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In this paper we demonstrate the use of multi-port network modeling to analyze one such antenna with fractal shaped parts. Based on simulation and experimental studies, it has been demonstrated that model can accurately predict the input characteristics of antennas with Minkowski geometry replacing a side micro strip square ring.


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We propose a new method for design of computationally efficient nonsubsampled multiscale multidirectional filter bank with perfect reconstruction (PR). This filter bank is composed of two nonsubsampled filter banks, for multiscale decomposition and for directional expansion. For multiscale decomposition, we transform the 1-D equivalent subband filters directly into 2-D equivalent subband filters. The computational cost is considerably reduced by avoiding the computation of 2-D convolutions. The multidirectional decomposition utilizes fan filters. A new method for design of 2-D zero phase FIR fan filter transformation function is developed. This method also aids the transformation of a 1-D filter bank to a 2-D multidirectional filter bank. The potential application of the proposed filter bank is illustrated by comparing the image denoising performance of the proposed filter bank with other design method that exist in available literature.


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Compressive Sampling Matching Pursuit (CoSaMP) is one of the popular greedy methods in the emerging field of Compressed Sensing (CS). In addition to the appealing empirical performance, CoSaMP has also splendid theoretical guarantees for convergence. In this paper, we propose a modification in CoSaMP to adaptively choose the dimension of search space in each iteration, using a threshold based approach. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we show that this modification improves the reconstruction capability of the CoSaMP algorithm in clean as well as noisy measurement cases. From empirical observations, we also propose an optimum value for the threshold to use in applications.


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Let where be a set of points in d-dimensional space with a given metric rho. For a point let r (p) be the distance of p with respect to rho from its nearest neighbor in Let B(p,r (p) ) be the open ball with respect to rho centered at p and having the radius r (p) . We define the sphere-of-influence graph (SIG) of as the intersection graph of the family of sets Given a graph G, a set of points in d-dimensional space with the metric rho is called a d-dimensional SIG-representation of G, if G is isomorphic to the SIG of It is known that the absence of isolated vertices is a necessary and sufficient condition for a graph to have a SIG-representation under the L (a)-metric in some space of finite dimension. The SIG-dimension under the L (a)-metric of a graph G without isolated vertices is defined to be the minimum positive integer d such that G has a d-dimensional SIG-representation under the L (a)-metric. It is denoted by SIG (a)(G). We study the SIG-dimension of trees under the L (a)-metric and almost completely answer an open problem posed by Michael and Quint (Discrete Appl Math 127:447-460, 2003). Let T be a tree with at least two vertices. For each let leaf-degree(v) denote the number of neighbors of v that are leaves. We define the maximum leaf-degree as leaf-degree(x). Let leaf-degree{(v) = alpha}. If |S| = 1, we define beta(T) = alpha(T) - 1. Otherwise define beta(T) = alpha(T). We show that for a tree where beta = beta (T), provided beta is not of the form 2 (k) - 1, for some positive integer k a parts per thousand yen 1. If beta = 2 (k) - 1, then We show that both values are possible.


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The product dimension of a graph G is defined as the minimum natural number l such that G is an induced subgraph of a direct product of l complete graphs. In this paper we study the product dimension of forests, bounded treewidth graphs and k-degenerate graphs. We show that every forest on n vertices has product dimension at most 1.441 log n + 3. This improves the best known upper bound of 3 log n for the same due to Poljak and Pultr. The technique used in arriving at the above bound is extended and combined with a well-known result on the existence of orthogonal Latin squares to show that every graph on n vertices with treewidth at most t has product dimension at most (t + 2) (log n + 1). We also show that every k-degenerate graph on n vertices has product dimension at most inverted right perpendicular5.545 k log ninverted left perpendicular + 1. This improves the upper bound of 32 k log n for the same by Eaton and Rodl.


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We study consistency properties of surrogate loss functions for general multiclass classification problems, defined by a general loss matrix. We extend the notion of classification calibration, which has been studied for binary and multiclass 0-1 classification problems (and for certain other specific learning problems), to the general multiclass setting, and derive necessary and sufficient conditions for a surrogate loss to be classification calibrated with respect to a loss matrix in this setting. We then introduce the notion of \emph{classification calibration dimension} of a multiclass loss matrix, which measures the smallest `size' of a prediction space for which it is possible to design a convex surrogate that is classification calibrated with respect to the loss matrix. We derive both upper and lower bounds on this quantity, and use these results to analyze various loss matrices. In particular, as one application, we provide a different route from the recent result of Duchi et al.\ (2010) for analyzing the difficulty of designing `low-dimensional' convex surrogates that are consistent with respect to pairwise subset ranking losses. We anticipate the classification calibration dimension may prove to be a useful tool in the study and design of surrogate losses for general multiclass learning problems.


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In this paper, we propose a cooperative particle swarm optimization (CPSO) based channel estimation/equalization scheme for multiple-input multiple-output zero-padded single-carrier (MIMO-ZPSC) systems with large dimensions in frequency selective channels. We estimate the channel state information at the receiver in time domain using a PSO based algorithm during training phase. Using the estimated channel, we perform information symbol detection in the frequency domain using FFT based processing. For this detection, we use a low complexity OLA (OverLap Add) likelihood ascent search equalizer which uses minimum mean square (MMSE) equalizer solution as the initial solution. Multiple iterations between channel estimation and data detection are carried out which significantly improves the mean square error and bit error rate performance of the receiver.


