101 resultados para Assignment of lease


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Cross strand aromatic interactions between a facing pair of phenylalanine residues in antiparallel beta-sheet structures have been probed using two structurally defined model peptides. The octapeptide Boc-(LFVPPLFV)-P-D-P-L-OMe (peptide 1) favors the beta-hairpin conformation nucleated by the type II' beta-turn formed by the (D)Pro-(L)Pro segment, placing Phe2 and Phe7 side chains in proximity. Two centrally positioned (D)Pro-(L)Pro segments facilitate the three stranded beta-sheet formation in the 14 residue peptide Boc-LFV(D)P(L)PLFVA(D)P(L)PLFV-OMe (peptide 2) in which the Phe2/Phe7 orientations are similar to that in the octapeptide. The anticipated folded conformations of peptides 1 and 2 are established by the delineation of intramolecularly hydrogen bonded NH groups and by the observation of specific cross strand NOEs. The observation of ring current shifted aromatic protons is a diagnostic of close approach of the Phe2 and Phe7 side chains. Specific assignment of aromatic proton resonances using HSQC and HSQC-TOCSY methods allow an analysis of interproton NOEs between the spatially proximate aromatic rings. This approach facilitates specific assignments in systems containing multiple aromatic rings in spectra at natural abundance. Evidence is presented for a dynamic process which invokes a correlated conformational change about the C-alpha-C-beta(chi(1)) bond for the pair of interacting Phe residues. NMR results suggest that aromatic ring orientations observed in crystals are maintained in solution. Anomalous temperature dependence of ring current induced proton chemical shifts suggests that solvophobic effects may facilitate aromatic ring clustering in apolar solvents.


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In the present work the structural and spectral characteristics of acetazolamide have been studied by methods of infrared, Raman spectroscopy and quantum chemistry. Electrostatic potential surface, optimized geometry, harmonic vibrational frequencies, infrared intensities and activities of Raman scattering were calculated by density functional theory (DFT) employing B3LYP with complete relaxation in the potential energy surface using 6-311++G(d,p) basis set. Based on these results, we have discussed the correlation between the vibrational modes and the structure of the dimers of acetazolamide. The calculated vibrational spectra of three dimers of acetazolamide have been compared with observed spectra, and the assignment of observed bands was carried out using potential energy distribution. The observed spectra agree well with the values computed from the OFT. A comparison of observed and calculated vibrational spectra clearly shows the effect of hydrogen bonding. The frequency shifts observed for the different dimers are in accord with the hydrogen bonding in acetazolamide. Natural bond orbital (NBO) analyses reflect the charge transfer interaction in the individual hydrogen bond units and the stability of different dimers of acetazolamide. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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NMR spectroscopic chiral visualization, unambiguous assignment of peaks pertaining to R and S enantiomers and the subsequent measurement of enantiomeric composition demands a highly resolved spectrum. The method fails when the spectrum is severely overcrowded or highly complex, thereby hampering the determination of enantiomeric excess. In order to circumvent such problems we propose the utility of pure shift spectrum obtained by resolving the chemical shift and coupling information in two orthogonal dimensions. The skew projected spectrum yields singlet's at the respective chemical shift positions, permitting the unravelling of the superimposed spectral transitions for each enantiomer and measurement of enantiomeric composition. (C) 2012 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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Channel-aware assignment of sub-channels to users in the downlink of an OFDMA system demands extensive feedback of channel state information (CSI) to the base station. Since the feedback bandwidth is often very scarce, schemes that limit feedback are necessary. We develop a novel, low feedback splitting-based algorithm for assigning each sub-channel to its best user, i.e., the user with the highest gain for that sub-channel among all users. The key idea behind the algorithm is that, at any time, each user contends for the sub-channel on which it has the largest channel gain among the unallocated sub-channels. Unlike other existing schemes, the algorithm explicitly handles multiple access control aspects associated with the feedback of CSI. A tractable asymptotic analysis of a system with a large number of users helps design the algorithm. It yields 50% to 65% throughput gains compared to an asymptotically optimal one-bit feedback scheme, when the number of users is as small as 10 or as large as 1000. The algorithm is fast and distributed, and scales with the number of users.


