469 resultados para 250100 Physical Chemistry (incl. Structural)


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Stable aqueous dispersions of atomically thin layered MoS2 nanosheets have been obtained by sonication in the presence of ionic surfactants. The dispersions are stabilized by electrostatic repulsion between the sheets, and we show that the sign of the charge on the MoS2 nanosheets, either positive or negative, can be can be controlled by the choice of the surfactant. Using techniques from solution NMR, we show that the surfactant chains are weakly bound to the MoS2 sheets and undergo rapid exchange with free surfactant chains present in the dispersion. In situ nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopic measurements provide direct evidence that the surfactant chains lie flat, arranged randomly on the basal plane of the MoS2 nanosheets with their charged headgroup exposed. These results provide a chemical perspective for understanding the stability of these inorganic nanosheets in aqueous dispersions and the origin of the charge on the sheets.


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A newly designed rhodamine B anisaldehyde hydrazone exhibits Al3+-ion-induced cis (L) to trans (L) conformational isomerization with respect to the xanthene moiety through a rotation about a N-N bond; the isomerization is indicated by a detectable naked-eye color change and a turn-on red fluorescence in 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid (HEPES) buffer (EtOH/Water 1:9 v/v; pH 7.4) at 25 degrees C. In support of this observation, detailed spectroscopic and physicochemical studies along with density function theory (DFT) calculations have been performed. This cis-to-trans conformational isomerization is due to Al3+ ion coordination, which induces this visual color change and the turn-on fluorescence response. To strengthen our knowledge of the conformational isomerization, detailed structural characterizations of the cis and trans isomers in the solid state were performed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first structural report of both cis and trans conformational isomers for this family of compounds. Moreover, this noncytotoxic probe could be used to image the accumulation of Al3+ ions in HeLa and MCF-7 cell lines.


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The existence of three centered C=O...H(N)...X-C hydrogen bonds (H-bonds) involving organic fluorine and other halogens in diphenyloxamide derivatives has been explored by NMR spectroscopy and quantum theoretical studies. The three centered H-bond with the participation of a rotating CF3 group and the F...H-N intramolecular hydrogen bonds, a rare observation of its kind in organofluorine compounds, has been detected. It is also unambiguously established by a number of one and two dimensional NMR experiments, such as temperature perturbation, solvent titration, N-15-H-1 HSQC, and F-19-H-1 HOESY, and is also confirmed by theoretical calculations, such as quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM), natural bond orbital (NBO) and non-covalent interaction (NCI).


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Gold-core platinum-shell (Au@Pt) nanoparticles with ultrathin platinum overlayers, ranging from submonolayer to two monolayers of platinum atoms, were prepared at room-temperature using a scalable, wet-chemical synthesis route. The synthesis involved the reduction of chloroauric acid with tannic acid to form 5 nm (nominal dia.) gold nanoparticles followed by addition of desired amount of chloroplatinic acid and hydrazine to form platinum overlayers with bulk Pt/Au atomic ratios (Pt surface coverages) corresponding to 0.19 (half monolayer), 0.39 (monolayer), 0.58 (1.5 monolayer) and 0.88 (2 monolayers). The colloidal particles were coated with octadecanethiol and phase-transferred into chlroform-hexane mixture to facilitate sample preparation for structural characterization. The structure of the resultant nanoparticles were determined to be Au@Pt using HRTEM, SAED, XPS, UV-vis and confirmed by cyclic voltammetry (CV) studies. Monolayers of octadecanethiol coated Au@Pt nanoparticles were self-assembled at an air-water interface and transfer printed twice onto a gold substrate to form bilayer films for electrochemical characterization. Electrochemical activity on such films was observed only after the removal of the octadecanethiol ligand coating the nanoparticles, using a RF plasma etching process. The electrochemical activity (HOR, MOR studies) of Au@Pt nanoparticles was found to be highest for particles having a two atom thick platinum overlayer. These nanoparticles can significantly enhance platinum utilization in electrocatalytic applications as their platinum content based activity was three times higher than pure platinum nanoparticles.


