77 resultados para HIV microbicides, vaginal HEC gels, vaginal rings, rectal gels, pre-exposure prophylaxis, PrEP, CMPD167


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Most HIV-1 broadly neutralizing antibodies are directed against the gp120 subunit of the env surface protein. Native env consists of a trimer of gp120-gp41 heterodimers, and in contrast to monomeric gp120, preferentially binds CD4 binding site (CD4bs)-directed neutralizing antibodies over non-neutralizing ones. Some cryo-electron tomography studies have suggested that the V1V2 loop regions of gp120 are located close to the trimer interface. We have therefore designed cyclically permuted variants of gp120 with and without the h-CMP and SUMO2a trimerization domains inserted into the V1V2 loop. h-CMP-V1cyc is one such variant in which residues 153 and 142 are the N- and C-terminal residues, respectively, of cyclically permuted gp120 and h-CMP is fused to the N-terminus. This molecule forms a trimer under native conditions and binds CD4 and the neutralizing CD4bs antibodies b12 with significantly higher affinity than wild-type gp120. It binds non-neutralizing CD4bs antibody F105 with lower affinity than gp120. A similar derivative, h-CMP-V1cycl, bound the V1V2 loop-directed broadly neutralizing antibodies PG9 and PG16 with similar to 20-fold higher affinity than wild-type JRCSF gp120. These cyclic permutants of gp120 are properly folded and are potential immunogens. The data also support env models in which the V1V2 loops are proximal to the trimer interface.


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Background: India has the third largest HIV-1 epidemic with 2.4 million infected individuals. Molecular epidemiological analysis has identified the predominance of HIV-1 subtype C (HIV-1C). However, the previous reports have been limited by sample size, and uneven geographical distribution. The introduction of HIV-1C in India remains uncertain due to this lack of structured studies. To fill the gap, we characterised the distribution pattern of HIV-1 subtypes in India based on data collection from nationwide clinical cohorts between 2007 and 2011. We also reconstructed the time to the most recent common ancestor (tMRCA) of the predominant HIV-1C strains. Methodology/Principal Findings: Blood samples were collected from 168 HIV-1 seropositive subjects from 7 different states. HIV-1 subtypes were determined using two or three genes, gag, pol, and env using several methods. Bayesian coalescent-based approach was used to reconstruct the time of introduction and population growth patterns of the Indian HIV-1C. For the first time, a high prevalence (10%) of unique recombinant forms (BC and A1C) was observed when two or three genes were used instead of one gene (p<0.01; p = 0.02, respectively). The tMRCA of Indian HIV-1C was estimated using the three viral genes, ranged from 1967 (gag) to 1974 (env). Pol-gene analysis was considered to provide the most reliable estimate 1971, (95% CI: 1965-1976)]. The population growth pattern revealed an initial slow growth phase in the mid-1970s, an exponential phase through the 1980s, and a stationary phase since the early 1990s. Conclusions/Significance: The Indian HIV-1C epidemic originated around 40 years ago from a single or few genetically related African lineages, and since then largely evolved independently. The effective population size in the country has been broadly stable since the 1990s. The evolving viral epidemic, as indicated by the increase of recombinant strains, warrants a need for continued molecular surveillance to guide efficient disease intervention strategies.


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Helix helix interactions are fundamental to many biological signals and systems and are found in homo- or heteromultimerization of signaling molecules as well as in the process of virus entry into the host. In HIV, virus-host membrane fusion during infection is mediated by the formation of six-helix bundles (6HBs) from homotrimers of gp41, from which a number of synthetic peptides have been derived as antagonists of virus entry. Using a yeast surface two-hybrid (YS2H) system, a platform designed to detect protein-protein interactions occurring through a secretory pathway, we reconstituted 6HB complexes on the yeast surface, quantitatively measured the equilibrium and kinetic constants of soluble 6HB, and delineated the residues influencing homo-oligomeric and hetero-oligomeric coiled-coil interactions. Hence, we present YS2H as a platform for the facile characterization and design of antagonistic peptides for inhibition of HIV and many other enveloped viruses relying on membrane fusion for infection, as well as cellular signaling events triggered by hetero-oligomeric coiled coils.


