76 resultados para Martingale representation theorem


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An axis-parallel box in $b$-dimensional space is a Cartesian product $R_1 \times R_2 \times \cdots \times R_b$ where $R_i$ (for $1 \leq i \leq b$) is a closed interval of the form $[a_i, b_i]$ on the real line. For a graph $G$, its boxicity is the minimum dimension $b$, such that $G$ is representable as the intersection graph of (axis-parallel) boxes in $b$-dimensional space. The concept of boxicity finds application in various areas of research like ecology, operation research etc. Chandran, Francis and Sivadasan gave an $O(\Delta n^2 \ln^2 n)$ randomized algorithm to construct a box representation for any graph $G$ on $n$ vertices in $\lceil (\Delta + 2)\ln n \rceil$ dimensions, where $\Delta$ is the maximum degree of the graph. They also came up with a deterministic algorithm that runs in $O(n^4 \Delta )$ time. Here, we present an $O(n^2 \Delta^2 \ln n)$ deterministic algorithm that constructs the box representation for any graph in $\lceil (\Delta + 2)\ln n \rceil$ dimensions.


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This paper presents a novel method of representing rotation and its application to representing the ranges of motion of coupled joints in the human body, using planar maps. The present work focuses on the viability of this representation for situations that relied on maps on a unit sphere. Maps on a unit sphere have been used in diverse applications such as Gauss map, visibility maps, axis-angle and Euler-angle representations of rotation etc. Computations on a spherical surface are difficult and computationally expensive; all the above applications suffer from problems associated with singularities at the poles. There are methods to represent the ranges of motion of such joints using two-dimensional spherical polygons. The present work proposes to use multiple planar domain “cube” instead of a single spherical domain, to achieve the above objective. The parameterization on the planar domains is easy to obtain and convert to spherical coordinates. Further, there is no localized and extreme distortion of the parameter space and it gives robustness to the computations. The representation has been compared with the spherical representation in terms of computational ease and issues related to singularities. Methods have been proposed to represent joint range of motion and coupled degrees of freedom for various joints in digital human models (such as shoulder, wrist and fingers). A novel method has been proposed to represent twist in addition to the existing swing-swivel representation.


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We study the empirical measure LA of the eigenvalues of nonnormal square matrices of the form A(n) = U(n)T(n)V(n), with U(n), V(n) independent Haar distributed on the unitary group and T(n) diagonal. We show that when the empirical measure of the eigenyalues of T(n) converges, and T(n) satisfies some technical conditions, L(An) converges towards a rotationally invariant measure mu on the complex plane whose support is a single ring. In particular, we provide a complete proof of the Feinberg-Zee single ring theorem [6]. We also consider the case where U(n), V(n) are independently Haar distributed on the orthogonal group.


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We show that the Wiener Tauberian property holds for the Heisenberg Motion group TnB


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Microsoft Windows uses the notion of registry to store all configuration information. The registry entries have associations and dependencies. For example, the paths to executables may be relative to some home directories. The registry being designed with faster access as one of the objectives does not explicitly capture these relations. In this paper, we explore a representation that captures the dependencies more explicitly using shared and unifying variables. This representation, called mRegistry exploits the tree-structured hierarchical nature of the registry, is concept-based and obtained in multiple stages. mRegistry captures intra-block, inter-block and ancestor-children dependencies (all leaf entries of a parent key in a registry put together as an entity constitute a block thereby making the block as the only child of the parent). In addition, it learns the generalized concepts of dependencies in the form of rules. We show that mRegistry has several applications: fault diagnosis, prediction, comparison, compression etc.


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Many knowledge based systems (KBS) transform a situation information into an appropriate decision using an in built knowledge base. As the knowledge in real world situation is often uncertain, the degree of truth of a proposition provides a measure of uncertainty in the underlying knowledge. This uncertainty can be evaluated by collecting `evidence' about the truth or falsehood of the proposition from multiple sources. In this paper we propose a simple framework for representing uncertainty in using the notion of an evidence space.


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Location area planning problem is to partition the cellular/mobile network into location areas with the objective of minimizing the total cost. This partitioning problem is a difficult combinatorial optimization problem. In this paper, we use the simulated annealing with a new solution representation. In our method, we can automatically generate different number of location areas using Compact Index (CI) to obtain the optimal/best partitions. We compare the results obtained in our method with the earlier results available in literature. We show that our methodology is able to perform better than earlier methods.


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Rathour RK, Narayanan R. Influence fields: a quantitative framework for representation and analysis of active dendrites. J Neurophysiol 107: 2313-2334, 2012. First published January 18, 2012; doi:10.1152/jn.00846.2011.-Neuronal dendrites express numerous voltage-gated ion channels (VGICs), typically with spatial gradients in their densities and properties. Dendritic VGICs, their gradients, and their plasticity endow neurons with information processing capabilities that are higher than those of neurons with passive dendrites. Despite this, frameworks that incorporate dendritic VGICs and their plasticity into neurophysiological and learning theory models have been far and few. Here, we develop a generalized quantitative framework to analyze the extent of influence of a spatially localized VGIC conductance on different physiological properties along the entire stretch of a neuron. Employing this framework, we show that the extent of influence of a VGIC conductance is largely independent of the conductance magnitude but is heavily dependent on the specific physiological property and background conductances. Morphologically, our analyses demonstrate that the influences of different VGIC conductances located on an oblique dendrite are confined within that oblique dendrite, thus providing further credence to the postulate that dendritic branches act as independent computational units. Furthermore, distinguishing between active and passive propagation of signals within a neuron, we demonstrate that the influence of a VGIC conductance is spatially confined only when propagation is active. Finally, we reconstruct functional gradients from VGIC conductance gradients using influence fields and demonstrate that the cumulative contribution of VGIC conductances in adjacent compartments plays a critical role in determining physiological properties at a given location. We suggest that our framework provides a quantitative basis for unraveling the roles of dendritic VGICs and their plasticity in neural coding, learning, and homeostasis.


