58 resultados para spontaneouly generated coherence


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Quantum coherence can affect the thermodynamics of small quantum systems. Coherences have been shown to affect the power generated by a quantum heat engine (QHE) which is coupled to two thermal photon reservoirs and to an additional cavity mode. We show that the fluctuations of the heat exchanged between the QHE and the reservoirs strongly depend on quantum coherence, especially when the engine operates as a refrigerator, i.e., heat current flows from the cold bath to the hot bath. Intriguingly, we find that the ratio of positive and negative (with respect to the thermodynamic force) fluctuations in the heat current satisfies a universal coherence-independent fluctuation theorem.


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A number of spectral analysis of surface waves (SASW) tests were performed on asphaltic road pavements by dropping a metallic 6.5 kg sphere, from a height (H) ranging from 1 to 3 m. Various combinations of source to first receiver distance (S) and receiver spacing (X) were employed. By increasing the height of the fall of the dropping mass, the maximum wavelength (lambda(max)), up to which the shear wave velocity profile can be predicted with the usage of the SASW measurements, was found to increase continuously. The height of fall of the dropping mass also seems to affect the admissible range of the wavelength for given combinations of X and S. Irrespective of different chosen combinations of S, X and H, a unique combined dispersion curve was generated in all the cases for a given pavement site as long as the threshold minimum value of the coherence function is greater than 0.90.


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We address the reconstruction problem in frequency-domain optical-coherence tomography (FDOCT) from under-sampled measurements within the framework of compressed sensing (CS). Specifically, we propose optimal sparsifying bases for accurate reconstruction by analyzing the backscattered signal model. Although one might expect Fourier bases to be optimal for the FDOCT reconstruction problem, it turns out that the optimal sparsifying bases are windowed cosine functions where the window is the magnitude spectrum of the laser source. Further, the windowed cosine bases can be phase locked, which allows one to obtain higher accuracy in reconstruction. We present experimental validations on real data. The findings reported in this Letter are useful for optimal dictionary design within the framework of CS-FDOCT. (C) 2012 Optical Society of America


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We address the problem of phase retrieval, which is frequently encountered in optical imaging. The measured quantity is the magnitude of the Fourier spectrum of a function (in optics, the function is also referred to as an object). The goal is to recover the object based on the magnitude measurements. In doing so, the standard assumptions are that the object is compactly supported and positive. In this paper, we consider objects that admit a sparse representation in some orthonormal basis. We develop a variant of the Fienup algorithm to incorporate the condition of sparsity and to successively estimate and refine the phase starting from the magnitude measurements. We show that the proposed iterative algorithm possesses Cauchy convergence properties. As far as the modality is concerned, we work with measurements obtained using a frequency-domain optical-coherence tomography experimental setup. The experimental results on real measured data show that the proposed technique exhibits good reconstruction performance even with fewer coefficients taken into account for reconstruction. It also suppresses the autocorrelation artifacts to a significant extent since it estimates the phase accurately.


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The H-1 NMR spectroscopic discrimination of enantiomers in the solution state and the measurement of enantiomeric composition is most often hindered due to either very small chemical shift differences between the discriminated peaks or severe overlap of transitions from other chemically non-equivalent protons. In addition the use of chiral auxiliaries such as, crown ether and chiral lanthanide shift reagent may often cause enormous line broadening or give little degree of discrimination beyond the crown ether substrate ratio, hampering the discrimination. In circumventing such problems we are proposing the utilization of the difference in the additive values of all the chemical shifts of a scalar coupled spin system. The excitation and detection of appropriate highest quantum coherence yields the measurable difference in the frequencies between two transitions, one pertaining to each enantiomer in the maximum quantum dimension permitting their discrimination and the F-2 cross section at each of these frequencies yields an enantiopure spectrum. The advantage of the utility of the proposed method is demonstrated on several chiral compounds where the conventional one dimensional H-1 NMR spectra fail to differentiate the enantiomers.


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A novel, user-friendly, and convenient method for the synthesis of trisubstituted thioureas of arylamines is presented, for the first time, using in situ generated dithiocarbamates of secondary amines. This strategy provides an excellent opportunity to access thioureas containing primary aryl amines. A non-isothiocyanate route to obtain thioureas is the advantage of this strategy, which may provide a useful route to synthesize a variety of biologically active derivatives of thioureas.


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Facet-based sentiment analysis involves discovering the latent facets, sentiments and their associations. Traditional facet-based sentiment analysis algorithms typically perform the various tasks in sequence, and fail to take advantage of the mutual reinforcement of the tasks. Additionally,inferring sentiment levels typically requires domain knowledge or human intervention. In this paper, we propose aseries of probabilistic models that jointly discover latent facets and sentiment topics, and also order the sentiment topics with respect to a multi-point scale, in a language and domain independent manner. This is achieved by simultaneously capturing both short-range syntactic structure and long range semantic dependencies between the sentiment and facet words. The models further incorporate coherence in reviews, where reviewers dwell on one facet or sentiment level before moving on, for more accurate facet and sentiment discovery. For reviews which are supplemented with ratings, our models automatically order the latent sentiment topics, without requiring seed-words or domain-knowledge. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first attempt to combine the notions of syntactic and semantic dependencies in the domain of review mining. Further, the concept of facet and sentiment coherence has not been explored earlier either. Extensive experimental results on real world review data show that the proposed models outperform various state of the art baselines for facet-based sentiment analysis.


