62 resultados para 829803 Management of Liquid Waste from Plant Production (excl. Water)


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The liquid crystalline phase represents a unique state of matter where partial order exists on molecular and supra-molecular levels and is responsible for several interesting properties observed in this phase. Hence a detailed study of ordering in liquid crystals is of significant scientific and technological interest. NMR provides several parameters that can be used to obtain information about the liquid crystalline phase. Of these, the measurement of dipolar couplings between nuclei has proved to be a convenient way of obtaining liquid crystalline ordering since the coupling is dependent on the average orientation of the dipolar vector in the magnetic field which also aligns the liquid crystal.However, measurement of the dipolar coupling between a pair of selected nuclei is beset with problems that require special solutions. In this article the use of cross polarization for measuring dipolar couplings in liquid crystals is illustrated. Transient oscillations observed during cross polarization provide the dipolar couplings between essentially isolated nearest neighbor spins which can be extracted for several sites simultaneously by employing two-dimensional NMR techniques. The use of the method for obtaining heteronuclear dipolar couplings and hence the order parameters of liquid crystals is presented. Several modifications to the basic experiment are considered and their utility illustrated. A method for obtaining proton–proton dipolar couplings, by utilizing cross polarization from the dipolar reservoir, is presented. Some applications are also highlighted.


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Designing a heat sink based on a phase change material (PCM) under cyclic loading is a critical issue. For cyclic operation, it is required that the fraction of the PCM melting during the heating cycle should completely resolidify during the cooling period, so that that thermal storage unit can be operated for an unlimited number of cycles. Accordingly, studies are carried out to find the parameters influencing the behavior of a PCM under cyclic loading. A number of parameters are identified in the process, the most important ones being the duty cycle and heat transfer coefficient (h) for cooling. The required h or the required cooling period for complete resolidification for infinite cyclic operation of a conventional PCM-based heat sink is found to be very high and unrealistic with air cooling from the surface. To overcome this problem, the conventional design is modified where h and the area exposed to heat transfer can be independently controlled. With this arrangement, the enhanced area provided for cooling keeps h within realistic limits. Analytical investigation is carried out to evaluate the thermal performance of this modified PCM-based heat sink in comparison to those with conventional designs. Experiments are also performed on both the conventional and the modified PCM-based heat sinks to validate the new findings.


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Droplet collision occurs frequently in regions where the droplet number density is high. Even for Lean Premixed and Pre-vaporized (LPP) liquid sprays, the collision effects can be very high on the droplet size distributions, which will in turn affect the droplet vaporization process. Hence, in conjunction with vaporization modeling, collision modeling for such spray systems is also essential. The standard O'Rourke's collision model, usually implemented in CFD codes, tends to generate unphysical numerical artifact when simulations are performed on Cartesian grid and the results are not grid independent. Thus, a new collision modeling approach based on no-time-counter method (NTC) proposed by Schmidt and Rutland is implemented to replace O'Rourke's collision algorithm to solve a spray injection problem in a cylindrical coflow premixer. The so called ``four-leaf clover'' numerical artifacts are eliminated by the new collision algorithm and results from a diesel spray show very good grid independence. Next, the dispersion and vaporization processes for liquid fuel sprays are simulated in a coflow premixer. Two liquid fuels under investigation are jet-A and Rapeseed Methyl Esters (RME). Results show very good grid independence in terms of SMD distribution, droplet number distribution and fuel vapor mass flow rate. A baseline test is first established with a spray cone angle of 90 degrees and injection velocity of 3 m/s and jet-A achieves much better vaporization performance than RME due to its higher vapor pressure. To improve the vaporization performance for both fuels, a series of simulations have been done at several different combinations of spray cone angle and injection velocity. At relatively low spray cone angle and injection velocity, the collision effect on the average droplet size and the vaporization performance are very high due to relatively high coalescence rate induced by droplet collisions. Thus, at higher spray cone angle and injection velocity, the results expectedly show improvement in fuel vaporization performance since smaller droplet has a higher vaporization rate. The vaporization performance and the level of homogeneity of fuel-air mixture can be significantly improved when the dispersion level is high, which can be achieved by increasing the spray cone angle and injection velocity. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Among all methods of metal alloy slurry preparation, the cooling slope method is the simplest in terms of design and process control. The method involves pouring of the melt from top, down an oblique and channel shaped plate cooled from bottom by counter flowing water. The melt, while flowing down, partially solidifies and forms columnar dendrites on plate wall. These dendrites are broken into equiaxed grains and are washed away with melt. The melt, together with the equiaxed grains, forms semisolid slurry collected at the slope exit and cast into billets having non-dendritic microstructure. The final microstructure depends on several process parameters such as slope angle, slope length, pouring superheat, and cooling rate. The present work involves scaling analysis of conservation equations of momentum, energy and species for the melt flow down a cooling slope. The main purpose of the scaling analysis is to obtain a physical insight into the role and relative importance of each parameter in influencing the final microstructure. For assessing the scaling analysis, the trends predicted by scaling are compared against corresponding numerical results using an enthalpy based solidification model with incorporation of solid phase movement.


