125 resultados para Multivariate unit root tests


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The reaction of imidazole (Him) with [Cu2(µ-O2CMe)4(H2O)2] in water–NaClO4 led to the formation of a polynuclear copper(II) complex, [Cu5(OH)2(H2O)(O2CMe)6(Him)4][ClO4]21, in which the pentanuclear units, showing four, five and six co-ordination geometries for the copper(II) centres and Cu Cu distances of 3.043(1), 3.178(1) and 3.578(1)Å, were linked by aqua bridges to give an intra-chain inter-unit Cu Cu separation of 4.507(1)Å.


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Nanosecond scale molecular dynamics simulations have been performed on antiparallel Greek key type d(G(7)) quadruplex structures with different coordinated ions, namely Na+ and K+ ion, water and Na+ counter ions, using the AMBER force field and Particle Mesh Ewald technique for electrostatic interactions. Antiparallel structures are stable during the simulation, with root mean square deviation values of similar to1.5 Angstrom from the initial structures. Hydrogen bonding patterns within the G-tetrads depend on the nature of the coordinated ion, with the G-tetrad undergoing local structural variation to accommodate different cations. However, alternating syn-anti arrangement of bases along a chain as well as in a quartet is maintained through out the MD simulation. Coordinated Na+ ions, within the quadruplex cavity are quite mobile within the central channel and can even enter or exit from the quadruplex core, whereas coordinated K+ ions are quite immobile. MD studies at 400 K indicate that K+ ion cannot come out from the quadruplex core without breaking the terminal G-tetrads. Smaller grooves in antiparallel structures are better binding sites for hydrated counter ions, while a string of hydrogen bonded water molecules are observed within both the small and large grooves. The hydration free energy for the K+ ion coordinated structure is more favourable than that for the Na+ ion coordinated antiparallel quadruplex structure.


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Single tract guanine residues can associate to form stable parallel quadruplex structures in the presence of certain cations. Nanosecond scale molecular dynamics simulations have been performed on fully solvated fibre model of parallel d(G7) quadruplex structures with Na+ or K+ ions coordinated in the cavity formed by the 06 atoms of the guanine bases. The AMBER 4.1 force field and Particle Mesh Ewald technique for electrostatic interactions have been used in all simulations. These quadruplex structures are stable during the simulation, with the middle four base tetrads showing root mean square deviation values between 0.5 to 0.8 A from the initial structure as well the high resolution crystal structure. Even in the absence of any coordinated ion in the initial structure, the G-quadruplex structure remains intact throughout the simulation. During the 1.1 ns MD simulation, one Na+ counter ion from the solvent as well as several water molecules enter the central cavity to occupy the empty coordination sites within the parallel quadruplex and help stabilize the structure. Hydrogen bonding pattern depends on the nature of the coordinated ion, with the G-tetrad undergoing local structural variation to accommodate cations of different sizes. In the absence of any coordinated ion, due to strong mutual repulsion, 06 atoms within G-tetrad are forced farther apart from each other, which leads to a considerably different hydrogen bonding scheme within the G-tetrads and very favourable interaction energy between the guanine bases constituting a G-tetrad. However, a coordinated ion between G-tetrads provides extra stacking energy for the G-tetrads and makes the quadruplex structure more rigid. Na+ ions, within the quadruplex cavity, are more mobile than coordinated K+ ions. A number of hydrogen bonded water molecules are observed within the grooves of all quadruplex structures


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Equilibrium sediment volume tests are conducted on field soils to classify them based on their degree of expansivity and/or to predict the liquid limit of soils. The present technical paper examines different equilibrium sediment volume tests, critically evaluating each of them. It discusses the settling behavior of fine-grained soils during the soil sediment formation to evolve a rationale for conducting the latest version of equilibrium sediment volume test. Probable limitations of equilibrium sediment volume test and the possible solution to overcome the same have also been indicated.


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Conformational studies have been carried out on the X-cis-Pro tripeptide system (a system of three linked peptide units, in the trans-cis-trans configuration) using energy minimization techniques. For X, residues Gly, L-Ala, D-Ala and L-Pro have been used. The energy minima have been classified into different groups based upon the conformational similarity. There are 15, 20, 18 and 6 minima that are possible for the four cases respectively and these fall into 11 different groups. A study of these minima shows that, (i) some minima contain hydrogen bonds - either 4-->1 or 1-->2 type, (ii) the low energy minima qualify themselves as bend conformations, (iii) cis' and trans' conformations are possible for the prolyl residue as also the C(gamma)-endo and C(gamma)-exo puckerings, and (iv) for Pro-cis-Pro, cis' at the first prolyl residue is ruled out, due to the high energy. The available crystal structure data on proteins and peptides, containing cis-Pro segment have been examined with a view to find the minima that occur in solid state. The data from protein show that they fall under two groups. The conformation at X in X-cis-Pro is near extended when it is a non-glycyl residue. In both peptides and proteins there exists a preference for trans' conformation at prolyl residue over cis' when X is a non-glycyl residue. The minima obtained can be useful in modelling studies.


