71 resultados para Continuity


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The smooth DMS-FEM, recently proposed by the authors, is extended and applied to the geometrically nonlinear and ill-posed problem of a deformed and wrinkled/slack membrane. A key feature of this work is that three-dimensional nonlinear elasticity equations corresponding to linear momentum balance, without any dimensional reduction and the associated approximations, directly serve as the membrane governing equations. Domain discretization is performed with triangular prism elements and the higher order (C1 or more) interelement continuity of the shape functions ensures that the errors arising from possible jumps in the first derivatives of the conventional C0 shape functions do not propagate because the ill-conditioned tangent stiffness matrices are iteratively inverted. The present scheme employs no regularization and exhibits little sensitivity to h-refinement. Although the numerically computed deformed membrane profiles do show some sensitivity to initial imperfections (nonplanarity) in the membrane profile needed to initiate transverse deformations, the overall patterns of the wrinkles and the deformed shapes appear to be less so. Finally, the deformed profiles, computed through the DMS FEM-based weak formulation, are compared with those obtained through an experiment on an ultrathin Kapton membrane, wherein wrinkles form because of the applied boundary displacement conditions. Comparisons with a reported experiment on a rectangular membrane are also provided. These exercises lend credence to the feasibility of the DMS FEM-based numerical route to computing post-wrinkled membrane shapes. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The term design in this paper particularly refers to the process (verb) and less-to the outcome or product. Design comprises a complex set of activities today involving both man and machine. Sustainability is a fundamental paradigm and carries significance in any process, natural or manmade, and its outcome. In simple terms, sustainability implies a state of sustainable living, viz, health and continuity, nurtured by diversity and evolution (innovations) in an ever-changing world. Design, in a similar line, has been comprehensively investigated and its current manifestations including design-aids (Computer Aided Design) have been evaluated in terms of sustainability. The paper investigates the rationale of sustainability to design as a whole - its purpose, its adoption in the natural world, its relevance to humankind and the technologies involved. Throughout its history, technology has been used to aid design. But in the current context of advanced algorithms and computational capacity, design no longer remains an exclusively animate faculty. Given this scenario, investigating sustainability in the light of advanced design aids such as CAD becomes pertinent. Considering that technology plays a part in design activities, the paper explores where technology must play a part and to what degree amongst the various activities that comprise design. The study includes an examination of the morphology of design and the development of a systems-thinking integrated forecasting model to evaluate the implications of CAD tools in design and sustainability. The results of the study along with a broad range of recommendations have been presented. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Multi-layered materials have been made from Cu-Fe with approximately equal volume fractions using the Accumulated Roll Bonding (ARB) technique with less than 1 μm thickness of the individual layers. The so-obtained multi-layers have been subjected to deformation by cold rolling to 25, 50, 75, 87 and 93% reduction in thickness. A detailed characterization has been carried out using X-ray diffraction (line profile analysis and texture measurement) and electron (scanning and transmission) microscopy. It has been found that Fe layers are disintegrated whereas Cu retains its continuity within a layer. Microstructural Characterization from X-Ray Line profile Analysis (XRDLPA) through Variance Method reveals that large amount of strain is initially carried by Cu layers during deformation. In the Cu-Fe layer, the texture is comparatively weaker in Cu layer and strong in Fe layers. Brass Component increases up to 75% reduction and then decreases, while the ratio of Cu/S and Bs/S remains almost constant through out the deformation. After 50% reduction, dynamic recovery is predominant as indicated by the increase in the amount of low angle grain boundaries and decrease in dislocation density. The presence of R component indicates continuous dynamic recovery and recrystallization (CDRR) at the advanced stage of deformation.


