66 resultados para Invariant tests


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Ampcalculator (AMPC) is a Mathematica (c) based program that was made publicly available some time ago by Unterdorfer and Ecker. It enables the user to compute several processes at one loop (upto O(p(4))) in SU(3) chiral perturbation theory. They include computing matrix elements and form factors for strong and non-leptonic weak processes with at most six external states. It was used to compute some novel processes and was tested against well-known results by the original authors. Here we present the results of several thorough checks of the package. Exhaustive checks performed by the original authors are not publicly available, and hence the present effort. Some new results are obtained from the software especially in the kaon odd-intrinsic parity non-leptonic decay sector involving the coupling G(27). Another illustrative set of amplitudes at tree level we provide is in the context of tau-decays with several mesons including quark mass effects, of use to the BELLE experiment. All eight meson-meson scattering amplitudes have been checked. The Kaon-Compton amplitude has been checked and a minor error in the published results has been pointed out. This exercise is a tutorial-based one, wherein several input and output notebooks are also being made available as ancillary files on the arXiv. Some of the additional notebooks we provide contain explicit expressions that we have used for comparison with established results. The purpose is to encourage users to apply the software to suit their specific needs. An automatic amplitude generator of this type can provide error-free outputs that could be used as inputs for further simplification, and in varied scenarios such as applications of chiral perturbation theory at finite temperature, density and volume. This can also be used by students as a learning aid in low-energy hadron dynamics.


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This paper studies the effect of frequency of base shaking on the dynamic response of unreinforced and reinforced soil slopes through a series of shaking table tests. Slopes were constructed using clayey sand and geogrids were used for reinforcing the slopes. Two different slope angles 45 degrees and 60 degrees were used in tests and the quantity and location of reinforcement is varied in different tests. Acceleration of shaking is kept constant as 0.3 g in all the tests to maximize the response and the frequency of shaking was 2 Hz, 5 Hz and 7 Hz in different tests. The slope is instrumented with ultrasonic displacement sensors and accelerometers at different elevations. The response of different slopes is compared in terms of the deformation of the slope and acceleration amplifications measured at different elevations. It is observed that the displacements at all elevations increased with increase in frequency for all slopes, whereas the effect of frequency on acceleration amplifications is not significant for reinforced slopes. Results showed that the acceleration and displacement response is not increasing proportionately with the increase in the frequency, suggesting that the role of frequency in the seismic response is very important. Reinforced slopes showed lesser displacements compared to unreinforced slopes at all frequency levels. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We consider the asymptotics of the invariant measure for the process of spatial distribution of N coupled Markov chains in the limit of a large number of chains. Each chain reflects the stochastic evolution of one particle. The chains are coupled through the dependence of transition rates on the spatial distribution of particles in the various states. Our model is a caricature for medium access interactions in wireless local area networks. Our model is also applicable in the study of spread of epidemics in a network. The limiting process satisfies a deterministic ordinary differential equation called the McKean-Vlasov equation. When this differential equation has a unique globally asymptotically stable equilibrium, the spatial distribution converges weakly to this equilibrium. Using a control-theoretic approach, we examine the question of a large deviation from this equilibrium.


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Following up the work of 1] on deformed algebras, we present a class of Poincare invariant quantum field theories with particles having deformed internal symmetries. The twisted quantum fields discussed in this work satisfy commutation relations different from the usual bosonic/fermionic commutation relations. Such twisted fields by construction are nonlocal in nature. Despite this nonlocality we show that it is possible to construct interaction Hamiltonians which satisfy cluster decomposition principle and are Lorentz invariant. We further illustrate these ideas by considering global SU(N) symmetries. Specifically we show that twisted internal symmetries can provide a natural-framework for the discussion of the marginal deformations (beta-deformations) of the N = 4 SUSY theories.


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The enzyme, D-xylose isomerase (D-xylose keto-isomerase; EC is a soluble enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of the aldo-sugar D-xylose to the keto-sugar D-xylulose. A total of 27 subunits of D-xylose isomerase from Streptomyces rubiginosus were analyzed in order to identify the invariant water molecules and their water-mediated ionic interactions. A total of 70 water molecules were found to be invariant. The structural and/or functional roles of these water molecules have been discussed. These invariant water molecules and their ionic interactions may be involved in maintaining the structural stability of the enzyme D-xylose isomerase. Fifty-eight of the 70 invariant water molecules (83%) have at least one interaction with the main chain polar atom.


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The primary objective of the present study is to show that for the most common configuration of an impactor system, the accelerometer cannot exactly reproduce the dynamic response of a specimen subjected to impact loading. An equivalent Lumped Parameter Model (LPM) of the given impactor set-up has been formulated for assessing the accuracy of an accelerometer mounted in a drop-weight impactor set-up for an axially loaded specimen. A specimen under the impact loading is represented by a non-linear spring of varying stiffness, while the accelerometer is assumed to behave in a linear manner due to its high stiffness. Specimens made of steel, aluminium and fibre-reinforced composite (FRC) are used in the present study. Assuming the force-displacement response obtained in an actual impact test to be the true behaviour of the test specimen, a suitable numerical approach has been used to solve the governing non-linear differential equations of a three degrees-of-freedom (DOF) system in a piece-wise linear manner. The numerical solution of the governing differential equations following an explicit time integration scheme yields an excellent reproduction of the mechanical behaviour of the specimen, consequently confirming the accuracy of the numerical approach. However, the spring representing the accelerometer predicts a response that qualitatively matches the assumed force-displacement response of the test specimen with a perceptibly lower magnitude of load.


