131 resultados para Hydrophobic potentials


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We present a unified study of the effect of periodic, quasiperiodic, and disordered potentials on topological phases that are characterized by Majorana end modes in one-dimensional p-wave superconducting systems. We define a topological invariant derived from the equations of motion for Majorana modes and, as our first application, employ it to characterize the phase diagram for simple periodic structures. Our general result is a relation between the topological invariant and the normal state localization length. This link allows us to leverage the considerable literature on localization physics and obtain the topological phase diagrams and their salient features for quasiperiodic and disordered systems for the entire region of parameter space. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.146404


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Novel composite cyclodextrin (CD)-CaCO3 spherical porous microparticles have been synthesized through Ca2+-CD complex formation, which influences the crystal growth of CaCO3. The CDs are entrapped and distributed uniformly in the matrix of CaCO3 microparticles during crystallization. The hydrophobic fluorescent molecules coumarin and Nile red (NR) are efficiently encapsulated into these composite CD-CaCO3 porous particles through supramolecular inclusion complexation between entrapped CDs and hydrophobic molecules. Thermogravimetric (TGA) and infrared spectroscopy (IR) analysis of composite CD-CaCO3 particles reveals the presence of large CDs and their strong interaction with calcium carbonate nanoparticles. The resulting composite CD-CaCO3 microparticles are utilized as sacrificial templates for preparation of CD-modified layer-by-layer (LbL) capsules. After dissolution of the carbonate core, CDs are retained in the interior of the capsules in a network fashion and assist in the encapsulation of hydrophobic molecules. The efficient encapsulation of the hydrophobic fluorescent dye, coumarin, was successfully demonstrated using CD-modified capsules. In vitro release of the encapsulated coumarin from the CD-CaCO3 and CD-modified capsules has been demonstrated.


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Recent advances in the generation of synthetic gauge fields in cold atomic systems have stimulated interest in the physics of interacting bosons and fermions in them. In this paper, we discuss interacting two-component fermionic systems in uniform non-Abelian gauge fields that produce a spin-orbit interaction and uniform spin potentials. Two classes of gauge fields discussed include those that produce a Rashba spin-orbit interaction and the type of gauge fields (SM gauge fields) obtained in experiments by the Shanxi and MIT groups. For high symmetry Rashba gauge fields, a two-particle bound state exists even for a vanishingly small attractive interaction described by a scattering length. Upon increasing the strength of a Rashba gauge field, a finite density of weakly interacting fermions undergoes a crossover from a BCS like ground state to a BEC state of a new kind of boson called the rashbon whose properties are determined solely by the gauge field and not by the interaction between the fermions. The rashbon Bose-Einstein condensate (RBEC) is a quite intriguing state with the rashbon-rashbon interactions being independent of the fermion-fermion interactions (scattering length). Furthermore, we show that the RBEC has a transition temperature of the order of the Fermi temperature, suggesting routes to enhance the transition temperatures of weakly interacting superfluids by tuning the spin-orbit coupling. For the SM gauge fields, we show that in a regime of parameters, a pair of particles with finite centre-of-mass momentum is the most strongly bound. In other regimes of centre-of-mass momenta, there is no two-body bound state, but a resonance like feature appears in the scattering continuum. In the many-body setting, this results in flow enhanced pairing. Also, strongly interacting normal states utilizing the scattering resonance can be created opening the possibility of studying properties of helical Fermi liquids. This paper contains a general discussion of the physics of Feshbach resonance in a non-Abelian gauge field, where several novel features such as centre-of-mass-momentum-dependent effective interactions are shown. It is also shown that a uniform non-Abelian gauge field in conjunction with a spatial potential can be used to generate novel Hamiltonians; we discuss an explicit example of the generation of a monopole Hamiltonian.


