79 resultados para Activin Receptors, Type I


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The circular dichroism spectra of four 0-turn model peptides, Z-Aib-Pro-Aib-Pro- OMe (l), Piv-Pro-Aib-NHMe (2), Piv-Pro-D-Ala-NHMe (3) and Piv-Pro-Val-NHMe (4) have been examined under a wide range of solvent conditions, using methanol, hexafluoroisopropanol and cyclohexane. Type I and Type I1 0-turns have been observed for peptides 1 and 2 respectively, in the solid state, while the Pro-D-Ala sequence adopts a Type I1 Sturn in a related peptide crystal structure. A class C spectrum is observed for 1 in various solvents, suggesting a variant of a Type I(II1) structure. The Type I1 f3-turn is characterized by a CD spectrum having two positive CD bands at - 230 nm and - 202 nm, a feature observed in Piv-Pro- D-Ala-NHMe in cyclohexane and methanol and for Piv-Pro-Aib-NHMe in methanol. Peptide 2 exhibits solvent dependent CD spectra, which may be rationalized by considering Type 11, I11 and V reverse turn structures. Piv-Pro- Val-NHMe adopts nonaturn structures in polar solvents, but exhibits a class B spectrum in cyclohexane suggesting a population of Type I &turns.


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Six crystal structures of substituted 2-chloroquinoline derivatives have been analysed to evaluate the role of Cl atom as a self recognizing unit resulting in the formation of Cl center dot center dot center dot Cl and C-H center dot center dot center dot Cl interactions to generate supramolecular assembly in the solid state. The features of Type I and Type II geometries associated with Cl center dot center dot center dot Cl interactions have been analysed to show directional preferences leading to differences in the packing motifs in these crystal structures. C-H center dot center dot center dot Cl interactions are generated exclusively in structures depicting Type II Cl center dot center dot center dot Cl interaction have been observed in these structures.


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The conformational properties of the protected seven-residue C-terminal fragment the lipopeptaibol antibiotic Trichogin A IV (Boc-Gly-Gly-Leu-Aib-Gly-Ile-Leu-OMe) has been examined in CDCl3 and (CD3)2SO by 1H-nmr. Evidence for a multiple β-turn conformation [type I′ at Gly(1)-Gly(2), type II at Leu(3)-Aib(4), and a type I′ at Aib(4)-Gly(5)] suggests that Leu(3) has preferred an extended or semiextended conformation over a helical conformation in CDCl3. This structure is thus in contrast to earlier observations of seven-residue peptides containing a single central Aib preferring helical conformations in both solution and crystalline slates. A structural transition to a frayed right-handed helix is absented in (CD3)2SO. These results suggest that nonhelical conformations may be important in Gly-rich peptides containing Aib. Further, the presence of amino acids with contradictory influences on backbone conformational freedom can lead to well-defined conformational transitions even in small peptides


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The structural characterization in crystals of three designed decapeptides containing a double D-segment at the C-terminus is described. The crystal structures of the peptides Boc-Leu-Aib-Val-Xxx-Leu-Aib-Val- (D)Ala-(D)Leu-Aib-OMe, (Xxx = Gly 2, (D)Ala 3, Aib 4) have been determined and compared with those reported earlier for peptide 1 (Xxx = Ala) and the all L analogue Boc-Leu-Aib-Val-Ala-Leu-Aib-Val-Ala-Leu-Aib-OMe, which yielded a perfect right-handed a-helical structure. Peptides 1 and 2 reveal a right-handed helical segment spanning residues 1 to 7, ending in a Schellman motif with Ala(8) functioning as the terminating residue. Polypeptide chain reversal occurs at residue 9, a novel feature that appears to be the consequence of a C-(HO)-O-... hydrogen bond between residue 4 (CH)-H-alpha and residue 9 CO groups. The structures of peptides 3 and 4, which lack the pro R hydrogen at the C-alpha atom of residue 4, are dramatically different. Peptide 3 adopts a right-handed helical conformation over the 1 to 7 segment. Residues 8 and 9 adopt at conformations forming a C-terminus type I' beta-turn, corresponding to an incipient left-handed twist of the polypeptide chain. In peptide 4, helix termination occurs at Aib(6), with residues 6 to 9 forming a left-handed helix, resulting in a structure that accommodates direct fusion of two helical segments of opposite twist. Peptides 3 and 4 provide examples of chiral residues occurring in the less favored sense of helical twist; (D)Ala(4) in peptide 3 adopts an alpha(R) conformation, while (L)Val(7) in 4 adopts an alpha(L) conformation. The structural comparison of the decapeptides reported here provides evidence for the role of specific C-(HO)-O-... hydrogen bonds in stabilizing chain reversals at helix termini, which may be relevant in aligning contiguous helical and strand segments in polypeptide structures.


