77 resultados para radioactive iodine


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Pseudomonas aeruginosa tRNA was treated with iodine, CNBr and N-ethylmaleimide,three thionucleotide-specific reagents. Reaction with iodine resulted in extensive loss of acceptor activity by lysine tRNA, glutamic acid tRNA, glutamine tRNA, serine tRNA and tyrosine tRNA. CNBr treatment resulted in high loss of acceptor ability by lysine tRNA, glutamic acid tRNA and glutamine tRNA. Only the acceptor ability of tyrosine tRNA was inhibited up to 66% by N-ethylmaleimide treatment, a reagent specific for 4-thiouridine. By the combined use of benzoylated DEAE-cellulose and DEAESephadex columns, lysine tRNA of Ps. aeruginosa was resolved into two isoaccepting species, a major, tRNAL'y and a minor, tRNA'Ys. Co-chromatography of 14C-labelled tRNALYS and 3H-labelled tRNALy, on benzoylated DEAE-cellulose at pH4.5 gave two distinct, non-superimposable profiles for the two activity peaks, suggesting that they were separate species. The acceptor activity of these two species was inhibited by about 95% by iodine and CNBr. Both the species showed equal response to codons AAA and AAG and also for poly(A) and poly(A1,Gl) suggesting that the anticodon of these species was UUU. Chemical modification of these two species by iodine did not inhibit the coding response. The two species of lysine of Ps. aeruginosa are truly redundant in that they are indistinguishable either by chemical modification or by their coding response.


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Background: Fatty acids are indispensable constituents of mycolic acids that impart toughness & permeability barrier to the cell envelope of M. tuberculosis. Biotin is an essential co-factor for acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) the enzyme involved in the synthesis of malonyl-CoA, a committed precursor, needed for fatty acid synthesis. Biotin carboxyl carrier protein (BCCP) provides the co-factor for catalytic activity of ACC. Methodology/Principal Findings: BPL/BirA (Biotin Protein Ligase), and its substrate, biotin carboxyl carrier protein (BCCP) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mt) were cloned and expressed in E. coli BL21. In contrast to EcBirA and PhBPL, the similar to 29.5 kDa MtBPL exists as a monomer in native, biotin and bio-5'AMP liganded forms. This was confirmed by molecular weigt profiling by gel filtration on Superdex S-200 and Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS). Computational docking of biotin and bio-5'AMP to MtBPL show that adenylation alters the contact residues for biotin. MtBPL forms 11 H-bonds with biotin, relative to 35 with bio-5'AMP. Docking simulations also suggest that bio-5'AMP hydrogen bonds to the conserved `GRGRRG' sequence but not biotin. The enzyme catalyzed transfer of biotin to BCCP was confirmed by incorporation of radioactive biotin and by Avidin blot. The K-m for BCCP was similar to 5.2 mu M and similar to 420 nM for biotin. MtBPL has low affinity (K-b = 1.06 x 10(-6) M) for biotin relative to EcBirA but their K-m are almost comparable suggesting that while the major function of MtBPL is biotinylation of BCCP, tight binding of biotin/bio-5'AMP by EcBirA is channeled for its repressor activity. Conclusions/Significance: These studies thus open up avenues for understanding the unique features of MtBPL and the role it plays in biotin utilization in M. tuberculosis.


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Total tRNA isolated from cucumber cotyledons grown in the presence of radioactive sulfur was analyzed for the occurrence of thionucleosides. The analysis revealed the presence of at least five thionucleosides which were identified as 5-methylaminomethyl-2-thiouridine (mnm5s2U), 2-methylthio-N6-isopentenyladenosine (ms2i6A), 2-methylthio-N6-hydroxyisopentenyladenosine (ms2io6A), 5-methyl-2-thiouridine (m5s2U) and N-[(9-beta-ribofuranosyl-2- methylthiopurine-2-yl)-carbamoyl]-threonine (ms2t6A). A comparison of relative amounts of these thionucleosides in the total tRNAs of dark-, and light-grown cotyledons shows that the relative amounts of ms2i6A, ms2io6A and ms2t6A remain unchanged whereas mnm5s2U increases with a concomitant decrease in the relative amounts of m5s2U after light treatment of dark-grown cotyledons.