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The notion of structure is central to the subject of chemistry. This review traces the development of the idea of crystal structure since the time when a crystal structure could be determined from a three-dimensional diffraction pattern and assesses the feasibility of computationally predicting an unknown crystal structure of a given molecule. Crystal structure prediction is of considerable fundamental and applied importance, and its successful execution is by no means a solved problem. The ease of crystal structure determination today has resulted in the availability of large numbers of crystal structures of higher-energy polymorphs and pseudopolymorphs. These structural libraries lead to the concept of a crystal structure landscape. A crystal structure of a compound may accordingly be taken as a data point in such a landscape.


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Structural studies on the polymorphs of the organoselenium antioxidant ebselen and its derivative show the potential of organic selenium to form unusually short Se center dot center dot center dot O chalcogen bonds that lead to conserved supramolecular recognition units. Se center dot center dot center dot O interactions observed in these polymorphs are the shortest such chalcogen bonds known for organoselenium compounds. The FTIR spectral evolution characteristics of this interaction from solution state to solid crystalline state further validates the robustness of this class of supramolecular recognition units. The strength and electronic nature of the Se center dot center dot center dot O chalcogen bonds were explored using high-resolution X-ray charge density analysis and atons-in-molecules (AIM) theoretical analysis. A charge density study unravels the strong electrostatic nature of Se center dot center dot center dot O chalcogen bonding and soft-metal-like behavior of organoselenium. An analysis of the charge density around Se-N and Se-C covalent bonds in conjunction with the Se center dot center dot center dot O chalcogen bonding modes in ebselen and its analogues provides insights into the mechanism of drug action in this class of organoselenium antioxidants. The potential role of the intermolecular Se center dot center dot center dot O chalcogen bonding in forming the intermediate supramolecular assembly that leads to the bond cleavage mechanism has been proposed in terms of electron density topological parameters in a series of molecular complexes of ebselen with reactive oxygen species (ROS).


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Homoserine dehydrogenase (HSD) is an oxidoreductase in the aspartic acid pathway. This enzyme coordinates a critical branch point of the metabolic pathway that leads to the synthesis of bacterial cell-wall components such as L-lysine and m-DAP in addition to other amino acids such as L-threonine, L-methionine and L-isoleucine. Here, a structural rationale for the hydride-transfer step in the reaction mechanism of HSD is reported. The structure of Staphylococcus aureus HSD was determined at different pH conditions to understand the basis for the enhanced enzymatic activity at basic pH. An analysis of the crystal structure revealed that Lys105, which is located at the interface of the catalytic and cofactor-binding sites, could mediate the hydride-transfer step of the reaction mechanism. The role of Lys105 was subsequently confirmed by mutational analysis. Put together, these studies reveal the role of conserved water molecules and a lysine residue in hydride transfer between the substrate and the cofactor.


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The rare examples of intramolecular hydrogen bonds (HB) of the type the N-H center dot center dot center dot F-C, detected in a low polarity solvent in the derivatives of hydrazides, by utilizing one and two-dimensional solution state multinuclear NMR techniques, are reported. The observation of through-space couplings, such as, (1h)J(FH), and (1h)J(FN), provides direct evidence for the existence of intra-molecular HB. Solvent induced perturbations and the variable temperature NMR experiments unambiguously establish the presence of intramolecular HB. The existence of multiple conformers in some of the investigated molecules is also revealed by two dimensional HOESY and N-15-H-1 HSQC experiments. The H-1 DOSY experimental results discard any possibility of self or cross dimerization of the molecules. The derived NMR experimental results are further substantiated by Density Function Theory (DFT) based Non Covalent Interaction (NCI), and Quantum Theory of Atom in Molecule (QTAIM) calculations. The NCI calculations served as a very sensitive tool for detection of non-covalent interactions and also confirm the presence of bifurcated HBs.


