218 resultados para Dimethyl oxalate


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Dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) and dimethyl formamide (DMF) complexes of Mn(III) perchlorate have been prepared and their conductivity, magnetic susceptibility and i.r. and electronic spectra studied. The complexes behave as uni-trivalent electrolytes in acetonitrile. Their magnetic moments of 5·1 B.M. show them to be of high spin type. Infra-red spectra show that oxygen is the donor atom in both complexes. The spin allowed electronic transition for d4 system, around 20,000 cm−1, ascribable to the 5Eg → 5T2g transition, suggests an octahedral configuration for these complexes


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Some transformation reactions of α-pinene to give 4- and 3-membered ring compounds, not hitherto obtained from this source, are described. The study furnished a convenient method of preparation of the optically active cyclobutanone IVa, the title compound which served as the key substrate for all the transformations reported.


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Dimethyl sulphoxide complexes of lanthanide and yttrium nitrates of the general formula M(DMSO)n(NO3)3 where M = La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm or Gd; n = 4 and M = Y, Ho or Yb; n = 3 have been isolated and characterized. The i.r. data besides excluding the presence of D3h nitrate, reveal co-ordination through the oxygen atom of the dimethyl sulphoxide. The complexes are monomeric in acetonitrile. Molecular conductance data in acetone, acetonitrile, dimethyl formamide and dimethyl sulphoxide suggest a co-ordination number of eight for the lighter lanthanides and seven for yttrium and the heavier lanthanides.


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Dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO) complexes of rare-earth perchlorates of the formula M(ClO4)3·n DMSO (M = La, Ce, Pr and Nd, n = 8; M = Sm, Gd and Y, n = 7) have been prepared. I.r. studies indicate co-ordination through oxygen. Cryoscopic and conductivity data show co-ordination number of 7 and 8.


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Oxalato oxovanadium (IV) complexes with neutral ligand molecules like dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) and antipyrine (Apy), VOOX·2DMSO and VOOX·2Apy and complex oxalates of oxovanadium (IV)-(NH4)2[VOOX2]·2H2O, (NH4)2[(VO)2OX3]·6H2O and (NH4)2[(VO)2OX3] have been prepared and characterized by different methods. In the divanadyl complexes, V-V and V-O-V-O types of bonding are shown to be absent by magnetic and spectral data and a bridged oxalato group co-ordinated to the two vanadium atoms is shown to be present, in addition to the usual bidentate oxalate groups. The possible stereochemical arrangements are indicated for the complexes.


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Dimethyl formamide complexes of five rare-earth nitrates, M(DMF)4(NO3)3 where M = La, Pr, Nd, Sm or Y have been prepared and their infra-red spectra and conductivities in nitromethane and DMF studied. It is suggested that the co-ordination number of the metal ion in these complexes is nine.


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The Raman spectrum of DMSO is recorded with a Hilger two-prism spectrograph andλ 4358 Å excitation. In addition to all the Raman lines reported earlier, six new lines at 898, 925, 1223, 1309, 2811 and 2871 cm.−1 are observed and tentative assignments are given. The influence of solvents (CCl4, CHCl3, CH3COOH) on the S=O bond is also studied. A shift from the liquid phase value,i.e., 1043 cm.−1 to 1054, 1052 and 1009 cm.−1 in the respective solvents is observed. The possibilities of association effects and hydrogen bonding are discussed.


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The oxalato complexes, VOC2O4·2H2O and VOC2O4·4H2O, are described. Their magnetic moments correspond to one unpaired electron showing the tetravalency of vanadium. They are monomeric in aqueous solution. Thermal studies suggest VO2 formation when the compounds are decomposed. Infrared spectra reveal covalent bonding between the vanadium and the oxalate group and the coordinated water. The tetrahydrate has also some lattice held water. The weak band at 780 mμ and a shoulder at 600 mμ are due to d ↔ d transitions and the absorption in the ultra violet is due to charge transfer within the VO2+ group. The dihydrate is assigned a stable five co-ordinated pyramidal structure; while the tetrahydrate, a distorted octahedron with one water molecule loosely bound along the V---O axis and the other outside the co-ordination sphere.


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TiO·5DMSO(ClO4)2, ZrO·8DMSO(ClO4)2 and Th·12DMSO(ClO4)4 are prepared by reaction of the respective metal perchlorates with an excess of dimethyl sulphoxide. The last two complexes yield ZrO·6DMSO(ClO4)2 and Th·6DMSO(ClO4)4 on heating around 185°C, while the titanyl complex explodes at 190°C. The extra DMSO molecules in the zirconyl and thorium complexes seem to be held in the lattice. In the parent complexes, the co-ordinated DMSO molecules are bonded by oxygen to the metal atoms while in the DMSO complexes of zirconyl and thorium perchlorates, obtained by heating at 185°C, the bonding involves the sulphur, indicating a change in the bonding during the process of heating.


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It was found that ceric oxalate is an intermediate product in the oxidation of oxalic acid by ammonium hexanitrato cerate in solvents such as acetonitrile, and a mixture of acetonitrile and glacial acetic acid. Conditions for the formation of ceric oxalate and its decomposition into carbon dioxide and cerous oxalate have been studied. An analytical method for the estimation of oxalic acid in non-aqueous media has been evolved based on this reaction.


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The crystal structure of copper ammonium oxalate dihydrate (space group P1̃) has been derived from a refinement of the two-dimensional (hk0) and (0kl) x-ray data using the atomic coordinateis of the isomorphous salt CuK 2(C2O4)2.2H2O as the starting point of the analysis. In contrast to the chromium complexes of oxalic acid the C-C bonds in both the two nonequivalent oxalate ions in the unit cell are single bonds (1.58 and 1.61 Å) consistent with the conclusion of Jeffrey and Parry that the carboxyl groups of the oxalate ion are separated by a pure a bond with little or no π conjugation across the molecule. Both the oxalate ions are slightly nonplanar. The copper ions occupy the special positions (0, 0, 0) and 0, 1/2, 0) and their coordination is of the distorted octahedral type with four nearest oxygen neighbors ( ≃ 2 Å) at the corners of a square and two more distant atoms along the octahedral bond direction. The environment of the NH4+ ions consists of eight nearest oxygen atoms at a mean distance of 3 Å.


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A synthesis of 1,3-dimethyl-1,3-dicarboxycyclohexane-2-acetic acid has been described, and proved to be an isomer of the C12-acid-an oxidative degradation product of abietic acid.