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The use of mutagenic drugs to drive HIV-1 past its error threshold presents a novel intervention strategy, as suggested by the quasispecies theory, that may be less susceptible to failure via viral mutation-induced emergence of drug resistance than current strategies. The error threshold of HIV-1, mu(c), however, is not known. Application of the quasispecies theory to determine mu(c) poses significant challenges: Whereas the quasispecies theory considers the asexual reproduction of an infinitely large population of haploid individuals, HIV-1 is diploid, undergoes recombination, and is estimated to have a small effective population size in vivo. We performed population genetics-based stochastic simulations of the within-host evolution of HIV-1 and estimated the structure of the HIV-1 quasispecies and mu(c). We found that with small mutation rates, the quasispecies was dominated by genomes with few mutations. Upon increasing the mutation rate, a sharp error catastrophe occurred where the quasispecies became delocalized in sequence space. Using parameter values that quantitatively captured data of viral diversification in HIV-1 patients, we estimated mu(c) to be 7 x 10(-5) -1 x 10(-4) substitutions/site/replication, similar to 2-6 fold higher than the natural mutation rate of HIV-1, suggesting that HIV-1 survives close to its error threshold and may be readily susceptible to mutagenic drugs. The latter estimate was weakly dependent on the within-host effective population size of HIV-1. With large population sizes and in the absence of recombination, our simulations converged to the quasispecies theory, bridging the gap between quasispecies theory and population genetics-based approaches to describing HIV-1 evolution. Further, mu(c) increased with the recombination rate, rendering HIV-1 less susceptible to error catastrophe, thus elucidating an added benefit of recombination to HIV-1. Our estimate of mu(c) may serve as a quantitative guideline for the use of mutagenic drugs against HIV-1.


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Flap dynamics of HIV-1 protease (HIV-pr) controls the entry of inhibitors and substrates to the active site. Dynamical models from previous simulations are not all consistent with each other and not all are supported by the NMR results. In the present work, the er effect of force field on the dynamics of HIV-pr is investigated by MD simulations using three AMBER force fields ff99, ff99SB, and ff03. The generalized order parameters for amide backbone are calculated from the three force fields and compared with the NMR S2 values. We found that the ff99SB and ff03 force field calculated order parameters agree reasonably well with the NMR S2 values, whereas ff99 calculated values deviate most from the NMR order parameters. Stereochemical geometry of protein models from each force field also agrees well with the remarks from NMR S2 values. However, between ff99SB and ff03, there are several differences, most notably in the loop regions. It is found that these loops are, in general, more flexible in the ff03 force field. This results in a larger active site cavity in the simulation with the ff03 force field. The effect of this difference in computer-aided drug design against flexible receptors is discussed.


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The components of EHV/UHV lines and substations can produce significant corona. To limit the consequent Radio Interference and Audible Noise on these systems, suitable corona control rings are employed. The shapes of these rings could vary from circular to rectangular with smooth bends. Many manufacturers seem to adopt trial and error method for arriving at the final design. As such neither the present testing standard nor the final design adopted consider the practical scenario like corona produced by deposition of dirt, bird droppings, etc. The present work aims to make a first step in addressing this practically important problem. This requires an accurate evaluation of the electric field and a reliable method for the evaluation of corona inception. Based on a thorough survey of pertinent literature, the critical avalanche criteria as applicable to large electrodes, has been adopted. Taking the rain drop on the surface as the biggest protrusion, conducting protrusions modeled as semi-ellipsoid is considered as representative for deposition of dust or the boundary of bird droppings etc. Through examples of 4 00 kV and 765 kV class toroidal corona rings, the proposed method is demonstrated. This work is believed to be useful to corona ring manufacturers for EHV/UHV systems.


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We present a simple model that can be used to account for the rheological behaviour observed in recent experiments on micellar gels. The model combines attachment detachment kinetics with stretching due to shear, and shows well-defined jammed and flowing states. The large-deviation function (LDF) for the coarse-grained velocity becomes increasingly non-quadratic as the applied force F is increased, in a range near the yield threshold. The power fluctuations are found to obey a steady-state fluctuation relation (FR) at small F. However, the FR is violated when F is near the transition from the flowing to the jammed state although the LDF still exists; the antisymmetric part of the LDF is found to be nonlinear in its argument. Our approach suggests that large fluctuations and motion in a direction opposite to an imposed force are likely to occur in a wider class of systems near yielding.


