101 resultados para sensor grid database system


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The design and implementation of a complete gas sensor system for liquified petroleum gas (LPG) gas sensing are presented. The system consists of a SnO2 transducer, a lowcost heater, an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) with front-end interface circuitry, and a microcontroller interface for data logging. The ASIC includes a relaxation-oscillator-based heater driver circuit that is capable of controlling the sensor operating temperature from 100degC to 425degC. The sensor readout circuit in the ASIC, which is based on the resistance to time conversion technique, has been designed to measure the gas sensor response over three orders of resistance change during its interaction with gases.


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Conformational studies have been carried out on hydrogenbonded all-trans cyclic pentapeptide backbone. Application of a combination of grid search and energy minimization on this system has resulted in obtaining 23 minimum energy conformations, which are characterized by unique patterns of hydrogen bonding comprising of β- and γ-turns. A study of the minimum energy conformationsvis-a-vis non-planar deviation of the peptide units reveals that non-planarity is an inherent feature in many cases. A study on conformational clustering of minimum energy conformations shows that the minimum energy conformations fall into 6 distinct conformational families. Preliminary comparison with available X-ray structures of cyclic pentapeptide indicates that only some of the minimum energy conformations have formed crystal structures. The set of minimum energy conformations worked out in the present study can form a consolidated database of prototypes for hydrogen bonded backbone and be useful for modelling cyclic pentapeptides both synthetic and bioactive in nature.


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One of the critical issues in large scale commercial exploitation of MEMS technology is its system integration. In MEMS, a system design approach requires integration of varied and disparate subsystems with one of a kind interface. The physical scales as well as the magnitude of signals of various subsystems vary widely. Known and proven integration techniques often lead to considerable loss in advantages the tiny MEMS sensors have to offer. Therefore, it becomes imperative to think of the entire system at the outset, at least in terms of the concept design. Such design entails various aspects of the system ranging from selection of material, transduction mechanism, structural configuration, interface electronics, and packaging. One way of handling this problem is the system-in-package approach that uses optimized technology for each function using the concurrent hybrid engineering approach. The main strength of this design approach is the fast time to prototype development. In the present work, we pursue this approach for a MEMS load cell to complete the process of system integration for high capacity load sensing. The system includes; a micromachined sensing gauge, interface electronics and a packaging module representing a system-in-package ready for end characterization. The various subsystems are presented in a modular stacked form using hybrid technologies. The micromachined sensing subsystem works on principles of piezo-resistive sensing and is fabricated using CMOS compatible processes. The structural configuration of the sensing layer is designed to reduce the offset, temperature drift, and residual stress effects of the piezo-resistive sensor. ANSYS simulations are carried out to study the effect of substrate coupling on sensor structure and its sensitivity. The load cell system has built-in electronics for signal conditioning, processing, and communication, taking into consideration the issues associated with resolution of minimum detectable signal. The packaged system represents a compact and low cost solution for high capacity load sensing in the category of compressive type load sensor.


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With the liberalisation of electricity market it has become very important to determine the participants making use of the transmission network.Transmission line usage computation requires information of generator to load contributions and the path used by various generators to meet loads and losses. In this study relative electrical distance (RED) concept is used to compute reactive power contributions from various sources like generators, switchable volt-amperes reactive(VAR) sources and line charging susceptances that are scattered throughout the network, to meet the system demands. The transmission line charge susceptances contribution to the system reactive flows and its aid extended in reducing the reactive generation at the generator buses are discussed in this paper. Reactive power transmission cost evaluation is carried out in this study. The proposed approach is also compared with other approaches viz.,proportional sharing and modified Y-bus.Detailed case studies with base case and optimised results are carried out on a sample 8-bus system. IEEE 39-bus system and a practical 72-bus system, an equivalent of Indian Southern grid are also considered for illustration and results are discussed.


