155 resultados para Biochemical and molecularcharacterization


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Glycopeptidolipids (GPLs) are dominant cell surface molecules present in several non-tuberculous and opportunistic mycobacterial species. GPLs from Mycobacterium smegmatis are composed of a lipopeptide core unit consisting of a modified C-26-C-34 fatty acyl chain that is linked to a tetrapeptide (Phe-Thr-Ala-alaninol). The hydroxyl groups of threonine and terminal alaninol are further modified by glycosylations. Although chemical structures have been reported for 16 GPLs from diverse mycobacteria, there is still ambiguity in identifying the exact position of the hydroxyl group on the fatty acyl chain. Moreover, the enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of the fatty acyl component are unknown. In this study we show that a bimodular polyketide synthase in conjunction with a fatty acyl-AMP ligase dictates the synthesis of fatty acyl chain of GPL. Based on genetic, biochemical, and structural investigations, we determine that the hydroxyl group is present at the C-5 position of the fatty acyl component. Our retrobiosynthetic approach has provided a means to understand the biosynthesis of GPLs and also resolve the long-standing debate on the accurate structure of mycobacterial GPLs.


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Background: Bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium can utilize acetate as the sole source of carbon and energy. Acetate kinase (AckA) and phosphotransacetylase (Pta), key enzymes of acetate utilization pathway, regulate flux of metabolites in glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, TCA cycle, glyoxylate bypass and fatty acid metabolism. Results: Here we report kinetic characterization of S. typhimurium AckA (StAckA) and structures of its unliganded (Form-I, 2.70 angstrom resolution) and citrate-bound (Form-II, 1.90 angstrom resolution) forms. The enzyme showed broad substrate specificity with k(cat)/K-m in the order of acetate > propionate > formate. Further, the K-m for acetyl-phosphate was significantly lower than for acetate and the enzyme could catalyze the reverse reaction (i.e. ATP synthesis) more efficiently. ATP and Mg2+ could be substituted by other nucleoside 5'-triphosphates (GTP, UTP and CTP) and divalent cations (Mn2+ and Co2+), respectively. Form-I StAckA represents the first structural report of an unliganded AckA. StAckA protomer consists of two domains with characteristic beta beta beta alpha beta alpha beta alpha topology of ASKHA superfamily of proteins. These domains adopt an intermediate conformation compared to that of open and closed forms of ligand-bound Methanosarcina thermophila AckA (MtAckA). Spectroscopic and structural analyses of StAckA further suggested occurrence of inter-domain motion upon ligand-binding. Unexpectedly, Form-II StAckA structure showed a drastic change in the conformation of residues 230-300 compared to that of Form-I. Further investigation revealed electron density corresponding to a citrate molecule in a pocket located at the dimeric interface of Form-II StAckA. Interestingly, a similar dimeric interface pocket lined with largely conserved residues could be identified in Form-I StAckA as well as in other enzymes homologous to AckA suggesting that ligand binding at this pocket may influence the function of these enzymes. Conclusions: The biochemical and structural characterization of StAckA reported here provides insights into the biochemical specificity, overall fold, thermal stability, molecular basis of ligand binding and inter-domain motion in AckA family of enzymes. Dramatic conformational differences observed between unliganded and citrate-bound forms of StAckA led to identification of a putative ligand-binding pocket at the dimeric interface of StAckA with implications for enzymatic function.


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The yeast Bud31 protein, a Prp19 complex (NTC) member, aids spliceosome assembly and thus promotes efficient pre-mRNA splicing. The bud31 null cells show mild budding abnormalities at optimal growth temperatures and, at higher temperatures, have growth defects with aberrant budding. Here we have assessed cell cycle transitions which require Bud31. We find Bud31 facilitates passage through G1-S regulatory point (Start) but is not needed for G2-M transition or for exit from mitosis. To co-relate Bud31 functions in cell division with splicing, we studied the splicing status of transcripts that encode proteins involved in budding. We find Bud31 promotes efficient splicing of only some of these pre-mRNAs, for example, ARP2 and SRC1. Wild type cells have a long and a short isoform of SRC1 mRNA and protein, out of which the shorter mRNA splice variant is predominant. bud31 Delta cells show inefficient SRC1 splicing and entirely lack the shorter SRC1 spliced mRNA isoform. Yeast PRP17, another NTC sub-complex member, is also required for G1-S and G2-M cell cycle transitions. We examined genetic interactions between BUD31 and PRP17. While both factors were needed for efficient cell cycle dependent gene expression, our data indicate that distinct pre-mRNAs depend on each of these non-essential splicing factors.


