134 resultados para Nature-Culture


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The mulberry leaves were shown to harbour substantial populations of bacteria, streptomycetes, yeasts, and moulds. Azotobacter and Beijerinckia were observed to contribute to nearly 5 to 10 per cent of the bacterial population. When grown in water culture under sterile conditions, Azotobacter inoculation on the leaf or root surface was found to increase plant growth, dry wt, and nitrogen content of the mulberry. The beneficial effect of Azotobacter was largely influenced by the presence of a carbon source in the plant nutrient solution. The root inoculation in comparison to leaf application was found to confer greater benefits to the growing plant. The presence of carbohydrates and amino acids in the leaf leachates of mulberry was shown. The mutual beneficial nature of the association of the plant and Azotobacter has been brought to light.


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Some physicochemical properties of peroxy titanium compounds are explained by assigning a strained triangular ring structure to the peroxy titanyl group, with a bent and reduced overlap of the O---O bonding orbitals. The stability of the peroxy group is found to depend on the stability of the other ligands. The decreasing order of stability of the peroxy group in the compounds is as: oxalato > meleato > malonato > sulphato > peroxide of titanium.


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Experiments were conducted in cement cisterns to find out the effect of adding different dosages of activated sludge on fish growth and plankton production. Three dosages of sludge,viz., 62·5 gm., 125 gm. and 250 gm. per 240 litres of water were used. Fingerlings ofCyprinus carpio, Cirrhina mrigala andCatla catla responded positively,C. mrigala showing maximum growth. The results indicate that the sludge has a direct influence on increasing growth of fish and production of plankton due to the release of nutrients into the water. The increase in plankton content stops after about 30 days. When greater quantities of sludge were added in the cisterns, fish mortality took place.


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ALTHOUGH titanium is determined colorimetrically in aqueous sulphuric acid medium in presence of excess of hydrogen peroxide, the nature of the colour-forming species is not known definitely. Schwarz1 suggested that the colour was due to the peroxo-disulphato titanate anion [O 2Ti(SO4)2]2-. On the other hand, Jahr2 and later Gastinger3 considered that the colour of the compound was due to the peroxy titanyl cation [TiO2 aq.] 2+, and suggested the following equilibrium in solution: Schaeppi and Treadwell4 attributed the colour bo O2TiSO4 or [O2Ti(SO4)2]2-, whereas Babko and Volkova5 represented the coloured complex ion as [Ti(H 2O2)]4+. Mori, Shibata, Kyuno and Ito 6 regarded the coloured species as [TiO2 aq.]2+ or [Ti(OH)2 (H2O)(H2O2)] 2+, assuming the co-ordination number of titanium to be four. Thus, a variety of constitutions has been proposed to explain the colour-forming species of the titanium complex, based on the investigations carried out in dilute sulphuric acid medium, but the complex has not been isolated so far.


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An efficient location service is a prerequisite to any robust, effective and precise location information aided Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) routing protocol. Locant, presented in this paper is a nature inspired location service which derives inspiration from the insect colony framework, and it is designed to work with a host of location information aided MANET routing protocols. Using an extensive set of simulation experiments, we have compared the performance of Locant with RLS, SLS and DLS, and found that it has comparable or better performance compared to the above three location services on most metrics and has the least overhead in terms of number of bytes transmitted per location query answered.


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We investigate the influence of viscoelastic nature of the adhesive on the intermittent peel front dynamics by extending a recently introduced model for peeling of an adhesive tape. As time and rate-dependent deformation of the adhesives are measured in stationary conditions, a crucial step in incorporating the viscoelastic effects applicable to unstable intermittent peel dynamics is the introduction of a dynamization scheme that eliminates the explicit time dependence in terms of dynamical variables. We find contrasting influences of viscoelastic contribution in different regions of tape mass, roller inertia, and pull velocity. As the model acoustic energy dissipated depends on the nature of the peel front and its dynamical evolution, the combined effect of the roller inertia and pull velocity makes the acoustic energy noisier for small tape mass and low-pull velocity while it is burstlike for low-tape mass, intermediate values of the roller inertia and high-pull velocity. The changes are quantified by calculating the largest Lyapunov exponent and analyzing the statistical distributions of the amplitudes and durations of the model acoustic energy signals. Both single and two stage power-law distributions are observed. Scaling relations between the exponents are derived which show that the exponents corresponding to large values of event sizes and durations are completely determined by those for small values. Th scaling relations are found to be satisfied in all cases studied. Interestingly, we find only five types of model acoustic emission signals among multitude of possibilities of the peel front configurations.


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X‐ray absorption near‐edge spectroscopy studies show that Pb in superconducting Tl0.5Pb0.5CaSr2Cu2O7+δ is essentially in the 4+ state while it is in the 2+ state in Pb2Sr2Ca1−xLnxCu3O8+δ.


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Based on Cu K-edge absorption spectroscopy as well as Cu(2p3/2) and Cu(LVV) Auger spectroscopies it is shown that the recently discovered Pb2Sr2Ca1-xLxCu3O8+δ (L=Y or Lu) superconductors contain well-defined Cu1+ species in admixture with Cu2+. The proportion of Cu1+ is small in the nonsuperconducting samples with x=1, a feature which is uniquely different from that in YBa2Cu3O7-δ.


