521 resultados para Protein stabilisation


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Single-stranded DNA binding protein (Ssb) of Deinococcus radiodurans comprises N- and C-terminal oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide binding (OB) folds connected by a beta hairpin connector. To assign functional roles to the individual OB folds, we generated three Ssb variants: Ssb(N) (N-terminal without connector), Ssb(NC) (N-terminal with connector) and Ssb(C) (C-terminal), each harboring one OB fold. Both Ssb(N) and Ssb(NC) displayed weak single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) binding activity, compared to the full-length Ssb (Ssb(FL)). The level of ssDNA binding activity displayed by SsbC was intermediate between Ssb(FL) and Ssb(N). Ssb(C) and Ssb(FL) predominantly existed as homo-dimers while Ssb(NC)/Ssb(N) formed different oligomeric forms. In vitro, Ssb(NC) or Ssb(N) formed a binary complex with Ssb(C) that displayed enhanced ssDNA binding activity. Unlike Ssb(FL), Ssb variants were able to differentially modulate topoisomerase-I activity, but failed to stimulate Deinococcal RecA-promoted DNA strand exchange. The results suggest that the C-terminal OB fold is primarily responsible for ssDNA binding. The N-terminal OB fold binds weakly to ssDNA but is involved in multimerization. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license.


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Anabaena PCC 7120 xisA gene product mediates the site-specific excision of 11,278 bp nifD element in heterocysts formed under nitrogen starvation conditions. Although XisA protein possesses both site-specific recombinase and endonuclease activities, till date neither xisA transcript nor XisA protein has been detected. Gene encoding XisA protein was isolated from plasmid pMX25 and overexpressed in Escherichia coli BL21 DE3 yielding 7.7 mg enzyme per L of growth culture in soluble fraction. His-tagged XisA was purified using Ni-NTA affinity chromatography with 95% recovery. The purified XisA showed a single band on SDS-PAGE with molecular mass of 52 kDa. Identity of XisA was confirmed by MALDI-TOF analysis and functionality of enzyme was confirmed using restriction digestion. A PCR based method was developed to monitor excision by XisA, which displayed near 100% activity in E. coli within 1 h at 37 degrees C on LB under static condition. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We isolated an 8 kDa mycobacterial hypothetical protein, Rv3423.1, from the chromatin of human macrophages infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv. Bioinformatics predictions followed by in vitro biochemical assays with purified recombinant protein showed that Rv3423.1 is a novel histone acetyltransferase that acetylates histone H3 at the K9/K14 positions. Transient transfection of macrophages containing GFP-tagged histone H1 with RFP-tagged Rv3423.1 revealed that the protein co-localizes with the chromatin in the nucleus. Co-immunoprecipitation assays confirmed that the Rv3423.1-histone interaction is specific. Rv3423.1 protein was detected in the culture filtrate of virulent but not avirulent M. tuberculosis. Infection of macrophages with recombinant Mycobacterium smegmatis constitutively expressing Rv3423.1 resulted in a significant increase in the number of intracellular bacteria. However, the protein did not seem to offer any growth advantage to free-living recombinant M. smegmatis. It is highly likely that, by binding to the host chromatin, this histone acetyltransferase from M. tuberculosis may manipulate the expression of host genes involved in anti-inflammatory responses to evade clearance and to survive in the intracellular environment.


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LysM domains have been recognized in bacteria and eukaryotes as carbohydrate-binding protein modules, but the mechanism of their binding to chitooligosaccharides has been underexplored. Binding of a Mycobacterium smegmatis protein containing a lectin (MSL) and one LysM domain to chitooligosaccharides has been studied using isothermal titration calorimetry and fluorescence titration that demonstrate the presence of two binding sites of nonidentical affinities per dimeric MSL-LysM molecule. The affinity of the molecule for chitooligosaccharides correlates with the length of the carbohydrate chain. Its binding to chitooligosaccharides is characterized by negative cooperativity in the interactions of the two domains. Apparently, the flexibility of the long linker that connects the LysM and MSL domains plays a facilitating role in this recognition. The LysM domain in the MSL-LysM molecule, like other bacterial domains but unlike plant LysM domains, recognizes equally well peptidoglycan fragments as well as chitin polymers. Interestingly, in the case presented here, two LysM domains are enough for binding to peptidoglycan in contrast to the three reportedly required by the LysM domains of Bacillus subtilis and Lactococcus lactis. Also, the affinity of the MSL-LysM molecule for chitooligosaccharides is higher than that of LysM-chitooligosaccharide interactions reported so far.


