178 resultados para Edge localised modes


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This article deals with a simulation-based Study of the impact of projectiles on thin aluminium plates using LS-DYNA by modelling plates with shell elements and projectiles with solid elements. In order to establish the required modelling criterion in terms of element size for aluminium plates, a convergence Study of residual velocity has been carried Out by varying mesh density in the impact zone. Using the preferred material and meshing criteria arrived at here, extremely good prediction of test residual velocities and ballistic limits given by Gupta et al. (2001) for thin aluminium plates has been obtained. The simulation-based pattern of failure with localized bulging and jagged edge of perforation is similar to the perforation with petalling seen in tests. A number Of simulation-based parametric studies have been carried out and results consistent with published test data have been obtained. Despite the robust correlation achieved against published experimental results, it would be prudent to conduct one's own experiments, for a final correlation via the present modelling procedure and analysis with the explicit LS-DYNTA 970 solver. Hence, a sophisticated ballistic impact testing facility and a high-speed camera have been used to conduct additional tests on grade 1100 aluminium plates of 1 mm thickness with projectiles Of four different nose shapes. Finally, using the developed numerical simulation procedure, an excellent correlation of residual velocity and failure modes with the corresponding test results has been obtained.


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Thin accretion discs around massive compact objects can support slow pressure modes of oscillations in the linear regime that have azimuthal wavenumber m = 1. We consider finite, flat discs composed of barotropic fluid for various surface density profiles and demonstrate through WKB analysis and numerical solution of the eigenvalue problem - that these modes are stable and have spatial scales comparable to the size of the disc. We show that the eigenvalue equation can be mapped to a Schrodinger like equation. The analysis of this equation shows that all eigenmodes have discrete spectra. We find that all the models we have considered support negative frequency eigenmodes; however, the positive eigenfrequency modes are only present in power-law discs, albeit for physically uninteresting values of the power-law index beta and barotropic index gamma.


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An acyclic edge coloring of a graph is a proper edge coloring such that there are no bichromatic cycles. The acyclic chromatic index of a graph is the minimum number k such that there is an acyclic edge coloring using k colors and it is denoted by a′(G). From a result of Burnstein it follows that all subcubic graphs are acyclically edge colorable using five colors. This result is tight since there are 3-regular graphs which require five colors. In this paper we prove that any non-regular connected graph of maximum degree 3 is acyclically edge colorable using at most four colors. This result is tight since all edge maximal non-regular connected graphs of maximum degree 3 require four colors.


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Carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composite specimens with different thickness, geometry, and stacking sequences were subjected to fatigue spectrum loading in stages. Another set of specimens was subjected to static compression load. On-line acoustic Emission (AE) monitoring was carried out during these tests. Two artificial neural networks, Kohonen-self organizing feature map (KSOM), and multi-layer perceptron (MLP) have been developed for AE signal analysis. AE signals from specimens were clustered using the unsupervised learning KSOM. These clusters were correlated to the failure modes using available a priori information such as AE signal amplitude distributions, time of occurrence of signals, ultrasonic imaging, design of the laminates (stacking sequences, orientation of fibers), and AE parametric plots. Thereafter, AE signals generated from the rest of the specimens were classified by supervised learning MLP. The network developed is made suitable for on-line monitoring of AE signals in the presence of noise, which can be used for detection and identification of failure modes and their growth. The results indicate that the characteristics of AE signals from different failure modes in CFRP remain largely unaffected by the type of load, fiber orientation, and stacking sequences, they being representatives of the type of failure phenomena. The type of loading can have effect only on the extent of damage allowed before the specimens fail and hence on the number of AE signals during the test. The artificial neural networks (ANN) developed and the methods and procedures adopted show significant success in AE signal characterization under noisy environment (detection and identification of failure modes and their growth).


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We report a combined experimental and computational study of a low constraint aluminum single crystal fracture geometry and investigate the near-tip stress and strain fields. To this end, a single edge notched tensile (SENT) specimen is considered. A notch, with a radius of 50 µm, is taken to lie in the (010) plane and its front is aligned along the [101] direction. Experiments are conducted by subjecting the specimen to tensile loading using a special fixture inside a scanning electron microscope chamber. Both SEM micrographs and electron back-scattered diffraction (EBSD) maps are obtained from the near-tip region. The experiments are complemented by performing 3D and 2D plane strain finite element simulations within a continuum crystal plasticity framework assuming an isotropic hardening response characterized by the Pierce–Asaro–Needleman model. The simulations show a distinct slip band forming at about 55 deg with respect to the notch line corresponding to slip on (11-bar 1)[011] system, which corroborates well with experimental data. Furthermore, two kink bands occur at about 45 deg and 90 deg with respect to the notch line within which large rotations in the crystal orientation take place. These predictions are in good agreement with the EBSD observations. Finally, the near-tip angular variations of the 3D stress and plastic strain fields in the low constraint SENT fracture geometry are examined in detail.