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Mitochondrial Hsp70 (mtHsp70) is essential for a vast repertoire of functions, including protein import, and requires effective interdomain communication for efficient partner-protein interactions. However, the in vivo functional significance of allosteric regulation in eukaryotes is poorly defined. Using integrated biochemical and yeast genetic approaches, we provide compelling evidence that a conserved substrate-binding domain (SBD) loop, L-4,L-5, plays a critical role in allosteric communication governing mtHsp70 chaperone functions across species. In yeast, a temperature-sensitive L-4,L-5 mutation (E467A) disrupts bidirectional domain communication, leading to compromised protein import and mitochondrial function. Loop L-4,L-5 functions synergistically with the linker in modulating the allosteric interface and conformational transitions between SBD and the nucleotide-binding domain (NBD), thus regulating interdomain communication. Second-site intragenic suppressors of E467A isolated within the SBD suppress domain communication defects by conformationally altering the allosteric interface, thereby restoring import and growth phenotypes. Strikingly, the suppressor mutations highlight that restoration of communication from NBD to SBD alone is the minimum essential requirement for effective in vivo function when primed at higher basal ATPase activity, mimicking the J-protein-bound state. Together these findings provide the first mechanistic insights into critical regions within the SBD of mtHsp70s regulating interdomain communication, thus highlighting its importance in protein translocation and mitochondrial biogenesis.


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Huntington's disease is a polyglutamine expansion disorder, characterized by mutant HTT-mediated aggregate formation and cytotoxicity. Many reports suggests roles of N-terminal 17 amino acid domain of HTT (HTT-N17) towards subcellular localization, aggregate formation and subsequent pathogenicity induced by N-terminal HTT harboring polyQ stretch in pathogenic range. HYPK is a HTT-interacting chaperone which can reduce N-terminal mutant HTT-mediated aggregate formation and cytotoxicity in neuronal cell lines. However, how HYPK interacts with N-terminal fragment of HTT remained unknown. Here we report that specific interaction of HYPK with HTT-N17 is crucial for the chaperone activity of HYPK. Deletion of HTT-N17 leads to formation of tinier, SDS-soluble nuclear aggregates formed by N-terminal mutant HTT. The increased cytotoxicity imparted by these tiny aggregates might be contributed due to loss of interaction with HYPK. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Hydantoin derivatives possess a variety of biochemical and pharmacological properties and consequently are used to treat many human diseases. However, there are only few studies focusing on their potential as cancer therapeutic agents. In the present study, we have examined anticancer properties of two novel spirohydantoin compounds, 8-(3,4-difluorobenzyl)-1'-(pent-4-enyl)-8-azaspiro[bicyclo[3.2.1] octane-3,4'-imidazolidine]-2',5'-dione (DFH) and 8-(3,4-dichlorobenzyl)-1'-(pent-4-enyl)-8-azaspiro[bicyclo[3.2.1]octane-3,4'-imidazolidine]-2',5'-dione (DCH). Both the compounds exhibited dose- and time-dependent cytotoxic effect on human leukemic cell lines, K562, Reh, CEM and 8ES. Incorporation of tritiated thymidine ([H-3) thymidine) in conjunction with cell cycle analysis suggested that DFH and DCH inhibited the growth of leukemic cells. Downregulation of PCNA and p-histone H3 further confirm that the growth inhibition could be at the level of DNA replication. Flow cytometric analysis indicated the accumulation of cells at subG1 phase suggesting induction of apoptosis, which was further confirmed and quantified both by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) and confocal microscopy following annexin V-FITC/propidium iodide (PI) staining. Mechanistically, our data support the induction of apoptosis by activation of the mitochondrial pathway. Results supporting such a model include, elevated levels of p53, and BAD, decreased level of BCL2, activation and cleavage of caspase 9, activation of procaspase 3, poly (ADP-ribosyl) polymerase (PARP) cleavage, downregulation of Ku70, Ku80 and DNA fragmentation. Based on these results we discuss the mechanism of apoptosis induced by DFH and its implications in leukemia therapy. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Trypsin-treated rat brain myelin was subjected to biochemical and X-ray studies. Untreated myelin gave rise to a pattern of three rings with a fundamental repeat period of 155 Angstrom consisting of two bilayers per repeat period, whereas myelin treated with trypsin showed a fundamental repeat period of 75 Angstrom with one bilayer per repeat period. The integrated raw intensity of the h=4 reflection with respect to the h=2 reflection is 0.38 for untreated myelin. The corresponding value reduced to 0.23, 0.18, 0.17 for myelin treated with 5, 10, 40 units of trypsin per mg of myelin, respectively, for 30 min at 30 degrees C. The decrease in relative raw intensity of the higher-order reflection relative to the lower-order reflection is suggestive of a disordering of the phosphate groups upon trypsin treatment or an increased mosaicity of the membrane or a combination of both these effects, However, trypsin treatment does not lead to a complete breakdown of the membrane, The integrated intensity of the h=1 reflection, though weak, is above the measurable threshold for untreated myelin, whereas the corresponding intensity is below the measurable threshold for trypsin-treated myelin, indicating a possible asymmetric to symmetric transition of the myelin bilayer structure about its centre after trypsin treatment.


