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Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) is a critical nuclear enzyme which safeguards genome stability from genotoxic insults and helps in DNA repair. Inhibition of PARP results in sustained DNA damage in cancer cells. PARP inhibitors are known to play an important role in chemotherapy as single agents in many DNA repair pathway deficient tumor cells or in combination with several other chemotherapeutic agents. In the present study, we synthesize and characterize novel pyridazine derivatives, and evaluate their potential for use as PARP inhibitors. Results show that pyridazine derivatives inhibited the PARP1 enzymatic activity at the nanomolar range and showed anti-proliferative activity in leukemic cells. Interestingly, human leukemic cell line, Nalm6, in which PARP1 and PARP2 expression as well as intrinsic PARP activity are high, showed significant sensitivity for the novel inhibitors compared to other leukemic cells. Among the inhibitors, P10 showed maximum inhibition of intrinsic PARP activity and inhibited cell proliferation in Nalm6 cells. Besides P10 also showed maximum inhibition against purified PARP1 protein, which was comparable to olaparib in our assays. Newly synthesized compounds also showed remarkable DNA trapping ability, which is a signature feature of many PARP inhibitors. Importantly, P10 also induced late S and G2/M arrest in Nalm6 cells, indicating accumulation of DNA damage. Therefore, we identify P10 as a potential PARP inhibitor, which can be developed as a chemotherapeutic agent.


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Well-crystallized anatase and mixed (anatase-rutile) phase TiO2 thin films were deposited by DC magnetron sputtering technique at various DC powers in the range of 80-140 W. Pure anatase phase was observed in the TiO2 films deposited at low power of 80 W. Films deposited at 120 W were composed of both anatase and rutile phases. At higher power of 140 W, the films are rutile dominated and the rutile percentage increased from 0 to 82% with increase of DC power. The same results of phase change were confirmed by Raman studies. The surface morphology of the TiO2 films showed that the density of the films increased with increase of sputter power. The optical band gap of the films varied from 3.35 to 3.14 eV with increase of DC power. The photocatalytic activity of the TiO2 films increased with increasing DC power up to 120 W and after that it decreases. We found that the TiO2 films deposited at 120 W with 48% of rutile phase, exhibited high photocatalytic activity (43% of degradation) under UV light compared with other TiO2 films. After loading the optimized Ag nanoparticles on the mixed phase TiO2 films, the photocatalytic activity shifted from UV to visible region with enhancement of photocatalytic activity (55% of degradation). (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Well-crystallized anatase and mixed (anatase-rutile) phase TiO2 thin films were deposited by DC magnetron sputtering technique at various DC powers in the range of 80-140 W. Pure anatase phase was observed in the TiO2 films deposited at low power of 80 W. Films deposited at 120 W were composed of both anatase and rutile phases. At higher power of 140 W, the films are rutile dominated and the rutile percentage increased from 0 to 82% with increase of DC power. The same results of phase change were confirmed by Raman studies. The surface morphology of the TiO2 films showed that the density of the films increased with increase of sputter power. The optical band gap of the films varied from 3.35 to 3.14 eV with increase of DC power. The photocatalytic activity of the TiO2 films increased with increasing DC power up to 120 W and after that it decreases. We found that the TiO2 films deposited at 120 W with 48% of rutile phase, exhibited high photocatalytic activity (43% of degradation) under UV light compared with other TiO2 films. After loading the optimized Ag nanoparticles on the mixed phase TiO2 films, the photocatalytic activity shifted from UV to visible region with enhancement of photocatalytic activity (55% of degradation). (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Research studies on plasmonic properties of triangular-shaped silver nanoparticles might lead to several interesting applications. However, in this work, triangular-shaped silver nanoparticles have been synthesized by simple solvothermal technique and reported the effect of size on the electron-phonon scattering in the synthesized materials by analyzing their temperature-dependent photoluminescence (PL) emission characteristics. It has been observed that total integrated PL emission intensity is quenched by 33 % with the increase in temperature from 278 to 323 K. The observed decrease in PL emission intensity has been ascribed to the increase of electron-phonon scattering rate with the increase in temperature. The values of electron-phonon coupling strength (S) for synthesized samples have been evaluated by theoretical fitting of the experimentally obtained PL emission data. Smaller sized triangular nanoparticle has been found to exhibit stronger temperature dependence in PL emission, which strongly suggests that smaller sized triangular silver nanostructures have better electron-phonon coupling.


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The inner ear has been shown to characterize an acoustic stimuli by transducing fluid motion in the inner ear to mechanical bending of stereocilia on the inner hair cells (IHCs). The excitation motion/energy transferred to an IHC is dependent on the frequency spectrum of the acoustic stimuli, and the spatial location of the IHC along the length of the basilar membrane (BM). Subsequently, the afferent auditory nerve fiber (ANF) bundle samples the encoded waveform in the IHCs by synapsing with them. In this work we focus on sampling of information by afferent ANFs from the IHCs, and show computationally that sampling at specific time instants is sufficient for decoding of time-varying acoustic spectrum embedded in the acoustic stimuli. The approach is based on sampling the signal at its zero-crossings and higher-order derivative zero-crossings. We show results of the approach on time-varying acoustic spectrum estimation from cricket call signal recording. The framework gives a time-domain and non-spatial processing perspective to auditory signal processing. The approach works on the full band signal, and is devoid of modeling any bandpass filtering mimicking the BM action. Instead, we motivate the approach from the perspective of event-triggered sampling by afferent ANFs on the stimuli encoded in the IHCs. Though the approach gives acoustic spectrum estimation but it is shallow on its complete understanding for plausible bio-mechanical replication with current mammalian auditory mechanics insights.