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The in vivo conversion of radioactive tryptophan to anthranilic acid and 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid by submerged cultures of Claviceps paspali was shown by Groeger and his co-workers (1965). More recently, Subba Rao et al. (1967a) reported that washed mycelial felts of Aspergillus niger incorporate the radioactivity from DL-tryptophan-C14 (benzene ring-labeled) into anthranilic acid, 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid, 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid and catechol. However, the conversion of anthranilic acid to 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid by cell-free preparations has not been demonstrated. In the present paper we report the demonstration of a soluble anthranilic acid hydroxylase from Aspergillus niger which is different from the anthranilic acid hydroxylases reported so far from microbes and higher plants.


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The Charge-transfer equilibria of a number of substituted pyridines with iodine have been investigated. Solvent effects on the charge-transfer equilibrium of the pyridineiodine system have been examined. Hydrogen bonding data of substituted pyridines with phenol have been reported.


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The interaction of ketones and various thiocarbonyl derivatives with iodine has been examined. The thermodynamics of the interaction of carbonyl and thiocarbonyl donors have been discussed and compared.


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The constituents of silkworm fat were studied in detail. An unsaturated fat with a high concentration of phospholipid was generally observed. Its iodine value increased during metamorphosis. The free fatty acid concentration likewise increased from the spinning larvae to the moth stage. Analyses of silkworm organs revealed that the fat body had the most fat and the least free fatty acids, whereas haemolymph contained the least fat. Silk glands contained the maximum phospholipid percentage. Stearic acid predominated in those tissues that had a high percentage of phospholipid. Stearic acid was the predominant saturated fatty acid in both the phospholipids and lecithin, and it accounted for 35–50 per cent of the free fatty acids of all the tissues. Q10 was the ubiquinone present; also found were ubichromenol and tocopherol. Results show that silkworm sterol may be cholesterol. Intestines contained the maximum quantities of sterol, ubiquinone, ubichromenol, and tocopherol. The composition of silkworm phospholipids varies considerably from those of other insects, but lecithin is comparable in its composition with lecithins of other animals. The phospholipids had with them a highly complexed protein along with a polysaccharide. In experiments with snake venoms unsaturated fatty acids were found to be predominantly released from silkworm lecithin.


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The absolute configuration of echitamine iodide has been determined by the Bijvoet technique, making use of the intensity differences between hkl and {Mathematical expression} reflections due to the anomalous scattering of CuKa radiation by the iodine atom. The various steps in the procedure are discussed in detail in this paper.


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The extra-vacuolar nucleus is visible in a small percentage of living cells from 72–96 hour wort cultures. The vacuoles show a luminous boundary under dark ground illumination. The details observed in living nuclei could be stained with haematoxylin after fixation in iodine-formaldehyde-acetic acid mixture. The Feulgen-negative nature of the vacuole and the limitation of the Feulgen-positive material to the area bounded by the nuclear membrane would imply that the ‘centrosome’ described by Lindegren and Rafalko (1950) is the real nucleus. The nucleus ofS. bayanus conforms in its structure to those of higher organisms.


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Iodimetric estimation of dialkyl dithiocarbamate in alcoholic solution is not accurate. The method has not met with success for the water-soluble dithiocarbamates before. A simple and accurate iodimetric method has been developed for the estimation of water-soluble dithiocarbamates. The success of the method is due to the removal of the oxidation product which interferes during the titration with iodine.


