49 resultados para Exponential growth
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The control of shapes of nanocrystals is crucial for using them as building blocks for various applications. In this paper, we present a critical overview of the issues involved in shape-controlled synthesis of nanostructures. In particular, we focus on the mechanisms by which anisotropic structures of high-symmetry materials (fcc crystals, for instance) could be realized. Such structures require a symmetry-breaking mechanism to be operative that typically leads to selection of one of the facets/directions for growth over all the other symmetry-equivalent crystallographic facets. We show how this selection could arise for the growth of one-dimensional structures leading to ultrafine metal nanowires and for the case of two-dimensional nanostructures where the layer-by-layer growth takes place at low driving forces leading to plate-shaped structures. We illustrate morphology diagrams to predict the formation of two-dimensional structures during wet chemical synthesis. We show the generality of the method by extending it to predict the growth of plate-shaped inorganics produced by a precipitation reaction. Finally, we present the growth of crystals under high driving forces that can lead to the formation of porous structures with large surface areas.
Improved sufficient conditions are derived for the exponential stability of a nonlinear time varying feedback system having a time invariant blockG in the forward path and a nonlinear time varying gain ϕ(.)k(t) in the feedback path. φ(.) being an odd monotone nondecreasing function. The resulting bound on is less restrictive than earlier criteria.
Improved sufficient conditions are derived for the exponential stability of a nonlinear time varying feedback system having a time invariant blockG in the forward path and a nonlinear time varying gain ϕ(.)k(t) in the feedback path. φ(.) being an odd monotone nondecreasing function. The resulting bound on $$\left( {{{\frac{{dk}}{{dt}}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\frac{{dk}}{{dt}}} k}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} k}} \right)$$ is less restrictive than earlier criteria.