529 resultados para Tire Thermal Aspects.


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It has been 20 years since the concept of supramolecular synthon was introduced with the purpose of rational supramolecular synthesis. While this concept has been greatly successful in employing a retrosynthetic approach in crystal engineering, the past few years have seen a continuous evolution of supramolecular synthons from being a synthetic subunit to a basic unit for understanding the dynamics of crystallization. This review attempts to give a glimpse of such developments.


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Higher manganese silicide (HMS) based alloys with eutectic composition (Si-33.3 at% Mn) were prepared by arc-melting, melt-spinning and ball milling in order to evaluate the effect of microstructure on the thermal conductivity. Powder X-ray diffraction, SEM, EPMA and TEM analysis confirmed the presence of Si as a secondary phase distributed in the HMS matrix phase. Thermal properties of the samples were studied in the temperature range of 300-800 K. The microstructure refinement resulting from ball milling leads to a decrease of the thermal conductivity from 4.4 W/mK to 1.9 W/mK, whereas meltspinning is inefficient to this respect. The results show an opportunity to produce bulk higher manganese silicide alloys with reduced thermal conductivity in order to enhance its thermoelectric performance. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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By combining first principles density functional theory and electronic as well as lattice Boltzmann transport calculations, we unravel the excellent thermoelectric properties of Zintl phase compounds ACd(2)Sb(2) (where, A = Ca, Ba, Sr). The calculated electronic structures of these compounds show charge carrier pockets and heavy light bands near the band edge, which lead to a large power factor. Furthermore, we report large Gruneisen parameters and low phonon group velocity indicating essential strong anharmonicity in these compounds, which resulted in low lattice thermal conductivity. The combination of low thermal conductivity and the excellent transport properties give a high ZT value of similar to 1.4-1.9 in CaCd2Sb2 and BaCd2Sb2 at moderate p and n-type doping. Our results indicate that well optimized Cd-based Zintl phase compounds have the potential to match the performance of conventional thermoelectric materials.


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Using first-principles density functional theory calculations, a systematic study of the lattice dynamics and related (e.g., dielectric and anharmonic) properties of BiOCuSe (bismuth-copper oxyselenide), along with a comparison with its isostructural analog LaOCuSe, is performed to find the origin of the ultralow thermal conductivity. in BiOCuSe. From the marked differences in some of these properties of the two materials, the reasons why BiOCuSe is a better thermal insulator than LaOCuSe are elucidated. For this class of oxychalcogenide thermoelectrics, phonon frequencies with symmetries, characters, spectroscopic activities, displacement patterns, and pressure coefficients of different zone-center modes, dielectric constants, dynamical charges, and phonon and Gruneisen dispersions are also determined.


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Using remotely sensed Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) 3B42 rainfall and topographic data from the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) Digital Elevation Model (DEM), the impact of oroghraphical aspects such as topography, spatial variability of elevation and altitude of apexes are examined to investigate capacious summer monsoon rainfall over the Western Ghats (WG) of India. TRMM 3B42 v7 rainfall data is validated with Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) gridded rainfall data at 0.5 degrees resolution over the WG. The analysis of spatial pattern of monsoon rainfall with orography of the WG ascertains that the grade of orographic precipitation depends mainly on topography of the mountain barrier followed by steepness of windward side slope and altitude of the mountain. Longer and broader, i.e. cascaded topography, elevated summits and gradually increasing slopes impel the enhancement in precipitation. Comparing topography of various states of the WG, it has been observed that windward side of Karnataka receives intense rainfall in the WG during summer monsoon. It has been observed that the rainfall is enhanced before the peak of the mountain and confined up to the height about 800m over the WG. In addition to this, the spatial distribution of heavy and very heavy rainfall events in the last 14 years has also been explored. Heavy and very heavy rain events on this hilly terrain are categorized with a threshold of precipitation (R) in the range 150>R>120mmday(-1) and exceeding 150mmday(-1) using probability distribution of TRMM 3B42 v7 rainfall. The areas which are prone to heavy precipitation are identified. The study would help policy makers to manage the hazard scenario and, to improve weather predictions on mountainous terrain of the WG.


