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Image fusion techniques are useful to integrate the geometric detail of a high-resolution panchromatic (PAN) image and the spectral information of a low-resolution multispectral (MSS) image, particularly important for understanding land use dynamics at larger scale (1:25000 or lower), which is required by the decision makers to adopt holistic approaches for regional planning. Fused images can extract features from source images and provide more information than one scene of MSS image. High spectral resolution aids in identification of objects more distinctly while high spatial resolution allows locating the objects more clearly. The geoinformatics technologies with an ability to provide high-spatial-spectral-resolution data helps in inventorying, mapping, monitoring and sustainable management of natural resources. Fusion module in GRDSS, taking into consideration the limitations in spatial resolution of MSS data and spectral resolution of PAN data, provide high-spatial-spectral-resolution remote sensing images required for land use mapping on regional scale. GRDSS is a freeware GIS Graphic User Interface (GUI) developed in Tcl/Tk is based on command line arguments of GRASS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System) with the functionalities for raster analysis, vector analysis, site analysis, image processing, modeling and graphics visualization. It has the capabilities to capture, store, process, analyse, prioritize and display spatial and temporal data.


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In this paper we propose a concept and report experimental results based on a circular array of Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensors (PWASs) for rapid localization and parametric identification of corrosion type damage in metallic plates. Implementation of this circular array of PWASs combines the use of ultrasonic Lamb wave propagation technique and an algorithm based on symmetry breaking in the signal pattern to locate and monitor the growth of a corrosion pit on a metallic plate. Wavelet time-frequency maps of the sensor signals are employed to obtain an insight regarding the effect of corrosion growth on the Lamb wave transmission in time-frequency scale. We present here a method to eliminate the time scale, which helps in identifying easily the signature of damage in the measured signals. The proposed method becomes useful in determining the approximate location of the damage with respect to the location of three neighboring sensors in the circular array. A cumulative damage index is computed from the wavelet coefficients for varying damage sizes and the results appear promising. Damage index is plotted against the damage parameters for frequency sweep of the excitation signal (a windowed sine signal). Results of corrosion damage are compared with circular holes of various sizes to demonstrate the applicability of present method to different types of damage. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Packet forwarding is a memory-intensive application requiring multiple accesses through a trie structure. The efficiency of a cache for this application critically depends on the placement function to reduce conflict misses. Traditional placement functions use a one-level mapping that naively partitions trie-nodes into cache sets. However, as a significant percentage of trie nodes are not useful, these schemes suffer from a non-uniform distribution of useful nodes to sets. This in turn results in increased conflict misses. Newer organizations such as variable associativity caches achieve flexibility in placement at the expense of increased hit-latency. This makes them unsuitable for L1 caches.We propose a novel two-level mapping framework that retains the hit-latency of one-level mapping yet incurs fewer conflict misses. This is achieved by introducing a secondlevel mapping which reorganizes the nodes in the naive initial partitions into refined partitions with near-uniform distribution of nodes. Further as this remapping is accomplished by simply adapting the index bits to a given routing table the hit-latency is not affected. We propose three new schemes which result in up to 16% reduction in the number of misses and 13% speedup in memory access time. In comparison, an XOR-based placement scheme known to perform extremely well for general purpose architectures, can obtain up to 2% speedup in memory access time.


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Corrosion of SAE 310 stainless steel in H2-H2O-H2S gas mixtures was studied at a constant temperature of 1150 K. Reactive gas mixtures were chosen to yield a constant oxygen potential of approximately 6 × 10-13 Nm-2 and sulfur potentials ranging from 0.19 × 10-2 Nm-2 to 33 × 10-2 Nm-2. The kinetics of corrosion were determined using a thermobalance, and the scales were analyzed using metallography, scanning electron microscopy, and energy dispersive X-ray analysis. Two corrosion regimes, which were dependent on sulfur potential, were identified. At high sulfur potentials (P S 2 ± 2.7 × 10-2 Nm-2) the corrosion rates were high, the kinetics obeyed a linear rate equation, and the scales consisted mainly of sulfide phases similar to those observed from pure sulfidation. At low sulfur potentials (P S 2 ± 0.19 × 10-2 Nm-2) the corrosion rates were low, the kinetics obeyed a parabolic rate equation, and scales consisted mainly of oxide phases. Thermochemical diagrams for the Fe-Cr-S-O, Fe-Ni-S-O, Cr-Ni-S-O, and Si-Cr-S-O systems were constructed, and the experimental results are discussed in relation to these diagrams. Based on this comparison, reasonable corrosion mechanisms were developed. At high sulfur potentials, oxide and sulfide phases initially nucleate as separate islands. Overgrowth of the oxide by the sulfide occurs and an exchange reaction governs the corrosion process. Preoxidation at low oxygen potentials and 1150 K is beneficial in suppressing sulfidation at high sulfur potentials.