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Pt-supported La1-xSrxCoO3 and Pt-doped La1-xSrxCoO3 are synthesized using chemical reduction and solution combustion method, respectively. Chemical reduction is carried out using formaldehyde as a reducing agent giving Pt-supported La1-xSrxCoO3. Solution combustion method is used to prepare Pt-doped La1-xSrxCoO3. Detailed characterization using X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area measurement, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is carried out to distinguish the Pt-supported and Pt-doped compounds in terms of their morphology and Pt oxidations states. TEM results indeed show the differences in their morphology. Further, electrochemical measurements are performed in neutral medium to differentiate their electrochemical activity. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) shows noticeable differences between Pt-supported La1-xSrxCoO3 and Pt-doped La1-xSrxCoO3. Importantly, our results show that Pt4+ in doped compound has poor to zero electrocatalytic activity toward formic acid and methanol electro-oxidation in comparison to Pt-0 in supported compound. This study shows that metallic Pt in zero oxidation state is a superior catalyst to Pt in +4 oxidation state.


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In this article, we have presented ultrafast charge transfer dynamics through halogen bonds following vertical ionization of representative halogen bonded clusters. Subsequent hole directed reactivity of the radical cations of halogen bonded clusters is also discussed. Furthermore, we have examined effect of the halogen bond strength on the electron-electron correlation-and relaxation-driven charge migration in halogen bonded complexes. For this study, we have selected A-Cl (A represents F, OH, CN, NH2, CF3, and COOH substituents) molecules paired with NH3 (referred as ACl:NH3 complex): these complexes exhibit halogen bonds. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on purely electron correlation-and relaxation-driven ultrafast (attosecond) charge migration dynamics through halogen bonds. Both density functional theory and complete active space self-consistent field theory with 6-31+G(d, p) basis set are employed for this work. Upon vertical ionization of NCCl center dot center dot center dot NH3 complex, the hole is predicted to migrate from the NH3-end to the ClCN-end of the NCCl center dot center dot center dot NH3 complex in approximately 0.5 fs on the D-0 cationic surface. This hole migration leads to structural rearrangement of the halogen bonded complex, yielding hydrogen bonding interaction stronger than the halogen bonding interaction on the same cationic surface. Other halogen bonded complexes, such as H2NCl:NH3, F3CCl:NH3, and HOOCCl:NH3, exhibit similar charge migration following vertical ionization. On the contrary, FCl:NH3 and HOCl:NH3 complexes do not exhibit any charge migration following vertical ionization to the D-0 cation state, pointing to interesting halogen bond strength-dependent charge migration. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The photoinduced electron transfer processes in a nanoheterostructured semiconductor assembly are complex and depend on various parameters Of the constituents of the assembly. We present here the ultrafast electron transfer characteristics of an assembly comprised of a Wide band semiconductor, titanium dioxide (TiO2), attached to light-harvesting cadmium sulfide (CdS) nanotrystals of varying crystallographic phase content. Quantitative analysis of Synchrotron high-resolution X-ray. diffraction data of CdS nanocrystals precisely reveals the presence of both wurtzite and zinc blende phases in varying amounts. The,estimated content of crystal phases is observed to be strongly dependent on an important synthesis parameter, viz., the ratio of the two solvents. The biphasit nature of CdS influences directly the shape of the nanocrystal at long reaction times as well as the transfer of the photoexcited electrons from the CdS to TiO2 as obtained from transient absorption spectroscopy. A higher amount of zinc blende Phase is observed to be beneficial for fast electron transfer across the CdS-TiO2 interface. The electron transfer rate constant differs by one order of magnitude between the CdS nanocryStals and varies linearly with the fraction of the phases.


