112 resultados para upper bound


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Let G(V, E) be a simple, undirected graph where V is the set of vertices and E is the set of edges. A b-dimensional cube is a Cartesian product l(1) x l(2) x ... x l(b), where each l(i) is a closed interval of unit length on the real line. The cub/city of G, denoted by cub(G), is the minimum positive integer b such that the vertices in G can be mapped to axis parallel b-dimensional cubes in such a way that two vertices are adjacent in G if and only if their assigned cubes intersect. An interval graph is a graph that can be represented as the intersection of intervals on the real line-i.e. the vertices of an interval graph can be mapped to intervals on the real line such that two vertices are adjacent if and only if their corresponding intervals overlap. Suppose S(m) denotes a star graph on m+1 nodes. We define claw number psi(G) of the graph to be the largest positive integer m such that S(m) is an induced subgraph of G. It can be easily shown that the cubicity of any graph is at least log(2) psi(G)]. In this article, we show that for an interval graph G log(2) psi(G)-]<= cub(G)<=log(2) psi(G)]+2. It is not clear whether the upper bound of log(2) psi(G)]+2 is tight: till now we are unable to find any interval graph with cub(G)> (log(2)psi(G)]. We also show that for an interval graph G, cub(G) <= log(2) alpha], where alpha is the independence number of G. Therefore, in the special case of psi(G)=alpha, cub(G) is exactly log(2) alpha(2)]. The concept of cubicity can be generalized by considering boxes instead of cubes. A b-dimensional box is a Cartesian product l(1) x l(2) x ... x l(b), where each I is a closed interval on the real line. The boxicity of a graph, denoted box(G), is the minimum k such that G is the intersection graph of k-dimensional boxes. It is clear that box(G)<= cub(G). From the above result, it follows that for any graph G, cub(G) <= box(G)log(2) alpha]. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Graph Theory 65: 323-333, 2010


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In a paper published in 1993, Erdos proved that if n! = a! b!, where 1 < a a parts per thousand currency sign b, then the difference between n and b does not exceed 5 log log n for large enough n. In the present paper, we improve this upper bound to ((1 + epsilon)/ log 2) log log n and generalize it to the equation a (1)!a (2)! ... a (k) ! = n!. In a recent paper, F. Luca proved that n - b = 1 for large enough n provided that the ABC-hypothesis holds.


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Let G be a simple, undirected, finite graph with vertex set V(G) and edge set E(C). A k-dimensional box is a Cartesian product of closed intervals a(1), b(1)] x a(2), b(2)] x ... x a(k), b(k)]. The boxicity of G, box(G) is the minimum integer k such that G can be represented as the intersection graph of k-dimensional boxes, i.e. each vertex is mapped to a k-dimensional box and two vertices are adjacent in G if and only if their corresponding boxes intersect. Let P = (S, P) be a poset where S is the ground set and P is a reflexive, anti-symmetric and transitive binary relation on S. The dimension of P, dim(P) is the minimum integer l such that P can be expressed as the intersection of t total orders. Let G(P) be the underlying comparability graph of P. It is a well-known fact that posets with the same underlying comparability graph have the same dimension. The first result of this paper links the dimension of a poset to the boxicity of its underlying comparability graph. In particular, we show that for any poset P, box(G(P))/(chi(G(P)) - 1) <= dim(P) <= 2box(G(P)), where chi(G(P)) is the chromatic number of G(P) and chi(G(P)) not equal 1. The second result of the paper relates the boxicity of a graph G with a natural partial order associated with its extended double cover, denoted as G(c). Let P-c be the natural height-2 poset associated with G(c) by making A the set of minimal elements and B the set of maximal elements. We show that box(G)/2 <= dim(P-c) <= 2box(G) + 4. These results have some immediate and significant consequences. The upper bound dim(P) <= 2box(G(P)) allows us to derive hitherto unknown upper bounds for poset dimension. In the other direction, using the already known bounds for partial order dimension we get the following: (I) The boxicity of any graph with maximum degree Delta is O(Delta log(2) Delta) which is an improvement over the best known upper bound of Delta(2) + 2. (2) There exist graphs with boxicity Omega(Delta log Delta). This disproves a conjecture that the boxicity of a graph is O(Delta). (3) There exists no polynomial-time algorithm to approximate the boxicity of a bipartite graph on n vertices with a factor of O(n(0.5-epsilon)) for any epsilon > 0, unless NP=ZPP.


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Rotating shear flows, when angular momentum increases and angular velocity decreases as functions of radiation coordinate, are hydrodynamically stable under linear perturbation. The Keplerian flow is an example of such a system, which appears in an astrophysical context. Although decaying eigenmodes exhibit large transient energy growth of perturbation which could govern nonlinearity in the system, the feedback of inherent instability to generate turbulence seems questionable. We show that such systems exhibiting growing pseudo-eigenmodes easily reach an upper bound of growth rate in terms of the logarithmic norm of the involved non-normal operators, thus exhibiting feedback of inherent instability. This supports the existence of turbulence of hydrodynamic origin in the Keplerian accretion disc in astrophysics. Hence, this answers the question of the mismatch between the linear theory and experimental/observed data and helps in resolving the outstanding question of the origin of turbulence therein.