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Tobacco streak virus (TSV), the type member of Ilarvirus genus, is a major plant pathogen. TSV purified from infected plants consists of a ss-RNA genome encapsidated in spheroidal particles with diameters of 27, 30 and 33 nm constructed from multiple copies of a single species of coat protein (CP) subunits. Apart from protecting the viral genome, CPs of ilarviruses play several key roles in the life cycle of these viruses. Unlike the related bromo and cucumoviruses, ilarvirus particles are labile and pleomorphic, which has posed difficulties in their crystallization and structure determination. In the current study, a truncated TSV-CP was crystallized in two distinct forms and their structures were determined at resolutions of 2.4 angstrom and 2.1 angstrom, respectively. The core of TSV CP was found to possess the canonical beta-barrel jelly roll tertiary structure observed in several other viruses. Dimers of CP with swapped C-terminal arms (C-arm) were observed in both the crystal forms. The C-arm was found to be flexible and is likely to be responsible for the polymorphic and pleomorphic nature of TSV capsids. Consistent with this observation, mutations in the hinge region of the C-arm that reduce the flexibility resulted in the formation of more uniform particles. TSV CP was found to be structurally similar to that of Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) accounting for similar mechanism of genome activation in alfamo and ilar viruses. This communication represents the first report on the structure of the CP from an ilarvirus. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The capsid protein (CP) of Sesbania mosaic virus (SeMV, a T=3 plant virus) consists of a disordered N-terminal R-domain and an ordered S-domain. Removal of the R-domain results in the formation of T=1 particles. In the current study, the R-domain was replaced with unrelated polypeptides of similar lengths: the B-domain of Staphylococcus aureus SpA, and SeMV encoded polypeptides P8 and P10. The chimeric proteins contained T=3 or larger virus-like particles (VLPs) and could not be crystallized. The presence of metal ions during purification resulted in a large number of heterogeneous nucleoprotein complexes. N Delta 65-B (R domain replaced with B domain) could also be purified in a dimeric form. Its crystal structure revealed T=1 particles devoid of metal ions and the B-domain was disordered. However, the B-domain was functional in N Delta 65-B VLPs, suggesting possible biotechnological applications. These studies illustrate the importance of N-terminal residues, metal ions and robustness of the assembly process. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A fundamental question in protein folding is whether the coil to globule collapse transition occurs during the initial stages of folding (burst phase) or simultaneously with the protein folding transition. Single molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) experiments disagree on whether Protein L collapse transition occurs during the burst phase of folding. We study Protein L folding using a coarse-grained model and molecular dynamics simulations. The collapse transition in Protein L is found to be concomitant with the folding transition. In the burst phase of folding, we find that FRET experiments overestimate radius of gyration, R-g, of the protein due to the application of Gaussian polymer chain end-to-end distribution to extract R-g from the FRET efficiency. FRET experiments estimate approximate to 6 angstrom decrease in R-g when the actual decrease is approximate to 3 angstrom on guanidinium chloride denaturant dilution from 7.5 to 1 M, thereby suggesting pronounced compaction in the protein dimensions in the burst phase. The approximate to 3 angstrom decrease is close to the statistical uncertainties of the R-g data measured from SAXS experiments, which suggest no compaction, leading to a disagreement with the FRET experiments. The transition-state ensemble (TSE) structures in Protein L folding are globular and extensive in agreement with the Psi-analysis experiments. The results support the hypothesis that the TSE of single domain proteins depends on protein topology and is not stabilized by local interactions alone.