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Assuming an entropic origin for phason elasticity in quasicrystals, we derive predictions for the temperature dependence of grain-boundary structure and free energy, the nature of the elastic instability in these systems, and the behavior of sound damping near the instability. We believe that these will provide decisive tests of the entropic model for quasicrystals.


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Molecular dynamics (MD) studies have been carried out on the Hoogsteen hydrogen bonded parallel and the reverse Hoogsteen hydrogen banded antiparallel C.G*G triplexes. Earlier, the molecular mechanics studies had shown that the parallel structure was energetically more favourable than the antiparallel structure. To characterize the structural stability of the two triplexes and to investigate whether the antiparallel structure can transit to an energetically more favourable structure, due to the local fluctuations in the structure during the MD simulation, the two structures were subjected to 200ps of constant temperature vacuum MD simulations at 300K. Initially no constraints were applied to the structures and it was observed that for the antiparallel tripler, the structure showed a large root mean square deviation from the starting structure within the first 12ps and the N4-H41-O6 hydrogen bond in the WC duplex got distorted due to a high propeller twist and a moderate increase in the opening angle in the basepairs. Starting from an initial value of 30 degrees, helical twist of the average structure from this simulation had a value of 36 degrees, while the parallel structure stabilized at a twist of 33 degrees. In spite of the hydrogen bond distortions in the antiparallel tripler, it was energetically comparable to the parallel tripler. To examine the structural characteristics of an undistorted structure, another MD simulation was performed on the antiparallel tripler by constraining all the hydrogen bonds. This structure stabilized at an average twist of 33 degrees. In the course of the dynamics though the energy of the molecule - compared to the initial structure - improved, it did not become comparable to the parallel structure. Energy minimization studies performed in the presence of explicit water and counterions also showed the two structures to be equally favourable energetically Together these results indicate that the parallel C.G*G tripler with Hoogsteen hydrogen bonds also represents a stereochemically and energetically favourable structure for this class of triplexes.


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Inovirus is a helical array of alpha-helical protein asymmetric units surrounding a DNA core. X-ray fibre diffraction studies show that the Pf1 species of Inovirus can undergo a reversible temperature-induced transition between two similar structural forms having slightly different virion helix parameters. Molecular models of the two forms show no evidence for altered interactions between the protein and either the solvent or the viral DNA; but there are significant differences in the shape and orientation of the protein asymmetric unit, related to the changes in the virion parameters. Normal modes involving libration of whole asymmetric units are in a frequency range with appreciable entropy of libration, and the structural transition may be related to changes in libration.


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Stress relaxation testing is often utilised for determining whether athermal straining contributes to plastic flow; if plastic strain rate is continuous across the transition from tension to relaxation then plastic strain is fully thermally activated. This method was applied to an aged type 316 stainless steel tested in the temperature range 973–1123 K and to a high purity Al in the recrystallised annealed condition tested in the temperature range 274–417 K. The results indicated that plastic strain is thermally activated in these materials at these corresponding test temperatures. For Al, because of its high strain rate sensitivity, it was necessary to adopt a back extrapolation procedure to correct for the finite period that the crosshead requires to decelerate from the constant speed during tension to a dead stop for stress relaxation.


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Beta-Lactamase, which catalyzes beta-lactam antibiotics, is prototypical of large alpha/beta proteins with a scaffolding formed by strong noncovalent interactions. Experimentally, the enzyme is well characterized, and intermediates that are slightly less compact and having nearly the same content of secondary structure have been identified in the folding pathway. In the present study, high temperature molecular dynamics simulations have been carried out on the native enzyme in solution. Analysis of these results in terms of root mean square fluctuations in cartesian and [phi, psi] space, backbone dihedral angles and secondary structural hydrogen bonds forms the basis for an investigation of the topology of partially unfolded states of beta-lactamase. A differential stability has been observed for alpha-helices and beta-sheets upon thermal denaturation to putative unfolding intermediates. These observations contribute to an understanding of the folding/unfolding processes of beta-lactamases in particular, and other alpha/beta proteins in general.


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Proline plays an important role in the secondary structure of proteins. In the pursuit of understanding its structural role, Proline containing helices with constraints have been studied by employing molecular dynamics (MD) technique. In the present study, the constraint introduced is a threonine residue, whose sidechain has intramolecular hydrogen bond interaction with the backbone oxygen atom. The three systems that have been chosen for characterization are: (1) Ace-(Ala)12−Thr-Pro-(Ala)10−NHMe, (2) Ace-(Ala)13-Pro-Ala-Thr- (Ala)8-NHMe and (3) Ace-(Ala)13-Pro-(Ala)3-Thr-(Ala)6-NHMe. The equilibrium structures and structural transitions have been identified by monitoring the backbone dihedral angles, bend related parameters and the hydrogen bond interactions. The MD averages and root mean square (r.m.s.) fluctuations are compared and discussed. Energy minimization has been carried out on selected MD simulated points in order to analyze the characteristics of different conformations.