111 resultados para Interval time-varying delay


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We study small vibrations of cantilever beams contacting a rigid surface. We study two cases: the first is a beam that sags onto the ground due to gravity, and the second is a beam that sticks to the ground through reversible adhesion. In both cases, the noncontacting length varies dynamically. We first obtain the governing equations and boundary conditions, including a transversality condition involving an end moment, using Hamilton's principle. Rescaling the variable length to a constant value, we obtain partial differential equations with time varying coefficients, which, upon linearization, give the natural frequencies of vibration. The natural frequencies for the first case (gravity without adhesion) match that of a clamped-clamped beam of the same nominal length; frequencies for the second case, however, show no such match. We develop simple, if atypical, single degree of freedom approximations for the first modes of these two systems, which provide insights into the role of the static deflection profile, as well as the end moment condition, in determining the first natural frequencies of these systems. Finally, we consider small transverse sinusoidal forcing of the first case and find that the governing equation contains both parametric and external forcing terms. For forcing at resonance, w find that either the internal or the external forcing may dominate.


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A frequency-domain positivity condition is derived for linear time-varying operators in2and is used to develop2stability criteria for linear and nonlinear feedback systems. These criteria permit the use of a very general class of operators in2with nonstationary kernels, as multipliers. More specific results are obtained by using a first-order differential operator with a time-varying coefficient as multiplier. Finally, by employing periodic multipliers, improved stability criteria are derived for the nonlinear damped Mathieu equation with a forcing function.


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For a feedback system consisting of a transfer function $G(s)$ in the forward path and a time-varying gain $n(t)(0 \leqq n(t) \leqq k)$ in the feedback loop, a stability multiplier $Z(s)$ has been constructed (and used to prove stability) by Freedman [2] such that $Z(s)(G(s) + {1 / K})$ and $Z(s - \sigma )(0 < \sigma < \sigma _ * )$ are strictly positive real, where $\sigma _ * $ can be computed from a knowledge of the phase-angle characteristic of $G(i\omega ) + {1 / k}$ and the time-varying gain $n(t)$ is restricted by $\sigma _ * $ by means of an integral inequality. In this note it is shown that an improved value for $\sigma _ * $ is possible by making some modifications in his derivation. ©1973 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.


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This paper presents a simple hybrid computer technique to study the transient behaviour of queueing systems. This method is superior to stand-alone analog or digital solution because the hardware requirement is excessive for analog technique whereas computation time is appreciable in the latter case. By using a hybrid computer one can share the analog hardware thus requiring fewer integrators. The digital processor can store the values, play them back at required time instants and change the coefficients of differential equations. By speeding up the integration on the analog computer it is feasible to solve a large number of these equations very fast. Hybrid simulation is even superior to the analytic technique because in the latter case it is difficult to solve time-varying differential equations.


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Improved sufficient conditions are derived for the exponential stability of a nonlinear time varying feedback system having a time invariant blockG in the forward path and a nonlinear time varying gain ϕ(.)k(t) in the feedback path. φ(.) being an odd monotone nondecreasing function. The resulting bound on is less restrictive than earlier criteria.


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Vibrational stability of a large flexible, structurally damped spacecraft subject to large rigid body rotations is analysed modelling the system as an elastic continuum. Using solution of rigid body attitude motion under torque free conditions and modal analysis, the vibrational equations are reduced to ordinary differential equations with time-varying coefficients. Stability analysis is carried out using Floquet theory and Sonin-Polya theorem. The cases of spinning and non-spinning spacecraft idealized as a flexible beam plate undergoing simple structural vibration are analysed in detail. The critical damping required for stabilization is shown to be a function of the spacecraft's inertia ratio and the level of disturbance.


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Tambura is an essential drone accompaniment used in Indian music concerts. It acts as an immediate reference of pitch for both the artists and listeners. The four strings of Tambura are tuned to the frequency ratio :1:1: . Careful listening to Tambura sound reveals that the tonal spectrum is not stationary but is time varying. The object of this study is to make a detailed spectrum analysis to find out the nature of temporal variation of the tonal spectrum of Tambura sound. Results of the analysis are correlated with perceptual evaluation conducted in a controlled acoustic environment. A significant result of this study is to demonstrate the presence of several notes which are normally not noticed even by a professional artist. The effect of bridge in Tambura in producing the so called “live tone” is explained through time and frequency parameters of Tambura sounds.


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We investigate the use of a two stage transform vector quantizer (TSTVQ) for coding of line spectral frequency (LSF) parameters in wideband speech coding. The first stage quantizer of TSTVQ, provides better matching of source distribution and the second stage quantizer provides additional coding gain through using an individual cluster specific decorrelating transform and variance normalization. Further coding gain is shown to be achieved by exploiting the slow time-varying nature of speech spectra and thus using inter-frame cluster continuity (ICC) property in the first stage of TSTVQ method. The proposed method saves 3-4 bits and reduces the computational complexity by 58-66%, compared to the traditional split vector quantizer (SVQ), but at the expense of 1.5-2.5 times of memory.