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Environment-friendly management of fruit flies involving pheromones is useful in reducing the undesirable pest populations responsible for decreasing the yield and the crop quality. A nanogel has been prepared from a pheromone, methyl eugenol (ME) using a low-molecular mass gelator. This was very stable at open ambient conditions and slowed down the evaporation of pheromone significantly. This enabled its easy handling and transportation without refrigeration, and reduction in the frequency of pheromone recharging in the orchard. Notably the involvement of the nano-gelled pheromone brought about an effective management of Bactrocera dorsalis, a prevalent harmful pest for a number of fruits including guava. Thus a simple, practical and low cost green chemical approach is developed that has a significant potential for crop protection, long lasting residual activity, excellent efficacy and favorable safety profiles. This makes the present invention well-suited for pest management in a variety of crops.


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The present work involves a computational study of soot formation and transport in case of a laminar acetylene diffusion flame perturbed by a convecting line vortex. The topology of the soot contours (as in an earlier experimental work [4]) have been investigated. More soot was produced when vortex was introduced from the air side in comparison to a fuel side vortex. Also the soot topography was more diffused in case of the air side vortex. The computational model was found to be in good agreement with the experimental work [4]. The computational simulation enabled a study of the various parameters affecting soot transport. Temperatures were found to be higher in case of air side vortex as compared to a fuel side vortex. In case of the fuel side vortex, abundance of fuel in the vort ex core resulted in stoichiometrically rich combustion in the vortex core, and more discrete soot topography. Overall soot production too was low. In case of the air side vortex abundance of air in the core resulted in higher temperatures and more soot yield. Statistical techniques like probability density function, correlation coefficient and conditional probability function were introduced to explain the transient dependence of soot yield and transport on various parameters like temperature, a cetylene concentration.


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We present a centralized integrated approach for: 1) enhancing the performance of an IEEE 802.11 infrastructure wireless local area network (WLAN), and 2) managing the access link that connects the WLAN to the Internet. Our approach, which is implemented on a standard Linux platform, and which we call ADvanced Wi-fi Internet Service EnhanceR (ADWISER), is an extension of our previous system WLAN Manager (WM). ADWISER addresses several infrastructure WLAN performance anomalies such as mixed-rate inefficiency, unfair medium sharing between simultaneous TCP uploads and downloads, and inefficient utilization of the Internet access bandwidth when Internet transfers compete with LAN-WLAN transfers, etc. The approach is via centralized queueing and scheduling, using a novel, configurable, cascaded packet queueing and scheduling architecture, with an adaptive service rate. In this paper, we describe the design of ADWISER and report results of extensive experimentation conducted on a hybrid testbed consisting of real end-systems and an emulated WLAN on Qualnet. We also present results from a physical testbed consisting of one access point (AP) and a few end-systems.