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In this study we have investigated a new class of cationic lipids - ``bolaamphiphiles'' or ``bolas'' - for their ability to efficiently deliver small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) to cancer cells. The bolas of this study consist of a hydrophobic chain with one or more positively charged head groups at each end. Recently, we reported that micelles of the bolas GLH-19 and GLH-20 (derived from vernonia oil) efficiently deliver siRNAs, while having relatively low toxicities in vitro and in vivo. Our previous studies validated that; bolaamphiphiles can be designed to vary the magnitude of siRNA shielding, its delivery, and its subsequent release. To further understand the structural features of bolas critical for siRNAs delivery, new structurally related bolas (GLH-58 and GLH-60) were designed and synthesized from jojoba oil. Both bolas have similar hydrophobic domains and contain either one, in GLH-58, or two, in GLH-60 positively charged head groups at each end of the hydrophobic core. We have computationally predicted and experimentally validated that GLH-58 formed more stable nano sized micelles than GLH-60 and performed significantly better in comparison to GLH-60 for siRNA delivery. GLH-58/siRNA complexes demonstrated better efficiency in silencing the expression of the GFP gene in human breast cancer cells at concentrations of 5 mu g/mL, well below the toxic dose. Moreover, delivery of multiple different siRNAs targeting the HIV genome demonstrated further inhibition of virus production. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Herein we report the synthesis, characterization, and potential application of his (4- (7,9,10-triphenylfluoranthen-8-yl)pheny)sulfone (TPFDPSO2) and 2,8-bis (7,9,10-triphenylfluoranthen-8-yl) dibenzo b, d]-thiophene 5,5-dioxide (TPFDBTO2) as electron transport as well as light-emitting materials. These fluoranthene derivatives were synthesized by oxidation of their corresponding parent sulfide compounds, which were prepared via Diels-Alder reaction. These materials exhibit deep blue fluorescence emission in both solution and thin film, high photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY), thermal and electrochemical stability over a wide potential range. Hole- and electron-only devices were fabricated to study the charge transport characteristics, and predominant electron transport property comparable with that of a well-known electron transport material, Alq(3), was observed. Furthermore, bilayer electroluminescent devices were fabricated utilizing these fluoranthene derivatives as electron transport as well as emitting layer, and device performance was compared with that of their parent sulfide molecules. The electroluminescence (EL) devices fabricated with these molecules displayed bright sky blue color emission and 5-fold improvement in external quantum efficiency (EQE) with respect to their parent compounds.


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We report molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to explore the influence of a counterion on the structure and dynamics of cationic and anionic solvation shells for various ions in methanol at 298 K. We show that the variation in ionic size of either the cation or the anion in an ion pair influences the solvation structure of the other ion as well as the diffusivity in an electrolyte solution of methanol. The extent of ionic association between the cation and its counteranion of different ionic sizes has been investigated by analyzing the radial distribution functions (RDFs) and the orientation of methanol molecules in the first solvation shell (FSS) of ions. It is shown that the methanol in the FSS of the anion as well the cation exhibit quite different radial and orientational structures as compared to methanol which lie in the FSS of either the anion or the cation but not both. We find that the coordination number (CN) of F-, Cr-, and I- ions decreases with increasing size of the anion which is contrary to the trend reported for the anions in H2O. The mean residence time (MRT) of methanol molecules in the FSS of ions has been calculated using the stable states picture (SSP) approach. It is seen that the ion-counterion interaction has a considerable influence on the MRT of methanol molecules in the FSS of ions. We also discuss the stability order of the ion-counterion using the potentials of mean force (PMFs) for ion pairs with ions of different sizes. The PMF plots reveal that the Li+-F- pair (small-small) is highly stable and the Li+-I- pair is least stable (small-large) in electrolyte solutions.


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Three vinylene linked diketopyrrolopyrrole based donor acceptor (D-A) copolymers have been synthesized with phenyl, thienyl, and selenyl units as donors. Optical and electronic properties were investigated with UV-vis absorption spectroscopy, cyclic voltammetry, near edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy, organic field effect transistor (OFET) measurements, and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. Optical and electrochemical band gaps decrease in the order phenyl, thienyl, and selenyl. Only phenyl-based polymers are nonplanar, but the main contributor to the larger band gap is electronic, not structural effects. Thienyl and selenyl polymers exhibit ambipolar charge transport but with higher hole than electron mobility. Experimental and theoretical results predict the selenyl system to have the best transport properties, but OFET measurements prove the thienyl system to be superior with p-channel mobility as high as 0.1 cm(2) V-1 s(-1).