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An instrument for simultaneous measurement of dynamic strain and temperature in a thermally unstable ambience has been proposed, based on fiber Bragg grating technology. The instrument can function as a compact and stand-alone broadband thermometer and a dynamic strain gauge. It employs a source wavelength tracking procedure for linear dependence of the output on the measurand, offering high dynamic range. Two schemes have been demonstrated with their relative merits. As a thermometer, the present instrumental configuration can offer a linear response in excess of 500 degrees C that can be easily extended by adding a suitable grating and source without any alteration in the procedure. Temperature sensitivity is about 0.06 degrees C for a bandwidth of 1 Hz. For the current grating, the upper limit of strain measurement is about 150 mu epsilon with a sensitivity of about 80 n epsilon Hz(-1/2). The major source of uncertainty associated with dynamic strain measurement is the laser source intensity noise, which is of broad spectral band. A low noise source device or the use of optical power regulators can offer improved performance. The total harmonic distortion is less than 0.5% up to about 50 mu epsilon, 1.2% at 100 mu epsilon and about 2.3% at 150 mu epsilon. Calibrated results of temperature and strain measurement with the instrument have been presented. Traces of ultrasound signals recorded by the system at 200 kHz, in an ambience of 100-200 degrees C temperature fluctuation, have been included. Also, the vibration spectrum and engine temperature of a running internal combustion engine has been recorded as a realistic application of the system.


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In this paper we have proposed and implemented a joint Medium Access Control (MAC) -cum- Routing scheme for environment data gathering sensor networks. The design principle uses node 'battery lifetime' maximization to be traded against a network that is capable of tolerating: A known percentage of combined packet losses due to packet collisions, network synchronization mismatch and channel impairments Significant end-to-end delay of an order of few seconds We have achieved this with a loosely synchronized network of sensor nodes that implement Slotted-Aloha MAC state machine together with route information. The scheme has given encouraging results in terms of energy savings compared to other popular implementations. The overall packet loss is about 12%. The battery life time increase compared to B-MAC varies from a minimum of 30% to about 90% depending on the duty cycle.


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We consider a single-hop data-gathering sensor network, consisting of a set of sensor nodes that transmit data periodically to a base-station. We are interested in maximizing the lifetime of this network. With our definition of network lifetime and the assumption that the radio transmission energy consumption forms the most significant portion of the total energy consumption at a sensor node, we attempt to enhance the network lifetime by reducing the transmission energy budget of sensor nodes by exploiting three system-level opportunities. We pose the problem of maximizing lifetime as a max-min optimization problem subject to the constraint of successful data collection and limited energy supply at each node. This turns out to be an extremely difficult optimization to solve. To reduce the complexity of this problem, we allow the sensor nodes and the base-station to interactively communicate with each other and employ instantaneous decoding at the base-station. The chief contribution of the paper is to show that the computational complexity of our problem is determined by the complex interplay of various system-level opportunities and challenges.


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In this paper, we propose a new security metric for measuring resilience of a symmetric key distribution scheme in wireless sensor network. A polynomial-based and a novel complete connectivity schemes are proposed and an analytical comparison, in terms of security and connectivity, between the schemes is shown. Motivated by the schemes, we derive general expressions for security and connectivity. A number of conclusions are made using these general expressions.


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This paper presents a low cost but high resolution retinal image acquisition system of the human eye. The images acquired by a CMOS image sensor are communicated through the Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface to a personal computer for viewing and further processing. The image acquisition time was estimated to be 2.5 seconds. This system can also be used in telemedicine applications.


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Balance and stability are very important for everybody and especially for sports-person who undergo extreme physical activities. Balance and stability exercises not only have a great impact on the performance of the sportsperson but also play a pivotal role in their rehabilitation. Therefore, it is very essential to have knowledge about a sportsperson’s balance and also to quantify the same. In this work, we propose a system consisting of a wobble board, with a gyro enhanced orientation sensor and a motion display for visual feedback to help the sportsperson improve their stability. The display unit gives in real time the orientation of the wobble board, which can help the sportsperson to apply necessary corrective forces to maintain neutral position. The system is compact and portable. We also quantify balance and stability using power spectral density. The sportsperson is made stand on the wobble board and the angular orientation of the wobble board is recorded for each 0.1 second interval. The signal is analized using discrete Fourier transforms. The power of this signal is related to the stability of the subject. This procedure is used to measure the balance and stability of an elite cricket team. Representative results are shown below: Table 1 represents power comparison of two subjects and Table 2 represents power comparison of left leg and right leg of one subject. This procedure can also be used in clinical practice to monitor improvement in stability dysfunction of sportsperson with injuries or other related problems undergoing rehabilitation.