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Recently it has been discovered---contrary to expectations of physicists as well as biologists---that the energy transport during photosynthesis, from the chlorophyll pigment that captures the photon to the reaction centre where glucose is synthesised from carbon dioxide and water, is highly coherent even at ambient temperature and in the cellular environment. This process and the key molecular ingredients that it depends on are described. By looking at the process from the computer science view-point, we can study what has been optimised and how. A spatial search algorithmic model based on robust features of wave dynamics is presented.


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There are many popular models available for classification of documents like Naïve Bayes Classifier, k-Nearest Neighbors and Support Vector Machine. In all these cases, the representation is based on the “Bag of words” model. This model doesn't capture the actual semantic meaning of a word in a particular document. Semantics are better captured by proximity of words and their occurrence in the document. We propose a new “Bag of Phrases” model to capture this discriminative power of phrases for text classification. We present a novel algorithm to extract phrases from the corpus using the well known topic model, Latent Dirichlet Allocation(LDA), and to integrate them in vector space model for classification. Experiments show a better performance of classifiers with the new Bag of Phrases model against related representation models.


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We theoretically explore the annihilation of vortex dipoles, generated when an obstacle moves through an oblate Bose-Einstein condensate, and examine the energetics of the annihilation event. We show that the grey soliton, which results from the vortex dipole annihilation, is lower in energy than the vortex dipole. We also investigate the annihilation events numerically and observe that annihilation occurs only when the vortex dipole overtakes the obstacle and comes closer than the coherence length. Furthermore, we find that noise reduces the probability of annihilation events. This may explain the lack of annihilation events in experimental realizations.


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HgSe and Hg0.5Cd0.5Se quantum dos (QDs) are synthesized at room temperature by a novel liquid-liquid interface method and their photodetection properties in the near-IR region are investigated. The photodetection properties of our Te-free systems are found to be comparable to those of the previously reported high performance QD vis-IR detectors including HgTe. The present synthesis indicates the cost-effectiveness of selenium based IR detectors owing to the abundance and lower toxicity of selenium compared to tellurium.


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Exploiting the performance potential of GPUs requires managing the data transfers to and from them efficiently which is an error-prone and tedious task. In this paper, we develop a software coherence mechanism to fully automate all data transfers between the CPU and GPU without any assistance from the programmer. Our mechanism uses compiler analysis to identify potential stale accesses and uses a runtime to initiate transfers as necessary. This allows us to avoid redundant transfers that are exhibited by all other existing automatic memory management proposals. We integrate our automatic memory manager into the X10 compiler and runtime, and find that it not only results in smaller and simpler programs, but also eliminates redundant memory transfers. Tested on eight programs ported from the Rodinia benchmark suite it achieves (i) a 1.06x speedup over hand-tuned manual memory management, and (ii) a 1.29x speedup over another recently proposed compiler--runtime automatic memory management system. Compared to other existing runtime-only and compiler-only proposals, it also transfers 2.2x to 13.3x less data on average.


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Multiple input multiple output (MIMO) systems with large number of antennas have been gaining wide attention as they enable very high throughputs. A major impediment is the complexity at the receiver needed to detect the transmitted data. To this end we propose a new receiver, called LRR (Linear Regression of MMSE Residual), which improves the MMSE receiver by learning a linear regression model for the error of the MMSE receiver. The LRR receiver uses pilot data to estimate the channel, and then uses locally generated training data (not transmitted over the channel), to find the linear regression parameters. The proposed receiver is suitable for applications where the channel remains constant for a long period (slow-fading channels) and performs quite well: at a bit error rate (BER) of 10(-3), the SNR gain over MMSE receiver is about 7 dB for a 16 x 16 system; for a 64 x 64 system the gain is about 8.5 dB. For large coherence time, the complexity order of the LRR receiver is the same as that of the MMSE receiver, and in simulations we find that it needs about 4 times as many floating point operations. We also show that further gain of about 4 dB is obtained by local search around the estimate given by the LRR receiver.


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The basic objective in the present study is to show that for the most common configuration of an impactor system, an accelerometer cannot exactly reproduce the dynamic response of a specimen subject to impact loading. Assessment of the accelerometer mounted in a drop-weight impactor setup for an axially loaded specimen is done with the aid of an equivalent lumped parameter model (LPM) of the setup. A steel hat-type specimen under the impact loading is represented as a non-linear spring of varying stiffness, while the accelerometer is assumed to behave in a linear manner due to its high stiffness. A suitable numerical approach has been used to solve the non-linear governing equations for a 3 degrees-of-freedom system in a piece-wise linear manner. The numerical solution following an explicit time integration scheme is used to yield an excellent reproduction of the mechanical behavior of the specimen thereby confirming the accuracy of the numerical approach. The spring representing the accelerometer, however, predicts a response that qualitatively matches the assumed load–displacement response of the test specimen with a perceptibly lower magnitude of load.


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We demonstrate that the universal conductance fluctuations (UCF) can be used as a direct probe to study the valley quantum states in disordered graphene. The UCF magnitude in graphene is suppressed by a factor of four at high carrier densities where the short-range disorder essentially breaks the valley degeneracy of the K and K' valleys, leading to a density dependent crossover of symmetry class from symplectic near the Dirac point to orthogonal at high densities.