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Present trend of semi-solid processing is directed towards rheocasting route which allows manufacturing of near-net-shape cast components directly from the prepared semi-solid slurry. Generation of globular equi-axed grains during solidification of rheocast components, compared to the columnar dendritic structure of conventional casting routes, facilitates the manufacturing of components with improved mechanical properties and structural integrity. In the present investigation, a cooling slope has been designed and indigenously fabricated to produce semi solid slurry of Al-Si-Mg (A356) alloy and successively cast in a metallic mould. The scope of the present work discusses about development of a numerical model to simulate the liquid metal flow through cooling slope using Eulerian two-phase flow approach and to investigate the effect of pouring temperature on cooling slope semi-solid slurry generation process. The two phases considered in the present model are liquid metal and air. Solid fraction evolution of the solidifying melt is tracked at different locations of the cooling slope, following Schiel's equation. The continuity equation, momentum equation and energy equation are solved considering thin wall boundary condition approach. During solidification of the liquid metal, a modified temperature recovery scheme has been employed taking care of the latent heat release and change of fraction of liquid. The results obtained from simulations are compared with experimental findings and good agreement has been found.


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Resin impregnated paper (RIP) is a relatively new insulation system recommended for the use in transformer bushings. In the recent past, RIP has acquired prominence as insulation in bushings, over conventional oil impregnated paper (OIP), in view of its overwhelming advantages the more important among them being low dielectric loss and possibility for positioning the bushing at any desired angle over the transformer. In addition, the fact that such systems do not pose problems of fire hazard is counted as a very important consideration. The disadvantage of RIP compared to OIP, however, is its much higher cost and involved manufacturing process. The temperature rise in RIP bushings under normal operating conditions is seen to be a difficult parameter to control in view of the limited options for effective cooling. It is therefore essential to take serious note of this aspect, to arrest rapid deterioration of bushing. The degradation of dry-type insulation such as RIP is often due to thermal stress. The long time performance thereof, depends strongly, on the maximum operating temperature. With this in view, the Authors have developed a theoretical model and computational method to study the temperature distribution in the body of insulation. The Authors consider that the basis for the model as being the temperature and electric stress aided AC conductivity. The ensuing heat balance (continuity) equations in 2-D cylindrical geometry are treated as a Dirichelet-Neumann boundary value problem.


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Experimental and numerical studies of slurry generation using a cooling slope are presented in the paper. The slope having stainless steel body has been designed and constructed to produce semisolid A356 Al alloy slurry. The pouring temperature of molten metal, slope angle of the cooling slope and slope wall temperature were varied during the experiment. A multiphase numerical model, considering liquid metal and air, has been developed to simulate the liquid metal flow along the cooling channel using an Eulerian two-phase flow approach. Solid fraction evolution of the solidifying melt is tracked at different locations of the cooling channel following Schiel's equation. The continuity, momentum and energy equations are solved considering thin wall boundary condition approach. During solidification of the melt, based on the liquid fraction and latent heat of the alloy, temperature of the alloy is modified continuously by introducing a modified temperature recovery method. Numerical simulations has been carried out for semisolid slurry formation by varying the process parameters such as angle of the cooling slope, cooling slope wall temperature and melt superheat temperature, to understand the effect of process variables on cooling slope semisolid slurry generation process such as temperature distribution, velocity distribution and solid fraction of the solidifying melt. Experimental validation performed for some chosen cases reveals good agreement with the numerical simulations.


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We propose a set of metrics that evaluate the uniformity, sharpness, continuity, noise, stroke width variance,pulse width ratio, transient pixels density, entropy and variance of components to quantify the quality of a document image. The measures are intended to be used in any optical character recognition (OCR) engine to a priori estimate the expected performance of the OCR. The suggested measures have been evaluated on many document images, which have different scripts. The quality of a document image is manually annotated by users to create a ground truth. The idea is to correlate the values of the measures with the user annotated data. If the measure calculated matches the annotated description,then the metric is accepted; else it is rejected. In the set of metrics proposed, some of them are accepted and the rest are rejected. We have defined metrics that are easily estimatable. The metrics proposed in this paper are based on the feedback of homely grown OCR engines for Indic (Tamil and Kannada) languages. The metrics are independent of the scripts, and depend only on the quality and age of the paper and the printing. Experiments and results for each proposed metric are discussed. Actual recognition of the printed text is not performed to evaluate the proposed metrics. Sometimes, a document image containing broken characters results in good document image as per the evaluated metrics, which is part of the unsolved challenges. The proposed measures work on gray scale document images and fail to provide reliable information on binarized document image.


