205 resultados para Closed Source


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In an effort to find a simple and common single-source precursor route for the group 13 metal nitride semiconductor nanostructures, the complexes formed by the trichlorides of Al, Ga and In with urea have been investigated. The complexes, characterized by X-ray crystallography and other techniques, yield the nitrides on thermal decomposition. Single crystalline nanowires of AlN, GaN and InN have been deposited on Si substrates covered with Au islands by using the complexes as precursors. The urea complexes yield single crystalline nanocrystals under solvothermal conditions. The successful synthesis of the nanowires and nanocrystals of these three important nitrides by a simple single-precursor route is noteworthy and the method may indeed be useful in practice.


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A switched rectifier DC voltage source three-level neutral-point-clamped (NPC) converter topology is proposed here to alleviate the inverter from capacitor voltage balancing in three-level drive systems. The proposed configuration requires only one DC link with a voltage of half of that needed in a conventional NPC inverter. To obtain a rated DC link voltage, the rectifier DC source is alternately connected in parallel to one of the two series capacitors using two switches and two diodes with device voltage ratings of half the total DC bus voltage. The frequency at which the voltage source is switched is independent of the inverter and will not affect its operation since the switched voltage source in this configuration balances the capacitors automatically. The proposed configuration can also be used as a conventional two-level inverter in the lower modulation index range, thereby increasing the reliability of the drivesystem. A space-vector-based PWM scheme is used to verify this proposed topology on a laboratory system.


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A constant switching frequency current error space vector-based hysteresis controller for two-level voltage source inverter-fed induction motor (IM) drives is proposed in this study. The proposed controller is capable of driving the IM in the entire speed range extending to the six-step mode. The proposed controller uses the parabolic boundary, reported earlier, for vector selection in a sector, but uses simple, fast and self-adaptive sector identification logic for sector change detection in the entire modulation range. This new scheme detects the sector change using the change in direction of current error along the axes jA, jB and jC. Most of the previous schemes use an outer boundary for sector change detection. So the current error goes outside the boundary six times during sector change, in one cycle,, introducing additional fifth and seventh harmonic components in phase current. This may cause sixth harmonic torque pulsations in the motor and spread in the harmonic spectrum of phase voltage. The proposed new scheme detects the sector change fast and accurately eliminating the chance of introducing additional fifth and seventh harmonic components in phase current and provides harmonic spectrum of phase voltage, which exactly matches with that of constant switching frequency voltage-controlled space vector pulse width modulation (VC-SVPWM)-based two-level inverter-fed drives.


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This paper presents a glowworm swarm based algorithm that finds solutions to optimization of multiple optima continuous functions. The algorithm is a variant of a well known ant-colony optimization (ACO) technique, but with several significant modifications. Similar to how each moving region in the ACO technique is associated with a pheromone value, the agents in our algorithm carry a luminescence quantity along with them. Agents are thought of as glowworms that emit a light whose intensity is proportional to the associated luminescence and have a circular sensor range. The glowworms depend on a local-decision domain to compute their movements. Simulations demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed glowworm based algorithm in capturing multiple optima of a multimodal function. The above optimization scenario solves problems where a collection of autonomous robots is used to form a mobile sensor network. In particular, we address the problem of detecting multiple sources of a general nutrient profile that is distributed spatially on a two dimensional workspace using multiple robots.


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The boundary-layer type conservation equations of mass, momentum and energy for the steady free turbulent flow in gravitational convection over heat sources are set up for both two-dimensional and axisymmetric cases. These are reduced to ordinary differential equations in a similarity parameter by suitable transformations. The three classical hypotheses of turbulent diffusion-the Constant Exchange Coefficient hypothesis, Prandtl's Momentum Transfer theory and Taylor's Vorticity Transfer theory-are then incorporated into these equations in succession. The resulting equations are solved numerically and the results compared with some experimental results on gravitational convection over heat sources reported by Rouse et al.


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Here the design and operation of a novel transmission electron microscope (TEM) triboprobe instrument with real-time vision control for advanced in situ electron microscopy is demonstrated. The NanoLAB triboprobe incorporates a new high stiffness coarse slider design for increased stability and positioning performance. This is linked with an advanced software control system which introduces both new and flexible in situ experimental functional testing modes, plus an automated vision control feedback system. This advancement in instrumentation design unlocks new possibilities of performing a range of new dynamical nanoscale materials tests, including novel friction and fatigue experiments inside the electron microscope.