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Ternary phase relations in the Co-Cr-S system at 1223 K were determined using microprobe analysis of quenched samples. The results are consistent with the data available on the binary systems. A complete solid solution exists between cobalt monosulfide and chromium monosulfide. The CoCr2S4 thiospinel is the only ternary compound formed. A sulfur potential diagram was constructed for the region involving equilibrium between alloy and monosulfide based on thermodynamic data on the Co-Cr, Co-S, and Cr-S binary systems and the ternary information obtained in this study. The sulfidation behavior of Co-Cr alloys reported in the literature is discussed in light of the sulfur potential diagram.


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All refractories show enhanced corrosion near the slag/metal interface due to Marangoni and convective flows. However, in the case of oxide refractories containing graphite flakes, corrosion is severe due to periodic oscillations in the contact angle at the slag/metal interface, resulting in cyclic dissolution of oxide and graphite into the slag and metal, respectively. Alumina--graphite (AG) refractories should be used only where they are not in simultaneous contact with slag (flux) and low carbon steel.


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In this paper, we explore the use of LDPC codes for nonuniform sources under distributed source coding paradigm. Our analysis reveals that several capacity approaching LDPC codes indeed do approach the Slepian-Wolf bound for nonuniform sources as well. The Monte Carlo simulation results show that highly biased sources can be compressed to 0.049 bits/sample away from Slepian-Wolf bound for moderate block lengths.


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Prebreakdown currents in a coaxial cylindrical geometry in nitrogen have been measured with and without a crossed magnetic field. The range of parameters used in the investigation are 2.6 ÿ p ÿ 14.5 torr, 50 ÿ (E/p) ÿ 420 V cm-1 torr-1, and 43.0 ÿ H/p ÿ 1185 Oe torr-1 (p is the pressure, E is the electric field, and H is the magnetic field). The initial photoelectric current is obtained by allowing photons produced in an auxiliary glow discharge to strike the cathode. Ions and electrons produced in the auxiliary discharge are prevented from reaching the main gap by suitable shielding. By modifying the Rice equation for back diffusion, the measured ionization current multiplication without a crossed magnetic field is compared with the multiplication predicted by the Townsend growth equation for nonuniform electric fields. It is observed that over the range of 50 Ã�¿ (E/P)max Ã�¿ 250 [(E/P)max is the value of E/p at the central electrode of the coaxial system] measured and calculated multiplication of current agree with each other. With a crossed magnetic field the prebreakdown currents have been measured and compared with the theoretically calculated currents using the equivalent pressure concept. Agreement between the calculated and measured currents is not satisfactory, and this has been attributed more to the uncertainty in the collision frequency data available than nonuniformity of the electric field. Sparking potentials have been measured with and without a crossed magnetic field.


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The present work is aimed at developing a bioactive, corrosion resistant and anti bacterial nanostructured silver substituted hydroxyapatite/titania (AgHA/TiO(2)) composite coating in a single step on commercially pure titanium (Cp Ti) by plasma electrolytic processing (PEP) technique. For this purpose 2.5 wt% silver substituted hydroxyapatite (AgHA) nanoparticles were prepared by microwave processing technique and were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) methods. The as-synthesized AgHA particles with particle length ranging from 60 to 70 nm and width ranging from 15 to 20 nm were used for the subsequent development of coating on Cp Ti. The PEP treated Cp Ti showed both titania and AgHA in its coating and exhibited an improved corrosion resistance in 7.4 pH simulated body fluid (SBF) and 4.5 pH osteoclast bioresorbable conditions compared to untreated Cp Ti. The in vitro bioactivity test conducted under Kokubo SBF conditions indicated an enhanced apatite forming ability of PEP treated Cp Ti surface compared to that of the untreated Cp Ti. The Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion method or antibiotic sensitivity test conducted with the test organisms of Escherichia coli (E. coli) for 24 h showed a significant zone of inhibition for PEP treated Cp Ti compared to untreated Cp Ti. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.