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b12, one of the few broadly neutralizing antibodies against HIV-1, binds to the CD4 binding site (CD4bs) on the gp120 subunit of HIV-1 Env. Two small fragments of HIV-1 gp120, b121a and b122a, which display about 70% of the b12 epitope and include solubility-enhancing mutations, were designed. Bacterially expressed b121a/b122a were partially folded and could bind b12 but not the CD4bs-directed non-neutralizing antibody b6. Sera from rabbits primed with b121a or b122a protein fragments and boosted with full-length gp120 showed broad neutralizing activity in a TZM-bl assay against a 16-virus panel that included nine Tier 2 and 3 viruses as well as in a five-virus panel previously designed to screen for broad neutralization. Using a mean IC50 cut-off of 50, sera from control rabbits immunized with gp120 alone neutralized only one virus of the 14 non-Tier 1 viruses tested (7%), whereas sera from b121a- and b122a-immunized rabbits neutralized seven (50%) and twelve (86%) viruses, respectively. Serum depletion studies confirmed that neutralization was gp120-directed and that sera from animals immunized with gp120 contained lower amounts of CD4bs-directed antibodies than corresponding sera from animals immunized with b121a/b122a. Competition binding assays with b12 also showed that b121a/2a sera contained significantly higher amounts of antibodies directed toward the CD4 binding site than the gp120 sera. The data demonstrate that it is possible to elicit broadly neutralizing sera against HIV-1 in small animals.


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Climate change would significantly affect many hydrologic systems, which in turn would affect the water availability, runoff, and the flow in rivers. This study evaluates the impacts of possible future climate change scenarios on the hydrology of the catchment area of the TungaBhadra River, upstream of the Tungabhadra dam. The Hydrologic Engineering Center's Hydrologic Modeling System version 3.4 (HEC-HMS 3.4) is used for the hydrological modelling of the study area. Linear-regression-based Statistical DownScaling Model version 4.2 (SDSM 4.2) is used to downscale the daily maximum and minimum temperature, and daily precipitation in the four sub-basins of the study area. The large-scale climate variables for the A2 and B2 scenarios obtained from the Hadley Centre Coupled Model version 3 are used. After model calibration and testing of the downscaling procedure, the hydrological model is run for the three future periods: 20112040, 20412070, and 20712099. The impacts of climate change on the basin hydrology are assessed by comparing the present and future streamflow and the evapotranspiration estimates. Results of the water balance study suggest increasing precipitation and runoff and decreasing actual evapotranspiration losses over the sub-basins in the study area.


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The polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimer prevents HIV-1 entry into target cells in vitro. Its mechanism of action, however, remains unclear and precludes the design of potent dendrimers targeting HIV-1 entry. We employed steered molecular dynamics simulations to examine whether the HIV-1 gp120-CD4 complex is a target of PAMAM. Our simulations mimicked single molecule force spectroscopy studies of the unbinding of the gp120-CD4 complex under the influence of a controlled external force. We found that the complex dissociates via complex pathways and defies the standard classification of adhesion molecules as catch and slip bonds. When the force loading rate was large, the complex behaved as a slip bond, weakening gradually. When the loading rate was small, the complex initially strengthened, akin to a catch bond, but eventually dissociated over shorter separations than with large loading rates. PAMAM docked to gp120 and destabilized the gp120-CD4 complex. The rupture force of the complex was lowered by PAMAM. PAMAM disrupted salt bridges and hydrogen bonds across the gp120-CD4 interface and altered the hydration pattern of the hydrophobic cavity in the interface. In addition, intriguingly, PAMAM suppressed the distinction in the dissociation pathways of the complex between the small and large loading rate regimes. Taken together, our simulations reveal that PAMAM targets the gp120-CD4 complex at two levels: it weakens the complex and also alters its dissociation pathway, potentially inhibiting HIV-1 entry.