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SHMT (serine hydoxymethyltransferase), a type I pyridoxal 5'-phosphate-dependent enzyme, catalyses the conversion of L-serine and THF (tetrahydrofolate) into glycine and 5,10 -methylene THE SHMT also catalyses several THF-independent side reactions such as cleavage of P-hydroxy amino acids, trans-amination, racemization and decarboxylation. In the present study, the residues Asn(341), Tyr(60) and Phe(351), which are likely to influence THF binding, were mutated to alanine, alanine and glycine respectively, to elucidate the role of these residues in THF-dependent and -independent reactions catalysed by SHMT. The N341A and Y60A bsSHMT (Bacillus stearothermophilus SHMT) mutants were inactive for the THF-dependent activity, while the mutations had no effect on THF-independent activity. However, mutation of Phe(351) to glycine did not have any effect oil either of the activities. The crystal structures of the glycine binary complexes of the mutants showed that N341A bsSHMT forms an external aldimine as in bsSHMT, whereas Y60A and F351G bsSHMTs exist as a Mixture of internal/external aldimine and gem-diamine forms. Crystal structures of all of the three Mutants obtained in the presence of L-allo-threonine were similar to the respective glycine binary complexes. The structure of the ternary complex of F351G bsSHMT with glycine and FTHF (5-formyl THF) showed that the monoglutamate side chain of FTHF is ordered in both the subunits of the asymmetric unit, unlike in the wild-type bsSHMT. The present studies demonstrate that the residues Asn(341) and Tyr(60) are pivotal for the binding of THF/FTHF, whereas Phe(351) is responsible for the asymmetric binding of FTHF in the two subunits of the dimer.


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Molecular dynamics calculations on methane sorbed in NaY (Si/Al = 3.0) employing realistic methane-methane and methane-zeolite intermolecular potential functions at different temperatures (50, 150, 220, and 300 K) and concentrations (2, 4, 6, and 8 molecules/cage) are reported. The thermodynamic results are in agreement with the available experimental data. Guest-guest and guest-host radial distribution functions (rdfs), energy distribution functions, distribution of cage occupancy, center-of-cage-center-of-mass (coc-com) rdfs, velocity autocorrelation functions for com and angular motion and the Fourier transformed power spectra, and diffusion coefficients are presented as a function of temperature and concentration. At 50 K, methane is localized near the adsorption site. Site-site migration and essentially free rotational motion are observed at 150 K. Molecules preferentially occupy the region near the inner surface of the alpha-cage. The vibrational frequencies for the com of methane shift toward higher values with decreasing temperature and increasing adsorbate concentration. The observed frequencies for com motion are 36, 53, and 85 cm-1 and for rotational motion at 50 K, 95 and 150 cm-1 in agreement with neutron scattering data. The diffusion coefficients show a type I behavior as a function of loading in agreement with NMR measurements. Cage-to-cage diffusion is found to be always mediated by the surface.