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The primary structure and function of nucleoside diphosphate kinase (NDK), a substrate non-specific enzyme involved in the maintenance of nucleotide pools is also implicated to play pivotal roles in many other cellular processes. NDK is conserved from bacteria to human and forms a homotetramer or hexamer to exhibit its biological activity. However, the nature of the functional oligomeric form of the enzyme differs among different organisms. The functional form of NDKs from many bacterial systems, including that of the human pathogen, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MtuNDK), is a hexamer, although some bacterial NDKs are tetrameric in nature. The present study addresses the oligomeric property of MsmNDK and how a dimer, the basic subunit of a functional hexamer, is stabilized by hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions. Homology modeling was generated using the three-dimensional structure of MtuNDK as a template; the residues interacting at the monomer-monomer interface of MsmNDK were mapped. Using recombinant enzymes of wild type, catalytically inactive mutant, and monomer-monomer interactive mutants of MsmNDK, the stability of the dimer was verified under heat, SDS, low pH, and methanol. The predicted residues (Gln17, Ser24 and Glu27) were engaged in dimer formation, however the mutated proteins retained the ATPase and GTPase activity even after introducing single (MsmNDK- Q17A, MsmNDK-E27A, and MsmNDK-E27Q) and double (MsmNDK-E27A/Q17A) mutation. However, the monomer monomer interaction could be abolished using methanol, indicating the stabilization of the monomer-monomer interaction by hydrophobic interaction.


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While the tetrahedral face of methane has an electron rich centre and can act as a hydrogen bond acceptor, substitution of one of its hydrogens with some electron withdrawing group (such as -F/OH) can make the opposite face electron deficient. Electrostatic potential calculations confirm this and high level quantum calculations show interactions between the positive face of methanol/methyl fluoride and electron rich centers of other molecules such as H2O. Analysis of the wave functions of atoms in molecules shows the presence of an unusual C center dot center dot center dot Y interaction, which could be called `carbon bonding'. NBO analysis and vibrational frequency shifts confirm the presence of this interaction. Given the properties of alkyl groups bonded to electronegative elements in biological molecules, such interactions could play a significant role, which is yet to be recognized. This and similar interactions could give an enthalpic contribution to what is called the `hydrophobic interactions'.


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Glasses in the x(BaO-TiO2)-B2O3 (x = 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1 mol.) system were fabricated via the conventional melt-quenching technique. Thermal stability and glass-forming ability as determined by differential thermal analysis (DTA) were found to increase with increasing BaO-TiO2 (BT) content. However, there was no noticeable change in the glass transition temperature (T-g). This was attributed to the active participation of TiO2 in the network formation especially at higher BT contents via the conversion of the TiO6 structural units into TiO4 units, which increased the connectivity and resulted in an increase in crystallization temperature. Dielectric and optical properties at room temperature were studied for all the glasses under investigation. Interestingly, these glasses were found to be hydrophobic. The results obtained were correlated with different structural units and their connectivity in the glasses.


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The flexibility of the water lattice in clathrate hydrates and guest-guest interactions has been shown in previous studies to significantly affect the values of the thermodynamic properties, such as chemical potentials and free energies. Here we describe methods for computing occupancies, chemical potentials, and free energies that account for the flexibility of water lattice and guest-guest interactions in the hydrate phase. The methods are validated for a wide variety of guest molecules, such as methane, ethane, carbon dioxide, and tetrahydrodfuran by comparing the predicted occupancy values of guest molecules with those obtained from isothermal isobaric semigrand Monte Carlo simulations. The proposed methods extend the van der Waals and Platteuw theory for clathrate hydrates, and the Langmuir constant is calculated based on the structure of the empty hydrate lattice. These methods in combination with development of advanced molecular models for water and guest molecules should lead to a more thermodynamically consistent theory for clathrate hydrates.