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The classical Chapman-Enskog expansion is performed for the recently proposed finite-volume formulation of lattice Boltzmann equation (LBE) method D.V. Patil, K.N. Lakshmisha, Finite volume TVD formulation of lattice Boltzmann simulation on unstructured mesh, J. Comput. Phys. 228 (2009) 5262-5279]. First, a modified partial differential equation is derived from a numerical approximation of the discrete Boltzmann equation. Then, the multi-scale, small parameter expansion is followed to recover the continuity and the Navier-Stokes (NS) equations with additional error terms. The expression for apparent value of the kinematic viscosity is derived for finite-volume formulation under certain assumptions. The attenuation of a shear wave, Taylor-Green vortex flow and driven channel flow are studied to analyze the apparent viscosity relation.


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Transient signals such as plosives in speech or Castanets in audio do not have a specific modulation or periodic structure in time domain. However, in the spectral domain they exhibit a prominent modulation structure, which is a direct consequence of their narrow time localization. Based on this observation, a spectral-domain AM-FM model for transients is proposed. The spectral AM-FM model is built starting from real spectral zero-crossings. The AM and FM correspond to the spectral envelope (SE) and group delay (GD), respectively. Taking into account the modulation structure and spectral continuity, a local polynomial regression technique is proposed to estimate the GD function from the real spectral zeros. The SE is estimated based on the phase function computed from the estimated GD. Since the GD estimation is parametric, the degree of smoothness can be controlled directly. Simulation results based on synthetic transient signals generated using a beta density function are presented to analyze the noise-robustness of the SEGD model. Three specific applications are considered: (1) SEGD based modeling of Castanet sounds; (2) appropriateness of the model for transient compression; and (3) determining glottal closure instants in speech using a short-time SEGD model of the linear prediction residue.


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With the unique quasi-linear relationship between the surface potentials along the channel, recently we have proposed a quasi-static terminal charge model for common double-gate MOSFETs, which might have asymmetric gate oxide thickness. In this brief, we extend this concept to develop the nonquasi-static (NQS) charge model for the same by solving the governing continuity equations. The proposed NQS model shows good agreement against TCAD simulations and appears to be useful for efficient circuit simulation.


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The key requirements for enabling real-time remote healthcare service on a mobile platform, in the present day heterogeneous wireless access network environment, are uninterrupted and continuous access to the online patient vital medical data, monitor the physical condition of the patient through video streaming, and so on. For an application, this continuity has to be sufficiently transparent both from a performance perspective as well as a Quality of Experience (QoE) perspective. While mobility protocols (MIPv6, HIP, SCTP, DSMIP, PMIP, and SIP) strive to provide both and do so, limited or non-availability (deployment) of these protocols on provider networks and server side infrastructure has impeded adoption of mobility on end user platforms. Add to this, the cumbersome OS configuration procedures required to enable mobility protocol support on end user devices and the user's enthusiasm to add this support is lost. Considering the lack of proper mobility implementations that meet the remote healthcare requirements above, we propose SeaMo+ that comprises a light-weight application layer framework, termed as the Virtual Real-time Multimedia Service (VRMS) for mobile devices to provide an uninterrupted real-time multimedia information access to the mobile user. VRMS is easy to configure, platform independent, and does not require additional network infrastructure unlike other existing schemes. We illustrate the working of SeaMo+ in two realistic remote patient monitoring application scenarios.


