53 resultados para resonance in creative nonfiction


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The results of an NMR study of the interaction of quinazoline with iodine in the nematic phase indicate the formation of at least two different types of charge-transfer complexes. Significant changes in the molecular geometry of the quinazoline moiety were observed as a result of complexation with iodine. Detailed information on the formation of the charge-transfer complexes was derived from the changes in the molecular structure, order parameters and chemical shifts as functions of iodine concentration. The observed changes in the order parameters are interpreted in terms of bond interaction tensors.


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Chlorine-35 NQR frequency and spin-lattice relaxation time measurements as a function of temperature in the range 77-300 K were carried out on 2-amino-3,5-dichloropyridine. Two NQR signals were observed and were assigned to the two chlorines present in the molecule using the additive model for substituent effects. The temperature dependence of the NQR frequency was analysed in terms of the torsional oscillations of the molecule and the torsional frequencies and their temperature dependence were calculated numerically using a two-mode approximation. The temperature dependence of the NQR spin-lattice relaxation time was found to be mainly due to the torsional oscillations of the molecule, with anharmonicity effects showing up at higher temperatures. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The design of machine foundations are done on the basis of two principal criteria viz., vibration amplitude should be within the permissible limits and natural frequency of machine-foundation-soil system should be away from the operating frequency (i.e. avoidance of resonance condition). In this paper the nondimensional amplitude factor M-m or M-r m and the nondimensional frequency factor a(o m) at resonance are related using elastic half space theory and is used as a new approach for a simplified design procedure for the design of machine foundations for all the modes of vibration fiz. vertical, horizontal, rocking and torsional for rigid base pressure distribution and weighted average displacement condition. The analysis show that one need not know the value of Poisson's ratio for rotating mass system for all the modes of vibration.


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This paper presents the design and performance analysis of a detector based on suprathreshold stochastic resonance (SSR) for the detection of deterministic signals in heavy-tailed non-Gaussian noise. The detector consists of a matched filter preceded by an SSR system which acts as a preprocessor. The SSR system is composed of an array of 2-level quantizers with independent and identically distributed (i.i.d) noise added to the input of each quantizer. The standard deviation sigma of quantizer noise is chosen to maximize the detection probability for a given false alarm probability. In the case of a weak signal, the optimum sigma also minimizes the mean-square difference between the output of the quantizer array and the output of the nonlinear transformation of the locally optimum detector. The optimum sigma depends only on the probability density functions (pdfs) of input noise and quantizer noise for weak signals, and also on the signal amplitude and the false alarm probability for non-weak signals. Improvement in detector performance stems primarily from quantization and to a lesser extent from the optimization of quantizer noise. For most input noise pdfs, the performance of the SSR detector is very close to that of the optimum detector. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The pressure dependences of Cl-35 nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) frequency, temperature and pressure variation of spin lattice relaxation time (T-1) were investigated in 3,4-dichlorophenol. T-1 was measured in the temperature range 77-300 K. Furthermore, the NQR frequency and T-1 for these compounds were measured as a function of pressure up to 5 kbar at 300 K. The temperature dependence of the average torsional lifetimes of the molecules and the transition probabilities W-1 and W-2 for the Delta m = +/- 1 and Delta m = +/- 2 transitions were also obtained. A nonlinear variation of NQR frequency with pressure has been observed and the pressure coefficients were observed to be positive. A thermodynamic analysis of the data was carried out to determine the constant volume temperature coefficients of the NQR frequency. An attempt is made to compare the torsional frequencies evaluated from NQR data with those obtained by IR spectra. On selecting the appropriate mode from IR spectra, a good agreement with torsional frequency obtained from NQR data is observed. The previously mentioned approach is a good illustration of the supplementary nature of the data from IR studies, in relation to NQR studies of compounds in solid state.