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Skew correction of complex document images is a difficult task. We propose an edge-based connected component approach for robust skew correction of documents with complex layout and content. The algorithm essentially consists of two steps - an 'initialization' step to determine the image orientation from the centroids of the connected components and a 'search' step to find the actual skew of the image. During initialization, we choose two different sets of points regularly spaced across the the image, one from the left to right and the other from top to bottom. The image orientation is determined from the slope between the two succesive nearest neighbors of each of the points in the chosen set. The search step finds succesive nearest neighbors that satisfy the parameters obtained in the initialization step. The final skew is determined from the slopes obtained in the 'search' step. Unlike other connected component based methods, the proposed method does not require any binarization step that generally precedes connected component analysis. The method works well for scanned documents with complex layout of any skew with a precision of 0.5 degrees.


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Understanding the molecular mechanisms of immunological memory assumes importance in vaccine design. We had earlier hypothesized a mechanism for the maintenance of immunological memory through the operation of a network of idiotypic and anti-idiotypic antibodies (Ab2). Peptides derived from an internal image carrying anti-idiotypic antibody are hypothesized to facilitate the perpetuation of antigen specific T cell memory through similarity in peptide-MHC binding as that of the antigenic peptide. In the present work, the existence of such peptidomimics of the antigen in the Ab2 variable region and their similarity of MHC-I binding was examined by bioinformatics approaches. The analysis employing three known viral antigens and one tumor-associated antigen shows that peptidomimics from Ab2 variable regions have structurally similar MHC-I binding patterns as compared to antigenic peptides, indicating a structural basis for memory perpetuation. (C)) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The gravitational waveform (GWF) generated by inspiralling compact binaries moving in quasi-circular orbits is computed at the third post-Newtonian (3PN) approximation to general relativity. Our motivation is two-fold: (i) to provide accurate templates for the data analysis of gravitational wave inspiral signals in laser interferometric detectors; (ii) to provide the associated spin-weighted spherical harmonic decomposition to facilitate comparison and match of the high post-Newtonian prediction for the inspiral waveform to the numerically-generated waveforms for the merger and ringdown. This extension of the GWF by half a PN order (with respect to previous work at 2.5PN order) is based on the algorithm of the multipolar post-Minkowskian formalism, and mandates the computation of the relations between the radiative, canonical and source multipole moments for general sources at 3PN order. We also obtain the 3PN extension of the source multipole moments in the case of compact binaries, and compute the contributions of hereditary terms (tails, tails-of-tails and memory integrals) up to 3PN order. The end results are given for both the complete plus and cross polarizations and the separate spin-weighted spherical harmonic modes.


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We consider a multicommodity flow problem on a complete graph whose edges have random, independent, and identically distributed capacities. We show that, as the number of nodes tends to infinity, the maximumutility, given by the average of a concave function of each commodity How, has an almost-sure limit. Furthermore, the asymptotically optimal flow uses only direct and two-hop paths, and can be obtained in a distributed manner.


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The temperature and power dependence of Fermi-edge singularity (FES) in high-density two-dimensional electron gas, specific to pseudomorphic AlxGa1-xAs/InGa1-yAs/GaAs heterostructures is studied by photoluminescence (PL). In all these structures, there are two prominent transitions E-11 and E-21 considered to be the result of electron-hole recombination from first and second electron sub-bands with that of first heavy-hole sub-band. FES is observed approximately 5-10 meV below the E-21 transition. At 4.2 K, FES appears as a lower energy shoulder to the E-21 transition. The PL intensity of all the three transitions E-11, FES and E-21 grows linearly with excitation power. However, we observe anomalous behavior of FES with temperature. While PL intensity of E-11 and E-21 decrease with increasing temperature, FES transition becomes stronger initially and then quenches-off slowly (till 40K). Though it appears as a distinct peak at about 20 K, its maximum is around 7 - 13 K.


