193 resultados para Image compression


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In order to study the elastic behaviour of matter when subjected to very large pressures, such as occur for example in the interior of the earth, and to provide an explanation for phenomena like earthquakes, it is essential to be able to calculate the values of the elastic constants of a substance under a state of large initial stress in terms of the elastic constants of a natural or stress-free state. An attempt has been made in this paper to derive expressions for these quantities for a substance of cubic symmetry on the basis of non-linear theory of elasticity and including up to cubic powers of the strain components in the strain energy function. A simple method of deriving them directly from the energy function itself has been indicated for any general case and the same has been applied to the case of hydrostatic compression. The notion of an effective elastic energy-the energy require to effect an infinitesimal deformation over a state of finite strain-has been introduced, the coefficients in this expression being the effective elastic constants. A separation of this effective energy function into normal co-ordinates has been given for the particular case of cubic symmetry and it has been pointed out, that when any of such coefficients in this normal form becomes negative, elastic instability will set in, with associated release of energy.


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Compression of a rough turned cylinder between two hard, smooth, flat plates has been analysed with the aid of a mathematical model based on statistical analysis. It is assumed that the asperity peak heights follow Gaussian or normal and beta distribution functions and that the loaded asperities comply as though they are completely isolated from the neighbouring ones. Equations have been developed for the loadcompliance relation of the real surface using a simplified relation of the form W0 = K1δn for the load-compliance of a single asperity. Parameters K1 and n have considerable influence on the load-compliance curve and they depend on the material, tip angle of the asperity, standard deviation of the asperity peak height distribution and the density of the asperities.


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tRNA isolated from Image Image , grown in the presence of radioactive sulfur was analyzed for the occurrence of thionucleotides. The analysis revealed the presence of at least five thionucleotides, of which three were identified as 4-thiouridylic acid, 5-methylaminomethyl-2-thiouridylic acid and 2-thiocytidylic acid. Iodine-oxidation affected the acceptor ability of several amino acid specific tRNAs, those for lysine and serine being affected most. The tRNA of Image Image differs from that of Image . Image both in the number and the relative proportion of thionucleotides.


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Annulation of aromatic rings on the folded Image ,Image ,Image -triquinane backbone has led to the design of potential host systems Image and Image whose crystal structures have been determined.


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Denoising of images in compressed wavelet domain has potential application in transmission technology such as mobile communication. In this paper, we present a new image denoising scheme based on restoration of bit-planes of wavelet coefficients in compressed domain. It exploits the fundamental property of wavelet transform - its ability to analyze the image at different resolution levels and the edge information associated with each band. The proposed scheme relies on the fact that noise commonly manifests itself as a fine-grained structure in image and wavelet transform allows the restoration strategy to adapt itself according to directional features of edges. The proposed approach shows promising results when compared with conventional unrestored scheme, in context of error reduction and has capability to adapt to situations where noise level in the image varies. The applicability of the proposed approach has implications in restoration of images due to noisy channels. This scheme, in addition, to being very flexible, tries to retain all the features, including edges of the image. The proposed scheme is computationally efficient.


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In positron emission tomography (PET), image reconstruction is a demanding problem. Since, PET image reconstruction is an ill-posed inverse problem, new methodologies need to be developed. Although previous studies show that incorporation of spatial and median priors improves the image quality, the image artifacts such as over-smoothing and streaking are evident in the reconstructed image. In this work, we use a simple, yet powerful technique to tackle the PET image reconstruction problem. Proposed technique is based on the integration of Bayesian approach with that of finite impulse response (FIR) filter. A FIR filter is designed whose coefficients are determined based on the surface diffusion model. The resulting reconstructed image is iteratively filtered and fed back to obtain the new estimate. Experiments are performed on a simulated PET system. The results show that the proposed approach is better than recently proposed MRP algorithm in terms of image quality and normalized mean square error.


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In this paper, we present a growing and pruning radial basis function based no-reference (NR) image quality model for JPEG-coded images. The quality of the images are estimated without referring to their original images. The features for predicting the perceived image quality are extracted by considering key human visual sensitivity factors such as edge amplitude, edge length, background activity and background luminance. Image quality estimation involves computation of functional relationship between HVS features and subjective test scores. Here, the problem of quality estimation is transformed to a function approximation problem and solved using GAP-RBF network. GAP-RBF network uses sequential learning algorithm to approximate the functional relationship. The computational complexity and memory requirement are less in GAP-RBF algorithm compared to other batch learning algorithms. Also, the GAP-RBF algorithm finds a compact image quality model and does not require retraining when the new image samples are presented. Experimental results prove that the GAP-RBF image quality model does emulate the mean opinion score (MOS). The subjective test results of the proposed metric are compared with JPEG no-reference image quality index as well as full-reference structural similarity image quality index and it is observed to outperform both.