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Cross-reactivity of allergens from the pollen of the Compositae weeds, Parthenium hysterophorus (American feverfew) and Ambrosia (ragweed), in 2 groups of patients with different geographic distributions was studied. Parthenium-sensitive Indian patients, who were never exposed to ragweed, elicited positive skin reactions with ragweed pollen extracts. A significant correlation in the RAST scores of Parthenium and ragweed-specific IgE was observed with the sera of Parthenium and ragweed-sensitive Indian and US patients, respectively. RAST inhibition experiments demonstrated that the binding of IgE antibodies in the sera of ragweed-sensitive patients to short (Wl) and giant (W3) ragweed allergen discs could be inhibited by up to 94% by Parthenium pollen extracts. Similar inhibition (up to 82%) was obtained when the sera of Parthenium rhinitis patients were incubated with ragweed allergen extracts. A dose-dependent proliferation of lymphocytes from a Parthenium-sensitive rhinitis patient with elevated levels of both Parthenium and ragweed-specific IgE was observed when incubated with Parthenium and ragweed pollen extracts. A 1.6-fold higher proliferation, however, was observed with Parthenium pollen extract at a concentration of 100 µg/ml. These results suggest that shared epitopes present on Parthenium and ragweed pollen allergens are recognized by both Indian and US patients sensitized by exposure to Parthenium and ragweed pollen, respectively. The high degree of cross-reactivity between Parthenium and ragweed pollen allergens suggests that individuals sensitized to Parthenium may develop type-I hypersensitivity reactions to ragweed and vice versa when they travel to regions infested with the weed to which they had not been previously exposed.


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The experimental charge density distribution in three compounds, 2-chloro-3-quinolinyl methanol, 2-chloro-3-hydroxypyridine, and 2-chloro-3-chloromethyl-8-methylquinoline, has been obtained using high-resolution X-ray diffraction data collected at 100 K based on the aspherical multipole modeling of electron density. These compounds represent type I (cis), type I (trans), and type II geometries, respectively, as defined for short Cl center dot center dot center dot Cl interactions. The experimental results are compared with the theoretical charge densities using theoretical structure factors obtained from a periodic quantum calculation at the B3LYP/6-31G** level. The topological features derived from the Bader's theory of atoms in molecules (AIM) approach unequivocally suggest that both cis and trans type I geometries show decreased repulsion, whereas type II geometry is attractive based on the nature of polar flattening of the electron density around the Cl atom.


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Spermatidal transition protein, TP2, was purified from rat testes by Hg-affinity chromatography. The present study reports the details of the zinc-metalloprotein nature of TP2 by employing the Zn-65-blotting technique. Chemical modification of cysteine by iodoacetic acid, and histidine by diethylpyrocarbonate, resulted in a near complete inhibition of Zn-65-binding to TP2. The (65)Zinc-binding was localized to the V8 protease-derived N-terminal two-third polypeptide fragment. Circular dichroism spectroscopy studies of TP2 (zinc pre-incubated) and its V8 protease-derived polypeptide fragments revealed that the N-terminal fragment has a Type I-beta-turn spectrum, while the C-terminal fragment has a small but significant alpha-helical structure. EDTA altered the circular dichroism spectrum of TP2 and the N-terminal fragment (zinc binding domain) but not that of the C-terminal fragment.


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Experimental charge density distribution in 2-chloro-4-fluorobenzoic acid and 4-fluorobenzamide has been carried out using high resolution X-ray diffraction data collected at 100 K using Hansen-Coppens multipolar formalism of electron density. These compounds display short Cl center dot center dot center dot F and F center dot center dot center dot F interactions, respectively. The experimental results are compared with the theoretical charge densities using theoretical structure factors obtained from periodic quantum calculation at the B3LYP/6-31G** level. The topological features were derived from Bader's ``atoms in molecules'' (AIM) approach. Intermolecular Cl center dot center dot center dot F interaction in 2-chloro-4-fluorobenzoic acid is attractive in nature (type II interaction) while the nature of F center dot center dot center dot F interactions in 4-fluorobenzamide shows indication of a minor decrease in repulsion (type I interaction), though the extent of polarization on the fluorine atom is arguably small.