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We use a dual gated device structure to introduce a gate-tuneable periodic potential in a GaAs/AlGaAs two dimensional electron gas (2DEG). Using only a suitable choice of gate voltages we can controllably alter the potential landscape of the bare 2DEG, inducing either a periodic array of antidots or quantum dots. Antidots are artificial scattering centers, and therefore allow for a study of electron dynamics. In particular, we show that the thermovoltage of an antidot lattice is particularly sensitive to the relative positions of the Fermi level and the antidot potential. A quantum dot lattice, on the other hand, provides the opportunity to study correlated electron physics. We find that its current-voltage characteristics display a voltage threshold, as well as a power law scaling, indicative of collective Coulomb blockade in a disordered background.


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Information is encoded in neural circuits using both graded and action potentials, converting between them within single neurons and successive processing layers. This conversion is accompanied by information loss and a drop in energy efficiency. We investigate the biophysical causes of this loss of information and efficiency by comparing spiking neuron models, containing stochastic voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channels, with generator potential and graded potential models lacking voltage-gated Na+ channels. We identify three causes of information loss in the generator potential that are the by-product of action potential generation: (1) the voltage-gated Na+ channels necessary for action potential generation increase intrinsic noise and (2) introduce non-linearities, and (3) the finite duration of the action potential creates a `footprint' in the generator potential that obscures incoming signals. These three processes reduce information rates by similar to 50% in generator potentials, to similar to 3 times that of spike trains. Both generator potentials and graded potentials consume almost an order of magnitude less energy per second than spike trains. Because of the lower information rates of generator potentials they are substantially less energy efficient than graded potentials. However, both are an order of magnitude more efficient than spike trains due to the higher energy costs and low information content of spikes, emphasizing that there is a two-fold cost of converting analogue to digital; information loss and cost inflation.


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We study the effects of extended and localized potentials and a magnetic field on the Dirac electrons residing at the surface of a three-dimensional topological insulator like Bi2Se3. We use a lattice model to numerically study the various states; we show how the potentials can be chosen in a way which effectively avoids the problem of fermion doubling on a lattice. We show that extended potentials of different shapes can give rise to states which propagate freely along the potential but decay exponentially away from it. For an infinitely long potential barrier, the dispersion and spin structure of these states are unusual and these can be varied continuously by changing the barrier strength. In the presence of a magnetic field applied perpendicular to the surface, these states become separated from the gapless surface states by a gap, thereby giving rise to a quasi-one-dimensional system. Similarly, a magnetic field along with a localized potential can give rise to exponentially localized states which are separated from the surface states by a gap and thereby form a zero-dimensional system. Finally, we show that a long barrier and an impurity potential can produce bound states which are localized at the impurity, and an ``L''-shaped potential can have both bound states at the corner of the L and extended states which travel along the arms of the potential. Our work opens the way to constructing wave guides for Dirac electrons.