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Achieving control on the formation of different organization states of magnetic nanoparticles is crucial to harness their organization dependent physical properties in desired ways. In this study, three organization states of iron oxide nanoparticles (gamma-Fe2O3), defining as (i) assembly (ii) network aggregate and (iii) cluster, have been developed by simply changing the solvent evaporation conditions. All three systems have retained the same phase and polydispersity of primary particles. Magnetic measurements show that the partial alignment of the easy axes of the particles in the network system due to the stacking aggregation morphology can result in significant enhancement of the coercivity and remanence values, while the opposite is obtained for the cluster system due to the random orientation of easy axes. Partial alignment in the aggregate system also results in noticeable non -monotonic field dependence of ZFC peak temperature (TpeaB). The lowest value of the blocking temperature (TB) for the cluster system is related to the lowering of the effective anisotropy due to the strongest demagnetizing effect. FC (Field cooled) memory effect was observed to be decreasing with the increasing strength of dipolar interaction of organization states. Therefore, the stacking aggregation and the cluster formation are two interesting ways of magnetic nanoparticles organization for modulating collective magnetic properties significantly, which can have renewed application potentials from recording devices to biomedicine. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A new approach is proposed to estimate the thermal diffusivity of optically transparent solids at ambient temperature based on the velocity of an effective temperature point (ETP), and by using a two-beam interferometer the proposed concept is corroborated. 1D unsteady heat flow via step-temperature excitation is interpreted as a `micro-scale rectilinear translatory motion' of an ETP. The velocity dependent function is extracted by revisiting the Fourier heat diffusion equation. The relationship between the velocity of the ETP with thermal diffusivity is modeled using a standard solution. Under optimized thermal excitation, the product of the `velocity of the ETP' and the distance is a new constitutive equation for the thermal diffusivity of the solid. The experimental approach involves the establishment of a 1D unsteady heat flow inside the sample through step-temperature excitation. In the moving isothermal surfaces, the ETP is identified using a two-beam interferometer. The arrival-time of the ETP to reach a fixed distance away from heat source is measured, and its velocity is calculated. The velocity of the ETP and a given distance is sufficient to estimate the thermal diffusivity of a solid. The proposed method is experimentally verified for BK7 glass samples and the measured results are found to match closely with the reported value.


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This paper reveals an early quasi-saturation (QS) effect attributed to the geometrical parameters in shallow trench isolation-type drain-extended MOS (STI-DeMOS) transistors in advanced CMOS technologies. The quasi-saturation effect leads to serious g(m) reduction in STI-DeMOS. This paper investigates the nonlinear resistive behavior of the drain-extended region and its impact on the particular behavior of the STI-DeMOS transistor. In difference to vertical DMOS or lateral DMOS structures, STI-DeMOS exhibits three distinct regions of the drain extension. A complete understanding of the physics in these regions and their impact on the QS behavior are developed in this paper. An optimization strategy is shown for an improved g(m) device in a state-of-the-art 28-nm CMOS technology node.


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The solvent plays a decisive role in the photochemistry and photophysics of aromatic ketones. Xanthone (XT) is one such aromatic ketone and its triplet-triplet (T-T) absorption spectra show intriguing solvatochromic behavior. Also, the reactivity of XT towards H-atom abstraction shows an unprecedented decrease in protic solvents relative to aprotic solvents. Therefore, a comprehensive solvatochromic analysis of the triplet-triplet absorption spectra of XT was carried out in conjunction with time dependent density functional theory using the ad hoc explicit solvent model approach. A detailed solvatochromic analysis of the T-T absorption bands of XT suggests that the hydrogen bonding interactions are different in the corresponding triplet excited states. Furthermore, the contributions of non-specific and hydrogen bonding interactions towards differential solvation of the triplet states in protic solvents were found to be of equal magnitude. The frontier molecular orbital and electron density difference analysis of the T-1 and T-2 states of XT indicates that the charge redistribution in these states leads to intermolecular hydrogen bond strengthening and weakening, respectively, relative to the S-0 state. This is further supported by the vertical excitation energy calculations of the XT-methanol supra-molecular complex. The intermolecular hydrogen bonding potential energy curves obtained for this complex in the S-0, T-1, and T-2 states support the model. In summary, we propose that the different hydrogen bonding mechanisms exhibited by the two lowest triplet excited states of XT result in a decreasing role of the n pi* triplet state, and are thus responsible for its reduced reactivity towards H-atom abstraction in protic solvents. (C) 2016 AIP Publishing LLC.