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An integratedm odel is developed,b asedo n seasonailn puts of reservoiri nflow and rainfall in the irrigated area, to determine the optimal reservoir release policies and irrigation allocationst o multiple crops.T he model is conceptuallym ade up of two modules. Module 1 is an intraseasonal allocation model to maximize the sum of relative yieldso f all crops,f or a givens tateo f the systemu, singl inear programming(L P). The module takes into account reservoir storage continuity, soil moisture balance, and crop root growthw ith time. Module 2 is a seasonaal llocationm odel to derive the steadys tate reservoiro peratingp olicyu sings tochastidc ynamicp rogramming(S DP). Reservoir storage, seasonal inflow, and seasonal rainfall are the state variables in the SDP. The objective in SDP is to maximize the expected sum of relative yields of all crops in a year.The resultso f module 1 and the transitionp robabilitieso f seasonailn flow and rainfall form the input for module 2. The use of seasonailn puts coupledw ith the LP-SDP solution strategy in the present formulation facilitates in relaxing the limitations of an earlier study,w hile affectinga dditionali mprovementsT. he model is applied to an existing reservoir in Karnataka State, India.


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High elevation montane areas are called ``sky islands'' when they occur as a series of high mountains separated by lowland valleys. Different climatic conditions at high elevations makes sky islands a specialized type of habitat, rendering them naturally fragmented compared to more continuous habitat at lower elevations. Species in sky islands face unsuitable climate in the intervening valleys when moving from one montane area to another. The high elevation shola-grassland mosaic in the Western Ghats of southern India form one such sky island complex. The fragmented patches make this area ideal to study the effect of the spatial orientation of suitable habitat patches on population genetic structure of species found in these areas. Past studies have suggested that sky islands tend to have genetically structured populations, possibly due to reduced gene flow between montane areas. To test this hypothesis, we adopted the comparative approach. Using Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms, we compared population genetic structures of two closely related, similar sized butterfly species: Heteropsis oculus, a high elevation shola-grassland specialist restricted to the southern Western Ghats, and Mycalesis patnia, found more continuously distributed in lower elevations. In all analyses, as per expectation the sky island specialist H. oculus exhibited a greater degree of population genetic structure than M. patnia, implying a difference in geneflow. This difference in geneflow in turn appears to be due to the natural fragmentation of the sky island complexes. Detailed analysis of a subset of H. oculus samples from one sky island complex (the Anamalais) showed a surprising genetic break. A possible reason for this break could be unsuitable conditions of higher temperature and lower rainfall in the intervening valley region. Thus, sky island species are not only restricted by lack of habitat continuity between montane areas, but also by the nature of the intervening habitat.


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A layer-wise theory with the analysis of face ply independent of lamination is used in the bending of symmetric laminates with anisotropic plies. More realistic and practical edge conditions as in Kirchhoff's theory are considered. An iterative procedure based on point-wise equilibrium equations is adapted. The necessity of a solution of an auxiliary problem in the interior plies is explained and used in the generation of proper sequence of two dimensional problems. Displacements are expanded in terms of polynomials in thickness coordinate such that continuity of transverse stresses across interfaces is assured. Solution of a fourth order system of a supplementary problem in the face ply is necessary to ensure the continuity of in-plane displacements across interfaces and to rectify inadequacies of these polynomial expansions in the interior distribution of approximate solutions. Vertical deflection does not play any role in obtaining all six stress components and two in-plane displacements. In overcoming lacuna in Kirchhoff's theory, widely used first order shear deformation theory and other sixth and higher order theories based on energy principles at laminate level in smeared laminate theories and at ply level in layer-wise theories are not useful in the generation of a proper sequence of 2-D problems converging to 3-D problems. Relevance of present analysis is demonstrated through solutions in a simple text book problem of simply supported square plate under doubly sinusoidal load.


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Light wave transmission - its compression, amplification, and the optical energy storage in an ultra slow wave medium (USWM) is studied analytically. Our phenomenological treatment is based entirely on the continuity equation for the optical energy flux, and the well-known distribution-product property of Dirac delta-function. The results so obtained provide a clear understanding of some recent experiments on light transmission and its complete stoppage in an USWM.