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Recent advances in the generation of synthetic gauge fields in cold atomic systems have stimulated interest in the physics of interacting bosons and fermions in them. In this paper, we discuss interacting two-component fermionic systems in uniform non-Abelian gauge fields that produce a spin-orbit interaction and uniform spin potentials. Two classes of gauge fields discussed include those that produce a Rashba spin-orbit interaction and the type of gauge fields (SM gauge fields) obtained in experiments by the Shanxi and MIT groups. For high symmetry Rashba gauge fields, a two-particle bound state exists even for a vanishingly small attractive interaction described by a scattering length. Upon increasing the strength of a Rashba gauge field, a finite density of weakly interacting fermions undergoes a crossover from a BCS like ground state to a BEC state of a new kind of boson called the rashbon whose properties are determined solely by the gauge field and not by the interaction between the fermions. The rashbon Bose-Einstein condensate (RBEC) is a quite intriguing state with the rashbon-rashbon interactions being independent of the fermion-fermion interactions (scattering length). Furthermore, we show that the RBEC has a transition temperature of the order of the Fermi temperature, suggesting routes to enhance the transition temperatures of weakly interacting superfluids by tuning the spin-orbit coupling. For the SM gauge fields, we show that in a regime of parameters, a pair of particles with finite centre-of-mass momentum is the most strongly bound. In other regimes of centre-of-mass momenta, there is no two-body bound state, but a resonance like feature appears in the scattering continuum. In the many-body setting, this results in flow enhanced pairing. Also, strongly interacting normal states utilizing the scattering resonance can be created opening the possibility of studying properties of helical Fermi liquids. This paper contains a general discussion of the physics of Feshbach resonance in a non-Abelian gauge field, where several novel features such as centre-of-mass-momentum-dependent effective interactions are shown. It is also shown that a uniform non-Abelian gauge field in conjunction with a spatial potential can be used to generate novel Hamiltonians; we discuss an explicit example of the generation of a monopole Hamiltonian.


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The subiculum, considered to be the output structure of the hippocampus, modulates information flow from the hippocampus to various cortical and sub-cortical areas such as the nucleus accumbens, lateral septal region, thalamus, nucleus gelatinosus, medial nucleus and mammillary nuclei. Tonic inhibitory current plays an important role in neuronal physiology and pathophysiology by modulating the electrophysiological properties of neurons. While the alterations of various electrical properties due to tonic inhibition have been studied in neurons from different regions, its influence on intrinsic subthreshold resonance in pyramidal excitatory neurons expressing hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels is not known. Using pharmacological agents, we show the involvement of alpha 5 beta gamma GABA(A) receptors in the picrotoxin-sensitive tonic current in subicular pyramidal neurons. We further investigated the contribution of tonic conductance in regulating subthreshold electrophysiological properties using current clamp and dynamic clamp experiments. We demonstrate that tonic GABAergic inhibition can actively modulate subthreshold properties, including resonance due to HCN channels, which can potentially alter the response dynamics of subicular pyramidal neurons in an oscillating neuronal network.


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The explanation of resonance given in IEEE Std C57.149-2012 to define resonance during frequency response analysis (FRA) measurements on transformers implicitly uses the conditions prevalent during resonance in a series R-L-C circuit. This dependence is evident from the two assertions made in the definition, viz., resulting in zero net reactive impedance, and, accompanied by a zero value appearing in the phase angle of the frequency response function. These two conditions are satisfied (at resonance) only in a series R-L-C circuit and certainly not in a transformer, as has been assumed in the Standard. This can be proved by considering a ladder-network model. Circuit analysis of this ladder network reveals the origin of this fallacy and proves that, at resonance, neither is the ladder network purely resistive and nor is the phase angle (between input voltage and input current) always zero. Also, during FRA measurements, it is often seen that phase angle does not traverse the conventional cyclic path from +90 degrees to -90 degrees (or vice versa) at all resonant frequencies. This peculiar feature can also be explained using pole-zero maps. Simple derivations, simulations and experimental results on an actual winding are presented. In summary, authors believe that this study dispels existing misconceptions about definition of FRA resonance and provides material for its correction in IEEE Std C57.149-2012. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Several N,N -dipyridyl- and N-phenyl-N -pyridyl-thioureas were examined in different solvents at various temperatures by 1H NMR in order to study their conformational properties. The influence of concentration and the methyl substituent in the pyridine ring on the chemical shifts of the NH and pyridine groups was investigated. The observed chemical shifts are analysed in terms of the conformational properties of the molecules. Free energy barriers to the internal rotation about the C N bonds have been determined. Infrared spectra have been measured to supplement the NMR studies. Intramolecular hydrogen bonding played a major role in the preferred conformation of pyridylthioureas. The data further revealed an interesting dynamic exchange phenomenon occurring in symmetric N,N -dipyridylthioureas between two intramolecularly hydrogen bonded conformers.