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In several chemical and space industries, small bubbles are desired for efficient interaction between the liquid and gas phases. In the present study, we show that non-uniform electric field with appropriate electrode configurations can reduce the volume of the bubbles forming at submerged needles by up to three orders of magnitude. We show that localized high electric stresses at the base of the bubbles result in slipping of the contact line on the inner surface of the needle and subsequent bubble formation occurs with contact line inside the needle. We also show that for bubble formation in the presence of highly non-uniform electric field, due to high detachment frequency, the bubbles go through multiple coalescences and thus increase the apparent volume of the detached bubbles. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Long range, continuous flow of liquid metals occurs upon application of an electric current. Here, we report experimental results elucidating the mechanism of current-induced liquid metal flow, and its dependence on substrate surface condition. It is shown that the observed flow is diffusion-controlled, with the flow-rate depending linearly on applied current density, indicating that it is driven by electromigration. The effective charge number for liquid electromigration, Z*, of several pure metals, such as Al, Bi, Ga, Sn, and Pb, were deduced from the experimental results and were found to be close to the elemental valency. With the exception of liquid Pb, Z* for all liquid metals tested in this study were positive, indicating that: (i) electron wind contributes much less to Z* in liquid metals than in solids, and (ii) with a few exceptions, liquid metals generally flow in the direction of the electric current. On smooth substrates which are wetted well by the liquid metal, flow occurs in a thin, continuous stream. On rough surfaces which are poorly wetted, on the other hand, discrete beads of liquid form, with mass transport between adjacent beads occurring by surface diffusion on the substrate. A rationale for the role of substrate roughness in fostering this observed transition in flow mechanism is presented. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Recycling plastic water bottles has become one of the major challenges world wide. The present study provides an approach for the use of plastic waste as reinforcement material in soil, which can be used for ground improvement, subbases, and subgrade preparation in road construction. The experimental results are presented in the form of stress-strain-pore water pressure response and compression paths. On the basis of experimental test results, it is observed that the strength of soil is improved and compressibility reduced significantly with the addition of a small percentage of plastic waste to the soil. In this paper, an analytical model is proposed to evaluate the response of plastic waste mixed soil. It is noted that the model captures the stress-strain and pore water pressure response of all percentages of plastic waste adequately. The paper also provides a comparative study of failure stress obtained from different published models and the proposed model, which are compared with experimental results. The improvement in strength attributable to the inclusion of plastic waste can be advantageously used in ground improvement projects.


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The current understanding of wildfire effects on water chemistry is limited by the quantification of the elemental dissolution rates from ash and element release rate from the plant litter, as well as quantification of the specific ash contribution to stream water chemistry. The main objective of the study was to provide such knowledge through combination of experimental modelling, field data and end-member mixing analysis (EMMA) of wildfire impact on a watershed scale. The study concerns watershed effects of fire in the Indian subcontinent, a region that is typically not well represented in the fire science literature. In plant litter ash, major elements are either hosted in readily-soluble phases (K, Mg) such as salts, carbonates and oxides or in less-soluble carrier-phases (Si, Ca) such as amorphous silica, quartz and calcite. Accordingly, elemental release rates, inferred from ash leaching experiments in batch reactor, indicated that the element release into solution followed the order K > Mg > Na > Si > Ca. Experiments on plant litter leaching in mixed-flow reactor indicated two dissolution regimes: rapid, over the week and slower over the month. The mean dissolution rates at steady-state (R-ss) indicated that the release of major elements from plant litter followed the order Ca > Si > Cl > Mg > K > Na. R-ss for Si and Ca for tree leaves and herbaceous species are similar to those reported for boreal and European tree species and are higher than that from the dissolution of soil clay minerals. This identifies tropical plant litters as important source of Si and Ca for tropical surface waters. In the wildfire-impacted year 2004, the EMMA indicated that the streamflow composition (Ca, K, Mg, Na, Si, Cl) was controlled by four main sources: rainwater, throughfall, ash leaching and soil solution. The influence of the ash end-member was maximal early in the rainy season (the two first storm events) and decreased later in the rainy season, when the stream was dominated by the throughfall end-member. The contribution of plant litter decay to the streamwater composition for a year not impacted by wildfire is significant with estimated solute fluxes originating from this decay greatly exceed, for most major elements, the annual elemental dissolved fluxes at the Mule Hole watershed outlet. This highlighted the importance of solute retention and vegetation back uptake processes within the soil profile. Overall, the fire increased the mobility and export of major elements from the soils to the stream. It also shifted the vegetation-related contribution to the elemental fluxes at the watershed outlet from long-term (seasonal) to short-term (daily to monthly). (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the present study, a detailed visualization of the transport of fuel film has been performed in a small carburetted engine with a transparent manifold at the exit of the carburettor. The presence of fuel film is observed significantly on the lower half of the manifold at idling, while at load conditions, the film is found to be distributed all throughout the manifold walls. Quantitative measurement of the fuel film in a specially-designed manifold of square cross section has also been performed using the planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) technique. The measured fuel film thickness is observed to be of the order of 1 nun at idling, and in the range of 0.1 to 0.4 mm over the range of load and speed studied. These engine studies are complemented by experiments conducted in a carburettor rig to study the state of the fuel exiting the carburettor. Laser-based Particle/Droplet Image Analysis (PDIA) technique is used to identify fuel droplets and ligaments and estimate droplet diameters. At a throttle position corresponding to idling, the fuel exiting the carburettor is found to consist of very fine droplets of size less than 15 mu m and large fuel ligaments associated with length scales of the order of 500 mu m and higher. For a constant pressure difference across the carburettor, the fuel consists of droplets with an SMD of the order of 30 mu m. Also, the effect of liquid fuel film on the cold start HC emissions is studied. Based on the understanding obtained from these studies, strategies such as manifold heating and varying carburettor main jet nozzle diameter are implemented. These are observed to reduce emissions under both idling and varying load conditions.