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This paper presents the shaking table studies to investigate the factors that influence the liquefaction resistance of sand. A uniaxial shaking table with a perspex model container was used for the model tests, and saturated sand beds were prepared using wet pluviation method. The models were subjected to horizontal base shaking, and the variation of pore water pressure was measured. Three series of tests varying the acceleration and frequency of base shaking and density of the soil were carried out on sand beds simulating free field condition. Liquefaction was visualized in some model tests, which was also established through pore water pressure ratios. Effective stress was calculated at the point of pore water pressure measurement, and the number of cycles required to liquefy the sand bed were estimated and matched with visual observations. It was observed that there was a gradual variation in pore water pressure with change in base acceleration at a given frequency of shaking. The variation in pore water pressure is not significant for the range of frequency used in the tests. The frequency of base shaking at which the sand starts to liquefy when the sand bed is subjected to any specific base acceleration depends on the density of sand, and it was observed that the sand does not liquefy at any other frequency less than this. A substantial improvement in liquefaction resistance of the sand was observed with the increase in soil density, inferring that soil densification is a simple technique that can be applied to increase the liquefaction resistance.


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Finite volume methods traditionally employ dimension by dimension extension of the one-dimensional reconstruction and averaging procedures to achieve spatial discretization of the governing partial differential equations on a structured Cartesian mesh in multiple dimensions. This simple approach based on tensor product stencils introduces an undesirable grid orientation dependence in the computed solution. The resulting anisotropic errors lead to a disparity in the calculations that is most prominent between directions parallel and diagonal to the grid lines. In this work we develop isotropic finite volume discretization schemes which minimize such grid orientation effects in multidimensional calculations by eliminating the directional bias in the lowest order term in the truncation error. Explicit isotropic expressions that relate the cell face averaged line and surface integrals of a function and its derivatives to the given cell area and volume averages are derived in two and three dimensions, respectively. It is found that a family of isotropic approximations with a free parameter can be derived by combining isotropic schemes based on next-nearest and next-next-nearest neighbors in three dimensions. Use of these isotropic expressions alone in a standard finite volume framework, however, is found to be insufficient in enforcing rotational invariance when the flux vector is nonlinear and/or spatially non-uniform. The rotationally invariant terms which lead to a loss of isotropy in such cases are explicitly identified and recast in a differential form. Various forms of flux correction terms which allow for a full recovery of rotational invariance in the lowest order truncation error terms, while preserving the formal order of accuracy and discrete conservation of the original finite volume method, are developed. Numerical tests in two and three dimensions attest the superior directional attributes of the proposed isotropic finite volume method. Prominent anisotropic errors, such as spurious asymmetric distortions on a circular reaction-diffusion wave that feature in the conventional finite volume implementation are effectively suppressed through isotropic finite volume discretization. Furthermore, for a given spatial resolution, a striking improvement in the prediction of kinetic energy decay rate corresponding to a general two-dimensional incompressible flow field is observed with the use of an isotropic finite volume method instead of the conventional discretization. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In today's API-rich world, programmer productivity depends heavily on the programmer's ability to discover the required APIs. In this paper, we present a technique and tool, called MATHFINDER, to discover APIs for mathematical computations by mining unit tests of API methods. Given a math expression, MATHFINDER synthesizes pseudo-code to compute the expression by mapping its subexpressions to API method calls. For each subexpression, MATHFINDER searches for a method such that there is a mapping between method inputs and variables of the subexpression. The subexpression, when evaluated on the test inputs of the method under this mapping, should produce results that match the method output on a large number of tests. We implemented MATHFINDER as an Eclipse plugin for discovery of third-party Java APIs and performed a user study to evaluate its effectiveness. In the study, the use of MATHFINDER resulted in a 2x improvement in programmer productivity. In 96% of the subexpressions queried for in the study, MATHFINDER retrieved the desired API methods as the top-most result. The top-most pseudo-code snippet to implement the entire expression was correct in 93% of the cases. Since the number of methods and unit tests to mine could be large in practice, we also implement MATHFINDER in a MapReduce framework and evaluate its scalability and response time.