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Patches with variants of fractal Minkowski curves as boundaries are used here to design a polarization dependent electromagnetic bandgap surface. Reflection phases of the proposed structure depends upon the polarization state of the incident wave and frequency. The phase difference between the x-polarized and y-polarized components of the reflected wave can be as high as 200 degrees and this is achieved without excessive increase in unit cell dimensions and vias. The performance of the surface is analyzed numerically using CST microwave studio. The potential applications of the surface are in polarization conversion surfaces, polarimetric radar calibration, and RCS reduction.


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In this paper, we present a new multiscale method which is capable of coupling atomistic and continuum domains for high frequency wave propagation analysis. The problem of non-physical wave reflection, which occurs due to the change in system description across the interface between two scales, can be satisfactorily overcome by the proposed method. We propose an efficient spectral domain decomposition of the total fine scale displacement along with a potent macroscale equation in the Laplace domain to eliminate the spurious interfacial reflection. We use Laplace transform based spectral finite element method to model the macroscale, which provides the optimum approximations for required dynamic responses of the outer atoms of the simulated microscale region very accurately. This new method shows excellent agreement between the proposed multiscale model and the full molecular dynamics (MD) results. Numerical experiments of wave propagation in a 1D harmonic lattice, a 1D lattice with Lennard-Jones potential, a 2D square Bravais lattice, and a 2D triangular lattice with microcrack demonstrate the accuracy and the robustness of the method. In addition, under certain conditions, this method can simulate complex dynamics of crystalline solids involving different spatial and/or temporal scales with sufficient accuracy and efficiency. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Let G = -Delta(xi) - vertical bar xi vertical bar(2) partial derivative(2)/partial derivative eta(2) be the Grushin operator on R-n x R. We prove that the Riesz transforms associated to this operator are bounded on L-p(Rn+1), 1 < p < infinity, and their norms are independent of dimension n.


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The paper presents a multiscale method for crack propagation. The coarse region is modelled by the differential reproducing kernel particle method. Fracture in the coarse scale region is modelled with the Phantom node method. A molecular statics approach is employed in the fine scale where crack propagation is modelled naturally by breaking of bonds. The triangular lattice corresponds to the lattice structure of the (111) plane of an FCC crystal in the fine scale region. The Lennard-Jones potential is used to model the atom-atom interactions. The coupling between the coarse scale and fine scale is realized through ghost atoms. The ghost atom positions are interpolated from the coarse scale solution and enforced as boundary conditions on the fine scale. The fine scale region is adaptively refined and coarsened as the crack propagates. The centro symmetry parameter is used to detect the crack tip location. The method is implemented in two dimensions. The results are compared to pure atomistic simulations and show excellent agreement. (C) 2014 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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The complexity in visualizing volumetric data often limits the scope of direct exploration of scalar fields. Isocontour extraction is a popular method for exploring scalar fields because of its simplicity in presenting features in the data. In this paper, we present a novel representation of contours with the aim of studying the similarity relationship between the contours. The representation maps contours to points in a high-dimensional transformation-invariant descriptor space. We leverage the power of this representation to design a clustering based algorithm for detecting symmetric regions in a scalar field. Symmetry detection is a challenging problem because it demands both segmentation of the data and identification of transformation invariant segments. While the former task can be addressed using topological analysis of scalar fields, the latter requires geometry based solutions. Our approach combines the two by utilizing the contour tree for segmenting the data and the descriptor space for determining transformation invariance. We discuss two applications, query driven exploration and asymmetry visualization, that demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach.


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The separation dimension of a graph G is the smallest natural number k for which the vertices of G can be embedded in R-k such that any pair of disjoint edges in G can be separated by a hyperplane normal to one of the axes. Equivalently, it is the smallest possible cardinality of a family F of total orders of the vertices of G such that for any two disjoint edges of G, there exists at least one total order in F in which all the vertices in one edge precede those in the other. In general, the maximum separation dimension of a graph on n vertices is Theta(log n). In this article, we focus on bounded degree graphs and show that the separation dimension of a graph with maximum degree d is at most 2(9) (log*d)d. We also demonstrate that the above bound is nearly tight by showing that, for every d, almost all d-regular graphs have separation dimension at least d/2]


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We consider the equation Delta(2)u = g(x, u) >= 0 in the sense of distribution in Omega' = Omega\textbackslash {0} where u and -Delta u >= 0. Then it is known that u solves Delta(2)u = g(x, u) + alpha delta(0) - beta Delta delta(0), for some nonnegative constants alpha and beta. In this paper, we study the existence of singular solutions to Delta(2)u = a(x) f (u) + alpha delta(0) - beta Delta delta(0) in a domain Omega subset of R-4, a is a nonnegative measurable function in some Lebesgue space. If Delta(2)u = a(x) f (u) in Omega', then we find the growth of the nonlinearity f that determines alpha and beta to be 0. In case when alpha = beta = 0, we will establish regularity results when f (t) <= Ce-gamma t, for some C, gamma > 0. This paper extends the work of Soranzo (1997) where the author finds the barrier function in higher dimensions (N >= 5) with a specific weight function a(x) = |x|(sigma). Later, we discuss its analogous generalization for the polyharmonic operator.


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We study a positivity condition for the curvature of oriented Riemannian 4-manifolds: the half-PIC condition. It is a slight weakening of the positive isotropic curvature (PIC) condition introduced by M. Micallef and J. Moore. We observe that the half-PIC condition is preserved by the Ricci flow and satisfies a maximality property among all Ricci flow invariant positivity conditions on the curvature of oriented 4-manifolds. We also study some geometric and topological aspects of half-PIC manifolds.