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We propose F-norm of the cross-correlation part of the array covariance matrix as a measure of correlation between the impinging signals and study the performance of different decorrelation methods in the broadband case using this measure. We first show that dimensionality of the composite signal subspace, defined as the number of significant eigenvectors of the source sample covariance matrix, collapses in the presence of multipath and the spatial smoothing recovers this dimensionality. Using an upper bound on the proposed measure, we then study the decorrelation of the broadband signals with spatial smoothing and the effect of spacing and directions of the sources on the rate of decorrelation with progressive smoothing. Next, we introduce a weighted smoothing method based on Toeplitz-block-Toeplitz (TBT) structuring of the data covariance matrix which decorrelates the signals much faster than the spatial smoothing. Computer simulations are included to demonstrate the performance of the two methods.


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The problem of finding the horizontal pullout capacity of vertical anchors embedded in sands with the inclusion of pseudostatic horizontal earthquake body forces, was tackled in this note. The analysis was carried out using an upper bound limit analysis, with the consideration of two different collapse mechanisms: bilinear and composite logarithmic spiral rupture surfaces. The results are presented in nondimensional form to find the pullout resistance with changes in earthquake acceleration for different combinations of embedment ratio of the anchor (lambda), friction angle of the soil (phi), and the anchor-soil interface wall friction angle (delta). The pullout resistance decreases quite substantially with increases in the magnitude of the earthquake acceleration. For values of delta up to about 0.25-0.5phi, the bilinear and composite logarithmic spiral rupture surfaces gave almost identical answers, whereas for higher values of delta, the choice of the logarithmic spiral provides significantly smaller pullout resistance. The results compare favorably with the existing theoretical data.


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Consider a sequence of closed, orientable surfaces of fixed genus g in a Riemannian manifold M with uniform upper bounds on the norm of mean curvature and area. We show that on passing to a subsequence, we can choose parametrisations of the surfaces by inclusion maps from a fixed surface of the same genus so that the distance functions corresponding to the pullback metrics converge to a pseudo-metric and the inclusion maps converge to a Lipschitz map. We show further that the limiting pseudo-metric has fractal dimension two. As a corollary, we obtain a purely geometric result. Namely, we show that bounds on the mean curvature, area and genus of a surface F subset of M, together with bounds on the geometry of M, give an upper bound on the diameter of F. Our proof is modelled on Gromov's compactness theorem for J-holomorphic curves.


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Model Reference Adaptive Control (MRAC) of a wide repertoire of stable Linear Time Invariant (LTI) systems is addressed here. Even an upper bound on the order of the finite-dimensional system is unavailable. Further, the unknown plant is permitted to have both minimum phase and nonminimum phase zeros. Model following with reference to a completely specified reference model excited by a class of piecewise continuous bounded signals is the goal. The problem is approached by taking recourse to the time moments representation of an LTI system. The treatment here is confined to Single-Input Single-Output (SISO) systems. The adaptive controller is built upon an on-line scheme for time moment estimation of a system given no more than its input and output. As a first step, a cascade compensator is devised. The primary contribution lies in developing a unified framework to eventually address with more finesse the problem of adaptive control of a large family of plants allowed to be minimum or nonminimum phase. Thus, the scheme presented in this paper is confined to lay the basis for more refined compensators-cascade, feedback and both-initially for SISO systems and progressively for Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) systems. Simulations are presented.


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Rainbow connection number, rc(G), of a connected graph G is the minimum number of colours needed to colour its edges, so that every pair of vertices is connected by at least one path in which no two edges are coloured the same. In this note we show that for every bridgeless graph G with radius r, rc(G) <= r(r+2). We demonstrate that this bound is the best possible for rc(G) as a function of r, not just for bridgeless graphs, but also for graphs of any stronger connectivity. It may be noted that, for a general 1-connected graph G, rc(G) can be arbitrarily larger than its radius (K_{1,n} for instance). We further show that for every bridgeless graph G with radius r and chordality (size of a largest induced cycle) k, rc(G) <= rk. Hitherto, the only reported upper bound on the rainbow connection number of bridgeless graphs is 4n/5 - 1, where n is order of the graph [Caro et al., 2008]


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Two families of low correlation QAM sequences are presented here. In a CDMA setting, these sequences have the ability to transport a large amount of data as well as enable variable-rate signaling on the reverse link. The first family Á2SQ - B2− is constructed by interleaving 2 selected QAM sequences. This family is defined over M 2-QAM, where M = 2 m , m ≥ 2. Over 16-QAM, the normalized maximum correlation [`(q)]maxmax is bounded above by <~1.17 ÖNUnknown control sequence '\lesssim' , where N is the period of the sequences in the family. This upper bound on [`(q)]maxmax is the lowest among all known sequence families over 16-QAM.The second family Á4SQ4 is constructed by interleaving 4 selected QAM sequences. This family is defined over M 2-QAM, where M = 2 m , m ≥ 3, i.e., 64-QAM and beyond. The [`(q)]maxmax for sequences in this family over 64-QAM is upper bounded by <~1.60 ÖNUnknown control sequence '\lesssim' . For large M, [`(q)]max <~1.64 ÖNUnknown control sequence '\lesssim' . These upper bounds on [`(q)]maxmax are the lowest among all known sequence families over M 2-QAM, M = 2 m , m ≥ 3.