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Glycosylation has been recognized as one of the most prevalent and complex post-translational modifications of proteins involving numerous enzymes and substrates. Its effect on the protein conformational transitions is not clearly understood yet. In this study, we have examined the effect of glycosylation on protein stability using molecular dynamics simulation of legume lectin soybean agglutinin (SBA). Its glycosylated moiety consists of high mannose type N-linked glycan (Man(9)GlcNAc(2)). To unveil the structural perturbations during thermal unfolding of these two forms, we have studied and compared them to the experimental results. From the perspective of dynamics, our simulations revealed that the nonglycosylated monomeric form is less stable than corresponding glycosylated form at normal and elevated temperatures. Moreover, at elevated temperature thermal destabilization is more prominent in solvent exposed loops, turns and ends of distinct beta sheets. SBA maintains it folded structure due to some important saltbridges, hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions within the protein. The reducing terminal GlcNAc residues interact with the protein residues VAL161, PRO182 and SER225 via hydrophobic and via hydrogen bonding with ASN 9 and ASN 75. Our simulations also revealed that single glycosylation (ASN75) has no significant effect on corresponding cis peptide angle orientation. This atomistic description might have important implications for understanding the functionality and stability of Soybean agglutinin.


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In this paper, based on the AdS(2)/CFT1 prescription, we explore the low frequency behavior of quantum two point functions for a special class of strongly coupled CFTs in one dimension whose dual gravitational counterpart consists of extremal black hole solutions in higher derivative theories of gravity defined over an asymptotically AdS spacetime. The quantum critical points thus described are supposed to correspond to a very large value of the dynamic exponent (z -> infinity). In our analysis, we find that quantum fluctuations are enhanced due to the higher derivative corrections in the bulk which in turn increases the possibility of quantum phase transition near the critical point. On the field theory side, such higher derivative effects would stand for the corrections appearing due to the finite coupling in the gauge theory. Finally, we compute the coefficient of thermal diffusion at finite coupling corresponding to Gauss Bonnet corrected charged Lifshitz black holes in the bulk. We observe an important crossover corresponding to z = 5 fixed point. (C) 2015 The Author. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Glass formation has been examined in the system 15PbO.xPbCl(2).(85-x)PbBr2 (where 0 <= x <= 25)where the PbO concentration is kept constant while PbCl2 and PbBr2 concentrations are varied. The glasses have been examined using thermal and spectroscopic techniques. T-8, Delta C-p, refractive index, optical basicity have been found to remain unaffected by the composition which is a curious feature of these glasses. It is found that there is a wide infrared window available for use in the investigated glasses. The IR window extends from 1000 to 1500 cm(-1) and in glasses where PbCl2 is less than 20 mol%, the window extends up to 2260 cm(-1). X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS) revealed that the 4f(5/2) and 4f(7/2) peaks due to f-level transitions have a constant difference in energies, but with energy and FWHM values that varying sensitively and systematically with composition. The observations are discussed and suitable explanations are provided.


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Thermoelectric properties of semiconducting beta-FeSi2 containing a homogeneous distribution of Si secondary phase have been studied. The synthesis was carried out using arc melting followed by the densification by uniaxial hot pressing. Endogenous beta-FeSi2/Si composites were produced by the eutectoid decomposition of high-temperature alpha-Fe2Si5 phase. The aging heat treatments have been carried out at various temperatures below the equilibrium eutectoid temperature for various durations in order to tune the size of the eutectoid product. Thermal properties of the samples were studied in the temperature range of 100-350 A degrees C. The microstructural investigations support the fact that the finest microstructure generated through the eutectoid decomposition of the alpha-Fe2Si5 metastable phase is responsible of the phonon scattering. The results suggest an opportunity to produce bulk iron silicide alloys with reduced thermal conductivity in order to enhance its thermoelectric performance.


