125 resultados para vinylidene fluoride


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Dehydroamino acids are important precursors for the synthesis of a number of unnatural amino acids and are structural components in many biologically active peptide derivatives. However, efficient synthetic procedures for their production in large amounts and without side reactions are limited. We report here an improved procedure for the synthesis of dehydroalanine and dehydroamino butyric acid from the carbonate derivatives of serine and threonine using TBAF. The antiselective E-2 elimination of the carbonate derivatives of serine and threonine using TBAF is milder and more efficient than other available procedures. The elimination reaction is completed in less than 10 min with various carbonate derivatives studied and the methodology is very efficient for the synthesis of dehydroamino acids and dehydropeptides. The procedure thus provides an easy access to key synthetic precursors and can be used to introduce interesting structural elements to designed peptides. Copyright


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The electron spin resonance in undiluted single crystals of cupric acid fluoride has been investigated at room temperature with microwaves of frequency 9625 Mc/s. The anisotropy in the g value has been measured in three orthogonal planes. The principal g values gave gshort parallel = 2.410 ± 0.010, gperpendicular = 2.090 ± 0.010. The linewidth shows anisotropy with orientation. The exchange frequency has been estimated to be approximately 0.08 cm-1.The powdered specimen shows asymmetry in the line shape.


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Polarisation characters of the Raman lines of calcium fluoride (fluorspar) and potassium aluminium sulphate (alum) were investigated under the following conditions. Unpolarised light was incident normally on a face of the crystal making an angle 22.5° with a cubic face and the light scattered transversely along a cubic axis was analysed by a double image prism kept with its principal axes inclined at 45° to the vertical. Under these conditions the depolarisation factors of the Raman lines belonging to the totally symmetric (A), the doubly degenerate (E) and the triply degenerate (F) modes should be respectively =1, >1 and <1. The characteristic Raman line of CaF2 at 322 cm-1 exhibited a depolarisation value less than 1, showing thereby that the corresponding mode is a triply degenerate one (F). The Raman lines observed in the spectrum of K-alum were also classified and the results were compared with those given by previous investigators using standard crystal orientations.


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Groundwater is a significant water resource in India for domestic, irrigation, and industrial needs. By far the most serious natural groundwater-quality problem in India, in terms of public health, derives from high fluoride, arsenic, and iron concentrations. Hydrogeochemical investigation of fluoride contaminated groundwater samples from Kolar and Tumkur Districts in Karnataka are undertaken to understand the quality and potability of groundwater from the study area, the level of fluoride contamination, the origin and geochemical mechanisms driving the fluoride enrichment. Majority of the groundwater samples did not meet the potable water criteria as they contained excess (>1.5 mg/L) fluoride, dissolved salts (>500 mg/L) and total hardness (75-924 mg/L). Hydrogeochemical facies of the groundwater samples suggest that rock weathering and evaporation-crystallization control the groundwater composition in the study area with 50-67% of samples belonging to the Ca-HCO3 type and the remaining falling into the mixed Ca-Na-HCO3 or Ca-Mg-Cl type. The saturation index values indicated that the groundwater in the study area is oversaturated with respect to calcite and under-saturated with respect to fluorite. The deficiency of calcium ion concentration in the groundwater from calcite precipitation favors fluorite dissolution leading to excess fluoride concentration.


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People in many countries are affected by fluorosis owing to the high levels of fluoride in drinking water. An inexpensive method for estimating the concentration of the fluoride ion in drinking water would be helpful in identifying safe sources of water and also in monitoring the performance of defluoridation techniques. For this purpose, a simple, inexpensive, and portable colorimeter has been developed in the present work. It is used in conjunction with the SPADNS method, which shows a color change in the visible region on addition of water containing fluoride to a reagent solution. Groundwater samples were collected from different parts of the state of Karnataka, India and analysed for fluoride. The results obtained using the colorimeter and the double beam spectrophotometer agreed fairly well. The costs of the colorimeter and of the chemicals required per test were about Rs. 250 (US$ 5) and Rs. 2.5 (US$ 0.05), respectively. In addition, the cost of the chemicals required for constructing the calibration curve was about Rs. 15 (US$ 0.3). (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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It has been observed that a suspension of sodium fluoride in boiling acetonitrile could be used for the preparation of fluorine compounds such as silicon tetrafluoride [1], thiophosphoryl fluoride [2], sulphur tetrafluoride [3,4], and fluorocyclophosphazenes [5]. This method, when adopted for the fluorination of sulphuryl chloride [6], it is observed that a mixture of sulphuryl fluoride and sulphuryl chloro fluoride is obtained. On the other hand, when lead fluoride is substituted for sodium fluoride, pure sulphuryl chloro fluoride is evolved. Based on this observation, a new method has been standardised for the preparation of a pure sample of sulphuryl chlorofluoride by fluorinating sulphuryl chloride by lead fluoride in acetonitrile medium.


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Solid complexes of thiophosphoryl fluoride and thiophosphoryl chloride with dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) have been prepared and characterized.


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Solid complexes of thiophosphoryl fluoride and thiophosphoryl chloride with dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) have been prepared and characterized.


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The terminal solid solubilities of the periclase (MgO-rich) and zincite (ZnO-rich) solid solutions in the MgO---ZnO system have been determined by measuring the activity of MgO using a solid-state galvanic cell of the type 02(g), Pt/MgO, MgF2//MgF2//{χMgO+(1-χ)ZnO}(s, sln), MgF2/Pt, O2(g) in the temperature range 900–1050°C. The ZnO activity was calculated by graphical Gibbs-Duhem integration. The activity-composition plots of both components exhibit a strong positive deviation from ideality and are characterised by a miscibility gap. The terminal solid solubilities of the periclase and zincite solid solutions obtained from the activity-composition plots are found to be in reasonable agreement with those reported in the literature.


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The reaction of silicon tetrachloride (SiCl4), trichlorosilane (HSiCl3) and tris(amino)silanes[(R2N)3SiH] with pyridinium poly(hydrogen fluoride) (PPHF) gives rise to hexafluorosilicatesalts in good yields. They have been characterized as pyridinium hexafluorosilicate(C5H5NH)2SiF6 (in the case of SiCl4 and HSiCl3) and the corresponding dialkyl ammoniumhexafluorosilicate (R2NH2)2SiF6 salts [for tris(amino)silanes] (where R2N=pyrrolidino,piperidino, hexamethyleneimino, morpholino, N-methylpiperazino and diethylamino). Theinteresting features of these reactions are the cleavage of Si---Cl, Si---H and Si---N bondsat room temperature by PPHF and fluorination of the silicon moiety to a hexa-coordinateddoubly charged anionic species. These compounds have been characterized by NMR (1H,29Si, 19F) and IR spectroscopy, and by chemical analysis.


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Studies of the reaction of metal chlorides, MCl2 (M = Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn) with PPHF at room temperature have shown that Mn, Co and Zn form the corresponding metal fluorides, MF2, while Ni and Cu form their dipyridine metal(II) dichloride complexes. Nickel and copper complexes further undergo fluorination and complexation by potassium hydrogen fluoride in PPHF to form KNiF3 and KCuF3.