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Diversity embedded space time codes are high rate codes that are designed such that they have a high diversity code embedded within them. A recent work by Diggavi and Tse characterizes the performance limits that can be achieved by diversity embedded space-time codes in terms of the achievable Diversity Multiplexing Tradeoff (DMT). In particular, they have shown that the trade off is successively refinable for rayleigh fading channels with one degree of freedom using superposition coding and Successive Interference Cancellation (SIC). However, for Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) channels, the questions of successive refinability remains open. We consider MIMO Channels under superposition coding and SIC. We derive an upper bound on the successive refinement characteristics of the DMT. We then construct explicit space time codes that achieve the derived upper bound. These codes, constructed from cyclic division algebras, have minimal delay. Our results establish that when the channel has more than one degree of freedom, the DMT is not successive refinable using superposition coding and SIC. The channels considered in this work can have arbitrary fading statistics.


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We consider the problem of maintaining information about the rank of a matrix $M$ under changes to its entries. For an $n \times n$ matrix $M$, we show an amortized upper bound of $O(n^{\omega-1})$ arithmetic operations per change for this problem, where $\omega < 2.376$ is the exponent for matrix multiplication, under the assumption that there is a {\em lookahead} of up to $\Theta(n)$ locations. That is, we know up to the next $\Theta(n)$ locations $(i_1,j_1),(i_2,j_2),\ldots,$ whose entries are going to change, in advance; however we do not know the new entries in these locations in advance. We get the new entries in these locations in a dynamic manner.


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Transfer function coefficients (TFC) are widely used to test linear analog circuits for parametric and catastrophic faults. This paper presents closed form expressions for an upper bound on the defect level (DL) and a lower bound on fault coverage (FC) achievable in TFC based test method. The computed bounds have been tested and validated on several benchmark circuits. Further, application of these bounds to scalable RC ladder networks reveal a number of interesting characteristics. The approach adopted here is general and can be extended to find bounds of DL and FC of other parametric test methods for linear and non-linear circuits.


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The lifetime calculation of large dense sensor networks with fixed energy resources and the remaining residual energy have shown that for a constant energy resource in a sensor network the fault rate at the cluster head is network size invariant when using the network layer with no MAC losses.Even after increasing the battery capacities in the nodes the total lifetime does not increase after a max limit of 8 times. As this is a serious limitation lots of research has been done at the MAC layer which allows to adapt to the specific connectivity, traffic and channel polling needs for sensor networks. There have been lots of MAC protocols which allow to control the channel polling of new radios which are available to sensor nodes to communicate. This further reduces the communication overhead by idling and sleep scheduling thus extending the lifetime of the monitoring application. We address the two issues which effects the distributed characteristics and performance of connected MAC nodes. (1) To determine the theoretical minimum rate based on joint coding for a correlated data source at the singlehop, (2a) to estimate cluster head errors using Bayesian rule for routing using persistence clustering when node densities are the same and stored using prior probability at the network layer, (2b) to estimate the upper bound of routing errors when using passive clustering were the node densities at the multi-hop MACS are unknown and not stored at the multi-hop nodes a priori. In this paper we evaluate many MAC based sensor network protocols and study the effects on sensor network lifetime. A renewable energy MAC routing protocol is designed when the probabilities of active nodes are not known a priori. From theoretical derivations we show that for a Bayesian rule with known class densities of omega1, omega2 with expected error P* is bounded by max error rate of P=2P* for single-hop. We study the effects of energy losses using cross-layer simulation of - large sensor network MACS setup, the error rate which effect finding sufficient node densities to have reliable multi-hop communications due to unknown node densities. The simulation results show that even though the lifetime is comparable the expected Bayesian posterior probability error bound is close or higher than Pges2P*.


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High-rate analysis of channel-optimized vector quantizationThis paper considers the high-rate performance of channel optimized source coding for noisy discrete symmetric channels with random index assignment. Specifically, with mean squared error (MSE) as the performance metric, an upper bound on the asymptotic (i.e., high-rate) distortion is derived by assuming a general structure on the codebook. This structure enables extension of the analysis of the channel optimized source quantizer to one with a singular point density: for channels with small errors, the point density that minimizes the upper bound is continuous, while as the error rate increases, the point density becomes singular. The extent of the singularity is also characterized. The accuracy of the expressions obtained are verified through Monte Carlo simulations.