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Lipase and surfactant together form a potent pair in various biotransformation, industrial application and biotechnological studies. The present investigation deals with changes in the activity, stability and structure of lipase from Rhizopus oryzae NRRL 3562 in presence of long chain ionic liquid-type imidazolium surfactant. Both the activity and stability were found to be enhanced in presence of the surfactant at low concentration (1-125 mu M) followed by inhibition at high concentration. The activity increased by 80% and thermal deactivation temperature raised by 2.5 degrees C. Investigations by ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy and circular dichroism revealed structural changes leading to rise in beta-sheet content and lowering of a-helix at low surfactant concentrations. Deactivation at high concentration correlated with greater structural changes depicted by spectroscopic studies. Isothermal titration calorimetric studies showed the binding to be spontaneous in nature involving non-covalent interactions. High negative value of entropy signifies exposure of hydrophobic domains and increase in structural rigidity, which correlates with active site being more accessible and rigid in presence of the surfactant. Application of these surfactants hold greater potential in the field of lipase based biotransformations, enzyme structural modifications and studies. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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One-dimensional transient heat flow is interpreted as a procession of `macro-scale translatory motion of indexed isothermal surfaces'. A new analytical model is proposed by introducing velocity of isothermal surface in Fourier heat diffusion equation. The velocity dependent function is extracted by revisiting `the concept of thermal layer of heat conduction in solid' and `exact solution' to estimate thermal diffusivity. The experimental approach involves establishment of 1 D unsteady heat flow inside the sample through Step-temperature excitation. A novel self-reference interferometer is utilized to separate a `unique isothermal surface' in time-varying temperature field. The translatory motion of the said isothermal surface is recorded using digital camera to estimate its velocity. From the knowledge of thermo-optic coefficient, temperature of the said isothermal surface is predicted. The performance of proposed method is evaluated for Quartz sample and compared with literature.


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We investigate the transient dynamics of disturbances inside a thermocline based molten salt thermal energy storage (TES). Numerical simulations were conducted with four inlet flow configurations. The disturbances introduced at the inlet grow via Rayleigh Taylor instability. The formed vortical motions inside the tank propagate downstream and destroy the thermocline. The vortex-thermocline interaction upsets the stratification inside the TES. The disturbance growth rate, penetration length and vortex Reynolds number are measured. The growth of penetration length prior to the vortex-thermocline interaction is quadratic. The vortex Reynolds number of the eddy which causes thermocline breakdown increases with increase in Atwood number. The impingement of vortex on thermocline is studied. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Semiconductor device junction temperatures are maintained within datasheet specified limits to avoid failure in power converters. Burn-in tests are used to ensure this. In inverters, thermal time constants can be large and burn-in tests are required to be performed over long durations of time. At higher power levels, besides increased production cost, the testing requires sources and loads that can handle high power. In this study, a novel method to test a high power three-phase grid-connected inverter is proposed. The method eliminates the need for high power sources and loads. Only energy corresponding to the losses is consumed. The test is done by circulating rated current within the three legs of the inverter. All the phase legs being loaded, the method can be used to test the inverter in both cases of a common or independent cooling arrangement for the inverter phase legs. Further, the method can be used with different inverter configurations - three- or four-wire and for different pulse width modulation (PWM) techniques. The method has been experimentally validated on a 24 kVA inverter for a four-wire configuration that uses sine-triangle PWM and a three-wire configuration that uses conventional space vector PWM.


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We report synthesis, spectroscopic characterization, and thermal analysis of zinc acetylacetonate complex adducted by nitrogen donor ligands, such as pyridine, bipyridine, and phenanthroline. The pyridine adducted complex crystallizes to monoclinic crystal structure, whereas other two adducted complexes have orthorhombic structure. Addition of nitrogen donor ligands enhances the thermal property of these complexes as that with parent metal-organic complex. Zinc acetylacetonate adducted with pyridine shows much higher volatility (106 degrees C), decomposition temperature (202 degrees C) as that with zinc acetylacetonate (136 degrees C, 220 degrees C), and other adducted complexes. All the adducted complexes are thermally stable, highly volatile and are considered to be suitable precursors for metal organic chemical vapor deposition. The formation of these complexes is confirmed by powder X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, mass spectroscopy, and elemental analysis. The complexes are widely used as starting precursor materials for the synthesis of ZnO nanostructures by microwave irradiation assisted coating process. (c) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.