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The altered spontaneous emission of an emitter near an arbitrary body can be elucidated using an energy balance of the electromagnetic field. From a classical point of view it is trivial to show that the field scattered back from any body should alter the emission of the source. But it is not at all apparent that the total radiative and non-radiative decay in an arbitrary body can add to the vacuum decay rate of the emitter (i.e.) an increase of emission that is just as much as the body absorbs and radiates in all directions. This gives us an opportunity to revisit two other elegant classical ideas of the past, the optical theorem and the Wheeler-Feynman absorber theory of radiation. It also provides us alternative perspectives of Purcell effect and generalizes many of its manifestations, both enhancement and inhibition of emission. When the optical density of states of a body or a material is difficult to resolve (in a complex geometry or a highly inhomogeneous volume) such a generalization offers new directions to solutions. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Two transcription termination mechanisms - intrinsic and Rho-dependent - have evolved in bacteria. The Rho factor occurs in most bacterial lineages, and has been hypothesized to play a global regulatory role. Genome-wide studies using microarray, 2D-gel electrophoresis and ChIP-chip provided evidence that Rho serves to silence transcription from horizontally acquired genes and prophages in Escherichia coli K-12, implicating the factor to be a part of the ``cellular immune mechanism'' protecting against deleterious phages and aberrant gene expression from acquired xenogenic DNA. We have investigated this model by adopting an alternate in silico approach and have extended the study to other species. Our analysis shows that several genomic islands across diverse phyla have under-representation of intrinsic terminators, similar to that experimentally observed in E. coli K-12. This implies that Rho-dependent termination is the predominant process operational in these islands and that silencing of foreign DNA is a conserved function of Rho. From the present analysis, it is evident that horizontally acquired islands have lost intrinsic terminators to facilitate Rho-dependent termination. These results underscore the importance of Rho as a conserved, genome-wide sentinel that regulates potentially toxic xenogenic DNA. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The problem of human detection is challenging, more so, when faced with adverse conditions such as occlusion and background clutter. This paper addresses the problem of human detection by representing an extracted feature of an image using a sparse linear combination of chosen dictionary atoms. The detection along with the scale finding, is done by using the coefficients obtained from sparse representation. This is of particular interest as we address the problem of scale using a scale-embedded dictionary where the conventional methods detect the object by running the detection window at all scales.


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We consider the problem of extracting a signature representation of similar entities employing covariance descriptors. Covariance descriptors can efficiently represent objects and are robust to scale and pose changes. We posit that covariance descriptors corresponding to similar objects share a common geometrical structure which can be extracted through joint diagonalization. We term this diagonalizing matrix as the Covariance Profile (CP). CP can be used to measure the distance of a novel object to an object set through the diagonality measure. We demonstrate how CP can be employed on images as well as for videos, for applications such as face recognition and object-track clustering.


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Real-time object tracking is a critical task in many computer vision applications. Achieving rapid and robust tracking while handling changes in object pose and size, varying illumination and partial occlusion, is a challenging task given the limited amount of computational resources. In this paper we propose a real-time object tracker in l(1) framework addressing these issues. In the proposed approach, dictionaries containing templates of overlapping object fragments are created. The candidate fragments are sparsely represented in the dictionary fragment space by solving the l(1) regularized least squares problem. The non zero coefficients indicate the relative motion between the target and candidate fragments along with a fidelity measure. The final object motion is obtained by fusing the reliable motion information. The dictionary is updated based on the object likelihood map. The proposed tracking algorithm is tested on various challenging videos and found to outperform earlier approach.


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This paper presents classification, representation and extraction of deformation features in sheet-metal parts. The thickness is constant for these shape features and hence these are also referred to as constant thickness features. The deformation feature is represented as a set of faces with a characteristic arrangement among the faces. Deformation of the base-sheet or forming of material creates Bends and Walls with respect to a base-sheet or a reference plane. These are referred to as Basic Deformation Features (BDFs). Compound deformation features having two or more BDFs are defined as characteristic combinations of Bends and Walls and represented as a graph called Basic Deformation Features Graph (BDFG). The graph, therefore, represents a compound deformation feature uniquely. The characteristic arrangement of the faces and type of bends belonging to the feature decide the type and nature of the deformation feature. Algorithms have been developed to extract and identify deformation features from a CAD model of sheet-metal parts. The proposed algorithm does not require folding and unfolding of the part as intermediate steps to recognize deformation features. Representations of typical features are illustrated and results of extracting these deformation features from typical sheet metal parts are presented and discussed. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The von Neumann entropy of a generic quantum state is not unique unless the state can be uniquely decomposed as a sum of extremal or pure states. As pointed out to us by Sorkin, this happens if the GNS representation (of the algebra of observables in some quantum state) is reducible, and some representations in the decomposition occur with non-trivial degeneracy. This non-unique entropy can occur at zero temperature. We will argue elsewhere in detail that the degeneracies in the GNS representation can be interpreted as an emergent broken gauge symmetry, and play an important role in the analysis of emergent entropy due to non-Abelian anomalies. Finally, we establish the analogue of an H-theorem for this entropy by showing that its evolution is Markovian, determined by a stochastic matrix.