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The anti-icing properties of hydrophilic, hydrophobic and superhydrophobic surfaces/coatings were evaluated using a custom-built apparatus based on zero-degree cone test method. The ice-adhesion reduction factor (ARF) of these coatings has been evaluated using bare aluminium alloy as a reference. The wettability of the surfaces was evaluated by measuring water contact angle (WCA) and sliding angle. It was found that the ice-adhesion strength (tau) on silicone based hydrophobic surfaces was similar to 43 times lower than compared to bare polished aluminium alloy indicating excellent anti-icing property of these coatings. Superhydrophobic coatings displayed poor anti-icing property in spite of their high water repellence. Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope reveal that Silicone based hydrophobic coatings exhibited smooth surface whereas the superhydrophobic coatings had a rough surface consisting of microscale bumps and protrusions superimposed with nanospheres. Both surface roughness and surface energy play a major role on the ice-adhesion strength of the coatings. The 3D surface roughness profiles of the coatings also indicated the same trend of roughness. An attempt is made to correlate the observed ice-adhesion strength of different surfaces with their wettability and surface roughness. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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As the beneficial effects of curcumin have often been reported to be limited to its small concentrations, we have undertaken a study to find the aggregation properties of curcumin in water by varying the number of monomers. Our molecular dynamics simulation results show that the equilibrated structure is always an aggregated state with remarkable structural rearrangements as we vary the number of curcumin monomers from 4 to 16 monomers. We find that the curcumin monomers form clusters in a very definite pattern where they tend to aggregate both in parallel and anti-parallel orientation of the phenyl rings, often seen in the formation of beta-sheet in proteins. A considerable enhancement in the population of parallel alignments is observed with increasing the system size from 12 to 16 curcumin monomers. Due to the prevalence of such parallel alignment for large system size, a more closely packed cluster is formed with maximum number of hydrophobic contacts. We also follow the pathway of cluster growth, in particular the transition from the initial segregated to the final aggregated state. We find the existence of a metastable structural intermediate involving a number of intermediate-sized clusters dispersed in the solution. We have constructed a free energy landscape of aggregation where the metatsable state has been identified. The course of aggregation bears similarity to nucleation and growth in highly metastable state. The final aggregated form remains stable with the total exclusion of water from its sequestered hydrophobic core. We also investigate water structure near the cluster surface along with their orientation. We find that water molecules form a distorted tetrahedral geometry in the 1st solvation layer of the cluster, interacting rather strongly with the hydrophilic groups at the surface of the curcumin. The dynamics of such quasi-bound water molecules near the surface of curcumin cluster is considerably slower than the bulk signifying a restricted motion as often found in protein hydration layer. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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A layer-by-layer (LbL) approach has been employed for the fabrication of multilayer thin films and microcapsules having nanofibrous morphology using nanocrystalline cellulose (NCC) as one of the components of the assembly. The applicability of these nanoassemblies as drug delivery carriers has been explored by the loading of an anticancer drug, doxorubicin hydrochloride, and a water-insoluble drug, curcumin. Doxorubicin hydrochloride, having a good water solubility, is postloaded in the assembly. In the case of curcumin, which is very hydrophobic and has limited solubility in water, a stable dispersion is prepared via noncovalent interaction with NCC prior to incorporation in the LbL assembly. The interaction of various other lipophilic drugs with NCC was analyzed theoretically by molecular docking in consideration of NCC as a general carrier for hydrophobic drugs.


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The effect of applied DC potentials on the bioleaching of a chalcopyrite concentrate in the presence of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans is discussed. Copper dissolution was the highest at an applied potential of +600mV (SCE), while all the dissolved copper got cathodically deposited at a negative potential of -600mV (SCE). Electrobioleaching at an applied potential of +600mV (SCE) was established at different pulp densities as a function of time. The effect of applied potentials and electrolytic currents on the activity and growth of bacterial cells was assessed Preadaptation of bacterial cells to the concentrate slurry and electrolytic growth conditions significantly enhanced copper dissolution. Electrochemical and biochemical mechanisms involved in electrobioleaching are illustrated with respect to oxidative dissolution and biocatalysis of anodic oxidation.


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Oxygen potentials established by the equilibrium between three condensed phases, CaOss+CoOss+ Ca3Co2O6 and CoOss+Ca3Co2O6+Ca3CO3.93+O-alpha(9.36-delta), are measured as a function of temperature using solid-state electrochemical cells incorporating yttria-stabilized zirconia as the electrolyte and pure oxygen as the reference electrode. Cation non-stoichiometry and oxygen non-stoichiometry in Ca3Co3.93+alpha O9.36-delta are determined using different techniques under defined conditions. Decomposition temperatures and thermodynamic properties of Ca3Co2O6 and Ca3Co4O9.163 are calculated from the results. The standard entropy and enthalpy of formation of Ca3Co2O6 at 298.15 K are evaluated. Using thermodynamic data from this study and auxiliary information from the literature, phase diagram for the ternary system Ca-Co-O is computed. Isothermal sections at representative temperatures are displayed to demonstrate the evolution of phase relations with temperature. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.