65 resultados para Combining schemes


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For an n(t) transmit, nr receive antenna (n(t) x n(r)) MIMO system with quasi- static Rayleigh fading, it was shown by Elia et al. that space-time block code-schemes (STBC-schemes) which have the non-vanishing determinant (NVD) property and are based on minimal-delay STBCs (STBC block length equals n(t)) with a symbol rate of n(t) complex symbols per channel use (rate-n(t) STBC) are diversity-multiplexing gain tradeoff (DMT)-optimal for arbitrary values of n(r). Further, explicit linear STBC-schemes (LSTBC-schemes) with the NVD property were also constructed. However, for asymmetric MIMO systems (where n(r) < n(t)), with the exception of the Alamouti code-scheme for the 2 x 1 system and rate-1, diagonal STBC-schemes with NVD for an nt x 1 system, no known minimal-delay, rate-n(r) LSTBC-scheme has been shown to be DMT-optimal. In this paper, we first obtain an enhanced sufficient criterion for an STBC-scheme to be DMT optimal and using this result, we show that for certain asymmetric MIMO systems, many well-known LSTBC-schemes which have low ML-decoding complexity are DMT-optimal, a fact that was unknown hitherto.


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Assembly is an important part of the product development process. To avoid potential issues during assembly in specialized domains such as aircraft assembly, expert knowledge to predict such issues is helpful. Knowledge based systems can act as virtual experts to provide assistance. Knowledge acquisition for such systems however, is a challenge, and this paper describes one part of an ongoing research to acquire knowledge through a dialog between an expert and a knowledge acquisition system. In particular this paper discusses the use of a situation model for assemblies to present experts with a virtual assembly and help them locate the specific context of the knowledge they provide to the system.


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Let X-1,..., X-m be a set of m statistically dependent sources over the common alphabet F-q, that are linearly independent when considered as functions over the sample space. We consider a distributed function computation setting in which the receiver is interested in the lossless computation of the elements of an s-dimensional subspace W spanned by the elements of the row vector X-1,..., X-m]Gamma in which the (m x s) matrix Gamma has rank s. A sequence of three increasingly refined approaches is presented, all based on linear encoders. The first approach uses a common matrix to encode all the sources and a Korner-Marton like receiver to directly compute W. The second improves upon the first by showing that it is often more efficient to compute a carefully chosen superspace U of W. The superspace is identified by showing that the joint distribution of the {X-i} induces a unique decomposition of the set of all linear combinations of the {X-i}, into a chain of subspaces identified by a normalized measure of entropy. This subspace chain also suggests a third approach, one that employs nested codes. For any joint distribution of the {X-i} and any W, the sum-rate of the nested code approach is no larger than that under the Slepian-Wolf (SW) approach. Under the SW approach, W is computed by first recovering each of the {X-i}. For a large class of joint distributions and subspaces W, the nested code approach is shown to improve upon SW. Additionally, a class of source distributions and subspaces are identified, for which the nested-code approach is sum-rate optimal.


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Orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA) systems divide the available bandwidth into orthogonal subchannels and exploit multiuser diversity and frequency selectivity to achieve high spectral efficiencies. However, they require a significant amount of channel state feedback for scheduling and rate adaptation and are sensitive to feedback delays. We develop a comprehensive analysis for OFDMA system throughput in the presence of feedback delays as a function of the feedback scheme, frequency-domain scheduler, and rate adaptation rule. Also derived are expressions for the outage probability, which captures the inability of a subchannel to successfully carry data due to the feedback scheme or feedback delays. Our model encompasses the popular best-n and threshold-based feedback schemes and the greedy, proportional fair, and round-robin schedulers that cover a wide range of throughput versus fairness tradeoff. It helps quantify the different robustness of the schedulers to feedback overhead and delays. Even at low vehicular speeds, it shows that small feedback delays markedly degrade the throughput and increase the outage probability. Further, given the feedback delay, the throughput degradation depends primarily on the feedback overhead and not on the feedback scheme itself. We also show how to optimize the rate adaptation thresholds as a function of feedback delay.


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We propose energy harvesting technologies and cooperative relaying techniques to power the devices and improve reliability. We propose schemes to (a) maximize the packet reception ratio (PRR) by cooperation and (b) minimize the average packet delay (APD) by cooperation amongst nodes. Our key result and insight from the testbed implementation is about total data transmitted by each relay. A greedy policy that relays more data under a good harvesting condition turns out to be a sub optimal policy. This is because, energy replenishment is a slow process. The optimal scheme offers a low APD and also improves PRR.