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We share our experience in planning, designing and deploying a wireless sensor network of one square kilometre area. Environmental data such as soil moisture, temperature, barometric pressure, and relative humidity are collected in this area situated in the semi-arid region of Karnataka, India. It is a hope that information derived from this data will benefit the marginal farmer towards improving his farming practices. Soon after establishing the need for such a project, we begin by showing the big picture of such a data gathering network, the software architecture we have used, the range measurements needed for determining the sensor density, and the packaging issues that seem to play a crucial role in field deployments. Our field deployment experiences include designing with intermittent grid power, enhancing software tools to aid quicker and effective deployment, and flash memory corruption. The first results on data gathering look encouraging.


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A design methodology for wave-absorbing active material system is reported. The design enforces equivalence between an assumed material model having wave-absorbing behavior and a set of target feedback controllers for an array of microelectro-mechanical transducers which are integral part of the active material system. The proposed methodology is applicable to problems involving the control of acoustic waves in passive-active material system with complex constitutive behavior at different length-scales. A stress relaxation type one-dimensional constitutive model involving viscous damping mechanism is considered, which shows asymmetric wave dispersion characteristics about the half-line. The acoustic power flow and asymptotic stability of such material system are studied. A single sensor non-collocated linear feedback control system in a one-dimensional finite waveguide, which is a representative volume element in an active material system, is considered. Equivalence between the exact dynamic equilibrium of these two systems is imposed. It results in the solution space of the design variables, namely the equivalent damping coefficient, the wavelength(s) to be controlled and the location of the sensor. The characteristics of the controller transfer functions and their pole-placement problem are studied. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Driven nonequilibrium structural phase transformation has been probed using time-varying resistance fluctuations or noise. We demonstrate that the non-Gaussian component (NGC) of noise obtained by evaluating the higher-order statistics of fluctuations, serves as a simple kinetic detector of these phase transitions. Using the Martensite transformation in free-standing wires of nickel-titanium binary alloys as a prototype, we observe clear deviations from the Gaussian background in the transformation zone, indicative of the long-range correlations in the system as the phase transforms. The viability of non-Gaussian statistics as a robust probe to structural phase transition was also confirmed by comparing the results from differential scanning calorimetry measurements. We further studied the response of the NGC to the modifications in the microstructure on repeated thermal cycling, as well as the variations in the temperature-drive rate, and explained the results using established simplistic models based on the different competing time scales. Our experiments (i) suggest an alternative method to estimate the transformation temperature scales with high accuracy and (ii) establish a connection between the material-specific evolution of microstructure to the statistics of its linear response. Since the method depends on an in-built long-range correlation during transformation, it could be portable to other structural transitions, as well as to materials of different physical origin and size.


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This paper aims at evaluating the methods of multiclass support vector machines (SVMs) for effective use in distance relay coordination. Also, it describes a strategy of supportive systems to aid the conventional protection philosophy in combating situations where protection systems have maloperated and/or information is missing and provide selective and secure coordinations. SVMs have considerable potential as zone classifiers of distance relay coordination. This typically requires a multiclass SVM classifier to effectively analyze/build the underlying concept between reach of different zones and the apparent impedance trajectory during fault. Several methods have been proposed for multiclass classification where typically several binary SVM classifiers are combined together. Some authors have extended binary SVM classification to one-step single optimization operation considering all classes at once. In this paper, one-step multiclass classification, one-against-all, and one-against-one multiclass methods are compared for their performance with respect to accuracy, number of iterations, number of support vectors, training, and testing time. The performance analysis of these three methods is presented on three data sets belonging to training and testing patterns of three supportive systems for a region and part of a network, which is an equivalent 526-bus system of the practical Indian Western grid.


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Grover's database search algorithm, although discovered in the context of quantum computation, can be implemented using any physical system that allows superposition of states. A physical realization of this algorithm is described using coupled simple harmonic oscillators, which can be exactly solved in both classical and quantum domains. Classical wave algorithms are far more stable against decoherence compared to their quantum counterparts. In addition to providing convenient demonstration models, they may have a role in practical situations, such as catalysis.