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This paper presents a study of kinematic and force singularities in parallel manipulators and closed-loop mechanisms and their relationship to accessibility and controllability of such manipulators and closed-loop mechanisms, Parallel manipulators and closed-loop mechanisms are classified according to their degrees of freedom, number of output Cartesian variables used to describe their motion and the number of actuated joint inputs. The singularities in the workspace are obtained by considering the force transformation matrix which maps the forces and torques in joint space to output forces and torques ill Cartesian space. The regions in the workspace which violate the small time local controllability (STLC) and small time local accessibility (STLA) condition are obtained by deriving the equations of motion in terms of Cartesian variables and by using techniques from Lie algebra.We show that for fully actuated manipulators when the number ofactuated joint inputs is equal to the number of output Cartesian variables, and the force transformation matrix loses rank, the parallel manipulator does not meet the STLC requirement. For the case where the number of joint inputs is less than the number of output Cartesian variables, if the constraint forces and torques (represented by the Lagrange multipliers) become infinite, the force transformation matrix loses rank. Finally, we show that the singular and non-STLC regions in the workspace of a parallel manipulator and closed-loop mechanism can be reduced by adding redundant joint actuators and links. The results are illustrated with the help of numerical examples where we plot the singular and non-STLC/non-STLA regions of parallel manipulators and closed-loop mechanisms belonging to the above mentioned classes. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We study the problem of guessing the realization of a finite alphabet source, when some side information is provided, in a setting where the only knowledge the guesser has about the source and the correlated side information is that the joint source is one among a family. We define a notion of redundancy, identify a quantity that measures this redundancy, and study its properties. We then identify good guessing strategies that minimize the supremum redundancy (over the family). The minimum value measures the richness of the uncertainty class.


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High mass X-ray binary (HMXB) pulsars are of two types, persistent and transient. 4U1538-52 is a persistent HMXB whose orbit was previously measured to be circular but the RXTE observations revealed an eccentric orbit. We observed this system with RXTE-PCA in August 2003 and our timing analysis supports the eccentric orbit of the system. However, we do not find any evidence for orbital evolution. Rotational and tidal interactions between the stars of a closed binary system result in apsidal motion which can be measured in systems with eccentric orbit. 4U0115+63 is a Be-transient HMXB whose eccentric orbit was well-determined during its 1978 outburst. We report preliminary results from analysis of data obtained during the 1999 outburst of this source with the RXTE-PCA.


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Most of the structural elements like beams, cables etc. are flexible and should be modeled as distributed parameter systems (DPS) to represent the reality better. For large structures, the usual approach of 'modal representation' is not an accurate representation. Moreover, for excessive vibrations (possibly due to strong wind, earthquake etc.), external power source (controller) is needed to suppress it, as the natural damping of these structures is usually small. In this paper, we propose to use a recently developed optinial dynamic inversion technique to design a set of discrete controllers for this purpose. We assume that the control force to the structure is applied through finite number of actuators, which are located at predefined locations in the spatial domain. The method used in this paper determines control forces directly from the partial differential equation (PDE) model of the system. The formulation has better practical significance, both because it leads to a closed form solution of the controller (hence avoids computational issues) as well as because a set of discrete actuators along the spatial domain can be implemented with relative ease (as compared to a continuous actuator).


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High mass X-ray binary (H M X B) pulsars are of two types, persistent and transient. 4U 1538-52 is a persistent HMXB whose orbit was previously measured to be circular but the RXTE observations revealed an eccentric orbit. We observed this system with RXTE-PCA in August 2003 and our timing analysis supports the eccentric orbit of the system. However, we do not find any evidence for orbital evolution. Rotational and tidal interactions between the stars of a closed binary system result in apsidal motion which can be measured in systems with eccentric orbit. 4U0115+63 is a Be-transient HMXB whose eccentric orbit was well-determined during its 1978 outburst. We report preliminary results from analysis of data obtained during the 1999 outburst of this source with the RXTE-PCA.


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The present work gives a comprehensive numerical study of the evolution and decay of cylindrical and spherical nonlinear acoustic waves generated by a sinusoidal source. Using pseudospectral and predictor–corrector implicit finite difference methods, we first reproduced the known analytic results of the plane harmonic problem to a high degree of accuracy. The non-planar harmonic problems, for which the amplitude decay is faster than that for the planar case, are then treated. The results are correlated with the known asymptotic results of Scott (1981) and Enflo (1985). The constant in the old-age formula for the cylindrical canonical problem is found to be 1.85 which is rather close to 2, ‘estimated’ analytically by Enflo. The old-age solutions exhibiting strict symmetry about the maximum are recovered; these provide an excellent analytic check on the numerical solutions. The evolution of the waves for different source geometries is depicted graphically.


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A slip line field is proposed for symmetrical single‐cavity closed‐die forging by rough dies. A compatible velocity field is shown to exist. Experiments were conducted using lead workpiece and rough dies. Experimentally observed flow and load were used to validate the proposed slip line field. The slip line field was used to simulate the process in the computer with the objective of studying the influence of flash geometry on cavity filling.


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The problem of narrowband CFAR (constant false alarm rate) detection of an acoustic source at an unknown location in a range-independent shallow ocean is considered. If a target is present, the received signal vector at an array of N sensors belongs to an M-dimensional subspace if N exceeds the number of propagating modes M in the ocean. A subspace detection method which utilises the knowledge of the signal subspace to enhance the detector performance is presented in thisMpaper. It is shown that, for a given number of sensors N, the performance of a detector using a vector sensor array is significantly better than that using a scalar sensor array. If a target is detected, the detector using a vector sensor array also provides a concurrent coarse estimate of the bearing of the target.