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Disulfide crosslinks are ubiquitous in natural peptides and proteins, providing rigidity to polypeptide scaffolds. The assignment of disulfide connectivity in multiple crosslinked systems is often difficult to achieve. Here, we show that rapid unambiguous characterisation of disulfide connectivity can be achieved through direct mass spectrometric CID fragmentation of the disulfide intact polypeptides. The method requires a direct mass spectrometric fragmentation of the native disulfide bonded polypeptides and subsequent analysis using a newly developed program, DisConnect. Technical difficulties involving direct fragmentation of proteins are surmounted by an initial proteolytic nick and subsequent determination of the structures of these proteolytic peptides through DisConnect. While the connectivity in proteolytic fragments containing one cystine is evident from the MS profile alone, those with multiple cystines are subjected to subsequent mass spectrometric fragmentation. The wide applicability of this method is illustrated using examples of peptide hormones, peptide toxins, proteins, and disulfide foldamers of a synthetic analogue of a marine peptide toxin. The method, coupled with DisConnect, provides an unambiguous, straightforward approach, especially useful for the rapid screening of the disulfide crosslink fidelity in recombinant proteins, determination of disulfide linkages in natural peptide toxins and characterization of folding intermediates encountered in oxidative folding pathways.


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Chiral auxiliaries are used for the NMR spectroscopic study of enantiomers. Often the presence of impurities, overlap of peaks, line broadening and the multiplicity pattern restrict the chiral analysis in the 1D H-1 NMR spectrum. The present study introduces a simple 2D H-1 NMR experiment to unravel the overlapped spectrum. The experiment separates the spectra of enantiomers, thereby allowing the unambiguous assignment of all the coupled peaks and the measurement of enantiomeric excess (ee) from a single experiment even in combinatorial mixtures.


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A new 2D NMR technique cited as CH-RES-TOCSY, for complete unraveling the spectra of enantiomers and for the measurement of structurally important C-HRDC sis reported. The spectral overlap and complexity of peaks were reduced by the blend of selective excitation and homo-decoupling. Differential values of C-H RDCs of enantiomers (R and S) are exploited to separate the enantiomeric peaks. The complete unraveling of the spectra of both the enantiomers is achieved by incorporating a TOCSY mixing blockprior to signal acquisition. The additional application of the method is demonstrated for the assignment of symmetric isomers. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Secondary-structure elements (SSEs) play an important role in the folding of proteins. Identification of SSEs in proteins is a common problem in structural biology. A new method, ASSP (Assignment of Secondary Structure in Proteins), using only the path traversed by the C atoms has been developed. The algorithm is based on the premise that the protein structure can be divided into continuous or uniform stretches, which can be defined in terms of helical parameters, and depending on their values the stretches can be classified into different SSEs, namely -helices, 3(10)-helices, -helices, extended -strands and polyproline II (PPII) and other left-handed helices. The methodology was validated using an unbiased clustering of these parameters for a protein data set consisting of 1008 protein chains, which suggested that there are seven well defined clusters associated with different SSEs. Apart from -helices and extended -strands, 3(10)-helices and -helices were also found to occur in substantial numbers. ASSP was able to discriminate non--helical segments from flanking -helices, which were often identified as part of -helices by other algorithms. ASSP can also lead to the identification of novel SSEs. It is believed that ASSP could provide a better understanding of the finer nuances of protein secondary structure and could make an important contribution to the better understanding of comparatively less frequently occurring structural motifs. At the same time, it can contribute to the identification of novel SSEs. A standalone version of the program for the Linux as well as the Windows operating systems is freely downloadable and a web-server version is also available at .