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Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli strains of diffused adherent (DA) and localised adherent (LA) phenotypes were tested for their ability to bind to glycolipids. DA strains did not bind to the glycolipids tested, while LA strains bound to asialo GM1, asialo GM2, globoside and lacto-N-neotetraose in decreasing order of avidity. The minimum common sequence among the four glycolipids could be delineated as GalNac β 1–4 Gal as the binding epitope with GalNac β 1–3 Gal and GlcNac β 1–3 Gal serving as relatively weaker binders. The binding was not inhibited by a variety of free oligosaccharides or by the neoglycoproteins tested. Adhesion-negative mutants of an enteropathogenic LA strain showed a markedly reduced binding to asialo GM1 indicating that the recognition of GalNac β 1–4 Gal was correlated with the ability to adhere to HeLa cells. Thus recognition and binding to glycolipids could play an important role in colonisation through adherence to intestinal surfaces.


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Hole-doped perovskites such as La1-xCaxMnO3 present special magnetic and magnetotransport properties, and it is commonly accepted that the local atomic structure around Mn ions plays a crucial role in determining these peculiar features. Therefore experimental techniques directly probing the local atomic structure, like x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), have been widely exploited to deeply understand the physics of these compounds. Quantitative XAS analysis usually concerns the extended region [extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS)] of the absorption spectra. The near-edge region [x-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy (XANES)] of XAS spectra can provide detailed complementary information on the electronic structure and local atomic topology around the absorber. However, the complexity of the XANES analysis usually prevents a quantitative understanding of the data. This work exploits the recently developed MXAN code to achieve a quantitative structural refinement of the Mn K-edge XANES of LaMnO3 and CaMnO3 compounds; they are the end compounds of the doped manganite series LaxCa1-xMnO3. The results derived from the EXAFS and XANES analyses are in good agreement, demonstrating that a quantitative picture of the local structure can be obtained from XANES in these crystalline compounds. Moreover, the quantitative XANES analysis provides topological information not directly achievable from EXAFS data analysis. This work demonstrates that combining the analysis of extended and near-edge regions of Mn K-edge XAS spectra could provide a complete and accurate description of Mn local atomic environment in these compounds.


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The instability of coupled longitudinal and transverse electromagnetic modes associated with long wavelengths is studied in bounded streaming plasmas. The main conclusions are as follows: (i) For long waves for which O (k 2)=0, in the absence of relative streaming motion of electrons and ions and aωp/c<0.66, the whole spectrum of harmonic waves is excited due to finite temperature and boundary effects consisting of two subseries. One of these subseries can be identified with Tonks-Dattner resonance oscillations for the electrons, and arises primarily due to the electrons with frequencies greater than the electrostatic plasma frequency corresponding to the electron density in the midplane in the undisturbed state. The other series arises primarily due to ion motion. When aωp/c>0.66, in addition to the above spectrum of harmonic waves, the system admits an infinite number of growing and decaying waves. The instability associated with these modes is found to arise due to the interaction of the waves inside the plasma with the external electromagnetic field. (ii) For modes with comparatively shorter wavelengths for which O (k3)=0, the coupling due to finite temperature sets in, and it is found that the two series of harmonic waves obtained in (i) deriving energy from the transverse modes also become unstable. Thus, for these wavelengths the system admits three sets of growing and decaying modes, first two for all values of aωp/c and the third for (aωp/c) > 0.66. (iii) The presence of streaming velocities introduces various other coupling mechanisms, and we find that even for the wavelengths for which O (k2)=0, we get three sets of growing and decaying waves. The numerical values for the growth rates show that the streaming velocities enhance the growth rates of instability significantly.


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The nature of the localized modes due to single substitutional impurities in a caesium iodide lattice is investigated using the models of Elliott, Dawber and Maradudin. The infra-red absorption due to U centres and their relation to the lattice spacing is also discussed.


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Bending moment coefficients for the design of rectangular reinforced concrete panels supported on four sides with a short discontinuous edge are derived using the strip theory. The moment fields resulting from the use of proposed coefficients are examined in terms of the moment volume for possible savings in reinforcement and compared with other codified procedures. The strip coefficients averaged over the corresponding sides of the panel, besides resulting in considerable savings in reinforcement, are found to be identical with the coefficients predicted by simple yield line theory using an orthotropic layout of reinforcement.