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Colloid of palladium nanoparticles has been prepared by the Solvated Metal Atom Dispersion (SMAD) method. Reaction of Pd(0) nanopowder obtained upon precipitation from the colloid, with ammonia borane (H3N center dot BH3, AB) in aqueous solutions at room temperature results in the generation of active hydrogen atoms. The active hydrogen atoms either combine with one another resulting in H-2 evolution or diffuse into the Pd lattice to afford PdHx. Diffusion of hydrogen atoms leads to an expansion of the Pd lattice. The diffused hydrogen atoms are distributed uniformly over the entire particle. These features were established using powder XRD and electron microscopy studies. The H-1 NMR spectral studies of PdHx before and after desorption of H-2 revealed that the hydrogen atoms trapped inside Pd lattice are hydridic in nature. Desorption of hydrogen from PdHx did not result in complete reversibility suggesting that some hydrogen atoms are strongly trapped inside the Pd lattice. (C) 2010 Professor T. Nejat Veziroglu. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: Limbal stem cell deficiency is a challenging clinical problem and the current treatment involves replenishing the depleted limbal stem cell (LSC) pool by either limbal tissue transplantation or use of cultivated limbal epithelial cells (LEC). Our experience of cultivating the LEC on denuded human amniotic membrane using a feeder cell free method, led to identification of mesenchymal cells of limbus (MC-L), which showed phenotypic resemblance to bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSC-BM). To understand the transcriptional profile of these cells, microarray experiments were carried out.Methods: RNA was isolated from cultured LEC, MC-L and MSC-BM and microarray experiments were carried out by using Agilent chip (4x44 k). The microarray data was validated by using Realtime and semiquntitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. Results: The microarray analysis revealed specific gene signature of LEC and MC-L, and also their complementary role related to cytokine and growth factor profile, thus supporting the nurturing roles of the MC-L. We have also observed similar and differential gene expression between MC-L and MSC-BM.Conclusions: This study represents the first extensive gene expression analysis of limbal explant culture derived epithelial and mesenchymal cells and as such reveals new insight into the biology, ontogeny, and in vivo function of these cells.


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Laboratory results of marked-ball wear tests are used to discuss the relative significance of corrosive and abrasive wear in wet grinding. The electrochemical mechanism was investigated by correlating the corrosive wear with the corrosion current obtained from polarization curves under abrasion. Slurry rheology governs the manner in which ground slurries coat grinding balls, thereby influencing not only the grinding efficiency but also abrasive wear. The effects of percent solids and a grinding aid are illustrated.


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The nominal composition of YBa2Cu3O7 oxide suggests that 33% of the copper should be in the 3+ state. In structural studies3–5, Cu3+ and Cu2+ ions have been assigned specific sites based on their preferred coordinations, and many of the models of superconductivity also require the presence of Cu3+. Our studies however show that Cu is present only in the Cu1+ and Cu2+ states, the proportion of the former increasing with decreasing temperature. It appears that there is no clear experimental evidence for the presence of Cu3+ in YBa2Cu3O7.


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Reactions of bis(isonitrosoethylacetoacetato)palladium(II), Pd(IEAA)2,with straight chain non-bulky alkylamines, RNH2(R = CH3, C2H5, n-C3H7or n-C4H9) in the mole ratio 1:1 gave bis (B-alkylisonitrosoethylacetoacetateimino)Palladium(II), Pd(R-IEAI)2. In this reaction the coordinated carbonyl groups of Pd(IEAA)2 undergo condensation with amines fo rming Schiff bases (>CNR). On the other hand, the reactions of Pd(IEAA)2 with a large excess of amine yielded N-alkylamido bridgedisonitrosoethylacetoacetatedipalladium(II), μ-(NHR)2[Pd(IEAA)]2 complexes. The complexes are characterized by elemental analyses, magnetic susceptib ility, i.r., p.m.r. and in some cases, nitrogen 1s X-ray photoelectron and mass spectral studies.


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The availability of an electrophoretically homogeneous rabbit penicillin carrier receptor protein (CRP) and rabbit antipenicillin antibody afforded an idealin vitro system to calculate the thermodynamic parameters of the binding of14C benzyl penicillin CRP conjugate (antigen) to the purified rabbit antipenicillin antibody. The thermodynamic parameters of this antigen-antibody reaction has been studied by radio-active assay method by using millipore filter. Equilibrium constant (K) of this reaction has been found to be 2·853×109M−2 and corresponding free energy (ΔG) at 4°C and 37°C has been calculated to be −12·02 and −13·5 kcal/mole, enthalpy (ΔH) and entropy (ΔS) has been found to be 361 kcal/mole and +30 eu/mole respectively. Competitive binding studies of CRP-analogue conjugates with the divalent rabbit antibody has been carried out in the presence of14C-penicilloyl CRP. It was found that 7-deoxy penicillin-CRP complex and 6-amino penicilloyl CRP conjugate binds to the antibody with energies stronger than that with the14C-penicilloyl CRP. All the other analogue conjugates are much weaker in interfering with the binding of the penicilloyl CRP with the antibody. The conjugate of methicillin,o-nitro benzyl penicillin and ticarcillin with CRP do not materially interfere in the process.