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The neural network finds its application in many image denoising applications because of its inherent characteristics such as nonlinear mapping and self-adaptiveness. The design of filters largely depends on the a-priori knowledge about the type of noise. Due to this, standard filters are application and image specific. Widely used filtering algorithms reduce noisy artifacts by smoothing. However, this operation normally results in smoothing of the edges as well. On the other hand, sharpening filters enhance the high frequency details making the image non-smooth. An integrated general approach to design a finite impulse response filter based on principal component neural network (PCNN) is proposed in this study for image filtering, optimized in the sense of visual inspection and error metric. This algorithm exploits the inter-pixel correlation by iteratively updating the filter coefficients using PCNN. This algorithm performs optimal smoothing of the noisy image by preserving high and low frequency features. Evaluation results show that the proposed filter is robust under various noise distributions. Further, the number of unknown parameters is very few and most of these parameters are adaptively obtained from the processed image.


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Denoising of medical images in wavelet domain has potential application in transmission technologies such as teleradiology. This technique becomes all the more attractive when we consider the progressive transmission in a teleradiology system. The transmitted images are corrupted mainly due to noisy channels. In this paper, we present a new real time image denoising scheme based on limited restoration of bit-planes of wavelet coefficients. The proposed scheme exploits the fundamental property of wavelet transform - its ability to analyze the image at different resolution levels and the edge information associated with each sub-band. The desired bit-rate control is achieved by applying the restoration on a limited number of bit-planes subject to the optimal smoothing. The proposed method adapts itself to the preference of the medical expert; a single parameter can be used to balance the preservation of (expert-dependent) relevant details against the degree of noise reduction. The proposed scheme relies on the fact that noise commonly manifests itself as a fine-grained structure in image and wavelet transform allows the restoration strategy to adapt itself according to directional features of edges. The proposed approach shows promising results when compared with unrestored case, in context of error reduction. It also has capability to adapt to situations where noise level in the image varies and with the changing requirements of medical-experts. The applicability of the proposed approach has implications in restoration of medical images in teleradiology systems. The proposed scheme is computationally efficient.


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Image filtering techniques have potential applications in biomedical image processing such as image restoration and image enhancement. The potential of traditional filters largely depends on the apriori knowledge about the type of noise corrupting the image. This makes the standard filters to be application specific. For example, the well-known median filter and its variants can remove the salt-and-pepper (or impulse) noise at low noise levels. Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. In this paper, we have introduced a new finite impulse response (FIR) filter for image restoration where, the filter undergoes a learning procedure. The filter coefficients are adaptively updated based on correlated Hebbian learning. This algorithm exploits the inter pixel correlation in the form of Hebbian learning and hence performs optimal smoothening of the noisy images. The application of the proposed filter on images corrupted with Gaussian noise, results in restorations which are better in quality compared to those restored by average and Wiener filters. The restored image is found to be visually appealing and artifact-free


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Denoising of images in compressed wavelet domain has potential application in transmission technology such as mobile communication. In this paper, we present a new image denoising scheme based on restoration of bit-planes of wavelet coefficients in compressed domain. It exploits the fundamental property of wavelet transform - its ability to analyze the image at different resolution levels and the edge information associated with each band. The proposed scheme relies on the fact that noise commonly manifests itself as a fine-grained structure in image and wavelet transform allows the restoration strategy to adapt itself according to directional features of edges. The proposed approach shows promising results when compared with conventional unrestored scheme, in context of error reduction and has capability to adapt to situations where noise level in the image varies. The applicability of the proposed approach has implications in restoration of images due to noisy channels. This scheme, in addition, to being very flexible, tries to retain all the features, including edges of the image. The proposed scheme is computationally efficient.


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The effect of neutralizing endogenous follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) or luteinizing hormone (LH) with specific antisera on the Image Image and Image Image synthesis of estrogen in the ovary of cycling hamster was studied. Neutralization of FSH or LH on proestrus resulted in a reduction in the estradiol concentration of the ovary on diestrus-2 and next proestrus, suggesting an impairment in follicular development.Injection of FSH antiserum at 0900 h of diestrus-2 significantly reduced the ovarian estradiol concentration within 6–7 h. Further, these ovaries on incubation with testosterone(T) Image Image at 1600 h of the same day or the next day synthesized significantly lower amounts of estradiol, compared to corresponding control ovaries. Although testosterone itself, in the absence of endogenous FSH, could stimulate estrogen synthesis to some extent, FSH had to be supplemented with T to restore estrogen synthesis to the level seen in control ovaries incubated with T. Lack of FSH thus appeared to affect the aromatization step in the estrogen biosynthetic pathway in the ovary of hamster on diestrus-2. In contrast to this, FSH antiserum given on the morning of proestrus had no effect on the Image Image and Image Image synthesis of estrogen, when examined 6–7 h later. The results suggest that there could be a difference in the need for FSH at different times of the cycle.Neutralization of LH either on diestrus-2 or proestrus resulted in a drastic reduction in estradiol concentration of the ovary. This block was at the level of androgen synthesis, since supplementing testosterone alone Image Image could stimulate estrogen synthesis to a more or less similar extent as in the ovaries of control hamsters.


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For highly compressible normally consolidated saturated soil the compression index, Cc, is not constant over the entire pressure range. However, the ratio of the compression index and the initial specific volume, generally known as the compression ratio, appears to be constant. Thus settlement seems to depend on Cc/(1 + e) rather than Cc alone. Using the theoretical zero air voids line and the generalized compressibility equation for normally consolidated saturated soils, a generalized and simple equation for compression has been derived in the form: C'c = 0.003wL.