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NMR-based approach to metabolomics typically involves the collection of two-dimensional (2D) heteronuclear correlation spectra for identification and assignment of metabolites. In case of spectral overlap, a 3D spectrum becomes necessary, which is hampered by slow data acquisition for achieving sufficient resolution. We describe here a method to simultaneously acquire three spectra (one 3D and two 2D) in a single data set, which is based on a combination of different fast data acquisition techniques such as G-matrix Fourier transform (GFT) NMR spectroscopy, parallel data acquisition and non-uniform sampling. The following spectra are acquired simultaneously: (1) C-13 multiplicity edited GFT (3,2)D HSQC-TOCSY, (2) 2D H-1- H-1] TOCSY and (3) 2D C-13- H-1] HETCOR. The spectra are obtained at high resolution and provide high-dimensional spectral information for resolving ambiguities. While the GFT spectrum has been shown previously to provide good resolution, the editing of spin systems based on their CH multiplicities further resolves the ambiguities for resonance assignments. The experiment is demonstrated on a mixture of 21 metabolites commonly observed in metabolomics. The spectra were acquired at natural abundance of C-13. This is the first application of a combination of three fast NMR methods for small molecules and opens up new avenues for high-throughput approaches for NMR-based metabolomics.


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Hydrologic impacts of climate change are usually assessed by downscaling the General Circulation Model (GCM) output of large-scale climate variables to local-scale hydrologic variables. Such an assessment is characterized by uncertainty resulting from the ensembles of projections generated with multiple GCMs, which is known as intermodel or GCM uncertainty. Ensemble averaging with the assignment of weights to GCMs based on model evaluation is one of the methods to address such uncertainty and is used in the present study for regional-scale impact assessment. GCM outputs of large-scale climate variables are downscaled to subdivisional-scale monsoon rainfall. Weights are assigned to the GCMs on the basis of model performance and model convergence, which are evaluated with the Cumulative Distribution Functions (CDFs) generated from the downscaled GCM output (for both 20th Century [20C3M] and future scenarios) and observed data. Ensemble averaging approach, with the assignment of weights to GCMs, is characterized by the uncertainty caused by partial ignorance, which stems from nonavailability of the outputs of some of the GCMs for a few scenarios (in Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [IPCC] data distribution center for Assessment Report 4 [AR4]). This uncertainty is modeled with imprecise probability, i.e., the probability being represented as an interval gray number. Furthermore, the CDF generated with one GCM is entirely different from that with another and therefore the use of multiple GCMs results in a band of CDFs. Representing this band of CDFs with a single valued weighted mean CDF may be misleading. Such a band of CDFs can only be represented with an envelope that contains all the CDFs generated with a number of GCMs. Imprecise CDF represents such an envelope, which not only contains the CDFs generated with all the available GCMs but also to an extent accounts for the uncertainty resulting from the missing GCM output. This concept of imprecise probability is also validated in the present study. The imprecise CDFs of monsoon rainfall are derived for three 30-year time slices, 2020s, 2050s and 2080s, with A1B, A2 and B1 scenarios. The model is demonstrated with the prediction of monsoon rainfall in Orissa meteorological subdivision, which shows a possible decreasing trend in the future.


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Rate-constrained power minimization (PMIN) over a code division multiple-access (CDMA) channel with correlated noise is studied. PMIN is. shown to be an instance of a separable convex optimization problem subject to linear ascending constraints. PMIN is further reduced to a dual problem of sum-rate maximization (RMAX). The results highlight the underlying unity between PMIN, RMAX, and a problem closely related to PMIN but with linear receiver constraints. Subsequently, conceptually simple sequence design algorithms are proposed to explicitly identify an assignment of sequences and powers that solve PMIN. The algorithms yield an upper bound of 2N - 1 on the number of distinct sequences where N is the processing gain. The sequences generated using the proposed algorithms are in general real-valued. If a rate-splitting and multi-dimensional CDMA approach is allowed, the upper bound reduces to N distinct sequences, in which case the sequences can form an orthogonal set and be binary +/- 1-valued.