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Thirteen new solid forms of etravirine were realized in the process of polymorph and cocrystal/salt screening to improve the solubility of this anti-HIV drug. One anhydrous form, five salts (hydrochloride, mesylate, sulfate, besylate, and tosylate), two cocrystals (with adipic acid and 1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylic acid), and five solvates (formic acid, acetic acid, acetonitrile, and 2:1 and 1:1 methanolates) were obtained. The conformational flexibility of etravirine suggests that it can adopt four different conformations, and among these, two are sterically favorable. However, in all 13 solid forms, the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) was found to adopt just one conformation. Due to the poor aqueous solubility of the API, the solubilities of the salts and cocrystals were measured in a 50% ethanol water mixture at neutral pH. Compared to the salts, the cocrystals were found to be stable and showed an improvement in solubility with time. All the salts were dissociated within an hour, except the tosylate, which showed 50% phase transformation after 1 h of the slurry experiment. A structure property relationship was examined to analyze the solubility behavior of the solid forms.


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The contest between the host factor APOBEC3G (A3G) and the HIV-1 protein Vif presents an attractive target of intervention. The extent to which the A3G-Vif interaction must be suppressed to tilt the balance in favor of A3G remains unknown. We employed stochastic simulations and mathematical modeling of the within-host dynamics and evolution of HIV-1 to estimate the fraction of progeny virions that must incorporate A3G to render productive infection unsustainable. Using three different approaches, we found consistently that a transition from sustained infection to suppression of productive infection occurred when the latter fraction exceeded similar to 0.8. The transition was triggered by A3G-induced hypermutations that led to premature stop codons compromising viral production and was consistent with driving the basic reproductive number, R-o, below unity. The fraction identified may serve as a quantitative guideline for strategies targeting the A3G-Vif axis. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Background: Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) is currently the major therapeutic intervention in the treatment of AIDS. ART, however, is severely limited due to poor availability, high cytotoxicity, and enhanced metabolism and clearance of the drug molecules by the renal system. The use of nanocarriers encapsulating the antiretroviral drugs may provide a solution to the aforementioned problems. Importantly, the application of mildly immunogenic polymeric carrier confers the advantage of making the nanoparticles more visible to the immune system leading to their efficient uptake by the phagocytes. Methods: The saquinavir-loaded chitosan nanopartides were characterized by transmission electron microscopy and differential scanning calorimetry and analyzed for the encapsulation efficiency, swelling characteristics, particle size properties, and the zeta potential. Furthermore, cellular uptake of the chitosan nanocarriers was evaluated using confocal microscopy and Flow cytometry. The antiviral efficacy was quantified using viral infection of the target cells. Results: Using novel chitosan carriers loaded with saquinavir, a protease inhibitor, we demonstrate a drug encapsulation efficiency of 75% and cell targeting efficiency greater than 92%. As compared to the soluble drug control, the saquinavir-loaded chitosan carriers caused superior control of the viral proliferation as measured by using two different viral strains, NL4-3 and Indie-C1, and two different target T-cells, Jurkat and CEM-CCR5. Conclusion: Chitosan nanoparticles loaded with saquinavir were characterized and they demonstrated superior drug loading potential with greater cell targeting efficiency leading to efficient control of the viral proliferation in target T-cells. General significance: Our data ascertain the potential of chitosan nanocarriers as novel vehicles for HIV-1 therapeutics. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Pyridoxal kinase (PdxK; EC belongs to the phosphotransferase family of enzymes and catalyzes the conversion of the three active forms of vitamin B-6, pyridoxine, pyridoxal and pyridoxamine, to their phosphorylated forms and thereby plays a key role in pyridoxal 5 `-phosphate salvage. In the present study, pyridoxal kinase from Salmonella typhimurium was cloned and overexpressed in Escherichia coli, purified using Ni-NTA affinity chromatography and crystallized. X-ray diffraction data were collected to 2.6 angstrom resolution at 100 K. The crystal belonged to the primitive orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), with unitcell parameters a = 65.11, b = 72.89, c = 107.52 angstrom. The data quality obtained by routine processing was poor owing to the presence of strong diffraction rings caused by a polycrystalline material of an unknown small molecule in all oscillation images. Excluding the reflections close to powder/polycrystalline rings provided data of sufficient quality for structure determination. A preliminary structure solution has been obtained by molecular replacement with the Phaser program in the CCP4 suite using E. coli pyridoxal kinase (PDB entry 2ddm) as the phasing model. Further refinement and analysis of the structure are likely to provide valuable insights into catalysis by pyridoxal kinases.