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C20H35N3O6 (Boc-Aib-DL-Pip-Aib-OMe, Boc = tert-butyloxycarbonyl, Aib = alpha-aminoisobutyric acid, Pip = pipecolic acid, OMe = methoxy), M(r) = 413.5, monoclinic, P2(1)/c, a = 18.055 (3), b = 15.048 (3), c = 17.173 (3) angstrom, beta = 91.7 (1)-degrees, V = 4663.8 (9) angstrom3, Z = 8, D(m) = 1.16, D(x) = 1.178 Mg m-3, lambda(Mo Kalpha) = 0.71069 angstrom, mu = 0.081 mm-1, F(000) = 1792, T = 297 K. The final R value for 4925 [I greater-than-or-equal-to 3sigma(I)] reflections is 0.065 (wR = 0.067). The peptide backbone of the two independent molecules in the asymmetric unit is folded at the -Aib-Pip- sequence to form a type-I (I') beta-bend stabilized by a 1 <-- 4 intramolecular N-H...O=C hydrogen bond between the Aib(3) peptide N-H and Boc urethane C=O groups.


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This report deals with a study of the properties of internal cavities of dendritic macromolecules that are capable Of encapsulating and mediating photoreactions of guest molecules. The internal cavity structures of dendrimers are determined by the interfacial regions between the aqueous exterior and hydrocarbon like interior constituted by the linkers that connect symmetrically sited branch points constituting the dendrimer and head groups that cap the dendrimers. Phloroglucinol-based poly(alkyl aryl ether) dendrimers constituted with a homologous series of alkyl linkers were undertaken for the current study. Twelve dendrimers within first, second, and third generations, having ethyl, n-propyl, n-butyl, and n-pentyl groups as the linkers and hydroxyl groups at peripheries in each generation, were synthesized. Encapsulation of pyrene and coumarins by aqueous basic solutions of dendrimers were monitored-by UV-vis and fluorescence spectroscopies, which showed that a lower generation dendrimer with an optimal alkyl linker presented better encapsulation abilities than a higher generation dendrimer. Norrish type I photoreaction of dibenzyl ketone was carried out within the above: series of dendrimers to probe their abilities to hold guests and reactive inthermediate radical pairs within themselves. The extent of cage effect from the series of third generation dendrimers was observed to be higher with dendrimers having an n-pentyl group as the linker.


