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The long-range deuterium isotope effects on13C nuclear shielding are physically not yet completely understood. Two existing models for explaining these effects, vibrational and substituent, are compared here. The vibrational model is based on the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, but it can explain only one-bond deuterium effects. To the contrary, the substituent model may explain many long-range isotope effects, but it is controversial due to the assumption of some distinct electronic properties of isotopes. We explain how long-range deuterium isotope effects may be rationalized by the subtle electronic changes induced by isotope substitution, which does not violate the Born-Oppenheimer approximation.


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The short range interactions in He2, Ne2 and Ar2 have been studied in terms of the electronic forces as functions of their internuclear separations employing their single configuration SCF wave functions. The results show that the constituent molecular orbitals behave differently in terms of the forces they exert on the nuclei during the interaction process. The different behaviour of the orbitals is also reflected in the redistribution of charges.


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A procedure is offered for evaluating the forces between classical, charged solitons at large distances. This is employed for the solitons of a complex, scalar two-dimensional field theory with a U(1) symmetry, that leads to a conserved chargeQ. These forces are the analogues of the strong interaction forces. The potential,U(Q, R), is found to be attractive, of long range, and strong when the coupling constants in the theory are small. The dependence ofU(Q, R) onQ, the sum of the charges of the two interacting solitons (Q will refer to isospin in the SU(2) generalisation of the U(1) symmetric theory) is of importance in the theory of strong interactions; group theoretical considerations do not give such information. The interaction obtained here will be the leading term in the corresponding quantum field theory when the coupling-constants are small.


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The local structural order in chalcogenide network glasses is known to change markedly at two critical compositions, namely, the percolation and chemical thresholds. In the AsxTe100-x glassy system, both the thresholds coincide at the composition x = 40 (40 at. % of arsenic). It is demonstrated that the electrical switching fields of As-Te glasses exhibit a distinct change at this composition.


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The hot-working characteristics of Zircaloy-2 have been studied in the temperature range of 650 to 950°C and in the strain-rate range of 10−3 to 102 s−1 using power dissipation maps which describe the variation of the efficiency of power dissipation, η = 2m /(m + 1) where m is the strain-rate sensitivity of flow stress. The individual domains exhibited by the map have been interpreted and validated by detailed metallographic investigations. Dynamic recrystallization occurs in the temperature range of 730 to 830°C and in the strain-rate range of 10−2 to 2 s−1. The peak efficiency occurs at 800°C and 0.1 s−1 which may be considered as the optimum hot-working parameters in the α-phase field of Zircaloy-2. Superplastic behaviour, characterized by a high efficiency of power dissipation is observed at temperatures greater than 860°C and at strain rates lower than 10−2 s−1. When deformed at 650°C and 10−3 s−1, the primary restoration mechanism is dynamic recovery, while at rates higher than 2s−1, the material exhibits microstructural instabilities in the form of localized shear bands.


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In this paper, we have studied electroencephalogram (EEG) activity of schizophrenia patients, in resting eyes closed condition, with detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA). The DFA gives information about scaling and long-range correlations in time series. We computed DFA exponents from 30 scalp locations of 18 male neuroleptic-naIve, recent-onset schizophrenia (NRS) subjects and 15 healthy male control subjects. Our results have shown two scaling regions in all the scalp locations in all the subjects, with different slopes, corresponding to two scaling exponents. No significant differences between the groups were found with first scaling exponent (short-range). However, the second scaling exponent (long-range) were significantly lower in control subjects at all scalp locations (p<0.05, Kruskal-Wallis test). These findings suggest that the long-range scaling behavior of EEG is sensitive to schizophrenia, and this may provide an additional insight into the brain dysfunction in schizophrenia.


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We use the Density Matrix Renormalization Group and the Abelian bosonization method to study the effect of density on quantum phases of one-dimensional extended Bose-Hubbard model. We predict the existence of supersolid phase and also other quantum phases for this system. We have analyzed the role of extended range interaction parameters on solitonic phase near half-filling. We discuss the effects of dimerization in nearest neighbor hopping and interaction as well as next nearest neighbor interaction on the plateau phase at half-filling.


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The importance of long-range prediction of rainfall pattern for devising and planning agricultural strategies cannot be overemphasized. However, the prediction of rainfall pattern remains a difficult problem and the desired level of accuracy has not been reached. The conventional methods for prediction of rainfall use either dynamical or statistical modelling. In this article we report the results of a new modelling technique using artificial neural networks. Artificial neural networks are especially useful where the dynamical processes and their interrelations for a given phenomenon are not known with sufficient accuracy. Since conventional neural networks were found to be unsuitable for simulating and predicting rainfall patterns, a generalized structure of a neural network was then explored and found to provide consistent prediction (hindcast) of all-India annual mean rainfall with good accuracy. Performance and consistency of this network are evaluated and compared with those of other (conventional) neural networks. It is shown that the generalized network can make consistently good prediction of annual mean rainfall. Immediate application and potential of such a prediction system are discussed.


