94 resultados para power spectral analysis


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We present a timing and broad-band pulse-phase-resolved spectral analysis of the transient Be X-ray binary pulsar 1A 1118-61 observed during its outburst in 2009 January using Suzaku observations. The Suzaku observations were made twice, once at the peak of the outburst, and the other 13 d later at its declining phase. Pulse profiles from both observations exhibit strong energy dependence with several peaks at low energies and a single peak above similar to 10 keV. A weak, narrow peak is detected at the main dip of the pulse profiles from both observations in the energy bands below 3 keV, indicating the presence of a phase-dependent soft excess in the source continuum. The broad-band energy spectrum of the pulsar could be fitted well with a partial covering cut-off power-law model and a narrow iron fluorescence line. We also detect a broad cyclotron feature at similar to 50 keV from both observations which is a feature common for accretion-powered pulsars with high magnetic field strength. The pulse-phase-resolved spectral analysis shows an increase in the absorption column density of the partial covering component, as well as variation in the covering fraction at the dips of the pulse profiles, which naturally explains energy dependence of the same. The cyclotron line parameters also show significant variation with pulse phase with an similar to 10 keV variation in the cyclotron line energy and a variation in depth by a factor of 3. This can be explained either as the effect of different viewing angles of the dipole field at different pulse phases, or due to a more complex underlying magnetic field geometry.


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Three algorithms for reactive power optimization are proposed in this paper with three different objective functions. The objectives in the proposed algorithm are to minimize the sum of the squares of the voltage deviations of the load buses, minimization of sum of squares of voltage stability L-indices of load buses (:3L2) algorithm, and also the objective of system real power loss (Ploss) minimization. The approach adopted is an iterative scheme with successive power flow analysis using decoupled technique and solution of the linear programming problem using upper bound optimization technique. Results obtained with all these objectives are compared. The analysis of these objective functions are presented to illustrate their advantages. It is observed comparing different objective functions it is possible to identify critical On Load Tap Changers (OLTCs) that should be made manual to avoid possible voltage instability due to their operation based on voltage improvement criteria under heavy load conditions. These algorithms have been tested under simulated conditions on few test systems. The results obtained on practical systems of 24-node equivalent EHV Indian power network, and for a 205 bus EHV system are presented for illustration purposes.


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We present a detailed timing and spectral analysis of the Be X-ray binary SW J2000.6+3210 discovered by the Burst Alert Telescope Galactic plane survey. Two Suzaku observations of the source made at six months interval, reveal pulsations at similar to 890 s for both observations with a much weaker pulse fraction in the second one. Pulsations are clearly seen in the energy band of 0.3-10 keV of X-ray Imaging Spectrometer for both observations and at high energies up to 40 keV for the second observation. The broad-band X-ray spectrum is consistent with a power-law and high-energy cut-off model along with a hot blackbody component. No change in spectral parameters is detected between the observations. We have also analysed several short observations of the source with Swift/XRT and detected only a few per cent variation in flux around a mean value of 3.5 x 10(-11) erg cm(-2) s(-1). The results indicate that SW J2000.6+3210 is a member of persistent Be X-ray binaries which have the same broad characteristics as this source.


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The study considers earthquake shake table testing of bending-torsion coupled structures under multi-component stationary random earthquake excitations. An experimental procedure to arrive at the optimal excitation cross-power spectral density (psd) functions which maximize/minimize the steady state variance of a chosen response variable is proposed. These optimal functions are shown to be derivable in terms of a set of system frequency response functions which could be measured experimentally without necessitating an idealized mathematical model to be postulated for the structure under study. The relationship between these optimized cross-psd functions to the most favourable/least favourable angle of incidence of seismic waves on the structure is noted. The optimal functions are also shown to be system dependent, mathematically the sharpest, and correspond to neither fully correlated motions nor independent motions. The proposed experimental procedure is demonstrated through shake table studies on two laboratory scale building frame models.


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Modeling and analysis of wave propagation in elastic solids undergoing damage and growth process are reported in this paper. Two types of diagnostic problems, (1) the propagation of waves in the presence of a slow growth process and (2) the propagation of waves in the presence of a fast growth process, are considered. The proposed model employs a slow and a fast time scale and a homogenization technique in the wavelength scale. A detailed analysis of wave dispersion is carried out. A spectral analysis reveals certain low-frequency bands, where the interaction between the wave and the growth process produces acoustic metamaterial-like behavior. Various practical issues in designing an efficient method of acousto-ultrasonic wave based diagnostics of the growth process are discussed. Diagnostics of isotropic damage in a ductile or quasi-brittle solid by using a micro-second pulsating signal is considered for computer simulations, which is to illustrate the practical application of the proposed modeling and analysis. The simulated results explain how an estimate of signal spreading can be effectively employed to detect the presence of a steady-state damage or the saturation of a process.


