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Rare earth exchanged H–Y zeolites were prepared by simple ion exchange methods at 353 K and have been characterized using different physicochemical techniques. A strong peak around 58 ppm in the 27Al{1H} MAS NMR spectra of these zeolites suggests a tetrahedral coordination for the framework aluminium. Small peak at or near 0 ppm is due to hexa-coordinated extra-framework aluminium and a shoulder peak near 30 ppm is a penta-coordinated aluminium species; [Al(OH)4]−. The vapor-phase benzene alkylation with 1-decene and 1-dodecene was investigated with these catalytic systems. Under the reaction conditions of 448 K, benzene/olefin molar ratio of 20 and time on stream 3 h, the most efficient catalyst was CeH–Y which showed more than 70% of olefin conversion with 48.5% 2-phenyldecane and 46.8%, 2-phenyldodecane selectivities with 1-decene and 1-dodecene respectively.


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A completely automated temperature-programmed reaction (TPR) system for carrying out gas-solid catalytic reactions under atmospheric flow conditions is fabricated to study CO and hydrocarbon oxidation, and NO reduction. The system consists of an all-stainless steel UHV system, quadrupole mass spectrometer SX200 (VG Scientific), a tubular furnace and micro-reactor, a temperature controller, a versatile gas handling system, and a data acquisition and analysis system. The performance of the system has been tested under standard experimental conditions for CO oxidation over well-characterized Ce1-x-y(La/Y)(y)O2-delta catalysts. Testing of 3-way catalysis with CO, NO and C2H2 to convert to CO2, N-2 and H2O is done with this catalyst which shows complete removal of pollutants below 325 degrees C. Fixed oxide-ion defects in Pt substituted Ce1-y(La/Y)(y)O2-y/2 show higher catalytic activity than Pt ion-substituted CeO2


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EXAFS studies of Ni/Nb20, and Ni/Ti02 catalysts reduced at 773 K show evidence for the presence of a short Ni-Nb (Ti) and a long Ni-Nb (Ti) bond. The results provide evidence for considerable structural reorganization of the support in the vicinity of the Ni particles.


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A completely automated temperature-programmed reaction (TPR) system for carrying out gas-solid catalytic reactions under atmospheric flow conditions is fabricated to study CO and hydrocarbon oxidation, and NO reduction. The system consists of an all-stainless steel UHV system, quadrupole mass spectrometer SX200 (VG Scientific), a tubular furnace and micro-reactor, a temperature controller, a versatile gas handling system, and a data acquisition and analysis system. The performance of the system has been tested under standard experimental conditions for CO oxidation over well-characterized Ce1-x-y(La/Y)(y)O2-delta catalysts. Testing of 3-way catalysis with CO, NO and C2H2 to convert to CO2, N-2 and H2O is done with this catalyst which shows complete removal of pollutants below 325 degrees C. Fixed oxide-ion defects in Pt substituted Ce1-y(La/Y)(y)O2-y/2 show higher catalytic activity than Pt ion-substituted CeO2.


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The water gas shift reaction was carried out over noble metal ion substituted nanocrystalline oxide catalysts with different supports. Spectroscopic studies of the catalysts before and after the reaction showed different surface phenomena occurring over the catalysts. Reaction mechanisms were proposed based upon the surface processes and intermediates formed. The dual site mechanism utilizing the oxide ion vacancies for water dissociation and metal ions for CO adsorption was proposed to describe the kinetics of the reaction over the reducible oxides like CeO2. A mechanism based on the interaction of adsorbed CO and the hydroxyl group was proposed for the reaction over ZrO2. A hybrid mechanism based on oxide ion vacancies and surface hydroxyl groups was proposed for the reaction over TiO2. The deactivation of the catalysts was also found to be support dependent. Kinetic models for both activation and deactivation were proposed. (C) 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 56: 2662-2676, 2010


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Based on in-situ Mossbauer and X-ray diffraction studies, it is shown that in the Fe/TiO2 catalyst, the anatase-rutile transformation of the TiO2 support is facilitated by the Fe2+ ions formed during the reduction. The transformation occurs at lower temperatures in Th/TiO2 and Cu/TiO2 compared to pure TiO2. In general, the transformation of anatase to rutile seems to occur at or below the temperature (approximately 770 K) at which strong-metal-support-interaction manifests itself.


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In situ EXAFS investigations have been carried out on Ni/γ-Al2O3 and Cu---Ni/γ-Al2O3 catalysts with different metal loadings, and prepared by different procedures. As-prepared Ni/γ-Al2O3 on calcination gives NiO and NiAl2O4-like phases on the surface, the proportion of the latter increasing with the increase in calcination temperature; the proportion of the NiO-like phase, on the other hand, increases with the metal loading. The reducibility of Ni/γ-Al2O3 to give metallic Ni on the surface directly depends on the proportion of the NiO-like phase present before reduction. Co-impregnating with Cu suppresses the formation of the surface aluminate and thereby favours the reduction to metallic Ni. This conclusion is clearly substantiated by our studies of bimetallic catalysts containing varying Cu/Ni ratios and also those prepared by the two-stage impregnation procedure.


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Thermal decomposition of ethylene diamine diperchlorate (EDDP) has been studied by differential-thermal analysis (DTA), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), isothermal weight-loss measurements and mass-spectrometric analysis of the decomposition products. It has been observed that EDDP decomposes in two temperature regions. The low-temperature decomposition stops at about 35 to 40 percent weight loss below 250°C. The reason for the low-temperature cessation may be the adsorption of excess ethylene diamine on the crystal surface of EDDP. An overall activation energy of 54 kcal per mole has been calculated for the thermal decomposition of EDDP. Mass-spectrometric analysis shows that the decomposition products are mainly CO2, H2O, HCl and N2. The following stoichiometry has been proposed for the thermal decomposition of EDDP: (−CH2NH3CIO4)2→2CO2O+2HCl+N2