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Regenerating codes and codes with locality are schemes recently proposed for a distributed storage network. While regenerating codes minimize the data downloaded for node repair, codes with locality minimize the number of nodes accessed during repair. In this paper, we provide some constructions of codes with locality, in which the local codes are regenerating codes, thereby combining the advantages of both classes of codes. The proposed constructions achieve an upper bound on minimum distance and are hence optimal. The constructions include both the cases when the local regenerating codes correspond to the MSR point as well as the MBR point on the storage repair-bandwidth tradeoff curve.


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For any n(t) transmit, n(r) receive antenna (n(t) x n(r)) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system in a quasi-static Rayleigh fading environment, it was shown by Elia et al. that linear space-time block code schemes (LSTBC schemes) that have the nonvanishing determinant (NVD) property are diversity-multiplexing gain tradeoff (DMT)-optimal for arbitrary values of n(r) if they have a code rate of n(t) complex dimensions per channel use. However, for asymmetric MIMO systems (where n(r) < n(t)), with the exception of a few LSTBC schemes, it is unknown whether general LSTBC schemes with NVD and a code rate of n(r) complex dimensions per channel use are DMT optimal. In this paper, an enhanced sufficient criterion for any STBC scheme to be DMT optimal is obtained, and using this criterion, it is established that any LSTBC scheme with NVD and a code rate of min {n(t), n(r)} complex dimensions per channel use is DMT optimal. This result settles the DMT optimality of several well-known, low-ML-decoding-complexity LSTBC schemes for certain asymmetric MIMO systems.


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We demonstrate the possibility of accelerated identification of potential compositions for high-temperature shape memory alloys (SMAs) through a combinatorial material synthesis and analysis approach, wherein we employ the combination of diffusion couple and indentation techniques. The former was utilized to generate smooth and compositionally graded inter-diffusion zones (IDZs) in the Ni-Ti-Pd ternary alloy system of varying IDZ thickness, depending on the annealing time at high temperature. The IDZs thus produced were then impressed with an indenter with a spherical tip so as to inscribe a predetermined indentation strain. Subsequent annealing of the indented samples at various elevated temperatures, T-a, ranging between 150 and 550 degrees C allows for partial to full relaxation of the strain imposed due to the shape memory effect. If T-a is above the austenite finish temperature, A(f), the relaxation will be complete. By measuring the depth recovery, which serves as a proxy for the shape recovery characteristic of the SMA, a three-dimensional map in the recovery temperature composition space is constructed. A comparison of the published Af data for different compositions with the Ta data shows good agreement when the depth recovery is between 70% and 80%, indicating that the methodology proposed in this paper can be utilized for the identification of promising compositions. Advantages and further possibilities of this methodology are discussed.


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The magnetic saw effect, induced by the Lorentz force generated due to the application of a series of electromagnetic ( EM) pulses, can be utilized to cut a metallic component containing a pre-existing cut or crack. By combining a mechanical force with the Lorentz force, the cut can be propagated along any arbitrary direction in a controlled fashion, thus producing an `electromagnetic jigsaw', yielding a novel tool-less, free-formed manufacturing process, particularly suitable for hard-to-cut metals. This paper presents validation of the above concept based on a simple analytical model, along with experiments on two materials - Pb foil and steel plate. (C) 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of Professor Bert Lauwers


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We highlight the need for a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary approach for the development of cost-effective water remediation methods. Combining ``chimie douce'' and green chemical principles seems essential for making these technologies economically viable and socially relevant (especially in the developing world). A comprehensive approach to water remediation will take into account issues such as nanotoxicity, chemical yield, cost, and ease of deployment in reactors. By considering technological challenges that lie ahead, we will attempt to identify directions that are likely to make photocatalytic water remediation a more global technology than it currently is. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved


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A Finite Feedback Scheme (FFS) for a quasi-static MIMO block fading channel with finite N-ary delay-free noise-free feedback consists of N Space-Time Block Codes (STBCs) at the transmitter, one corresponding to each possible value of feedback, and a function at the receiver that generates N-ary feedback. A number of FFSs are available in the literature that provably attain full-diversity. However, there is no known full-diversity criterion that universally applies to all FFSs. In this paper a universal necessary condition for any FFS to achieve full-diversity is given, and based on this criterion the notion of Feedback-Transmission duration optimal (FT-optimal) FFSs is introduced, which are schemes that use minimum amount of feedback N for the given transmission duration T, and minimum T for the given N to achieve full-diversity. When there is no feedback (N = 1) an FT-optimal scheme consists of a single STBC, and the proposed condition reduces to the well known necessary and sufficient condition for an STBC to achieve full-diversity. Also, a sufficient criterion for full-diversity is given for FFSs in which the component STBC yielding the largest minimum Euclidean distance is chosen, using which full-rate (N-t complex symbols per channel use) full-diversity FT-optimal schemes are constructed for all N-t > 1. These are the first full-rate full-diversity FFSs reported in the literature for T < N-t. Simulation results show that the new schemes have the best error performance among all known FFSs.