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ESR investigations at X band and optical-absorption measurements have been reported in single crystals of copper (n) diethyldithiocarbamate Cu[S 2CN(C2H5)2]2 diluted to 0.2% with the corresponding zinc complex. The measurements have been made both at room and liquid-oxygen temperatures. ESR measurements gave the following values for the parameters in spin Hamiltonian g11=2.1085, g=2.023(6), A63= 142.4×10-4 cm-1, A65 = 152.0×10-4 cm-1, B = 22.4×10-4 cm-1, Q~3×10-4 cm-1. Polarized optical absorption study has made possible a proper assignment of the absorption bands to their corresponding transitions. This has led to information regarding the ordering of the MO levels of the complex. The coefficients used in the MO description of the complex have been calculated from the observed parameters. The results show that the metal ligand BIσ bond is purely covalent and that the out-of-plane w bonding is appreciably covalent whereas the in-plane Π bonding is ionic. Further, it is noted that the metal ligand binding is more covalent with sulfur as ligand than with oxygen or nitrogen.


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Starting from readily available norbornenobenzoquinone 7 and employing a photothermal metathesis reaction as the main strategy, novel "roofed" polyquinane bisenones 3 and 13 have been synthesized. Among these, the former is potentially serviceable for further elaboration to dodecahedrane 1. Catalytic hydrogenation of 3 provided the dione 12, which fully inscribes the circumference of dodecahedrane sphere. The "roofed" C-16-bisenone 3 has been successfully annulated to C19-bisenone 24 and C19-trisenone 26 by employing the Greene methodology and Pauson-Khand reaction, respectively. The molecular structures of 3 and 13 were computed using molecular mechanics and semiempirical MO methods. The nonbonded distances between the double bonds vary strongly with the method employed. The interactions between the pi-MO's were, therefore, probed by means of photoelectron (PE) spectroscopy. Comparison with the PE spectra of a series of model systems with increasing complexity enabled an unambiguous assignment of the observed peaks. The symmetric and antisymmetric combinations of the pi-MO's of the enone moieties of 3 and 13 show large splittings, characteristic of propano-bridged systems in which through-space and through-bond effects act in concert.


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Sequence specific resonance assignment constitutes an important step towards high-resolution structure determination of proteins by NMR and is aided by selective identification and assignment of amino acid types. The traditional approach to selective labeling yields only the chemical shifts of the particular amino acid being selected and does not help in establishing a link between adjacent residues along the polypeptide chain, which is important for sequential assignments. An alternative approach is the method of amino acid selective `unlabeling' or reverse labeling, which involves selective unlabeling of specific amino acid types against a uniformly C-13/N-15 labeled background. Based on this method, we present a novel approach for sequential assignments in proteins. The method involves a new NMR experiment named, {(CO)-C-12 (i) -N-15 (i+1)}-filtered HSQC, which aids in linking the H-1(N)/N-15 resonances of the selectively unlabeled residue, i, and its C-terminal neighbor, i + 1, in HN-detected double and triple resonance spectra. This leads to the assignment of a tri-peptide segment from the knowledge of the amino acid types of residues: i - 1, i and i + 1, thereby speeding up the sequential assignment process. The method has the advantage of being relatively inexpensive, applicable to H-2 labeled protein and can be coupled with cell-free synthesis and/or automated assignment approaches. A detailed survey involving unlabeling of different amino acid types individually or in pairs reveals that the proposed approach is also robust to misincorporation of N-14 at undesired sites. Taken together, this study represents the first application of selective unlabeling for sequence specific resonance assignments and opens up new avenues to using this methodology in protein structural studies.


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Channel-aware assignment of subchannels to users in the downlink of an OFDMA system requires extensive feedback of channel state information (CSI) to the base station. Since bandwidth is scarce, schemes that limit feedback are necessary. We develop a novel, low feedback, distributed splitting-based algorithm called SplitSelect to opportunistically assign each subchannel to its most suitable user. SplitSelect explicitly handles multiple access control aspects associated with CSI feedback, and scales well with the number of users. In it, according to a scheduling criterion, each user locally maintains a scheduling metric for each subchannel. The goal is to select, for each subchannel, the user with the highest scheduling metric. At any time, each user contends for the subchannel for which it has the largest scheduling metric among the unallocated subchannels. A tractable asymptotic analysis of a system with many users is central to SplitSelect's simple design. Extensive simulation results demonstrate the speed with which subchannels and users are paired. The net data throughput, when the time overhead of selection is accounted for, is shown to be substantially better than several schemes proposed in the literature. We also show how fairness and user prioritization can be ensured by suitably defining the scheduling metric.