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Proton NMR spectra of 1,3-diazanaphthalene and 1,2,4-triazanaphthalene have been investigated in the nematic phase of three liquid crystals. The spectral analysis provided direct dipole-dipole couplings which have been used to derive the molecular structure. Geometry of the phenyl ring in both the molecules deviates from the regular hexagonal structure. Signs of the order parameter of the largest magnitude are opposite in liquid crystals with positive diamagetic anisotropies.


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Wavenumber-frequency spectral analysis of different atmospheric variables has been carried Out using 25 years of data. The area considered is the tropical belt 25 degrees S-25 degrees N. A combined FFT wavelet analysis method has been used for this purpose. Variables considered are outgoing long wave radiation (OLR), 850 hPa divergence, zonal and meridional winds at 850, 500 and 200 hPa levels, sea level pressure and 850 hPa geopotential height. It is shown that the spectra of different variables have some common properties, but each variable also has few features diffe:rent from the rest. While Kelvin mode is prominent in OLR, and zonal winds, it is not clearly observed in pressure and geopotential height fields; the latter two have a dominant wavenumber zero mode not seen in other variables except in meridional wind at 200 hPa and 850 hPa divergences. Different dominant modes in the tropics show significant variations on sub-seasonal time scales.


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Balance and stability are very important for everybody and especially for sports-person who undergo extreme physical activities. Balance and stability exercises not only have a great impact on the performance of the sportsperson but also play a pivotal role in their rehabilitation. Therefore, it is very essential to have knowledge about a sportsperson’s balance and also to quantify the same. In this work, we propose a system consisting of a wobble board, with a gyro enhanced orientation sensor and a motion display for visual feedback to help the sportsperson improve their stability. The display unit gives in real time the orientation of the wobble board, which can help the sportsperson to apply necessary corrective forces to maintain neutral position. The system is compact and portable. We also quantify balance and stability using power spectral density. The sportsperson is made stand on the wobble board and the angular orientation of the wobble board is recorded for each 0.1 second interval. The signal is analized using discrete Fourier transforms. The power of this signal is related to the stability of the subject. This procedure is used to measure the balance and stability of an elite cricket team. Representative results are shown below: Table 1 represents power comparison of two subjects and Table 2 represents power comparison of left leg and right leg of one subject. This procedure can also be used in clinical practice to monitor improvement in stability dysfunction of sportsperson with injuries or other related problems undergoing rehabilitation.


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In this study, we derive a fast, novel time-domain algorithm to compute the nth-order moment of the power spectral density of the photoelectric current as measured in laser-Doppler flowmetry (LDF). It is well established that in the LDF literature these moments are closely related to fundamental physiological parameters, i.e. concentration of moving erythrocytes and blood flow. In particular, we take advantage of the link between moments in the Fourier domain and fractional derivatives in the temporal domain. Using Parseval's theorem, we establish an exact analytical equivalence between the time-domain expression and the conventional frequency-domain counterpart. Moreover, we demonstrate the appropriateness of estimating the zeroth-, first- and second-order moments using Monte Carlo simulations. Finally, we briefly discuss the feasibility of implementing the proposed algorithm in hardware.


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New complexes of lanthanide nitrates with N, N-diethylantipyrine-4-carboxamide (DEAP), with the general formulae [Ln2(DEAP)3] [NO3]6 (where Ln = La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Tb, Ho, Er, Yb and Y) have been isolated and characterized by chemical analysis and various physical methods such as electrolytic conductance, IR and13C NMR spectral data. Electrolytic conductance values and infrared spectral studies indicate that the nitrate groups are coordinated. Infrared and13C NMR spectral analysis show that the ligand DEAP is coordinated to the tripositive metal ion through the diethylcarboxamide carbonyl and antipyrine carbonyl oxygens in a bidentate fashion.


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Columns which have stochastically distributed Young's modulus and mass density and are subjected to deterministic periodic axial loadings are considered. The general case of a column supported on a Winkler elastic foundation of random stiffness and also on discrete elastic supports which are also random is considered. Material property fluctuations are modeled as independent one-dimensional univariate homogeneous real random fields in space. In addition to autocorrelation functions or their equivalent power spectral density functions, the input random fields are characterized by scale of fluctuations or variance functions for their second order properties. The foundation stiffness coefficient and the stiffnesses of discrete elastic supports are treated to constitute independent random variables. The system equations of boundary frequencies are obtained using Bolotin's method for deterministic systems. Stochastic FEM is used to obtain the discrete system with random as well as periodic coefficients. Statistical properties of boundary frequencies are derived in terms of input parameter statistics. A complete covariance structure is obtained. The equations developed are illustrated using a numerical example employing a practical correlation structure.