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Luminescence has been detected in cyclic tetrapeptide disulfides containing only nonaromatic residues. Excitation of the S-S- n-cr transition between 280 and 290 nm leads to.ernission in the region 300-340 nm. The position and intensity of the emission band depends on the stereochemistry of the peptide and polarity of the solvent. Quantum yields ranging from 0.002 to 0.026 have been determined. Disulfide luminescence is quenched by oxygen and enhanced in solutions saturated with nitrogen. Contributions from disulfide linkages should be considered, when analysing the emission spectra of proteins, lacking tryptophan but having a high cystine content.


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The inhibitory effect of FeSO4-dependent cytosolic protein on microsomal HMGCoA reductase is on the enzyme activity and not an artifact of loss of the product, mevalonate, through phosphorylation, unlike that of ATP.Mg effect.


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The peptide t-butyloxycarbonyl-α-aminoisobutyryl-L-prolyl-L-prolyl-N-methylamide has been shown to adopt an extended structure in the solid state. The Pro-Pro segment occurs in the poly-proline II conformation. On dissolution of single crystals at not, vert, similar 233°K, a single species corresponding to the all Image peptide backbone is observed by 270 MHz 1H NMR. On warming, Image to Image isomerization about the Pro-Pro bond is facilitated. Both Image (ψ not, vert, similar−50°) and Image (ψ not, vert, similar 130°) rotamers about the Pro3 Cα---CO bond are detectable in the Pro-Pro Image conformer, at low temperature. These observations demonstrate unambiguously the large differences in the solid state and solution conformations of a Pro-Pro sequence.


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Rabbits and guinea pigs were immunized with functionalized aspirin-protein conjugates prepared by coupling 5-N-Succinylamino aspirin to BSA and BGG using a water soluble carbodiimide (EDC). Two populations of antibodies, one specific to functionalized aspirin and the other exclusively specific to salicylic acid were detected. These antibodies were fractionated and separated on affinity polymers suitably prepared with 5-N-succinylamino salicylic acid and 5-N-succinylamino-2-ethoxy benzoic acid as the ligands. The isolated and purified antibodies were electrophoretically homogeneous. The physico chemical interactions between the antibodies and the respective haptens were studied by radio-immunoassay, equilibrium dialysis and fluorescence quenching techniques.


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trychnine was coupled to fluorescein isothiocyanate to mark strychnine binding sites in spinal cord of rat. Specific binding of strychnine could be demonstrated in synaptosomal fraction. Addition of glycine to the strychninised membrane led to a decrease in fluorescence indicating same receptor loci.


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Gossypol, a polyphenolic compound isolated from cotton plant was found to degrade pBR322 DNA Image in a reaction which required the presence of a metal ion, a reducing agent (2-mercaptoethanol) and oxygen as revealed after agarose gel electrophoresis. Fe3+ and Co2+ showed maximum degradation whereas addition of Ca2+ and Mg2+ prevented the gossypol mediated DNA damage. Gossypol caused degradation of rat liver DNA incubated Image even in the absence of added metal ions and 2-mercaptoethanol. Incubation of intact rat liver nuclei with gossypol reveled DNA degradation and nuclei isolated from rats treated with gossypol Image showed higher succestibility to DNA fragmentation when incubated with gossypol Image than control nuclei. EcoRl and AIuI digestion of DNA isolated from gossypol treated rats gave clear cut evidence for DNA degradation. These observations indicate that gossypol is genotoxic and considereable care has to be exercised in its use. SDS, sodium dodecayl sulphate; TE buffer, Tris-HCL-EDTA buffer.


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Rat lung microsomes were shown to �-hydroxylate acyclic monoterpene alcohols in the presence of NADPH and O2. NADH could neither support hydroxylation efficiently nor did it show synergistic effect. The hydroxylase activity was greater in microsomes prepared from β-naphthoflavone (BNF)-treated rats than from phenobarbital (PB)-treated or control microsomal preparations. Hydroxylation was specific to the C-8 position in geraniol and has a pH optimum of 7.8. The inhibition of the hydroxylase activity by SKF-525A, CO, N-ethylmaleimide, ellipticine, α-naphthoflavone, cyt. Image and p-CMB indicated the involvement of the cyt. P-450 system. However, NaN3 stimulated the hydroxylase activity to a significant level. Rat kidney microsomes were also capable of �-hydroxylating geraniol although the activity was lower than that observed with lungs.


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The requirement of a suitable energy source during the induced synthesis of nitrate reductase in Image was investigated. The levels of nitrate reductase induced were shown to be energy-dependent, and to vary in response to the type of carbon source provided. Glycerol, fructose, ethanol, glucose, and sucrose served as efficient energy sources. Growth rate of the yeast and the induced level of nitrate reductase were dependent on the ratio of carbon to nitrogen in the induction medium, and ratio of 2 being optimal. Induction of nitrate reductase was inhibited by uncouplers, 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP), dicumarol and carbonyl cyanide Candida-Utilis -trifluoromethoxy phenyl hydrazone (CCCP), and by cyanide and azide, indicating an absolute energy-dependency. The facilitation of induction of a high level of nitrate reductase by exogenously added ATP as sole source of energy confirmed the obligate requirement of ATP for the synthesis of nitrate reductase in Candida-Utilis.