given an undirected unweighted graph G = (V, E) and an integer k ≥ 1, we consider the problem of computing the edge connectivities of all those (s, t) vertex pairs, whose edge connectivity is at most k. We present an algorithm with expected running time Õ(m + nk3) for this problem, where |V| = n and |E| = m. Our output is a weighted tree T whose nodes are the sets V1, V2,..., V l of a partition of V, with the property that the edge connectivity in G between any two vertices s ε Vi and t ε Vj, for i ≠ j, is equal to the weight of the lightest edge on the path between Vi and Vj in T. Also, two vertices s and t belong to the same Vi for any i if and only if they have an edge connectivity greater than k. Currently, the best algorithm for this problem needs to compute all-pairs min-cuts in an O(nk) edge graph; this takes Õ(m + n5/2kmin{k1/2, n1/6}) time. Our algorithm is much faster for small values of k; in fact, it is faster whenever k is o(n5/6). Our algorithm yields the useful corollary that in Õ(m + nc3) time, where c is the size of the global min-cut, we can compute the edge connectivities of all those pairs of vertices whose edge connectivity is at most αc for some constant α. We also present an Õ(m + n) Monte Carlo algorithm for the approximate version of this problem. This algorithm is applicable to weighted graphs as well. Our algorithm, with some modifications, also solves another problem called the minimum T-cut problem. Given T ⊆ V of even cardinality, we present an Õ(m + nk3) algorithm to compute a minimum cut that splits T into two odd cardinality components, where k is the size of this cut.


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Nomograms have been developed for coupled microstrips. With the help of these, it is possible to design various microstrip components. The design of a multiplexer using the directional filter is described and experimental results are given. Nomograms relating the even and odd mode impedances of coupled microstrip lines to the width to height rate and spacing to height ratio have been developed using the relations formulated by Schwarzmann. A multiplexer using directional filters is designed to operate with three channels at frequencies of 3÷3, 3÷4 and 3÷5 GHz and bandwidths of 10 MHz in each channel. Experimental results are given. The design specifications are satisfied reasonably well.


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Finding vertex-minimal triangulations of closed manifolds is a very difficult problem. Except for spheres and two series of manifolds, vertex-minimal triangulations are known for only few manifolds of dimension more than 2 (see the table given at the end of Section 5). In this article, we present a brief survey on the works done in last 30 years on the following:(i) Finding the minimal number of vertices required to triangulate a given pl manifold. (ii) Given positive integers n and d, construction of n-vertex triangulations of different d-dimensional pl manifolds. (iii) Classifications of all the triangulations of a given pl manifold with same number of vertices.In Section 1, we have given all the definitions which are required for the remaining part of this article. A reader can start from Section 2 and come back to Section 1 as and when required. In Section 2, we have presented a very brief history of triangulations of manifolds. In Section 3,we have presented examples of several vertex-minimal triangulations. In Section 4, we have presented some interesting results on triangulations of manifolds. In particular, we have stated the Lower Bound Theorem and the Upper Bound Theorem. In Section 5, we have stated several results on minimal triangulations without proofs. Proofs are available in the references mentioned there. We have also presented some open problems/conjectures in Sections 3 and 5.


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The maximal rate of a nonsquare complex orthogonal design for transmit antennas is 1/2 + 1/n if is even and 1/2 + 1/n+1 if is odd and the codes have been constructed for all by Liang (2003) and Lu et al. (2005) to achieve this rate. A lower bound on the decoding delay of maximal-rate complex orthogonal designs has been obtained by Adams et al. (2007) and it is observed that Liang's construction achieves the bound on delay for equal to 1 and 3 modulo 4 while Lu et al.'s construction achieves the bound for n = 0, 1, 3 mod 4. For n = 2 mod 4, Adams et al. (2010) have shown that the minimal decoding delay is twice the lower bound, in which case, both Liang's and Lu et al.'s construction achieve the minimum decoding delay. For large value of, it is observed that the rate is close to half and the decoding delay is very large. A class of rate-1/2 codes with low decoding delay for all has been constructed by Tarokh et al. (1999). In this paper, another class of rate-1/2 codes is constructed for all in which case the decoding delay is half the decoding delay of the rate-1/2 codes given by Tarokh et al. This is achieved by giving first a general construction of square real orthogonal designs which includes as special cases the well-known constructions of Adams, Lax, and Phillips and the construction of Geramita and Pullman, and then making use of it to obtain the desired rate-1/2 codes. For the case of nine transmit antennas, the proposed rate-1/2 code is shown to be of minimal delay. The proposed construction results in designs with zero entries which may have high peak-to-average power ratio and it is shown that by appropriate postmultiplication, a design with no zero entry can be obtained with no change in the code parameters.


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We consider counterterms for odd dimensional holographic conformal field theories (CFTs). These counterterms are derived by demanding cutoff independence of the CFT partition function on S-d and S-1 x Sd-1. The same choice of counterterms leads to a cutoff independent Schwarzschild black hole entropy. When treated as independent actions, these counterterm actions resemble critical theories of gravity, i.e., higher curvature gravity theories where the additional massive spin-2 modes become massless. Equivalently, in the context of AdS/CFT, these are theories where at least one of the central charges associated with the trace anomaly vanishes. Connections between these theories and logarithmic CFTs are discussed. For a specific choice of parameters, the theories arising from counterterms are nondynamical and resemble a Dirac-Born-Infeld generalization of gravity. For even dimensional CFTs, analogous counterterms cancel log-independent cutoff dependence.


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Ampcalculator (AMPC) is a Mathematica (c) based program that was made publicly available some time ago by Unterdorfer and Ecker. It enables the user to compute several processes at one loop (upto O(p(4))) in SU(3) chiral perturbation theory. They include computing matrix elements and form factors for strong and non-leptonic weak processes with at most six external states. It was used to compute some novel processes and was tested against well-known results by the original authors. Here we present the results of several thorough checks of the package. Exhaustive checks performed by the original authors are not publicly available, and hence the present effort. Some new results are obtained from the software especially in the kaon odd-intrinsic parity non-leptonic decay sector involving the coupling G(27). Another illustrative set of amplitudes at tree level we provide is in the context of tau-decays with several mesons including quark mass effects, of use to the BELLE experiment. All eight meson-meson scattering amplitudes have been checked. The Kaon-Compton amplitude has been checked and a minor error in the published results has been pointed out. This exercise is a tutorial-based one, wherein several input and output notebooks are also being made available as ancillary files on the arXiv. Some of the additional notebooks we provide contain explicit expressions that we have used for comparison with established results. The purpose is to encourage users to apply the software to suit their specific needs. An automatic amplitude generator of this type can provide error-free outputs that could be used as inputs for further simplification, and in varied scenarios such as applications of chiral perturbation theory at finite temperature, density and volume. This can also be used by students as a learning aid in low-energy hadron dynamics.


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The dilaton action in 3 + 1 dimensions plays a crucial role in the proof of the a-theorem. This action arises using Wess-Zumino consistency conditions and crucially relies on the existence of the trace anomaly. Since there are no anomalies in odd dimensions, it is interesting to ask how such an action could arise otherwise. Motivated by this we use the AdS/CFT correspondence to examine both even and odd dimensional conformal field theories. We find that in even dimensions, by promoting the cutoff to a field, one can get an action for this field which coincides with the Wess-Zumino action in flat space. In three dimensions, we observe that by finding an exact Hamilton-Jacobi counterterm, one can find a non-polynomial action which is invariant under global Weyl rescalings. We comment on how this finding is tied up with the F-theorem conjectures.