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An N-alpha-protected model pentapeptide containing two consecutive Delta Phe residues, Boc-Leu-Delta Phe-Delta Phe-Ala-Phe-NHMe, has been synthesized by solution methods and fully characterized. H-1-nmr studies provided evidence for the occurrence of a significant population of a conformer having three consecutive, intramolecularly II-bonded beta-bends in solution. The solid state structure has been determined by x-ray diffraction methods. The crystals grown from aqueous methanol are orthorhombic, space group P2(1)2(1)2(1),, a = 11.503(2), b = 16.554(2), c = 22.107(3) Angstrom, V = 4209(1) Angstrom,(3) and Z = 4. The x-ray data were collected on a CAD4 diffractometer using CuKalpha radiation (lambda = 1.5418 Angstrom). The structure was determined using direct methods and refined by full-matrix least-squares procedure. The R factor is 5.3%. The molecule is characterized by a right handed 3(10)-helical conformation ((phi) = -68.2 degrees (psi) = -26.3 degrees), which is made up of two consecutive type III beta-bends and one type I beta-bend. In the solid state the helical molecules are aligned head-to-tail, thus forming long rod like structures. A comparison with other peptide structures containing consecutive Delta Phe residues is also provided. The present study confirms that the -Delta Phe-Delta Phe-sequence can be accommodated in helical structures. (C) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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Copper(II) complexes Cu(satp)(L)] (1-3) of a Schiff base thiolate (salicylidene-2-aminothiophenol, H(2)satP) and phenanthroline bases (L), viz. 1,10-phenanthroline (phen in 1), dipyrido3,2-d:2',3'-f]quinoxaline (dpq in 2) and dipyrido3,2-a:2',3'-c]phenazine (dppz in 3), were prepared, characterized and their anaerobic DNA photocleavage activity and hypoxic photocytotoxicity studied. The redox active complexes show the Cu(II)-Cu(I) couple near -0.5 V for 1 and near 0.0 V vs. SCE (saturated calomel electrode) for 2 and 3. The one-electron paramagnetic complexes (similar to 1.85 mu(B)) are avid DNA binders giving K(b) values within 1.0 x 10(5) - 8.0 x 10(5) M(-1). Thermal melting and viscosity data along with molecular docking calculations suggest DNA groove and/or partial intercalative binding of the complexes. The complexes show anaerobic DNA cleavage activity in red light under argon via type-I pathway, while DNA photocleavage in air proceeds via hydroxyl radical pathway. The DFT (density functional theory) calculations reveal a thyil radical pathway for the anaerobic DNA photocleavage activity and suggest the possibility of generation of a transient copper(I) species due to bond breakage between the copper and sulfur to generate the thyil radical. An oxidation of the copper(I) species is likely by oxygen in an aerobic medium or by the buffer medium in an anaerobic condition. Complex 3 exhibits significant photocytotoxicity in HeLa cells (IC(50) = 8.3(+/- 1.0) mu M) in visible light, while showing lower dark toxicity (IC(50) = 17.2(+/- 1.0) mu M). A significant reduction in the dark toxicity is observed under hypoxic cellular conditions (IC(50) = 30.0(+/- 1.0) mu M in dark), while retaining its photocytotoxicity (IC(50) = 8.0(+/- 1.0) mu M). (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The Aib-(D)Ala dipeptide segment has a tendency to form both type-I'/III' and type-I/III beta-turns. The occurrence of prime turns facilitates the formation of beta-hairpin conformations, while type-I/III turns can nucleate helix formation. The octapeptide Boc-Leu-Phe-Val-Aib-(D)Ala-Leu-Phe-Val-OMe (1) has been previously shown to form a beta-hairpin in the crystalline state and in solution. The effects of sequence truncation have been examined using the model peptides Boc-Phe-Val-Aib-Xxx-Leu-Phe-NHMe (2, 6), Boc-Val-Aib-Xxx-Leu-NHMe (3, 7), and Boc-Aib-Xxx-NHMe (4, 8), where Xxx = (D)Ala, Aib. For peptides with central Aib-Aib segments, Boc-Phe-Val-Aib-Aib-Leu-Phe-NHMe (6), Boc-Val-Aib-Aib-Leu-NHMe (7), and Boc-Aib-Aib-NHMe (8) helical conformations have been established by NMR studies in both hydrogen bonding (CD(3)OH) and non-hydrogen bonding (CDCl(3)) solvents. In contrast, the corresponding hexapeptide Boc-Phe-Val-Aib-(D)Ala-Leu-Phe-Val-NHMe (2) favors helical conformations in CDCl(3) and beta-hairpin conformations in CD(3)OH. The beta-turn conformations (type-I'/III) stabilized by intramolecular 4 -> 1 hydrogen bonds are observed for the peptide Boc-Aib-(D)Ala-NHMe (4) and Boc-Aib-Aib-NIiMe (8) in crystals. The tetrapeptide Boc-Val-Aib-Aib-Leu-NHMe (7) adopts an incipient 3(10)-helical conformation stabilized by three 4 -> 1 hydrogen bonds. The peptide Boc-Val-Aib-(D)Ala-Leu-NHMe (3) adopts a novel et-turn conformation, stabilized by three intramolecular hydrogen bonds (two 4 -> 1 and one 5 -> 1). The Aib-L(D)Ala segment adopts a type-I' beta-turn conformation. The observation of an NOE between Val (1) NH <-> HNCH(3) (5) in CD(3)OH suggests, that the solid state conformation is maintained in methanol solutions. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers (Pept Sci) 96: 744-756, 2011.