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Improved sufficient conditions are derived for the exponential stability of a nonlinear time varying feedback system having a time invariant blockG in the forward path and a nonlinear time varying gain ϕ(.)k(t) in the feedback path. φ(.) being an odd monotone nondecreasing function. The resulting bound on $$\left( {{{\frac{{dk}}{{dt}}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\frac{{dk}}{{dt}}} k}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} k}} \right)$$ is less restrictive than earlier criteria.


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The positivity of operators in Hilbert spaces is an important concept finding wide application in various branches of Mathematical System Theory. A frequency- domain condition that ensures the positivity of time-varying operators in L2 with a state-space description, is derived in this paper by using certain newly developed inequalities concerning the input-state relation of such operators. As an interesting application of these results, an L2 stability criterion for time-varying feedback systems consisting of a finite-sector non-linearity is also developed.


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A quasi-geometric stability criterion for feedback systems with a linear time invariant forward block and a periodically time varying nonlinear gain in the feedback loop is developed.


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Conditions under which the asymptotic stabilization of uniformly decoupled time-varying multivariate systems is possible are explored. This is accomplished by developing a canonical form for integrator uniformly decoupled system in which the coefficient matrices have a simple structure. The procedures developed rely on certain conditions on the given system and yield explicit expressions for the stabilization compensators.


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A new form of a multi-step transversal linearization (MTL) method is developed and numerically explored in this study for a numeric-analytical integration of non-linear dynamical systems under deterministic excitations. As with other transversal linearization methods, the present version also requires that the linearized solution manifold transversally intersects the non-linear solution manifold at a chosen set of points or cross-section in the state space. However, a major point of departure of the present method is that it has the flexibility of treating non-linear damping and stiffness terms of the original system as damping and stiffness terms in the transversally linearized system, even though these linearized terms become explicit functions of time. From this perspective, the present development is closely related to the popular practice of tangent-space linearization adopted in finite element (FE) based solutions of non-linear problems in structural dynamics. The only difference is that the MTL method would require construction of transversal system matrices in lieu of the tangent system matrices needed within an FE framework. The resulting time-varying linearized system matrix is then treated as a Lie element using Magnus’ characterization [W. Magnus, On the exponential solution of differential equations for a linear operator, Commun. Pure Appl. Math., VII (1954) 649–673] and the associated fundamental solution matrix (FSM) is obtained through repeated Lie-bracket operations (or nested commutators). An advantage of this approach is that the underlying exponential transformation could preserve certain intrinsic structural properties of the solution of the non-linear problem. Yet another advantage of the transversal linearization lies in the non-unique representation of the linearized vector field – an aspect that has been specifically exploited in this study to enhance the spectral stability of the proposed family of methods and thus contain the temporal propagation of local errors. A simple analysis of the formal orders of accuracy is provided within a finite dimensional framework. Only a limited numerical exploration of the method is presently provided for a couple of popularly known non-linear oscillators, viz. a hardening Duffing oscillator, which has a non-linear stiffness term, and the van der Pol oscillator, which is self-excited and has a non-linear damping term.


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In this paper, a relative velocity approach is used to analyze the capturability of a geometric guidance law. Point mass models are assumed for both the missile and the target. The speeds of the missile and target are assumed to remain constant throughout the engagement. Lateral acceleration, obtained from the guidance law, is applied to change the path of the missile. The kinematic equations for engagements in the horizontal plane are derived in the relative velocity space. Some analytical results for the capture region are obtained for non-maneuvering and maneuvering targets. For non-maneuvering targets it is enough for the navigation gain to be a constant to intercept the target, while for maneuvering targets a time varying navigation gain is needed for interception. These results are then verified through numerical simulations.


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The polarization of radiation by scattering on an atom embedded in combined external quadrupole electric and uniform magnetic fields is studied theoretically. Limiting cases of scattering under Zeeman effect, and Hanle effect in weak magnetic fields are discussed. The theory is general enough to handle scattering in intermediate magnetic fields (Hanle-Zeeman effect) and for arbitrary orientation of magnetic field. The quadrupolar electric field produces asymmetric line shifts, and causes interesting level-crossing phenomena either in the absence of an ambient magnetic field, or in its presence. It is shown that the quadrupolar electric field produces an additional depolarization in the Q/I profiles and rotation of the plane of polarization in the U/I profile over and above that arising from magnetic field itself. This characteristic may have a diagnostic potential to detect steady-state and time-varying electric fields that surround radiating atoms in solar atmospheric layers. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.