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We report investigations on the texture, corrosion and wear behavior of ultra-fine grained (UFG) Ti-13Nb-Zr alloy, processed by equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE) technique, for biomedical applications. The microstructure obtained was characterized by X-ray line profile analysis, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and electron back scattered diffraction (EBSD). We focus on the corrosion resistance and the fretting behavior, the main considerations for such biomaterials, in simulated body fluid. To this end. potentiodynamic polarization tests were carried out to evaluate the corrosion behavior of the UFG alloy in Hanks solution at 37 degrees C. The fretting wear behavior was carried out against bearing steel in the same conditions. The roughness of the samples was also measured to examine the effect of topography on the wear behavior of the samples. Our results showed that the ECAE process increases noticeably the performance of the alloy as orthopedic implant. Although no significant difference was observed in the fretting wear behavior, the corrosion resistance of the UFG alloy was found to be higher than the non-treated material. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The present work is aimed at studying the influence of electrolyte chemistry on the voltage-time (V-T) response characteristics, phase structure, surface morphology, film growth rate and corrosion properties of titania films fabricated by micro arc oxidation (MAO) on Cp Ti. The titania films were developed with a sodium phosphate based reference electrolyte comprising the additives such as sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), sodium nitrite (NaNO2) and urea (CO(NH2)(2)). The phase composition, surface morphology, elemental composition and thickness of the films were assessed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) techniques. The corrosion characteristics of the fabricated films were studied under Kokubo simulated body fluid (SBF) condition by potentiodynamic polarization, long term potential and linear polarization resistance (LPR) measurements and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) methods. In addition, the corrosion characteristics of the grown films were analyzed by EIS curve fitting and equivalent circuit modeling. Salt spray test (SST) as per ASTM B 117 standard was also conducted to verify the corrosion resistance of the grown films. The XRD results showed that the titania films were composed of both anatase and rutile phases at different proportions. Besides, the films grown in carbonate and nitrite containing electrolyte systems showed an enhanced growth of their rutile phase in the 1 0 1] direction which could be attributed to the modifications introduced in the growth process by the abundant oxygen available during the process. The SEM-EDX and elemental mapping results showed that the respective electrolyte borne elements were incorporated and distributed uniformly in all the films. Among all the grown films under study, the film developed in carbonate containing electrolyte system exhibited considerably improved corrosion resistance due to suitable modifications in its structural and morphological characteristics. The rate of anatase to rutile phase transformation and the rutile growth direction were strongly influenced by the abundant oxidizing species available during the film growth process. (C) 2012 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents hierarchical clustering algorithms for land cover mapping problem using multi-spectral satellite images. In unsupervised techniques, the automatic generation of number of clusters and its centers for a huge database is not exploited to their full potential. Hence, a hierarchical clustering algorithm that uses splitting and merging techniques is proposed. Initially, the splitting method is used to search for the best possible number of clusters and its centers using Mean Shift Clustering (MSC), Niche Particle Swarm Optimization (NPSO) and Glowworm Swarm Optimization (GSO). Using these clusters and its centers, the merging method is used to group the data points based on a parametric method (k-means algorithm). A performance comparison of the proposed hierarchical clustering algorithms (MSC, NPSO and GSO) is presented using two typical multi-spectral satellite images - Landsat 7 thematic mapper and QuickBird. From the results obtained, we conclude that the proposed GSO based hierarchical clustering algorithm is more accurate and robust.


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We propose a distribution-free approach to the study of random geometric graphs. The distribution of vertices follows a Poisson point process with intensity function n f(center dot), where n is an element of N, and f is a probability density function on R-d. A vertex located at x connects via directed edges to other vertices that are within a cut-off distance r(n)(x). We prove strong law results for (i) the critical cut-off function so that almost surely, the graph does not contain any node with out-degree zero for sufficiently large n and (ii) the maximum and minimum vertex degrees. We also provide a characterization of the cut-off function for which the number of nodes with out-degree zero converges in distribution to a Poisson random variable. We illustrate this result for a class of densities with compact support that have at most polynomial rates of decay to zero. Finally, we state a sufficient condition for an enhanced version of the above graph to be almost surely connected eventually.