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Hitherto, electron transfer (ET) between redox proteins has been deemed to occur via donor-acceptor binding, and diffusible reactive species are considered as deleterious side-products in such systems. Herein, ET from cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR, an animal membrane flavoprotein) and horseradish peroxidase (HRP, a plant hemoprotein) to cytochrome c (Cyt c, a soluble animal hemoprotein) was probed under diverse conditions, using standard assays. ET in the CPR-Cyt c system was critically inhibited by cyanide and sub-equivalent levels of polar one-electron cyclers like copper ions, vitamin C/Trolox and superoxide dismutase. In the presence of lipids, inhibition was also afforded by amphipathic molecules vitamin E, palmitoyl-vitamin C and the membrane hemoprotein, cytochrome b(5). Such nonspecific inhibition (by diverse agents in both aqueous and lipid phases) indicated that electron transfer/relay was effected by small diffusible agents, whose lifetimes are shortened by the diverse radical scavengers. When CPR was retained in a dialysis membrane and Cyt c presented outside in free solution, ET was still observed. Further, HRP (taken at nM levels) catalyzed oxidation of a phenolic substrate was significantly inhibited upon the incorporation of sub-nM levels of Cyt c. The findings imply that CPR-Cyt c or HRP-Cyt c binding is not crucial for ET. Further, fundamental quantitative arguments (based on diffusion/collision) challenge the erstwhile protein-protein binding-assisted ET hypothesis. It is proven beyond reasonable doubt that mobile and diffusible electron carriers (ions and radicals) serve as ``redox-relay agents'' in the biological ET models/setup studied.


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Small heat shock proteins are ubiquitous molecular chaperones that form the first line of defence against the detrimental effects of cellular stress. Under conditions of stress they undergo drastic conformational rearrangements in order to bind to misfolded substrate proteins and prevent cellular protein aggregation. Owing to the dynamic nature of small heat shock protein oligomers, elucidating the structural basis of chaperone action and oligomerization still remains a challenge. In order to understand the organization of sHSP oligomers, we have determined crystal structures of a small heat shock protein from Salmonella typhimurium in a dimeric form and two higher oligomeric forms: an 18-mer and a 24-mer. Though the core dimer structure is conserved in all the forms, structural heterogeneity arises due to variation in the terminal regions.


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We previously reported that Rv1860 protein from Mycobacterium tuberculosis stimulated CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells secreting gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) in healthy purified protein derivative (PPD)-positive individuals and protected guinea pigs immunized with a DNA vaccine and a recombinant poxvirus expressing Rv1860 from a challenge with virulent M. tuberculosis. We now show Rv1860-specific polyfunctional T (PFT) cell responses in the blood of healthy latently M. tuberculosis-infected individuals dominated by CD8(+) T cells, using a panel of 32 overlapping peptides spanning the length of Rv1860. Multiple subsets of CD8(+) PFT cells were significantly more numerous in healthy latently infected volunteers (HV) than in tuberculosis (TB) patients (PAT). The responses of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from PAT to the peptides of Rv1860 were dominated by tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) and interleukin-10 (IL-10) secretions, the former coming predominantly from non-T cell sources. Notably, the pattern of the T cell response to Rv1860 was distinctly different from those of the widely studied M. tuberculosis antigens ESAT-6, CFP-10, Ag85A, and Ag85B, which elicited CD4(+) T cell-dominated responses as previously reported in other cohorts. We further identified a peptide spanning amino acids 21 to 39 of the Rv1860 protein with the potential to distinguish latent TB infection from disease due to its ability to stimulate differential cytokine signatures in HV and PAT. We suggest that a TB vaccine carrying these and other CD8(+) T-cell-stimulating antigens has the potential to prevent progression of latent M. tuberculosis infection to TB disease.


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Identification of residue-residue contacts from primary sequence can be used to guide protein structure prediction. Using Escherichia coli CcdB as the test case, we describe an experimental method termed saturation-suppressor mutagenesis to acquire residue contact information. In this methodology, for each of five inactive CcdB mutants, exhaustive screens for suppressors were performed. Proximal suppressors were accurately discriminated from distal suppressors based on their phenotypes when present as single mutants. Experimentally identified putative proximal pairs formed spatial constraints to recover >98% of native-like models of CcdB from a decoy dataset. Suppressor methodology was also applied to the integral membrane protein, diacylglycerol kinase A where the structures determined by X-ray crystallography and NMR were significantly different. Suppressor as well as sequence co-variation data clearly point to the Xray structure being the functional one adopted in vivo. The methodology is applicable to any macromolecular system for which a convenient phenotypic assay exists.