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Today's programming languages are supported by powerful third-party APIs. For a given application domain, it is common to have many competing APIs that provide similar functionality. Programmer productivity therefore depends heavily on the programmer's ability to discover suitable APIs both during an initial coding phase, as well as during software maintenance. The aim of this work is to support the discovery and migration of math APIs. Math APIs are at the heart of many application domains ranging from machine learning to scientific computations. Our approach, called MATHFINDER, combines executable specifications of mathematical computations with unit tests (operational specifications) of API methods. Given a math expression, MATHFINDER synthesizes pseudo-code comprised of API methods to compute the expression by mining unit tests of the API methods. We present a sequential version of our unit test mining algorithm and also design a more scalable data-parallel version. We perform extensive evaluation of MATHFINDER (1) for API discovery, where math algorithms are to be implemented from scratch and (2) for API migration, where client programs utilizing a math API are to be migrated to another API. We evaluated the precision and recall of MATHFINDER on a diverse collection of math expressions, culled from algorithms used in a wide range of application areas such as control systems and structural dynamics. In a user study to evaluate the productivity gains obtained by using MATHFINDER for API discovery, the programmers who used MATHFINDER finished their programming tasks twice as fast as their counterparts who used the usual techniques like web and code search, IDE code completion, and manual inspection of library documentation. For the problem of API migration, as a case study, we used MATHFINDER to migrate Weka, a popular machine learning library. Overall, our evaluation shows that MATHFINDER is easy to use, provides highly precise results across several math APIs and application domains even with a small number of unit tests per method, and scales to large collections of unit tests.


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Matrix metalloproteinases expression is used as biomarker for various cancers and associated malignancies. Since these proteinases can cleave many intracellular proteins, overexpression tends to be toxic; hence, a challenge to purify them. To overcome these limitations, we designed a protocol where full length pro-MMP2 enzyme was overexpressed in E. coli as inclusion bodies and purified using 6xHis affinity chromatography under denaturing conditions. In one step, the enzyme was purified and refolded directly on the affinity matrix under redox conditions to obtain a bioactive protein. The pro-MMP2 protein was characterized by mass spectrometry, CD spectroscopy, zymography and activity analysis using a simple in-house developed `form invariant' assay, which reports the total MMP2 activity independent of its various forms. The methodology yielded higher yields of bioactive protein compared to other strategies reported till date, and we anticipate that using the protocol, other toxic proteins can also be overexpressed and purified from E. coli and subsequently refolded into active form using a one step renaturation protocol.


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Results from interface shear tests on sand-geosynthetic interfaces are examined in light of surface roughness of the interacting geosynthetic material. Three different types of interface shear tests carried out in the frame of direct shear-test setup are compared to understand the effect of parameters like box fixity and symmetry on the interface shear characteristics. Formation of shear bands close to the interface is visualized in the tests and the bands are analyzed using image-segmentation techniques in MATLAB. A woven geotextile with moderate roughness and a geomembrane with minimal roughness are used in the tests. The effect of surface roughness of the geosynthetic material on the formation of shear bands, movement of sand particles, and interface shear parameters are studied and compared through visual observations, image analyses, and image-segmentation techniques.


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The estimation of strength and stiffness of reinforced aggregates is very important for the design and construction of reinforced unpaved/paved road sections. This paper presents the experimental results from static and cyclic triaxial tests carried out on granular subbase samples reinforced with multiple layers of geogrid reinforcement. Aggregates of different size ranges were mixed in calculated proportions by weight to obtain the gradation specified for rural roads. Triaxial samples of 300 mm diameter and 600 mm height were prepared using this sampled aggregate. The strength and stiffness characteristics of this aggregate reinforced with geogrids at different elevations were determined from static and cyclic triaxial tests. Triaxial tests were also carried out on geocell encased aggregates, and the results are compared. From the experimental results it is observed that reinforced systems carried more stresses than unreinforced systems at the same strain level. The beneficial effect increased with increase in the quantity of reinforcement, whereas for geocell reinforcement, the advantage was evident only at higher strains. (C) 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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We consider Ricci flow invariant cones C in the space of curvature operators lying between the cones ``nonnegative Ricci curvature'' and ``nonnegative curvature operator''. Assuming some mild control on the scalar curvature of the Ricci flow, we show that if a solution to the Ricci flow has its curvature operator which satisfies R + epsilon I is an element of C at the initial time, then it satisfies R + epsilon I is an element of C on some time interval depending only on the scalar curvature control. This allows us to link Gromov-Hausdorff convergence and Ricci flow convergence when the limit is smooth and R + I is an element of C along the sequence of initial conditions. Another application is a stability result for manifolds whose curvature operator is almost in C. Finally, we study the case where C is contained in the cone of operators whose sectional curvature is nonnegative. This allows us to weaken the assumptions of the previously mentioned applications. In particular, we construct a Ricci flow for a class of (not too) singular Alexandrov spaces.


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This note is a study of nonnegativity conditions on curvature preserved by the Ricci flow. We focus on a specific class of curvature conditions which we call non-coercive: These are the conditions for which nonnegative curvature and vanishing scalar curvature does not imply flatness. We show, in dimensions greater than 4, that if a Ricci flow invariant nonnegativity condition is satisfied by all Einstein curvature operators with nonnegative scalar curvature, then this condition is just the nonnegativity of scalar curvature. As a corollary, we obtain that a Ricci flow invariant curvature condition, which is stronger than a nonnegative scalar curvature, cannot be strictly satisfied by curvature operators (other than multiples of the identity) of compact Einstein symmetric spaces. We also investigate conditions which are satisfied by all conformally flat manifolds with nonnegative scalar curvature.