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This paper presents the strong nonlocal scale effect on the flexural wave propagation in a monolayer graphene sheet. The graphene is modeled as an isotropic plate of one atom thick. Nonlocal governing equation of motion is derived and wave propagation analysis is performed using spectral analysis. The present analysis shows that the flexural wave dispersion in graphene obtained by local and nonlocal elasticity theories is quite different. The nonlocal elasticity calculation shows that the wavenumber escapes to infinite at certain frequency and the corresponding wave velocity tends to zero at that frequency indicating localization and stationary behavior. This behavior is captured in the spectrum and dispersion curves. The cut-off frequency of flexural wave not only depend on the axial wavenumber but also on the nonlocal scaling parameter. The effect of axial wavenumber on the wave behavior in graphene is also discussed in the present manuscript. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The reaction of phenylsilane (PhSiH3) and titanium(IV) isopropoxide Ti(OiPr)(4)] generates low-valent titanium alkoxides that reduce and reductively couple imines. The C-C coupling reaction is diastereospecific, with exclusive formation of the (+/-)-isomer. The yield is dependent on the concentration of titanium(IV) isopropoxide used. Using imines with varying electronic demand revealed that the coupling is most efficient for unsubstituted imines. The involvement of a trimeric titanium biradical species is invoked to explain the observed concentration dependence and diastereospecificity in the reaction. Multilayer ONIOM (''our own n-layered integrated molecular orbital and molecular mechanics'') calculations were carried out on the plausible intermediates involved by using the Guassian 09 suite of programs. Formation of the trimeric biradical species leading to the formation of the (+/-)-isomer is more favored than formation of the trimeric biradical species, which leads to the meso-isomer. Similar calculations with dimeric intermediates do not predict the (+/-)-selectivity. Mass spectral analysis of the reaction mixture indicates the presence of a trimeric titanium alkoxide species.


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Flexible cantilever pipes conveying fluids with high velocity are analysed for their dynamic response and stability behaviour. The Young's modulus and mass per unit length of the pipe material have a stochastic distribution. The stochastic fields, that model the fluctuations of Young's modulus and mass density are characterized through their respective means, variances and autocorrelation functions or their equivalent power spectral density functions. The stochastic non self-adjoint partial differential equation is solved for the moments of characteristic values, by treating the point fluctuations to be stochastic perturbations. The second-order statistics of vibration frequencies and mode shapes are obtained. The critical flow velocity is-first evaluated using the averaged eigenvalue equation. Through the eigenvalue equation, the statistics of vibration frequencies are transformed to yield critical flow velocity statistics. Expressions for the bounds of eigenvalues are obtained, which in turn yield the corresponding bounds for critical flow velocities.


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The present work deals with an ultrasonic type of wave propagation characteristics of monolayer graphene on silicon (Si) substrate. An atomistic model of a hybrid lattice involving a hexagonal lattice of graphene and surface atoms of diamond lattice of Si is developed to identify the carbon-silicon bond stiffness. Properties of this hybrid lattice model is then mapped into a nonlocal continuum framework. Equivalent force constant due to Si substrate is obtained by minimizing the total potential energy of the system. For this equilibrium configuration, the nonlocal governing equations are derived to analyze the ultrasonic wave dispersion based on spectral analysis. From the present analysis we show that the silicon substrate affects only the flexural wave mode. The frequency band gap of flexural mode is also significantly affected by this substrate. The results also show that, the silicon substrate adds cushioning effect to the graphene and it makes the graphene more stable. The analysis also show that the frequency bang gap relations of in-plane (longitudinal and lateral) and out-of-plane (flexural) wave modes depends not only on the y-direction wavenumber but also on nonlocal scaling parameter. In the nonlocal analysis, at higher values of the y-directional wavenumber, a decrease in the frequency band gap is observed for all the three fundamental wave modes in the graphene-silicon system. The atoms movement in the graphene due to the wave propagation are also captured for all the tree fundamental wave modes. The results presented in this work are qualitatively different from those obtained based on the local analysis and thus, are important for the development of graphene based nanodevices such as strain sensor, mass and pressure sensors, atomic dust detectors and enhancer of surface image resolution that make use of the ultrasonic wave dispersion properties of graphene. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.