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We show that the large anomalous Hall constants of mixed-valence and Kondo-lattice systems can be understood in terms of a simple resonant-level Fermi-liquid model. Splitting of a narrow, orbitally unquenched, spin-orbit split, f resonance in a magnetic field leads to strong skew scattering of band electrons. We interpret both the anomalous signs and the strong temperature dependence of Hall mobilities in CeCu2Si2, SmB6, and CePd3 in terms of this theory.


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NMR spectra of molecules oriented in thermotropic liquid crystalline media provide information on the molecular structure and order. The spins are generally strongly dipolar coupled and the spectral analyse require the tedious and time consuming numerical iterative calculations. The present study demonstrates the application of multiple quantum spin state selective detection of single quantum transitions for mimicking the homonuclear decoupling and the direct estimation of an element of ordering matrix. This information is utilized to estimate the nearly accurate starting dipolar couplings for iterative calculations. The studies on the spectra of strongly dipolar coupled five and six interacting spin systems are reported.


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The scalar coupled proton NMR spectra of many organic molecules possessing more than one phenyl ring are generally complex due to degeneracy of transitions arising from the closely resonating protons, in addition to several short- and long- range couplings experienced by each proton. Analogous situations are generally encountered in derivatives of halogenated benzanilides. Extraction of information from such spectra is challenging and demands the differentiation of spectrum pertaining to each phenyl ring and the simplification of their spectral complexity. The present study employs the blend of independent spin system filtering and the spin-state selective detection of single quantum (SO) transitions by the two-dimensional multiple quantum (MQ) methodology in achieving this goal. The precise values of the scalar couplings of very small magnitudes have been derived by double quantum resolved experiments. The experiments also provide the relative signs of heteronuclear couplings. Studies on four isomers of dilhalogenated benzanilides are reported in this work.


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The frequencies and variable-temperature behaviour of 35Cl nuclear quadrupole resonance in three aminocyclophosphazene derivatives are reported. The observed frequencies and multiplicity are correlated with the disposition of the substituents and the crystal structure. The temperature-dependence data are discussed in the framework of Bayer-Kushida-Brown equations and low-lying torsional (librational) frequencies and their average temperature coefficients are estimated. Brown's parabolic equation provides a good fit to the experimental data. Variable-temperature proton FT-NMR measurements (at 270 MHz) have also been carried out. The results are consistent with the NQR data and indicate the presence of two-site chemical exchange of the -NH protons and hydrogen bonding.


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The parametric resonance in a system having two modes of the same frequency is studied. The simultaneous occurence of the instabilities of the first and second kind is examined, by using a generalized perturbation procedure. The region of instability in the first approximation is obtained by using the Sturm's theorem for the roots of a polynomial equation.


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An alternative pulse scheme which simplifies and improves the recently proposed P.E.COSY experiment is suggested for the retention of connected or unconnected transitions in a coupled spin system. An important feature of the proposed pulse scheme is the improved phase characteristics of the diagonal peaks. A comparison of various experiments designed for this purpose, namely COSY-45, E.COSY, P.E.COSY and the present scheme (A.E.COSY), is also presented. The suppression of unconnected transitions and the measurement of scalar coupling constants and their relative signs are illustrated from A.E.COSY spectra of 2,3-dibromopropionic acid and 2-(2-thienyl)pyridine.