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Atomization is the process of disintegration of a liquid jet into ligaments and subsequently into smaller droplets. A liquid jet injected from a circular orifice into cross flow of air undergoes atomization primarily due to the interaction of the two phases rather than an intrinsic break up. Direct numerical simulation of this process resolving the finest droplets is computationally very expensive and impractical. In the present study, we resort to multiscale modelling to reduce the computational cost. The primary break up of the liquid jet is simulated using Gerris, an open source code, which employs Volume-of-Fluid (VOF) algorithm. The smallest droplets formed during primary atomization are modeled as Lagrangian particles. This one-way coupling approach is validated with the help of the simple test case of tracking a particle in a Taylor-Green vortex. The temporal evolution of the liquid jet forming the spray is captured and the flattening of the cylindrical liquid column prior to breakup is observed. The size distribution of the resultant droplets is presented at different distances downstream from the location of injection and their spatial evolution is analyzed.


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Crystal structure of a lectin purified from Butea monosperma seeds was determined by Molecular Replacement method. Its primary structure was determined by Tandem Mass Spectroscopy and electron density maps from X-ray diffraction data. Its quaternary structure was tetrameric, formed of two monomers, alpha and beta, beta appearing as truncated alpha. The occurrence of two tetramers in the asymmetric unit of the crystal might be a consequence of asymmetric contacts due to difference in glycosylation and variable loops structures, to form an `octamer-structure'. The crystal structure showed binding pockets for gamma Abu, having a proposed role in plant defense, at the interface of canonical dimer-partners. Hemagglutination studies, enzyme kinetics, isothermal titration calorimetry and molecular dynamics showed that the lectin is specific to N-acetyl D-galactosamine, galactose and lactose in decreasing order, and alpha-amylase inhibitor. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Using coherent light interrogating a turbid object perturbed by a focused ultrasound (US) beam, we demonstrate localized measurement of dynamics in the focal region, termed the region-of-interest (ROI), from the decay of the modulation in intensity autocorrelation of light. When the ROI contains a pipe flow, the decay is shown to be sensitive to the average flow velocity from which the mean-squared displacement (MSD) of the scattering centers in the flow can be estimated. While the MSD estimated is seen to be an order of magnitude higher than that obtainable through the usual diffusing wave spectroscopy (DWS) without the US, it is seen to be more accurate as verified by the volume flow estimated from it. It is further observed that, whereas the MSD from the localized measurement grows with time as tau(alpha) with alpha approximate to 1.65, without using the US, a is seen to be much less. Moreover, with the local measurement, this super-diffusive nature of the pipe flow is seen to persist longer, i.e., over a wider range of initial tau, than with the unassisted DWS. The reason for the super-diffusivity of flow, i.e., alpha < 2, in the ROI is the presence of a fluctuating (thermodynamically nonequilibrium) component in the dynamics induced by the US forcing. Beyond this initial range, both methods measure MSDs that rise linearly with time, indicating that ballistic and near-ballistic photons hardly capture anything beyond the background Brownian motion. (C) 2015 Optical Society of America