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In this letter, we analyze the end-to-end average bit error probability (ABEP) of space shift keying (SSK) in cooperative relaying with decode-and-forward (DF) protocol, considering multiple relays with a threshold based best relay selection, and selection combining of direct and relayed paths at the destination. We derive an exact analytical expression for the end-to-end ABEP in closed-form for binary SSK, where analytical results agree with simulation results. For non-binary SSK, approximate analytical and simulation results are presented.


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Precise experimental implementation of unitary operators is one of the most important tasks for quantum information processing. Numerical optimization techniques are widely used to find optimized control fields to realize a desired unitary operator. However, finding high-fidelity control pulses to realize an arbitrary unitary operator in larger spin systems is still a difficult task. In this work, we demonstrate that a combination of the GRAPE algorithm, which is a numerical pulse optimization technique, and a unitary operator decomposition algorithm Ajoy et al., Phys. Rev. A 85, 030303 (2012)] can realize unitary operators with high experimental fidelity. This is illustrated by simulating the mirror-inversion propagator of an XY spin chain in a five-spin dipolar coupled nuclear spin system. Further, this simulation has been used to demonstrate the transfer of entangled states from one end of the spin chain to the other end.


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Finite volume methods traditionally employ dimension by dimension extension of the one-dimensional reconstruction and averaging procedures to achieve spatial discretization of the governing partial differential equations on a structured Cartesian mesh in multiple dimensions. This simple approach based on tensor product stencils introduces an undesirable grid orientation dependence in the computed solution. The resulting anisotropic errors lead to a disparity in the calculations that is most prominent between directions parallel and diagonal to the grid lines. In this work we develop isotropic finite volume discretization schemes which minimize such grid orientation effects in multidimensional calculations by eliminating the directional bias in the lowest order term in the truncation error. Explicit isotropic expressions that relate the cell face averaged line and surface integrals of a function and its derivatives to the given cell area and volume averages are derived in two and three dimensions, respectively. It is found that a family of isotropic approximations with a free parameter can be derived by combining isotropic schemes based on next-nearest and next-next-nearest neighbors in three dimensions. Use of these isotropic expressions alone in a standard finite volume framework, however, is found to be insufficient in enforcing rotational invariance when the flux vector is nonlinear and/or spatially non-uniform. The rotationally invariant terms which lead to a loss of isotropy in such cases are explicitly identified and recast in a differential form. Various forms of flux correction terms which allow for a full recovery of rotational invariance in the lowest order truncation error terms, while preserving the formal order of accuracy and discrete conservation of the original finite volume method, are developed. Numerical tests in two and three dimensions attest the superior directional attributes of the proposed isotropic finite volume method. Prominent anisotropic errors, such as spurious asymmetric distortions on a circular reaction-diffusion wave that feature in the conventional finite volume implementation are effectively suppressed through isotropic finite volume discretization. Furthermore, for a given spatial resolution, a striking improvement in the prediction of kinetic energy decay rate corresponding to a general two-dimensional incompressible flow field is observed with the use of an isotropic finite volume method instead of the conventional discretization. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Strong atmospheric turbulence is a major hindrance in wireless optical communication systems. In this paper, the performance of a wireless optical communication system is analyzed using different modulation formats such as, binary phase shift keying-subcarrier intensity modulation (BPSK-SIM), differential phase shift keying (DPSK), differential phase shift keying-subcarrier intensity modulation (DPSK-SIM), Mary pulse position modulation (M-PPM) and polarization shift keying (PoISK). The atmospheric channel is modeled for strong atmospheric turbulences with combined effect of turbulence and pointing errors. Novel closed-form analytical expressions for average bit error rate (BER), channel capacity and outage probability for the various modulation techniques, viz. BPSK-SIM, DPSK, DPSK-SIM, PoISK and M-PPM are derived. The simulated results for BER, channel capacity and outage probability of various modulation techniques are plotted and analyzed. (C) 2014 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.