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The physics potential of e(+) e(-) linear colliders is summarized in this report. These machines are planned to operate in the first phase at a center-of-mass energy of 500 GeV, before being scaled up to about 1 TeV. In the second phase of the operation, a final energy of about 2 TeV is expected. The machines will allow us to perform precision tests of the heavy particles in the Standard Model, the top quark and the electroweak bosons. They are ideal facilities for exploring the properties of Higgs particles, in particular in the intermediate mass range. New vector bosons and novel matter particles in extended gauge theories can be searched for and studied thoroughly. The machines provide unique opportunities for the discovery of particles in supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model, the spectrum of Higgs particles, the supersymmetric partners of the electroweak gauge and Higgs bosons, and of the matter particles. High precision analyses of their properties and interactions will allow for extrapolations to energy scales close to the Planck scale where gravity becomes significant. In alternative scenarios, i.e. compositeness models, novel matter particles and interactions can be discovered and investigated in the energy range above the existing colliders lip to the TeV scale. Whatever scenario is realized in Nature, the discovery potential of e(+) e(-) linear colliders and the high precision with which the properties of particles and their interactions can be analyzed, define an exciting physics program complementary to hadron machines. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report the C-HETSERF experiment for determination of long- and short-range homo- and heteronuclear scalar couplings ((n)J(HH) and (n)J(XH), n >= 1) of organic molecules with a low sensitivity dilute heteronucleus in natural abundance. The method finds significant advantage in measurement of relative signs of long-range heteronuclear total couplings in chiral organic liquid crystal. The advantage of the method is demonstrated for the measurement of residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) in enantiomers oriented in the chiral liquid crystal with a focus to unambiguously assign R/S designation in a 2D spectrum. The alignment tensor calculated from the experimental RDCs and with the computed structures of enantiomers obtained by DFT calculations provides the size of the back-calculated RDCs. Smaller root-mean-square deviations (rmsd) between experimental and calculated RDCs indicate better agreement with the input structure and its correct designation of the stereogenic center.


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A simple route for tailoring emissions in the visible wavelength region by chemically coupling quantum dots composed of ZnSe and CdS is reported. coupled quantum dots offer a novel route for tuning electronic transitions via band-offset engineering at the material interface. This novel class of asymmetric. coupled quantum structures may offer a basis for a diverse set of building blocks for optoelectronic devices, ultrahigh density memories, and quantum information processing.


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A multilevel inverter topology for seven-level space vector generation is proposed in this paper. In this topology, the seven-level structure is realized using two conventional two-level inverters and six capacitor-fed H-bridge cells. It needs only two isolated dc-voltage sources of voltage rating V(dc)/2 where V(dc) is the dc voltage magnitude required by the conventional neutral point clamped (NPC) seven-level topology. The proposed topology is capable of maintaining the H-bridge capacitor voltages at the required level of V(dc)/6 under all operating conditions, covering the entire linear modulation and overmodulation regions, by making use of the switching state redundancies. In the event of any switch failure in H-bridges, this inverter can operate in three-level mode, a feature that enhances the reliability of the drive system. The two-level inverters, which operate at a higher voltage level of V(dc)/2, switch less compared to the H-bridges, which operate at a lower voltage level of V(dc)/6, resulting in switching loss reduction. The experimental verification of the proposed topology is carried out for the entire modulation range, under steady state as well as transient conditions.


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Low-temperature dielectric measurements on FeTiMO(6) (M = Ta,Nb,Sb) rutile-type oxides at frequencies from 0.1 Hz to 10 MHz revealed anomalous dielectric relaxations with frequency dispersion. Unlike the high-temperature relaxor response of these materials, the low-temperature relaxations are polaronic in nature. The relationship between frequency and temperature of dielectric loss peak follows T(-1/4) behavior. The frequency dependence of ac conductivity shows the well-known universal dielectric response, while the dc conductivity follows Mott variable range hopping (VRH) behavior, confirming the polaronic origin of the observed dielectric relaxations. The frequency domain analysis of the dielectric spectra shows evidence for two relaxations, with the high-frequency relaxations following Mott VRH behavior more closely. Significantly, the Cr- and Ga-based analogs, CrTiNbO(6) and GaTiMO(6) (M = Ta,Nb), that were also studied, did not show these anomalies.


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Altitude variations of the mass concentration of black carbon, number concentration of composite aerosols are examined along with the columnar spectral aerosol optical depths using state of the art instruments and the Angstrom parameters are inferred from the ground based measurements at several altitude levels, en route from Manora Peak, Nainital (similar to 1950 m above mean sea level) to a low altitude station Haldwani (similar to 330 m above mean sea level) at its foothill within an aerial distance of <10,000 m. The measurements were done during the winter months (November-February) of 2005, 2006 and 2007 under fair weather conditions. The results show a rapid decrease in all the measured parameters with increase in altitude, with >60% contribution to the AOD coming from the regions below 1000 m. The Angstrom wavelength exponent remained high in the well mixed region, and decreased above. The normalized AOD gradient was used to estimate aerosol mixing height, which was found to be in the altitude range 1000-1500 m, above which the particle concentrations are slowly varying as a function of altitude. The heating rate at the surface is found to be maximum but decreases sharply with increase in altitude. Analysis of the wavelength dependence of absorption aerosol optical depth (AAOD) showed that the aerosol absorption over the site is generally due to mixed aerosols. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.