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Vegetative cells and zygotes of Saccharomyces carlsbergensis fixed in iodine formaldehyde acetic acid solution and stained after acid hydrolysis in hæmatoxylin, Feulgen and Giemsa show a remarkable similarity in the size and orientation of the structures in the nuclear matrix with reference to the nuclear membrane. The nucleolus described by Guilliermond may either be the chromocenter or the nucleolar equivalent.


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32P labelled 5S RNA isolated fromMycobacterium smegmatis was digested withT 1 and pancreatic ribonucleases separately and fingerprinted by two dimensional high voltage electrophoresis on thin-layer DEAE-cellulose plates. The radioactive spots were sequenced and their molar yields were determined. The chain length of the 5S RNA was found to be 120. It showed resemblances to both prokaryotic and eukaryotic 5S RNAs.


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The reactions of the complexes [MI2(CO)3-(NCMe)2] (M = Mo, W) with the diphosphazane ligands RN{P(OPh)2}2 (R = Me, Ph) in CH2Cl2 at room temperature afford new seven-coordinated complexes of the type [MI2(CO)3{P(OPh)2}2NR]. The molybdenum complexes are sensitive to air oxidation even in the solid state, whereas the tungsten complexes are more stable in the solid state and in solution. The structure of the tungsten complex [WI2(CO)3{P(OPh)2}2NPh] has been determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. It crystallizes in the orthorhombic system with the space group Pna 2(1), a = 19.372 (2) angstrom, b = 11.511 (1) angstrom, c = 15.581 (1) angstrom, and Z = 4. Full-matrix least-squares refinement with 3548 reflections (I > 2.5-sigma-(I)) led to final R and R(w) values of 0.036 and 0.034, respectively. The complex adopts a slightly distorted pentagonal-bypyramidal geometry rarely observed for such a type of complexes; two phosphorus atoms of the diphosphazane ligand, two iodine atoms, and a carbonyl group occupy the equatorial plane, and the other two carbonyl groups, the apical positions.


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Excitation spectra and transient and steady-state photoconductivity have been studied in undoped and 0.8-mole% Cu-doped single-crystal β-AgI between 150 and 260°K. A single peak in the spectral response was found to occur in each case, at 2.88 eV for undoped and at 2.81 eV for copper-doped specimens at 260 K, the difference being due to a decrease in band gap. The anisotropy due to polarization of incident radiation parallel or perpendicular to the c direction, which is a measure of the energy difference between the Γ9 and Γ7 levels in the valence band, was found to be 0.010 eV. Transient-photoconductivity experiments showed that the hole lifetime was 6 μ sec at 300°K, an order of magnitude larger than the electron lifetime. The hole drift mobility was found to be 12±2 cm2/ V sec at 300°K and limited by traps at a depth of 0.51±0.01 eV with concentration (3-5)×109/cm3 and capture cross section 10-11 cm2. The study of photoconductivity decay versus temperature revealed the presence of shallow hole traps at 0.14±0.02 eV with concentration greater than 1016/cm3 and capture cross section 10-19 cm2. The steady-state photoconductivity was determined by the deep hole traps at 0.51 eV, and showed the presence of shallow electron traps at a depth of 0.28 eV. The trap distribution was found to be substantially the same in pure and copper-doped specimens, indicating the monovalent substitutional role of copper. The effects of iodine annealing, cadmium doping, and heating above the transition temperature were also studied. The possible nature of the traps is discussed.


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A protein which binds specifically to [3H]-zeatin has been isolated from cucumber cotyledons by chromatographic techniques. Its binding to [3H]-zeatin was inhibited remarkably by the addition of non-radioactive cytokinins and the order of inhibition was zeatin > -zeatin riboside > N6-(Delta2-isopentenyl)adenine > N6-(Delta2-isopentenyl)adenosine > N6-benzyl-adenosine > kinetin riboside. This protein behaved as a soluble protein with an apparent molecular size of 43,000 daltons on gel filtration through calibrated Sephadex G-100 column. The dissociation constant, Kd, of the protein-zeatin complex was about 4 × 10–7 M.